167 research outputs found

    Estructura de ADN del diseño para la correcta gestión e innovación de procesos, proyectos productivos y creativos

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    [ES] El diseño y su ADN, como base para la caracterización del ADN del producto, como identificador y detección de las cualidades y potencialidades del diseño, a la hora de asumir estratégicamente las responsabilidades conducentes a la gestión de la creatividad, innovación, proyectos y procesos creativos. Un análisis comparativo de la visión de diferentes especialistas de la gestión del diseño sobre la estructura del ADN del mismo. Mapear las diferentes varíales de ADN y determinar una estructura básica sobre la que generar las potencialidades y carencias del ADN del diseño incorporado en la empresa.[EN] The design and its DNA, as a basis for the characterization of the product's DNA, as an identifier and detection of the qualities and potentialities of the design, when strategically assuming the responsibilities leading to the management of creativity, innovation, projects and creative processes . A comparative analysis of the vision of different design management specialists on the DNA structure of the same. Mapping the different DNA variables and determining a basic structure on which to generate the potential and shortcomings of the design DNA incorporated in the company.[CA] El disseny i el seu ADN, com a base per a la caracterització de l'ADN del producte, com a identificador i detecció de les qualitats i potencialitats del disseny, a l'hora d'assumir estratègicament les responsabilitats conduents a la gestió de la creativitat, innovació, projectes i processos creatius . Una anàlisi comparativa de la visió de diferents especialistes de la gestió del disseny sobre l'estructura de l'ADN d'aquest. Mapejar les diferents varíales d'ADN i determinar una estructura bàsica sobre la qual generar les potencialitats i mancances de l'ADN del disseny incorporat a l'empresa.Martínez Vergara, JV. (2017). Estructura de ADN del diseño para la correcta gestión e innovación de procesos, proyectos productivos y creativos. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/125260TFG

    Research-Based Learning and Investigative Skills in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation students of a Private University of Lima, 2022

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental determinar la relación entre el aprendizaje basado en investigación y las habilidades investigativas en discentes de terapia física y rehabilitación de una universidad privada de Lima, 2022; la cual se realizó bajo el método hipotético – deductivo con enfoque cuantitativo y el diseño tipo no experimental con corte transversal y alcance correlación; así mismo, la muestra empleada fue de 106 discentes del I al VIII ciclo de una universidad privada de Lima. Para la recolección de datos se usaron dos instrumentos tipo encuesta, los cuales pasaron por validación de 5 expertos quienes la calificaron como instrumentos aplicables; de igual modo, obtuvieron una alta confiabilidad, con alfa de Cronbach de 0.952 para el instrumento que mide el aprendizaje basado en investigación (ABI), y 0.934 para el instrumento que mide las habilidades investigativas. Dentro de este orden de ideas, se realizó estudios descriptivos exponiendo que la variable ABI alcanzó un nivel alto con 52.8%, mientras que la variable habilidades investigativas alcanzó un nivel medianamente adecuado con un valor de 74.5%; de igual modo, los resultados inferenciales revelaron una correlación positiva baja según el coeficiente de Rho Spearman de 0.313. Ahora, el ABI y las habilidades investigativas presentan una relación significativa, no obstante, se concluye que el ABI debe ser más difundido y usado en las sesiones de enseñanza y fomentarse como estrategia de aprendizaje

    Clima social familiar en adolescentes con cáncer y adolescentes con tumores benignos

