15 research outputs found

    Acute recanalization therapy for ischemic stroke during pregnancy and puerperium

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    Background: The safety and efficacy of intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and endovascular thrombectomy for an ischemic stroke (IS) during pregnancy and puerperium are poorly studied. We evaluated the complications and outcome of recanalization therapy in maternal ISs. Methods: A nationwide cohort of maternal ISs in Finland during 1987–2016 was collected by linking national healthcare registers: Medical Birth Register, Hospital Discharge Register, and Cause-Of-Death Register. The diagnoses were verified retrospectively from patient records. IVT-treated patients were compared to controls, who were young females with non-pregnancy-related IS from the Helsinki Stroke Thrombolysis Registry. Results: Totally, 12 of 97 (12.4%) maternal ISs were treated with recanalization therapy. Compared to controls, IVT-treated maternal IS patients had more frequently early (age-adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 7.63, 95% CI 1.49–39.04) and major (aOR = 8.59, 95% CI 2.09–35.31) neurological improvements, measured using the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale. Good functional outcomes (modified Rankin Scale 0–2) at three months were equally common in maternal ISs and controls. No other complications were observed in IVT-treated maternal ISs than 1 (9.1%) symptomatic nonfatal intracranial hemorrhage. Among maternal IS patients treated with recanalization or conventional therapy, good functional outcome at the end of the follow-up was less common in recanalization-treated patients (66.7% vs 89.4%, aOR = 0.22, 95% CI 0.052–0.90), but otherwise outcomes were similar. Conclusions: In this small nationwide cohort of maternal ISs, the complications of recanalization therapy were rare, and the outcomes were similar in IVT-treated maternal IS patients and controls. Maternal ISs should not be excluded from recanalization therapy in otherwise eligible situations.Peer reviewe

    Etiology of intracerebral hemorrhage during pregnancy or puerperium : A nationwide study

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    Background and purpose: Intracerebral hemorrhage during pregnancy or puerperium (pICH) is one of the leading causes of maternal death worldwide. However, limited epidemiological data exist on the etiology and outcomes of pICH, which are required to guide prevention and treatment. Methods: A retrospective nationwide cohort study and a nested case–control study were performed in Finland for 1987–2016. We identified women with incident pICH by linking the Medical Birth Register (MBR) and the Hospital Discharge Register. The clinical details were collected from patient records. Three matched controls with a pregnancy without ICH were selected for each case from the MBR. Results: In total, 49 pICH cases were identified. Half of these cases occurred during pregnancy, and the other half during peripartum and puerperium. Based on SMASH-U (structural vascular lesion, medication, amyloid angiopathy, systemic disease, hypertension, undetermined) classification, 35.4% of the patients had a systemic disease, most commonly preeclampsia, eclampsia, or HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets) syndrome; 31.3% had a structural vascular lesion; 31.3% had undetermined etiology; and one patient (2.1%) had hypertension. The most important risk factor was hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDPs; odds ratio = 3.83, 95% confidence interval = 1.60–9.15), occurring in 31% of the cases. Maternal mortality was 12.5%, and 20.9% of the surviving women had significant disability (modified Rankin Scale = 3–5) 3 months after pICH. Women with systemic disease had the worst outcomes. Conclusions: Even in a country with a comprehensive pregnancy surveillance system, the maternal mortality rate for pICH is high, and the sequelae are severe. Early recognition and treatment of the key risk factor, HDPs, are crucial to help prevent this serious pregnancy complication.Peer reviewe

    Subarachnoid Hemorrhage During Pregnancy and Puerperium : A Population-Based Study

