960 research outputs found

    The performance of socially responsible mutual funds: the role of fees and management companies

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    In this paper, we shed light on the debate about the financial performance of socially responsible investment (SRI) mutual funds by separately analyzing the contributions of before-fee performance and fees to SRI funds' performance and by investigating the role played by fund management companies in the determination of those variables. We apply the matching estimator methodology to obtain our results and find that in the period 1997-2005, US SRI funds had significantly higher fees and better before- and after-fee performance than conventional funds with similar characteristics. Differences, however, were driven exclusively by SRI funds run by management companies specialized in socially responsible investment

    (Per)versiones de la historia de EEUU en el cine de Lars Von Trier

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    I Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine: 5, 6, 7 y 8 de Septiembre de 2007

    Zelig o la deconstrucción del biopic

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    Actas del Segundo Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine organizado por el Instituto de Cultura y Tecnología Miguel de Unamuno y celebrado del 9 al 11 de septiembre de 2010 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridLa presente comunicación analiza la película Zelig (Woody Allen, 1983) en el marco de lo que podría denominarse Películas de (de)construcción histórica o Cine histórico posmoderno. Se estudia cómo este filme, ambientado en los años 20, 30 y 40, subvierte las convenciones del biopic y el documental a través de un inteligente despliegue de estrategias formales y narrativas, y cómo con ello cuestiona, desde una óptica eminentemente posmoderna, nociones asentadas en torno a la construcción identitaria, religiosa, política o nacional, así como el papel que en la configuración del proyecto moderno juegan instancias como la Ciencia o los medios de comunicación. Finalmente, se defiende que su rechazo de la univocidad de la interpretación supone una defensa de la libertad individual, la subjetividad, los sentimientos y el humor, frente a las amenazas típicamente modernas de la alienación colectiva, el positivismo científico a ultranza y los maximalismos totalitarios.This paper analyzes Woody Allen’s Zelig (1983) in the framework of what could be called Postmodern Historical Films. It shows how this film, set in the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s, subverts the conventions of genres such as the biographical film and the documentary through a brilliant display of formal and narrative strategies. These ultimately question, from a typically postmodern approach, settled notions about the construction of identity, be it religious, political or national, as well as the role of certain institutions, like science or mass media, in the project of modernity. Last, it is argued that the film’s disapproval of any univocal characterization of interpretation represents a vindication of individual freedom, subjectivity, feelings and humour, against the typically modern threats of collective alienation, overstated scientific positivism, and maximalist, totalitarian positionsPublicad

    To find or not to find a first “significant” job

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    In this paper we look at school-to-work transitions in Spain. We distinguish between significant and non-significant jobs and show that educational investment enhances access to a first significant job compared to a non-significant one. We also find strong differences between men and women: education attainment provides a clearer differentiating device for women than for men, whatever field of education females choose. These results are tested and confirmed by a multinomial probit model of the probability of achieving both significant and non-significant jobs and by a discrete time duration model of the probability of achieving a significant job.School-to-work transition, job search, youth labour market

    "Digitaria sanguinalis - Ustilago syntherismae" pathosystem: changes in the reproductive development of plants due to fungal infection

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    El objetivo del estudio fue conocer cómo la infección por carbón causado por “Ustilago syntherismae” afecta al número de ápices reproductivos (NAR) que forman las plantas de garranchuelo (Digitaria sanguinalis) en una generación. Se marcaron 24 cuadrados de 0,25m2, se escardaron manualmente para dejar únicamente plantas de garranchuelo, y se registraron la densidad y NAR de cada planta. El NAR se sometió a un análisis de la covarianza que contempló el efecto principal tipo de individuo (con carbón o sin carbón), la densidad, y su interacción. El tipo de ápice reproductivo y la interacción fueron muy significativos en el rango de densidades registrado (de 12 a 156 pl m-2). A densidades elevadas, la media del NAR de las plantas con carbón casi dobló la de las plantas aparentemente sanas, es decir las plantas enfermas desarrollaron más soros que inforescencias se hubieran formado en plantas sanas.The main objective of our study was to evaluate how the infection by “Ustilago syntherismae” (loose smut) can affect the number of apical reproductive buds (NAR) formed in Digitaria sanguinalis plants during one generation. The study was performed using 24 quadrats of 0.25m2 in which seedlings of other species were removed. The large crabgrass densities and the NAR of each plant were obtained. The NAR was subjected to an analysis of covariance considering the type of plant (smutted or non-smutted) as a principal effect, the plant density, and their interaction. The type of reproductive bud and the interaction were highly significant sources of variance at the observed densities (ranging from 12 to 156 pl m-2). At high plant densities, NAR of smutted plants was, on average, near to the double of that non-smutted plants. The number of sori registered in smutted plants was much higher than the expected number of inflorescences if they would not have been infected