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    Die Forschung erziehlt, die Unterschiede zwischen Socialem Familienklima in den Adoleszenten mit Krebs und denen mit gutartigen Tumoren von Pädagogischem Regionalem Krankenhaus Trujillos im Jahre 2006. Das Messinstrument ist Soziales Klima - Skala der Familie (CSF) von R.H. Moos y E.j. Trickett, standardisiert bei C. Ruíz und E. Guerra (Lima; 1993). Die Probe wurde bei 17 Adoleszenten mit Krebs und 43 mit gutartigen Tumoren, von 13 bis 18 Jahre alt, repräsentiert. Wenn man die Ergebnisse analysiert, findet man bedeutende Unterschiede auf den Gebieten Zusammenhang und Konflikt zwischen beiden Gruppen. Auch wurden stadistisch bedeutende Unterschiede auf dem Gebiet intellektuell-kulturell, Moralitat, Religiösität und Organisation.The present comparative investigation had as an objective to study the differences of the familiar social climate between the adolescents who has cancer and the adolescents with benign tumors of the educational Regional Hospital of Trujillo in 2006. The Scale of the Social Climate in Family was used like measuring instrument (CSF) of R.H. Moos and E.J. Trickett standardized by C. Ruiz and E. Guerra (Lima, 1993). Population-it shows were represented by 17 adolescents with cancer and 43 adolescents with benign Tumors, whose ages oscillated between 13 to 18 years. For the analysis of the data statistical was used test t of Student. Finally, analyzing the results highly were significant differences in the areas cohesion and conflict between both groups. Were as well statistically significant differences in the intellectual-cultural area, morality-religiosity and organization.La investigación tuvo como objetivo estudiar las diferencias del clima social familiar entre los adolescentes con cáncer y los adolescentes con tumores benignos del Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo en el año 2006. Se utilizó como instrumento de medición la Escala del Clima Social en la Familia (CSF) de R. H. Moos y E. J. Trickett estandarizada por C. Ruiz y E. Guerra (Lima, 1993). La muestra fue representada por 17 adolescentes con cáncer y 43 adolescentes con tumores benignos, cuyas edades oscilaban entre los 13 a 18 años. Al analizar los resultados se encontró diferencias altamente significativas en las áreas cohesión y conflicto entre ambos grupos. A su vez se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el área intelectual-cultural, moralidad-religiosidad y organización

    Physicochemical characteristics of blackberry (iRubus glaucus /i Benth.) fruits from four production zones of Cundinamarca, Colombia

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    Blackberries play an important role in human nutrition, due to the elevated content of certain bioactive compounds including ascorbate, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, carbohydrates, and proteins. Blackberry Rubus glaucus from Colombian Andes has a high demand on regional and international markets and there is much interest in its cultivation to increase the commercial offer. In four blackberry producing municipalities of Cundinamarca province, fruits were harvested for different quality tests based on the availability of hydric resources in the zone and their influence on fruit characteristics according to the precipitation of each zone, since the crops did not have an irrigation system. The variables, such as size, fresh weight, texture, pH, titratable total acids (TTA), total soluble solids (TSS), and color were evaluated to compare the quality of the fruits between the municipalities, finding that fruits from Silvania had the greater size but, in turn, were the least consistent. El Colegio zone presented the sweetest fruits and together with Pasca had the highest acidity percentage. The color of Pasca and Silvania fruits was the most attractive for commercialization parameters. These parameters, even when management and agro-climatic conditions between municipalities were very similar, allows knowing the positive attributes and determine the factors that need to be improved and to project on a shortterm future productions acceptable on the international marke

    Retrovisor.pe: La construcción de credibilidad a través del diseño gráfico

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    Este trabajo explora la importancia del diseño gráfico en la construcción de credibilidad del medio nativo digital Retrovisor.pe. Este medio tiene como público objetivo a los Millenials y Centennials. Explora, en la teoría, los factores que hacen al diseño gráfico un elemento fundamental para solidificar la credibilidad de un medio, específicamente un medio nativo digital. En la práctica, expone el caso de estudio de Retrovisor, medio digital que ha utilizado el diseño gráfico no solo como aliado al ganarse la confianza de su público objetivo, sino también como herramienta para incrementar la interacción en redes sociales y navegar este competitivo ciber universo.This paper will explore the importance of graphic design as a tool to construct digital media’s credibility. For this paper’s purpose we will focus on Millennials and Centennials as a target audience. The purpose of this text is to explore the theory surrounding the topic of graphic design and why it is important, and also to analyze Retrovisor.pe as a case study. The paper will cover the way in which graphic design was used in this particular media and the effect it had on the media’s credibility and interaction with its target audience

