432 research outputs found

    Environmental Restoration Orders

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    Spike Lee’s Guineas

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    La Svolta Testaule by Maurizio Ferraris

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    Caratterizzazione chimico fisica del particolato atmosferico

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    Nell’ambito degli studi sul particolato atmosferico, per la sua caratterizzazione e per il futuro prossimo in cui saranno posti dei limiti sui singoli inquinanti risulta di fondamentale importanza la comprensione dell’origine delle particelle di particolato. Il primo problema a cui ci si trova di fronte Ăš il continuo evolversi delle particelle nell’atmosfera ed il loro continuo accrescersi tanto da renderle irriconoscibili anche ad uno studio approfondito. Per risolvere il problema di “identificazione delle particelle”, e risalire quindi alla loro origine cioĂš alla sorgente che le ha generate sono stati fatti vari tentativi, utilizzando inizialmente sia modelli fisici che matematici. Nel presente lavoro si utilizza il modello a recettore CMB per identificare il contributo di ogni singola sorgente all’inquinamento. Si dĂ  soprattutto una metodica di lavoro seguita all’interno dell’universitĂ  per l’analisi chimica, visto l’impiego di tecnologia d’avanguardia come il microscopio a scansione elettronica, che permette di accoppiare ad una analisi elementare dei componenti presenti anche un’informazione visiva, in pratica una foto della particella grazie alla quale Ăš possibile risalire alle principali caratteristiche fisiche di questa. Si puĂČ cosĂŹ tentare di classificare le particelle non solo piĂč in base alla composizione, ma anche in base alle dimensioni, alla superficie, al volume o a qualsiasi altro parametro ricavabile dall’immagine. Nel presente lavoro si Ăš cercato tramite appunto l’utilizzo di CMB di confrontare diversi tipi di informazioni chimiche: analisi di laboratorio con analisi SEM-EDX per cercare di ricavare un metodo ottimale di lavoro

    The Enigma of an End

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    The Real Work: Negotiating the Anthro-Ecocentric Divide

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    Beginning with Gary Snyder’s premise suggested by “I came back to myself,/To the real work, to/What is to be done” this article offers readings of environmentally based literature as a way of suggesting that a return to “one’s self” is also a return to a consideration of one’s place in the ecosystem. Included are readings by Snyder himself, Leslie Marmon Silko, Barry Lopez and N. Scott Momaday. Placing Snyder’s own use and interpretations of Eastern Philosophies and Native American cultures alongside Native American writings, I suggest that contemporary “nature writing” represents not necessarily a shift from an anthropocentric to a biocentric or ecocentric perspective but rather a resurfacing of an ecocentric stream that has been neglected in North American writing in favor of more anthropocentric trends

    Inscriptions by Hugh J. Silverman

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    Naming the unknown, witnessing the unseen: Mediterranean ecocriticism and modes of representing migrant others

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    In continuity with the theoretical explorations of Mediterranean Ecocriticism, this essay deals with modes of representation of "migrant others." Often de-personified and reduced to statistical data, these “invisible” migrants are in fact parts of a larger ecology, where the fates of humans and nonhumans are interlaced, prompting deep ethical questions. Such invisibility is challenged by the many artists, writers, filmmakers, and thinkers that bring the migrant question to the center stage of their work, suggesting that the only response to the dehumanization of migrants is the humanization of nonhumans caught in the same predicaments of borders and violence. The essay includes an analysis of Jason deCaires Taylor's submarine artworks and of the documentary Asmat, "Names," by director Dagmawi Yimer.En continuidad con las exploraciones teĂłricas de la ecocrĂ­tica mediterrĂĄnea, este ensayo explora los modos de representaciĂłn de los “otros migrantes”. A menudo despersonalizados y reducidos a datos estadĂ­sticos, estos migrantes “invisibles” forman de hecho parte de una ecologĂ­a mĂĄs amplia, en la que se entrelazan los destinos de seres humanos y no humanos, planteando profundas cuestiones Ă©ticas. Esa invisibilidad es cuestionada por numerosos artistas, escritores, cineastas y pensadores que presentan la cuestiĂłn de los migrantes en el centro de su trabajo, sugiriendo que la Ășnica respuesta a la deshumanizaciĂłn de los migrantes es la humanizaciĂłn de los seres no humanos atrapados en los mismos problemas generados por la violencia y las fronteras. El ensayo incluye un anĂĄlisis de las obras de arte submarino de Jason deCaires Taylor y del documental Asmat, “Nombres”, del director Dagmawi Yimer

    Exploration of RTP circuit breaker with applications to video streaming.

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    Live multimedia streaming is becoming one of the dominant sources of internet traffic, much of which is sent over best-effort networks, i.e. along paths with a wide variety of characteristics. The multimedia traffic should be transmitted using a robust and effective congestion control mechanism to protect the network from congestion collapse. The RTP Circuit Breaker (RTP-CB) is a candidate solution that causes a sender to cease transmission when RTCP message feedback indicates excessive congestion. This paper studies RTP/UDP video traffic and the impact of its bursty behaviour on the network. It considers the potential limitations of using a RTP-CB with video traffic. We found that the bursty nature of a typical video flow can cause the RTP-CB to either prematurely cease transmission or to react too late. To reduce the likelihood of this happening, we suggest the use of a smoothing buffer in conjunction with the RTP-CB and propose design criteria for this buffer. Our experiments confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach for different video streams
