123 research outputs found

    The influence of the attending midwife on the occurrence of episiotomy: A retrospective cohort study

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    BackgroundEpisiotomy at the time of vaginal birth can result in short- and long-term complications for women. Therefore, it is important to study factors that influence the occurrence of episiotomy.AimTo examine to what extent the individual factors of clinical midwives in the same working conditions contribute to variations in episiotomy.MethodsA retrospective cohort study was performed at a secondary care hospital in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, using data from women who were assisted by a clinical midwife during birth in 2016. The clinical midwives filled out a questionnaire to determine individual factors. The predictive value of the individual factors of the clinical midwives was examined in a multiple logistic regression model on episiotomy.ResultsA total of 1302 births attended by 27 midwives were included. The mean episiotomy rate was 12.7%, with a range from 3.2% to 30.8% among midwives (p = 0.001). When stratified for parity, within the primipara group there was a significant variation in episiotomy among midwives with a range from 7.9% to 47.8% (p = 0.006). No significant variation was found in the occurrence of third/fourth degree tears or intact perineum. There was a significant difference in episiotomy for maternal indication among midwives (p = 0.041). Predictors for an episiotomy were number of years since graduation and place of bachelor education of the clinical midwife.ConclusionThis study shows that individual factors of clinical midwives influence the rate of episiotomy. Predictors for an episiotomy were the number of years since graduation and place of bachelor education. This shows that continuous training of clinical midwives could contribute to reducing the number of unnecessary episiotomies. Since suspected fetal distress is the only evidence based indication to perform an episiotomy, there is room for improvement given the variation in the number of episiotomies performed for maternal indication

    Experiences of Dutch maternity care professionals during the first wave of COVID-19 in a community based maternity care system

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    Background and objective During the COVID-19 pandemic the organization of maternity care changed drastically; this study into the experiences of maternity care professionals with these changes provides suggestions for the organization of care during and after pandemics. Design An online survey among Dutch midwives, obstetricians and obstetric residents. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to investigate associations between the respondents' characteristics and answers. Results Reported advantages of the changes were fewer prenatal and postpartum consultations (50.1%). The necessity and safety of medical interventions and ultrasounds were considered more critically (75.9%); 14.8% of community midwives stated they referred fewer women to the hospital for decreased fetal movements, whereas 64.2% of the respondents working in hospital-based care experienced fewer consultations for this indication. Respondents felt that women had more confidence in giving birth at home (57.5%). Homebirths seemed to have increased according to 38.5% of the community midwives and 65.3% of the respondents working in hospital-based care. Respondents appreciated the shift to more digital consultations rather than face-to-face consultations. Mentioned disadvantages were that women had appointments alone, (71.1%) and that the community midwife was not allowed to join a woman to obstetric-led care during labour and subsequently stay with her (56.8%). Fewer postpartum visits by family and friends led to more tranquility (59.8%). Overall, however, 48.0% of the respondents felt that the safety of maternity care was compromised due to policy changes. Conclusions Maternity care professionals were positive about the decrease in routine care and the increased confidence of women in home birth, but also felt that safety in maternity care was sometimes compromised. According to the respondents in a future crisis situation it should be possible for community midwives to continue to deliver a personal handover after the referral of women to the hospital, and to stay with them

    The DELIVER study; the impact of research capacity building on research, education, and practice in Dutch midwifery

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    BackgroundFew examples exist of research capacity building (RCB) in midwifery. As in other jurisdictions, at the turn of this century midwives in the Netherlands lagged in research-based practice. Dutch professional and academic organisations recognised the need to proactively undertake RCB. This paper describes how a large national research project, the DELIVER study, contributed to RCB in Dutch midwifery.MethodsApplying Cooke’s framework for RCB, we analysed the impact of the DELIVER study on RCB in midwifery with a document analysis comprising the following documents: annual reports on research output, websites of national organizations that might have implemented research findings, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)), midwifery guidelines concerning DELIVER research topics, publicly available career information of the PhD students and a google search using the main research topic and name of the researcher to look for articles in public papers.ResultsThe study provided an extensive database with nationally representative data on the quality and provision of midwifery-led care in the Netherlands. The DELIVER study resulted in 10 completed PhD projects and over 60 publications. Through close collaboration the study had direct impact on education of the next generation of primary, midwifery care practices and governmental and professional bodies.DiscussionThe DELIVER study was intended to boost the research profile of primary care midwifery. This reflection on the research capacity building components of the study shows that the study also impacted on education, policy, and the midwifery profession. As such the study shows that this investment in RCB has had a profound positive impact on primary care midwifery in the Netherlands

