5 research outputs found

    Untargeted metabolomics of gut-derived metabolites from in vitro colonic fermentation of garambullo (Myrtillocactus geometrizans)

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    Garambullo is a polyphenols and fiber-rich fruit, but its performance during in vitro fermentation and potential derived health benefits have yet to be explored. This study aimed to perform untargeted metabolomics with enrichment analysis of metabolites derived from the in vitro colonic fermentation of Garambullo. Additionally, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), were identified and quantified due to their biological relevance. The fermented extract (0, 6, and 24 h-fermentation) was analyzed through untargeted metabolomics. A total of 50 metabolites, such as benzene, indoles, phenols, and fatty acids were identified. Butyric acid, one of the produced SCFAs, was increased (p < 0.05) after 24 h. Metabolomic enrichment analysis from colonic metabolites indicated the potential modulation of several conditions. These results suggested that garambullo colonic metabolism generates bioactive molecules that might beneficially impact intestinal and systemic health. Although results from enrichment analysis should be interpreted cautiously, they warrant further research on garambullo's health benefits

    Los Disruptores Endocrinos Como Obesógenos Ambientales: Efectos en Proteínas Adipogénicas Clave

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    Los disruptores endocrinos (EDC) son compuestos químicos exógenos de origen sintético o natural que interfieren en las funciones hormonales. Se estima que más de 1000 compuestos químicos presentes en el medio ambiente poseen una posible actividad disruptora. La exposición a EDC se ha relacionado con el desarrollo de múltiples enfermedades como la obesidad. Los obesógenos son compuestos químicos xenobióticos que regulan y promueven inadecuadamente la acumulación de lípidos y la adipogénesis. La adipogénesis es el proceso mediante el cual las células progenitoras similares a fibroblastos restringen su destino a las células adipogénicas, acumulan nutrientes y se convierten en adipocitos maduros. Para conocer las principales evidencias científicas de la última década sobre los efectos obesogénicos de los EDC, se realizó una búsqueda en la literatura empleando las plataformas Scopus y Pubmed. El análisis arrojó 60 artículos originales de los cuales 24 fueron seleccionados por brindar información sobre proteínas adipogénicas clave. Los datos muestran que los EDC como los compuestos de organoestaño, ftalatos y bisfenoles estimulan vías de señalización adipogénicas clave mediadas por el receptor activado por el proliferador de peroxisomas-γ y la CCAAT/proteína de unión al potenciador-α, factores similares a krüppel y receptores de hormonas tiroideas, estrógeno y glucocorticoides; en relación a factores como el tipo, la concentración y el período de exposición al disruptor. Además, sus efectos podrían ser potenciados por la presencia de una dieta alta en grasas o una mezcla de diferentes tipos de EDC. En conclusión, los EDC inducen efectos obesogénicos a través de la estimulación de vías de señalización adipogénicas; y se requieren más estudios para comprender los mecanismos moleculares que subyacen a los efectos de los EDC para determinar su relevancia fisiológica y promover aún más su regulación en la industria. Endocrine disruptors (EDC) are exogenous chemical compounds of synthetic or natural origin which interfere with hormonal functions. It is estimated that more than 1000 chemical compounds present in the enviroment have possible disruptive activity. Exposure to endocrine disruptors has been linked to the development of multiple diseases such as obesity. Obesogens are xenobiotic chemical compounds that inappropriately regulate and promote lipid accumulation and adipogenesis. Adipogenesis is the process by which fibroblast-like progenitor cells restrict their fate to adipogenic cells, accumulate nutrients, and develop into mature adipocytes. To know the main scientific evidence from the last decade regarding the obesogenic effects of EDC, a literature research was conducted using Scopus and Pubmed platforms. The analysis showed 60 original articles from which 24 were selected for providing information on key adipogenic proteins. Data shows that EDC such as organotin compounds, phthalates and bisphenols stimulate key adipogenic signaling pathways mediated by peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ and CCAAT-enhancer binding protein-α, krüppel like factors, and thyroid, estrogen and glucocorticoid receptors; in relation to factors like type, concentration and period of exposure to the disruptor. Furthermore, their effects could be potentiated by the presence of a high fat diet or a mix of diferent types of EDC. In conclusion, EDC induce obesogenic effects through the stimulation of adipogenic signaling pathways; in addition, more studies are required to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie EDC effects to determine their physiological relevance, and to further promote their regulation in the industry

    Low Serum B12 Concentrations Are Associated with Low B12 Dietary Intake But Not with Helicobacter pylori Infection or Abnormal Gastric Function in Rural Mexican Women

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    Background: Gastric function, Helicobacter pylori infection, and vitamin B12 (B12) dietary intake were assessed as predictors of serum B12. Methods: H. pylori antibodies, gastric function, B12 dietary intake, and biochemical/hematological parameters were measured in 191 adult women from two rural communities in Quer&eacute;taro, Mexico. Results: The overall mean serum B12 concentration was 211 &plusmn; 117 pmol/L. The prevalences of low (&le; 148 pmol/L), marginal (148 to 221 pmol/L), and adequate (&gt; 221 pmol/L) serum B12 were 28.4%, 31.1%, and 40.5%, respectively. Seventy-one percent of women tested positive for H. pylori antibodies. The prevalence of gastric function categories did not differ by serum B12 categories. The odds ratio for having low serum B12 was 2.7 (p = 0.01) for women with an intake below the estimated average requirement, 3.6 (p = 0.01) for those in the lowest tertile of total B12 intake, and 3.0 (p = 0.02) for those in the lowest tertile of B12 intake from animal source foods. Age and B12 intake were predictors of serum B12 concentrations [serum B12 (pmol/L) = 90.060 + 5.208 (B12 intake, &micro;g/day) + 2.989 (age, years). Conclusions: Low serum B12 concentrations were associated with low B12 dietary intake but not with H. pylori infection or abnormal gastric function in rural Mexican women

    Fermentation Extract of Naringenin Increases the Expression of Estrogenic Receptor &beta; and Modulates Genes Related to the p53 Signalling Pathway, miR-200c and miR-141 in Human Colon Cancer Cells Exposed to BPA

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    The estrogenic receptor beta (ER&beta;) protects against carcinogenesis by stimulating apoptosis. Bisphenol A (BPA) is related to promoting cancer, and naringenin has chemoprotective activities both can bind to ER&beta;. Naringenin in the colon is metabolized by the microbiota. Cancer involves genetic and epigenetic mechanisms, including miRNAs. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the co-exposure effect of colonic in vitro fermented extract of naringenin (FEN) and BPA, to elucidate molecular effects in HT-29 colon cancer cell line. For this, we quantified genes related to the p53 signaling pathway as well as ER&beta;, miR-200c, and miR-141. As an important result, naringenin (IC50 250 &micro;M) and FEN (IC50 37%) promoted intrinsic pathways of apoptosis through phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) (+2.70, +1.72-fold, respectively) and CASP9 (+3.99, +2.03-fold, respectively) expression. BPA decreased the expression of PTEN (&minus;3.46-fold) gene regulated by miR-200. We suggest that once co-exposed, cells undergo a greater stress forcing them to mediate other extrinsic apoptosis mechanisms associated with death domain FASL. In turn, these findings are related to the increase of ER&beta; (5.3-fold with naringenin and 13.67-fold with FEN) gene expression, important in the inhibition of carcinogenic development