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    BACKGROUND: Pregnancy-related subarachnoid hemorrhage (pSAH) is rare, but it causes high mortality and morbidity. Nevertheless, data on pSAH are limited. The objectives here were to examine the incidence trends, causes, risk factors, and outcomes of pSAH in a nationwide population-based cohort study in Finland covering 30 years. METHODS: We performed a retrospective population-based cohort study and nested case-control study in Finland for the period 1987-2016 (Stroke in Pregnancy and Puerperium in Finland). The Medical Birth Register was linked to the Hospital Discharge Register to identify women with incident stroke during pregnancy or puerperium. A subcohort of women with SAH is included in this analysis. The temporal connection of SAH to pregnancy and clinical details were verified from patient records. RESULTS: The unadjusted incidence of pSAH was 3.21 (95% CI, 2.46-4.13) per 100 000 deliveries. No significant increase occurred in the incidence throughout the study period. However, the age of the mother had a significant increasing effect on the incidence. In total, 77% of patients suffered an aneurysmal pSAH, resulting in death in 16.3% of women and with only 68.2% achieving good recovery (modified Rankin Scale score 0-2) at 3 months. Patients with nonaneurysmal pSAH recovered well. The significant risk factors for pSAH were smoking (odds ratio, 3.27 [1.56-6.86]), prepregnancy hypertension (odds ratio, 12.72 [1.39-116.46]), and pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (odds ratio, 3.88 [1.00-15.05]). CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of pSAH has not changed substantially over time in Finland. The majority of pSAH cases were aneurysmal and women with aneurysm had considerable mortality and morbidity. Counseling of pregnant women about smoking cessation and monitoring of blood pressure and symptoms of pre-eclampsia are important interventions to prevent pSAH.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Etiology and risk factors of ischemic stroke during pregnancy and puerperium : A population-based study

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    Introduction: Ischemic stroke (IS) is an uncommon, but potentially life-changing, complication of pregnancy. The aim of this study was to analyze the etiology and risk factors of pregnancy-associated IS. Patients and methods: We collected a population-based retrospective cohort of patients diagnosed with IS during pregnancy or puerperium in Finland from 1987 to 2016. These women were identified by linking the Medical Birth Register (MBR) with the Hospital Discharge Register. Three matched controls were selected from MBR for each case. The diagnosis and temporal relationship of IS to pregnancy, and clinical details were verified from patient records. Results: A total of 97 women (median age 30.7 years) were identified as having pregnancy-associated IS. The most common etiologies based on TOAST classification were cardioembolism in 13 (13.4%), other determined in 27 (27.8%) and undetermined in 55 (56.7%) patients. Fifteen patients (15.5%) had embolic strokes of undetermined sources. The most important risk factors were pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, gestational hypertension, and migraine. IS patients had more frequently traditional and pregnancy-related stroke risk factors than the controls (OR 2.38, 95% CI 1.48-3.84) and the risk of IS multiplied with the number of risk factors (4-5 risk factors: OR 14.21, 95% CI 1.12-180.48). Discussion and conclusion: Rare causes and cardioembolism were frequent etiologies for pregnancy-associated IS, but in half of the women, the etiology remained undetermined. The risk of IS increased with the number of risk factors. Surveillance and counseling of pregnant women, especially with multiple risk factors, is crucial for the prevention of pregnancy-associated IS.Peer reviewe

    Subarachnoid Hemorrhage During Pregnancy and Puerperium : A Population-Based Study

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    Background: Pregnancy-related subarachnoid hemorrhage (pSAH) is rare, but it causes high mortality and morbidity. Nevertheless, data on pSAH are limited. The objectives here were to examine the incidence trends, causes, risk factors, and outcomes of pSAH in a nationwide population-based cohort study in Finland covering 30 years.Methods: We performed a retrospective population-based cohort study and nested case-control study in Finland for the period 1987-2016 (Stroke in Pregnancy and Puerperium in Finland). The Medical Birth Register was linked to the Hospital Discharge Register to identify women with incident stroke during pregnancy or puerperium. A subcohort of women with SAH is included in this analysis. The temporal connection of SAH to pregnancy and clinical details were verified from patient records.Results: The unadjusted incidence of pSAH was 3.21 (95% CI, 2.46-4.13) per 100 000 deliveries. No significant increase occurred in the incidence throughout the study period. However, the age of the mother had a significant increasing effect on the incidence. In total, 77% of patients suffered an aneurysmal pSAH, resulting in death in 16.3% of women and with only 68.2% achieving good recovery (modified Rankin Scale score 0-2) at 3 months. Patients with nonaneurysmal pSAH recovered well. The significant risk factors for pSAH were smoking (odds ratio, 3.27 [1.56-6.86]), prepregnancy hypertension (odds ratio, 12.72 [1.39-116.46]), and pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (odds ratio, 3.88 [1.00-15.05]).Conclusions: The incidence of pSAH has not changed substantially over time in Finland. The majority of pSAH cases were aneurysmal and women with aneurysm had considerable mortality and morbidity. Counseling of pregnant women about smoking cessation and monitoring of blood pressure and symptoms of pre-eclampsia are important interventions to prevent pSAH.Peer reviewe

