75 research outputs found

    A methodic way to more sustainable farming systems

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    A methodic pathway is suggested for the definition, elaboration, evaluation and introduction of farming systems based on an "integrated' or an "ecosystem-oriented' vision, both considered more sustainable than a "world-market-oriented' vision. The objectives of these three basic types of systems are defined in measurable terms with respect to the major social values or interests supported or adversely influenced by agriculture. A strategy is assessed through which the objectives can be achieved while avoiding their conflicts. Arable farming is taken as an example of the elaboration, evaluation and introduction of integrated and ecosystem-oriented systems. It is discussed how prototype systems can be developed on an experimental farm, evaluated by a pilot group of farmers and dispersed on a large scale. For the short term it is recommended to focus research and policy on integrated farming systems. For the long term it is recommended to develop ecosystem-oriented farming systems to solve the agricultural crisis in a more comprehensive and sustainable wa

    Region-wise development of prototypes of integrated arable farming and outdoor horticulture

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    In the Netherlands integrated arable farming systems (IFS) are being developed at three regional experimental farms, with region-specific crop rotations and cropping systems. Most pesticide and fertilizer inputs appear to be replacable by non-chemical methods and organic manure, with economic results similar to conventional systems. The targeted reductions in pesticide use in the Netherlands' Multi-Year Crop Protection Plan for the year 2000 can already clearly be met. Further improvements of the prototype systems are considered. Recently started farming systems research for outdoor horticulture is briefly discussed

    Integration of animal husbandry and nature conservation on grassland farms

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    A farming model for peat grassland has been designed as an instrument in physical planning, integrating equally nature conservation and animal husbandry by combining the conditions for existence of both. It includes a subdivision of the farm in production grassland and nature grassland, such as marsh marigold Caltha palustris hayfield and blue grassland. Each type of grassland ha a suitable combination of groundwater level, P- and N-controlled animal and plant production, and a regime of mowing and grazing depending on its function for flora, (avi)fauna and animal husbandry

    Zal en mag de landbouw uit Nederland verdwijnen?: forum

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    De landbouw zal verdwijnen door een versnelde overgang naar een niet-agrarische plattelandseconomie. Zowel aangedreven door binnenlandse concurrentie om arbeid en grond, als ook versneld door toenemende agrarische concurrentie vanuit het buitenland. De overheid dient een sturende rol te gaan vervullen. Aldus de stellingname vanuit PRI (Wageningen UR

    Van monoboeren naar multiboeren

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    Omschakeling van intensief monoboeren (voedselproductie) naar extensief multiboeren (met diensten voor collectieve functies zoals landschap, natuur, recreatie

    Grazing animal husbandry based on sustainable nutrient management

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    Sustainable husbandry systems for grazing animals (cattle and sheep) can be achieved by sustainable nutrient management (SNM). This implies the tuning of inputs to outputs of nutrients, to achieve and maintain optimum ranges of agronomically wanted and ecologically acceptable reserves of single nutrients in the soil. P is presented as the ‘boss cow of the nutrient herd’ and its optimum range of available reserves, in the Netherlands expressed as P-AL count, is quantified as a P-AL count of 30–55. SNM is elaborated into two scenarios. In both, output of milk and meat is compensated for by a P-equivalent input from concentrates. However, in the scenario ‘off-take manure’, on soils with a P-AL count greater than 55, all manure produced indoors is to be removed from the farm until the P-AL count is 55 or less. If large-scale manure processing is not a realistic option, the scenario ‘own concentrates’ can be followed. In this case, on soils with a P-AL count of 55–100, output of milk and meat can no longer be compensated for by a P-equivalent input from concentrates, so concentrates are to be produced on the farm. Furthermore, soils with a P-AL count greater than 100 need maximum sanitation by off-take of all plant produce, so grazing and manure application are no longer allowed. At the farm level, SNM is elaborated into a quota system for stocking rate (livestock units ha-1) and milk production (kg milk 4% fat ha-1). If applied on a national level in the Netherlands, SNM will extensify grazing animal husbandry through a reduction in stocking rate by 27–41% and in milk production by 16–34% in the scenarios ‘off-take manure’ and ‘own concentrates’, respectively. At the same time, livestock and milk quotas will be redistributed across regions and farms. Consequently, current surpluses on the annual P balance-sheet of the national grazing animal husbandry will turn into ‘shortages’, implying a gradual decline in excessive soil P reserves. In the scenario ‘off-take manure’, this is achieved by a more than 50% reduction in the import of concentrates and by the export of stable manure. In the scenario ‘own concentrates’, it is achieved by a complete replacement of import of concentrates by concentrates produced on-farm. In a similar way, SNM reduces the surpluses on the N balance-sheet of the national grazing animal husbandry

    Multifunctionele landbouw; ruimtelijke verkenning van de landelijke behoefte op gemeenteniveau

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    In deze studie staan twee beleidsvragen centraal. De eerste is in welke gebieden in Nederland er behoefte is aan een grotere bijdrage van de landbouw aan een aantrekkelijke leefomgeving of beheer van strategische voorraden. De tweede is waar grote behoeften aan multifunctionele landbouw van de functies aantrekkelijke leefomgeving of beheer van strategische voorraden samenvallen met de behoefte om de economische productiefunctie versterken. De verkenning is uitgevoerd op gemeenteniveau. Per functie isgezocht naar een indicator die de behoefte aan multifunctionele landbouw weergeeft. Per indicator zijn de gemeenten ingedeeld in drie behoefteklassen en het resultaat is ruimtelijk weergegeven op monofunctionele kaarten. Tenslotte is per gemeente de behoefte aan multifunctionele landbouw vanuit de functies tezamen vastgesteld en weergegeven op multifunctionele kaarten
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