96 research outputs found

    A cultura judaica e sua influência na música do século XX: Ernest Bloch

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    A cultura judaica oferece um importante legado à sociedade contemporânea, em diferentes áreas, inclusive na música. A identidade judaica fez-se evidente na música do século XX, através de composições de formas variadas, impregnadas de material de origem cultural judaica. Muitos compositores experimentaram diferentes formas e estilos, sendo que alguns demonstraram uma maior proximidade com a música religiosa, étnica e nacionalista do povo hebreu (e.g. Ernest Bloch). O presente estudo consiste em uma revisão bibliográfica, tendo como objectivo conhecer a cultura judaica, sua música litúrgica e tradicional e a vida e a arte de Ernest Bloch. Propõe-se também a delimitar obra e estilo do compositor, verificar a influência da música religiosa e folclórica judaica em suas composições, particularmente naquelas para violino. Pretende-se conhecer mais profundamente as referências da cultura judaica que influenciaram sua relação com a música, particularmente no violino, bem como sua relevância para o desenvolvimento da música erudita contemporânea; ### Abstract: The Jewish Culture and its Influence on Twentieth Century Music: Ernest Bloch. Jewish culture offers an important legacy to contemporary society, in different areas, including music. Jewish identity became evident in the music of the twentieth century, through compositions of different forms, impregnated with Jewish cultural material. Many composers experimented different shapes and styles, some of which show a closer relationship with the religious, etnical and nationalistic music of Jewish people (e.g. Ernest Bloch). The present study is a review of literature, aiming to know the Jewish culture, its liturgical and tradiotional music and the life and art of Ernest Bloch. It is also proposed to define the work and style of the composer, to check the influence of Jewish folk and religious music in his compositions, particularly the ones for violin. The objective is a deeper understanding of Jewish culture references that influenced its relationship with the music, particularly at violin, as well as its relevance to the development of contemporary classical music

    O violino como protagonista da cultura judaica na música de Ernest Bloch

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    O violino foi o instrumento a que Ernest Bloch (1880-1959) se dedicou no princípio de sua formação musical, tendo posteriormente imergido na área da composição. As obras recorrem a diversos temas, desde a cultura judaica até melodias dos nativos norte-americanos. Entretanto, o violino está no cerne de muitas obras de Bloch, sendo através da técnica e da interpretação (segunda aumentada “orientalizada”, a ocorrência de quintas paralelas, o “Bloch rhythm”, citando alguns exemplos), o material representativo da cultura judaica. A Musicologia busca caracterizar o que é música judaica e como está inserida na música erudita ocidental dos séculos XX e XXI. Não há uma resposta satisfatória a essa questão sem considerarmos o contexto histórico e cultural em que a música é produzida e interpretada. A presente investigação percorre o caminho de construção da identidade musical do compositor, aprofundando-se nas composições para violino. Posteriormente, pretende-se compreender de que forma a colaboração dos intérpretes (eg. Yehudi Menuhin) contribuiu para a consolidação de uma estética musical particular na obra do compositor. Por fim, através da análise de entrevistas, quer-se demonstrar que o violino ocupa um papel de destaque nas composições de Bloch, independente do elemento judaico explícito, sendo o seu legado relevante ao repertório da música erudita e aos violinistas contemporâneos; ABSTRACT: The violin as a protagonist of jewish culture in Ernest Bloch’s music - The violin was the instrument that Ernest Bloch (1880-1959) devoted himself to at the beginning of his musical training, having later immersed himself in the field of composition. The works approach to various themes, from Jewish culture to Native American melodies. However, the violin is at the heart of many of Bloch's works, being through technique and interpretation (the "orientalized" augmented second, the occurrence of parallel fifths, the "Bloch rhythm", citing some examples), the representative material of Jewish culture. Musicology seeks to characterize what Jewish music is and how it is inserted in Western classical music of the 20th and 21st centuries. There is no satisfactory answer to this question without considering the historical and cultural background in which music is produced and performed. The present research covers the path of construction of the composer's musical identity, delving into compositions for violin. Subsequently, it is intended to understand how the collaboration of the performers (eg. Yehudi Menuhin) contributed to the consolidation of a particular musical aesthetic in the composer's work. Finally, through the analysis of interviews, we want to demonstrate that the violin occupies a prominent role in Bloch's compositions, regardless of the explicit Jewish element, and its legacy is relevant to the repertoire of classical music and to contemporary violinists