    Knowledge of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy of Moroccan women in Morocco and in the Netherlands: a qualitative interview study

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    BackgroundHypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDP) are the most common medical disorders in pregnancy and the greatest single cause of maternal mortality worldwide. Ethnicity appears to be a significant risk factor for pregnancy related mortality and for severe maternal morbidity. Most of the complications caused by HDP may be reduced by early detection and proper management. Health education during antenatal care attendance may play an important role in preventing the disease to aggravate. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of knowledge that Moroccan pregnant women, both in Morocco and in the Netherlands, have of HDP in terms of symptoms, complications, treatment and management.MethodsA qualitative research design was used to explore and describe the knowledge of HDP of pregnant Moroccan women. Interviews were held on the basis of a topic list. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, coded and analysed.ResultsNineteen Moroccan women were interviewed, nine in the Netherlands and ten in Morocco. Half of them never heard about hypertension in pregnancy and had no knowledge of symptoms or alarm signals related to HDP. All women acknowledged the importance of knowledge of HDP because of the possibly dangerous complications. The interviewees stated that information on symptoms, alarm signs and complications is the most important information. Nearly all women stated that communicating information via movies was the most appropriate tool to inform Moroccan pregnant women about HDP.ConclusionsThe knowledge of Moroccan women, living in Morocco or in the Netherlands, of symptoms and alarm signs related to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy was very limited, if not absent. Since early detection provides the opportunity for follow-up management and/or treatment, this may reduce complications of HDP. Therefore, it is important to inform pregnant women about the signs and symptoms of HDP

    Continuity of care is an important and distinct aspect of childbirth experience: findings of a survey evaluating experienced continuity of care, experienced quality of care and women’s perception of labor

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    Background: To compare experienced continuity of care among women who received midwife-led versus obstetrician-led care. Secondly, to compare experienced continuity of care with a. experienced quality of care during labor and b. perception of labor. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey in a region in the Netherlands in 2014 among 790 women after they gave birth. To measure experienced continuity of care, the Nijmegen Continuity Questionnaire was used. Quality of care during labor was measured with the Pregnancy and Childbirth Questionnaire, and to measure perception of labor we used the Childbirth Perception Scale. Results: Three hundred twenty five women consented to participate (41%). Of these, 187 women completed the relevant questions in the online questionnaire. 136 (73%) women were in midwife-led care at the onset of labor, 15 (8%) were in obstetrician-led care throughout pregnancy and 36 (19%) were referred to obstetrician-led care during pregnancy. Experienced personal and team continuity of care during pregnancy were higher for women in midwife-led care compared to those in obstetrician-led care at the onset of labor. Experienced continuity of care was moderately correlated with experienced quality of care although not significantly so in all subgroups. A weak negative correlation was found between experienced personal continuity of care by the midwife and perception of labor. Conclusion: This study suggests that experienced continuity of care depends on the care context and is significantly higher for women who are in midwife-led compared to obstetrician-led care during labor. It will be a challenge to maintain the high level of experienced continuity of care in an integrated maternity care system. Experienced continuity of care seems to be a distinctive concept that should not be confused with experienced quality of care or perception of labor and should be considered as a complementary aspect of quality of care

    Pharmacological pain relief and fear of childbirth in low risk women; secondary analysis of the RAVEL study

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    Acknowledgements We would like to thank all of the participants in our study and the midwives and gynaecologists of the participating practices and hospitals respectively. Availability of data and materials The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on request.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The ethics of consent during labour and birth: episiotomies