    Pregnancy-associated stroke and the recurrence of stroke and other complications in subsequent pregnancies : Population-based retrospective cohort study

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    Objective: To examine the outcomes of the subsequent pregnancies from women with a previous pregnancy-associated stroke (PAS) in comparison to matched controls. Design: Population-based retrospective cohort study. Setting and population: All women with a PAS in Finland 1987–2016 (n = 235) and controls (n = 694). Methods: We identified all subsequent deliveries and induced and spontaneous abortions for women with a previous PAS and their matched controls from the Medical Birth Register and the Hospital Discharge Register until 2016. The number, course and outcomes of the subsequent pregnancies were compared. Patient records were studied for PAS recurrence. Main outcome measures: PAS recurrence and pregnancy complications. Results: Women with a previous PAS had fewer subsequent deliveries: 73 (31.1%) women had 122 deliveries in all, whereas 303 (47.3%) of the controls had 442 deliveries (age-adjusted odds ratio [OR] 0.54, 95% CI 0.38–0.76). Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) (17.2% versus 5.7%, age-adjusted OR 4.0, 95% CI 1.7–9.3), especially chronic hypertension (age-adjusted OR 5.9, 95% CI 1.5–24.7), and any diabetes during pregnancy (24.6% versus 14.5%, age-adjusted OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.1–3.8) were more common in cases. Regarding HDP, the difference between groups was explained by underlying factors such as index pregnancy HDP (multivariable OR 2.4, 95% CI 0.8–6.7). PAS recurred in four cases (5.5%). Conclusions: Subsequent pregnancies of women with a history of PAS are more often complicated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and any diabetes during pregnancy. PAS recurrence risk is considerable.Peer reviewe

    Etiologin för intracerebral blödning under graviditet eller puerperium - en riksomfattande studie

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    Intracerebral blödning under graviditet eller puerperium (pICH) är en av de främsta orsakerna till mödradödlighet. Trots det är den tillgängliga epidemiologiska informationen gällande etiologin och utfall för pICH bristfällig. Därmed utförde vi en retrospektiv, riksomfattande studie och en kapslad fall-kontrollstudie med etiologin i fokus. Vi identifierade patienter som drabbats av pICH under tidsperioden 1987–2016 i Finland från Registret över födda barn och Registret över sjukhusutskrivningar. Klinisk information samlades från patientjournaler. För varje fall valdes tre matchade kontroller med en graviditet utan stroke. Vi använde SMASH-U klassifikationssystemet för att klassificera fallen enligt etiologi. Totalt identifierades 49 fall av pICH, varav hälften drabbades under graviditet och hälften under peripartum eller puerperium. Majoriteten av patienterna (35,4%) hade en systemisk sjukdom som etiologi. Preeklampsi, eklampsi och HELLP-syndrom var de mest förekommande systemiska sjukdomarna. En kärlmissbildning var etiologin för 31,3% och för 31,3% förblev etiologin oklar. En patient hade kronisk hypertension som etiologi. Viktigaste riskfaktorn var hypertensiva tillstånd under graviditet, som diagnostiserades hos 31%. Patienterna med systemisk sjukdom hade sämst prognos. Mödradödligheten var 12,5%. Enligt vår kännedom är vår studie den första riksomfattande studien gällande etiologin för pICH i Europa. pICH kopplas till hög dödlighet och har allvarliga konsekvenser även för patienter i Finland. Därmed är tidig identifiering och vård av hypertensiva tillstånd under graviditet viktigt för att förebygga denna allvarliga graviditetskomplikation