    Trypanosoma cruzi: amastigote polymorphism defined by monoclonal antibodies

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    We have raised monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed towards amastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi, and shown that mAbs 1D9 and 4B9 are carbohydrate while mAb 4B5 activity is resistant to periodate oxidation of the antigen. Here we used an ELISA to quantitate and compare the expression of surface epitopes on fixed parasites among different parasite isolates. The expression of markers varied among T. cruzi amastigotes isolated from infected cells or after extracellular differentiation of trypomastigotes. Moreover, we also observed an extensive polymorphic expression of these epitopes among amastigotes derived from different strains and clones. For instance, mAb 2C2 strongly and evenly reacted with 9 strains and clones (G, Y, CL, Tulahuen, MD, and F, and clones Sylvio X-10/4, D11, and CL.B), with absorbance at 492 nm (A492 nm) from 0.6 to 0.8. By contrast, mAb 4B5 had a higher expression in Tulahuen amastigotes (around 0.9 at 492 nm) whereas its reactivity with amastigotes from clones CL.B, Sylvio X-10/4 and D11 was much lower (around 0.4). mAb 1D9 displayed an interesting pattern of reactivity with amastigotes of the different strains and clones (A492 nm of G>D11³Sylvio X-10/4 = MD>Tulahuen = F = Y>CL>CL.B). Finally, we observed that mAb 4B9 had the lowest reaction with the parasites studied, with higher values of A492 nm with Y strain (around 0.6) and lower values with Tulahuen, F and CL.B strains (around 0.2). Immunoblotting analysis also showed extensive variations among amastigotes of the various parasite isolates and mAbs 4B9, 1D9 and 4B5 revealed significant differences in expression between clones and parental strains. These data describe a previously uncharacterized polymorphism of T. cruzi amastigote surface components.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    A saúde subjectiva de pessoas na transição para a reforma: contributos do suporte social percebido e do bem-estar espiritual

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    Dissertação de mest., Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2010A transição para a reforma é um evento normativo do ciclo vital, no qual há uma susceptibilidade aumentada para o aparecimento de alterações psicológicas. Considerando que a percepção de saúde é um preditor de qualidade de vida, há interesse em conhecer de que forma é afectada pela reforma. Outrossim, o suporte social percebido e o bem-estar espiritual são constructos relevantes para compreender o processo de transição, considerando que podem ter efeito protector à saúde. Portanto, esta investigação delineou como principais objectivos: estudar a saúde subjectiva em pessoas durante sua transição à reforma; analisar as relações entre saúde subjectiva, suporte social percebido, bem-estar espiritual, e factores sócio-demográficos; verificar se o bem-estar espiritual exerce um papel mediador da influência do suporte social percebido e da transição para a reforma na percepção de saúde. A amostra foi constituída por 150 sujeitos, divididos em três grupos de igual dimensão (trabalhadores, reformados recentes e há mais tempo). Os instrumentos utilizados consistem em um questionário de dados sócio-demográficos e sobre a reforma, uma escala de avaliação da saúde subjectiva, o Questionário de Suporte Social, versão reduzida (SSQ6p), e o Questionário de Bem-estar Espiritual (SWBQp). Os resultados indicam que não há diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos de reformados, em quaisquer aspectos. Contudo, há diferenças em termos de saúde, suporte social (dimensão número), e bem-estar espiritual (dimensão pessoal) entre trabalhadores e reformados, sempre a favor do primeiro grupo. Também se observou a correlação entre saúde e bem-estar espiritual (pessoal, comunitário e transcendental) e suporte social (número). O estudo obteve, como preditores de saúde subjectiva, as variáveis suporte social (satisfação), bem-estar espiritual (pessoal), idade, e satisfação com a reforma