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    Unconsented episiotomies and other procedures during labour are commonly reported by women in several countries, and often highlighted in birth activism. Yet, forced caesarean sections aside, the ethics of consent during labour has received little attention. Focusing on episiotomies, this paper addresses whether and how consent in labour should be obtained. We briefly review the rationale for informed consent, distinguishing its intrinsic and instrumental relevance for respecting autonomy. We also emphasise two non-explicit ways of giving consent: implied and opt-out consent. We then discuss challenges and opportunities for obtaining consent in labour and birth, given its unique position in medicine. We argue that consent for procedures in labour is always necessary, but this consent does not always have to be fully informed or explicit. We recommend an individualised approach where the antenatal period is used to exchange information and explore values and preferences with respect to the relevant procedures. Explicit consent should always be sought at the point of intervening, unless women antenatally insist otherwise. We caution against implied consent. However, if a woman does not give a conclusive response during labour and the stakes are high, care providers can move to clearly communicated opt-out consent. Our discussion is focused on episiotomies, but also provides a useful starting point for addressing the ethics of consent for other procedures during labour, as well as general time-critical medical procedures

    How do midwives facilitate women to give birth during physiological second stage of labour? A protocol for a systematic review

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    BackgroundMidwives’ practices during the second stage of labour vary nationally and internationally. We aim to retrieve evidence that supports high-quality intrapartum care by conducting a systematic review of the literature.MethodsElectronic bibliographic databases including PubMed, EMBASE.com, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PsycINFO, Maternity and Infant Care Database (through MIDIRS), and The Cochrane Library will be searched to identify studies that meet the inclusion criteria. No language or publication date constraints will be applied. Articles that pass the two-stage screening process will then be assessed for risk of bias and have their reference lists hand searched.DiscussionA midwife’s practice can be influenced by education and cultural practices but ultimately it should be informed by up-to-date research evidence. By analysing and synthesising the results of the studies, this systematic review will provide valuable insight into high-quality evidence-based midwifery care, which can inform practice, education and future research

    How do midwives facilitate women to give birth during physiological second stage of labour? A protocol for a systematic review

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    BackgroundMidwives’ practices during the second stage of labour vary nationally and internationally. We aim to retrieve evidence that supports high-quality intrapartum care by conducting a systematic review of the literature.MethodsElectronic bibliographic databases including PubMed, EMBASE.com, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PsycINFO, Maternity and Infant Care Database (through MIDIRS), and The Cochrane Library will be searched to identify studies that meet the inclusion criteria. No language or publication date constraints will be applied. Articles that pass the two-stage screening process will then be assessed for risk of bias and have their reference lists hand searched.DiscussionA midwife’s practice can be influenced by education and cultural practices but ultimately it should be informed by up-to-date research evidence. By analysing and synthesising the results of the studies, this systematic review will provide valuable insight into high-quality evidence-based midwifery care, which can inform practice, education and future research

    Centralisation of acute obstetric care in the Netherlands : a qualitative study to explore the experiences of stakeholders with adaptations in organisation of care

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    Background: In the past decade, acute obstetric care (AOC) has become centralised in many high-income countries. In this qualitative study, we explored how stakeholders in maternity care perceived and experienced adaptations in the organisation of maternity care in areas in the Netherlands where AOC was centralised. Methods: A heterogenic group of fifteen maternity care stakeholders, including patients, were purposively selected for semi-structured interviews. An inductive thematic analysis was used. Results: Three main themes were identified: (1) lack of involvement. (2) the process of making adaptations in the organisation of maternity care. (3) maintaining quality of care. Stakeholders in this study were highly motivated to maintain a high quality of maternity care and therefore made adaptations at several organisational levels. However, they felt a lack of involvement during the planning of centralisation of AOC and highlighted the importance of a collaborative process when making adaptations after centralisation of AOC. Conclusions: Regions with AOC centralisation plans should invest time and money in change management, encourage early involvement of all maternity care stakeholders and acknowledge centralisation of AOC as a professional life event with associated emotions, including a feeling of unsafety