    Measuring social exclusion: social networks and long-time unemployed in Spain

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    Las diferentes investigaciones sobre la medición de la desigualdad y la pobreza que se han venido desarrollando desde hace ya bastante tiempo, ofrecen al investigador social una serie de herramientas para sus trabajos empíricos. Investigaciones y diseños como los de Sen o los del Banco Mundial o los del PNUD son ejemplos claros de lo anterior. Sin embargo, investigaciones metodológicas sobre la exclusión social son más difíciles de encontrar y más complicadas a la hora de ser planteadas. Los trabajos de Room y en el ámbito de la UE son paradigmáticos. En esta comunicación se plantean dos alternativas a la hora de trabajar de forma empírica con la exclusión social: el análisis estadístico de los parados de larga duración y el análisis de redes sociales. Se presenta una visión sintética sobre cada una de estas aproximaciones y se reflexiona sobre las limitaciones y potencialidades. Concluimos con una serie de elementos generales para el estudio integrado de la exclusión social.Different investigations on the measurement of inequality and poverty, that have been coming developing for alread y enough a long time, offer to the social researchers a series of tools for their empirical works. Amartya Sen’s investigations and designs are clear examples of the previous thing, as well as the World Bank an UNDP works. However, methodological investigations on social exclusion are more difficult to find and more complicated at the time of being raised. Graham Room’s works of in the scope of the UE are important. In this work two alternatives are considered to study social exclusion: the statistical analysis of the long-time unemployed and the analysis of social networks. We introduce a synthetic vision on each one of these approaches and we explain their limitations and potentialities. We concluded with a list of general elements for the integrated study of the social exclusion

    High-power test results of a 3 GHz single-cell cavity

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    Compact, reliable and little consuming accelerators are required for the treatment of tumours with ions. TERA proposes the "cyclinac", composed of a high-frequency, fast-cycling linac which boosts the energy of the particles previously accelerated in a cyclotron. The dimensions of the linac can be reduced if high gradients are used. TERA initiated a high-gradient test program to understand the operational limit of such structures. The program foresees the design, prototyping and high-power test of several high-gradient structures operating at 3 and 5.7 GHz. The high-power tests of the 3 GHz single-cell cavity were completed in Winter 2012. The maximum BDR threshold measured for Emax of 170 MV/m and RF pulses of 2.5 \mu s was 3 x 10-6 bpp/m

    Links Between Feeding Preferences and Electroantennogram Response Profiles in Dung Beetles: The Importance of Dung Odor Bouquets

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    The detection of dung odors is a crucial step in the food-searching behavior of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Yet, whether certain compounds characteristic of a given dung type contribute to a ‘choosy generalism’ behavior proposed for this taxonomic group is unknown. To address this, we analyzed the chemical composition of three types of dung (cow, horse, and rabbit) and conducted behavioral and electroantennogram (EAG) bioassays on 15 species of dung beetles using 19 volatile organic compounds representing the three dung samples. Chemical analyses revealed substantial qualitative and quantitative differences among dung types. When offered these food options in an olfactometer, 14 species exhibited a feeding preference. Surprisingly, all 19 compounds used in the EAG assays elicited antennal responses, with species displaying different olfactory profiles. The relationship between behavioral preferences and electrophysiological profiles highlighted that species with different food preferences had differences in antennal responses. Moreover, a specific set of EAG-active compounds (nonanal, sabinene, acetophenone, ρ-cresol, 2-heptanone, 1H-indole, and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one) were the strongest drivers in the distinct sensory profiles of the trophic preference groups. Our results point to the importance of the whole bouquet of dung-emanating compounds in driving food-searching behavior, but specific volatiles could aid in determining highly marked trophic preferences in certain species.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was supported by the projects PID2019-105418RB-I00 (Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación – Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) and AICO-2020-031 (Dirección General de Ciencia e Investigación. Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital – Generalitat Valenciana). M.A. Urrutia acknowledges the support of the Dirección General de Ciencia e Investigación, Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, Generalitat Valenciana, for supporting his Ph.D. scholarship (GRISOLIAP/2021/185)

    Thermal niche helps to explain the ability of dung beetles to exploit disturbed habitats

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    In terrestrial ecosystems, insects face a wide range of temperatures among habitats and time; consequently, the thermal niche is one of the main determinants of habitat selection and temporal patterns of activity. The replacement of native forests changes micro-climatic conditions and reduces the diversity of dung beetles; however, the physiological mechanisms behind these changes are not clear. We explore the role of the thermal niche in dung beetles to explain the ability of native species to exploit human-created habitats. Using infrared thermography, we measured variables associated with the thermal niche in 17 native species and used linear mixed-effects model and ANOVAs to compare disturbed habitats and the native forest. Endothermy and body mass explained the ability of dung beetles to exploit human-created open habitats. Small and diurnal species with very low endothermy were able to exploit deforested open habitats; evening/nocturnal/crepuscular species showed similar body mass and high endothermy in all habitats. Regarding thermoregulation mechanisms, none of the species (except one) showed defined or efficient mechanisms of physiological thermoregulation. In view of the accelerated process of forest replacement and climate change, a more profound understanding of the physiological requirements of species is essential to predict and mitigate future extinctions.Financial support was provided by CONICET (Project UE IBS # 22920160100130CO to M. Di Bitteti), UCAR-MAGyP (BIO 23, PIA 10105-14057 to G. Zurita) and ANPCyT (PICT-PRH 2702 to G. Zurita)