    Gesto Musical e Transcendência em Nigun, de Bloch

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    Ernest Bloch (1880-1959) foi um compositor suíço-americano com raízes familiares judaicas asquenazes. Estudou violino com Eugène Ysaÿe (1858-1931), e posteriormente voltou-se para a composição, tendo sido aluno de Iwan Knorr (1853-1916) e Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (1865-1950). Para além da música, Bloch tinha interesses variados, como a fotografia. São inúmeros os negativos atribuídos ao compositor, em sua maioria de paisagens e retratos, mas também situações cotidianas, fotografias de família e autorretratos

    Identificação por espectrometria de massa MALDI-TOF de Salmonella spp. e Escherichia coli isolados de carcaças bovinas.

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    The aim of this study was to introduce matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry to improve the traditional microbiological method for the detection of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli in beef carcasses. Two hundred seventy samples from 90 beef carcasses were evaluated. The methodologies described in ISO 6579:2002 and in the Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods were used for Salmonella spp. and E. coli isolation, respectively. MALDI-TOF analysis were performed on tryptone soya broth suspension isolates or directly from nutrient agar colonies, from the positive, inconclusive or negative biochemically tested samples for Salmonella and E. coli. Mass profiles were acquired on an Autoflex III SmartBeam MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer and the raw spectra were processed using the MALDI Biotyper software (Bruker Daltonics). According to the preliminary identification based on colony morphology and the biochemical reactions, seven isolates were positive for Salmonella spp. Through MALDI Biotyper these seven isolates were also classified as belonging to the genus Salmonella and further identified as S. enterica. Four isolates showing unusual phenotypic characteristics and inconclusive results in biochemical tests for Salmonella were identified as belonging to Citrobacter and Proteus genera after MALDI analysis. Regarding Escherichia coli, 37 were positive for species biochemical testing which MALDI Biotyper confirmed. MALDI-TOF methodology allowed rapid Salmonella spp. and E. coli identity confirmation and may be used to detect these microrganisms within bacterial isolates from beef carcasses.Título em inglês: MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry identification of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli isolated from bovine carcasses

    Improved MALDI-TOF MS identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by use of an enhanced cell disruption protocol.

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    ABSTRACT - Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the microorganism that causes tuberculosis, a disease affecting millions of people worldwide. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is a fast, reliable, and cost-effective method for microorganism identification which has been used for the identification of Mycobacterium spp. isolates. However, the mycobacteria cell wall is rich in lipids, which makes it difficult to obtain proteins for MALDI-TOF MS analysis. In this study, two cell preparation protocols were compared: the MycoEx, recommended by MALDI-TOF instrument manufacturer Bruker Daltonics, and the MycoLyser protocol described herein, which used the MagNA Lyser instrument to enhance cell disruption with ethanol. Cell disruption and protein extraction steps with the two protocols were performed using the Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv strain, and the MALDI-TOF MS results were compared. The MycoLyser protocol allowed for improved Biotyper identification of M. tuberculosis since the log(score) values obtained with this protocol were mostly > 1.800 and significantly higher than that underwent MycoEx processing. The identification reliability was increased as well, considering the Bruker criteria. In view of these results, it is concluded that the MycoLyser protocol for mycobacterial cell disruption and protein extraction improves the MALDI-TOF MS method's efficacy for M. tuberculosis identification.Communication

    Identification and classification of Mycobacterium by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.

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    Bovine tuberculosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the Mycobacterium bovis bacillum, which accounts for significant economic losses in cattle production besides being a public health threat. Our purpose is to establish MALDI-TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization –Time-of-Flight) mass spectrometry method to identify and classify mycobacteria species, by means of building a specific biomarker library after solid media culture for these microrganims. We have identified 26 different protocols employing MALDI-TOF to identify and classify mycobacteria from solid media culture within 58 articles published since 2010. Four consensus protocols were designed and our results lead to the following cell treatment conditions before MALDI-TOF analysis: heat inactivation at 95ºC for 45 minutes, disruption with zirconia beads and MagNA lyser (Roche) and formic acid 70% and acetonitrile protein extraction