    Use of the open source software Greenstone to develop a decentralized cooperative digital library

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    When the Latin America and the Caribbean Social Sciences Network of Virtual Libraries was created 10 years ago, it was an easy decision to work with open software because the Latin America and the Caribbean Social Science Council (Clacso), an academic network with 195 member institutes located in 21 countries, promotes the use of open software and open access to communicate and exchange research results in digital formats. The development and daily operations of this cooperative digital library are described, including Greenstone for the reading room with advanced search capacity and Plone for the graphical interface; both allow decentralized content management with 9.000 full text publications (books, journal articles, working documents, papers) and databases

    Potential Dermatological Conditions Resulting from a Prolonged Stay at Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review

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    A new coronavirus emerged in 2019 in Wuhan, China named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome type 2 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Later, this virus spread worldwide, causing a disease called coronavirus disease (COVID-19). To control the outbreak, many countries announced mandatory quarantine; thus, people changed their lifestyles and started engaging in most activities from home. This review explains how some dermatological pathologies may be precipitated by prolonged stays at home, considering that quarantine was a widely used public health measure during 2020. Most of these dermatoses had to be seen, diagnosed, and treated through tele-dermatology, a remote health care system that took force during the COVID-19 pandemic because of its ease and efficiency in connecting health care professionals and their patients; therefore, reducing the risk of contagion and costs associated to medical care. This review of the principal dermatologic conditions during confinement could allow for a better preparation of health professionals

    Potential Dermatological Conditions Resulting from a Prolonged Stay at Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review

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    A new coronavirus emerged in 2019 in Wuhan, China named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome type 2 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Later, this virus spread worldwide, causing a disease called coronavirus disease (COVID-19). To control the outbreak, many countries announced mandatory quarantine; thus, people changed their lifestyles and started engaging in most activities from home. This review explains how some dermatological pathologies may be precipitated by prolonged stays at home, considering that quarantine was a widely used public health measure during 2020. Most of these dermatoses had to be seen, diagnosed, and treated through tele-dermatology, a remote health care system that took force during the COVID-19 pandemic because of its ease and efficiency in connecting health care professionals and their patients; therefore, reducing the risk of contagion and costs associated to medical care. This review of the principal dermatologic conditions during confinement could allow for a better preparation of health professionals

    Non Monotonous Effects of Noncovalently Functionalized Graphene Addition on the Structure and Sound Absorption Properties of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (1300 kDa) Electrospun Mats

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    Graphene is an attractive component for high-performance stimuli-responsive or 'smart' materials, shape memory materials, photomechanical actuators, piezoelectric materials and flexible strain sensors. Nanocomposite fibres were produced by electrospinning high molecular weight Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP-1300 kDa) in the presence of noncovalently functionalised graphene obtained through tip sonication of graphite alcoholic suspensions in the presence of PVP (10 kDa). Bending instability of electrospun jet appears to progressively increase at low graphene concentrations with the result of greater fibre stretching that leads to lower fibre diameter and possibly conformational changes of PVP. Further increase of graphene content seams having the opposite effect leading to greater fibre diameter and Raman spectra similar to the pure PVP electrospun mats. All this has been interpreted on the basis of currently accepted model for bending instability of electrospun jets. The graphene addition does not lower the very high sound absorption coefficient, α, close to unity, of the electrospun PVP mats in the frequency range 200⁻800 Hz. The graphene addition affects, in a non-monotonous manner, the bell shaped curves of α versus frequency curves becoming sharper and moving to higher frequency at the lower graphene addition. The opposite is observed when the graphene content is further increased