208 research outputs found

    Thermal regime and tectonic pattern of the central-northern Apennines

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    Pojam stres se upotrebljava kako bi se opisao osjećaj straha, nezadovoljstva, nemira i nelagode. To je složen proces između određene osobe i njenog života. Stres koji studenti doživljavaju na fakultetu je jedan vrlo značajan čimbenik koji može nepovoljno utjecati na svakodnevno funkcioniranje studenata i kvalitetu studiranja. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi razinu stresa studenata prve i treće godine stručnog studija te usporediti razinu stresa između studenata prve i treće godine studija. Hipoteza istraživanja zasniva se na pretpostavci da je razina stresa kod studenata prve godine stručnog studija veća od studenata treće godine stručnog studija. Ispitanici su studenti prve i treće godine stručnog studija sestrinstva na Visokoj tehničkoj školi u Bjelovaru. U istraživanju je korišten socio – demografski upitnik koji je konstruiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja, a koji obuhvaća podatke o spolu i dobi. Podaci su obrađeni deskriptivnim statističkim metodama

    Thermal log analysis for recognition of ground surface temperature change and water movements

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    International audienceA joint analysis of surface air temperature series recorded at meteorological stations and temperature-depth profiles logged in near-by boreholes was performed to estimate conditions existing prior to the beginning of the instrumental record in central-northern Italy. The adopted method considers conductive and advective heat transport in a horizontally layered medium and provides simultaneous estimates of the pre-observational temperatures and the Darcy velocities. The reconstruction of the ground surface temperature history using an inversion method was performed for boreholes where hydrological disturbances to measured temperature logs were proved to be negligible. Both methods revealed generally coherent climatic changes in the whole investigated area. Climatic conditions were generally warm and comparable with the reference period 1960?1990. The absence of the Little Ice Age in the middle ages seems to be a generic feature of the climate in central-northern Italy. Climate change of the 19th century was generally insignificant with well balanced periods of cold and warmth. The investigated area became significantly colder only at the end of the 19th century. Cooling culminated around 1950 when it was replaced by rapid warming. Recent warming was not inferred only for one of the investigated holes. This discrepancy can be attributed to local environmental conditions

    Testing a Model of Flow and Heat Transfer for U-shaped Geothermal Exchangers

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    Among renewable resources, geothermal energy is one of the most promising for its independence on weather conditions. However, design and installation of borehole heat exchangers on low enthalpy regions must consider numerous influencing factors. Here, we focus on the efficiency improvement in hot water production and heating and cooling of buildings of a pilot geothermal plant, which was implemented as part of a hybrid system within the frame of a research project at the University of Camerino (Italy). The aims of the geothermal plant were to study the subsoil thermal properties and monitoring the parameters of the system during operation. As an important application for the design and sizing of low enthalpy geothermal systems, we propose a mathematical model to study the heat transfer between the fluid circulating in the pipes and the underground, where the mutual influence between the soil and the exchanger is considered. We present results of these approximated solutions based on experimental measurements acquired in the actual geothermal exchangers. Laboratory and in situ tests were also carried out to investigate the underground thermal properties and thermal regime of the heterogeneous soil sedimentary succession

    A review of the heat flow data of NE Morocco.

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