29 research outputs found

    Controlled mixing of lanthanide(III) ions in coacervate core micelles

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    This article presents a facile strategy to combine Eu3+ and Gd3+ ions into coacervate core micelles in a controlled way with a statistical distribution of the ions. Consequently, the formed micelles show a high tunability between luminescence and relaxivity. These highly stable micelles present great potential for new materials, e.g. as bimodal imaging probes

    Quantitative permeability imaging of plant tissues

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    A method for mapping tissue permeability based on time-dependent diffusion measurements is presented. A pulsed field gradient sequence to measure the diffusion encoding time dependence of the diffusion coefficients based on the detection of stimulated spin echoes to enable long diffusion times is combined with a turbo spin echo sequence for fast NMR imaging (MRI). A fitting function is suggested to describe the time dependence of the apparent diffusion constant in porous (bio-)materials, even if the time range of the apparent diffusion coefficient is limited due to relaxation of the magnetization. The method is demonstrated by characterizing anisotropic cell dimensions and permeability on a subpixel level of different tissues of a carrot (Daucus carota) taproot in the radial and axial directions

    MRI of intact plants

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-destructive and non-invasive technique that can be used to acquire two- or even three-dimensional images of intact plants. The information within the images can be manipulated and used to study the dynamics of plant water relations and water transport in the stem, e.g., as a function of environmental (stress) conditions. Non-spatially resolved portable NMR is becoming available to study leaf water content and distribution of water in different (sub-cellular) compartments. These parameters directly relate to stomatal water conductance, CO2 uptake, and photosynthesis. MRI applied on plants is not a straight forward extension of the methods discussed for (bio)medical MRI. This educational review explains the basic physical principles of plant MRI, with a focus on the spatial resolution, factors that determine the spatial resolution, and its unique information for applications in plant water relations that directly relate to plant photosynthetic activity

    Correlated displacement–T2 MRI by means of a Pulsed Field Gradient-Multi Spin Echo method

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    A method for correlated displacement–T2 imaging is presented. A Pulsed Field Gradient-Multi Spin Echo (PFG-MSE) sequence is used to record T2 resolved propagators on a voxel-by-voxel basis, making it possible to perform single voxel correlated displacement–T2 analyses. In spatially heterogeneous media the method thus gives access to sub-voxel information about displacement and T2 relaxation. The sequence is demonstrated using a number of flow conducting model systems: a tube with flowing water of variable intrinsic T2’s, mixing fluids of different T2’s in an ‘‘X’’-shaped connector, and an intact living plant. PFG-MSE can be applied to yield information about the relation between flow, pore size and exchange behavior, and can aid volume flow quantification by making it possible to correct for T2 relaxation during the displacement labeling period D in PFG displacement imaging methods. Correlated displacement–T2 imaging can be of special interest for a number of research subjects, such as the flow of liquids and mixtures of liquids or liquidsand solids moving through microscopic conduits of different sizes (e.g., plants, porous media, bioreactors, biomats)

    MRI of long-distance water transport: a comparison of the phloem and xylem flow characteristics and dynamics in poplar, castor bean, tomato and tobacco

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    We used dedicated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment and methods to study phloem and xylem transport in large potted plants. Quantitative flow profiles were obtained on a per-pixel basis, giving parameter maps of velocity, flow-conducting area and volume flow (flux). The diurnal xylem and phloem flow dynamics in poplar, castor bean, tomato and tobacco were compared. In poplar, clear diurnal differences in phloem flow profile were found, but phloem flux remained constant. In tomato, only small diurnal differences in flow profile were observed. In castor bean and tobacco, phloem flow remained unchanged. In all plants, xylem flow profiles showed large diurnal variation. Decreases in xylem flux were accompanied by a decrease in velocity and flow-conducting area. The diurnal changes in flow-conducting area of phloem and xylem could not be explained by pressure-dependent elastic changes in conduit diameter. The phloem to xylem flux ratio reflects what fraction of xylem water is used for phloem transport (Munch's counterflow). This ratio was large at night for poplar (0.19), castor bean (0.37) and tobacco (0.55), but low in tomato (0.04). The differences in phloem flow velocity between the four species, as well as within a diurnal cycle, were remarkably small (0.25-0.40 mm s(-1)). We hypothesize that upper and lower bounds for phloem flow velocity may exist: when phloem flow velocity is too high, parietal organelles may be stripped away from sieve tube walls; when sap flow is too slow or is highly variable, phloem-borne signalling could become unpredictable

    Full-Harmonics Phasor Analysis: Unravelling Multiexponential Trends in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data

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    Phasor analysis is a robust, nonfitting, method for the study of multiexponential decays in lifetime imaging data, routinely used in Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) and only recently validated for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). In the established phasor approach, typically only the first Fourier harmonic is used to unravel time-domain exponential trends and their intercorrelations across image voxels. Here, we demonstrate the potential of full-harmonics (FH) phasor analysis by using all frequency-domain data points in simulations and quantitative MRI (qMRI) T2 measurements of phantoms with bulk liquids or liquid-filled porous particles and of a human brain. We show that FH analysis, while of limited advantage in FLIM due to the correlated nature of shot noise, in MRI outperforms single-harmonic phasor in unravelling multiple physical environments and partial-volume effects otherwise undiscernible. We foresee application of FH phasor to, e.g., big-data analysis in qMRI of biological or other multiphase systems, where multiparameter fitting is unfeasible.</p

    Water-binding capacity of protein-rich particles and their pellets

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    The water-binding capacities (WBCs) of pea protein isolate, soy protein isolate, lupin protein concentrate and vital wheat gluten particles were investigated by hydrating them in excess water, centrifuging these dispersions, and calculating the WBCs from the weight of the pellets. It was found that, except for pea proteins, the pellet consisted of a notable amount of interstitial water. Furthermore, it seems that when particles were largely deformable a (semi-)continuous protein network was formed in which individual particles could not be distinguished anymore. Then, the WBC of the pellet did not represent the WBC of the original particles anymore. Consequently, it was concluded that the WBC of the pellet (WBC-P) differs from the WBC of the particles. Therefore, the characteristics of the particles and their pellets were further investigated with, among others, time domain nuclear magnetic resonance (TD NMR). TD NMR turned out to be a useful additional tool to do this, and has the potential to give an indication of the amount of water present in each water domain. From the information obtained about the characteristics of the particles and their pellets, it could be concluded that variations in the WBC-P were the result of differences in the deformability of the particles (i.e., their capability to swell and to withstand the centrifugal force), and their ability to bind water interstitially.</p