14 research outputs found

    Conoscopic interferometry for optimal acoustic pulse detection in ultrafast acoustics

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    Conoscopic interferometry is a promising detection technique for ultrafast acoustics. By focusing a probe beam through a birefringent crystal before passing it through a polarizer, conoscopic interferences sculpt the spatial profile of the beam. The use of these patterns for acoustic wave detection revealed a higher detection sensitivity over existing techniques, such as reflectometry and beam distortion detection. However, the physical origin of the increased sensitivity is unknown. In this work, we present a model, describing the sensitivity behaviour of conoscopic interferometry with respect to the quarter-wave plate orientation and the diaphragm aperture, which is validated experimentally. Using the model, we optimize the detection sensitivity of conoscopic interferometry. We obtain a maximal sensitivity of detection when placing the diaphragm edge on the dark fringes of the conoscopic interference patterns. In the configurations studied in this work, conoscopic interferometry can be 8x more sensitive to acoustic waves than beam distortion detection

    Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Acoustic Phonons in Suspended Graphene

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    Recent theory has predicted large temperature differences between the in-plane (LA and TA) and out-of-plane (ZA) acoustic phonon baths in locally-heated suspended graphene. To verify these predictions, and their implications for understanding the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of 2D materials, experimental techniques are needed. Here, we present a method to determine the acoustic phonon bath temperatures from the frequency-dependent mechanical response of suspended graphene to a power modulated laser. The mechanical motion reveals two counteracting contributions to the thermal expansion force, that are attributed to fast positive thermal expansion by the in-plane phonons and slower negative thermal expansion by the out-of-plane phonons. The magnitude of the two forces reveals that the in-plane and flexural acoustic phonons are at very different temperatures in the steady-state, with typically observed values of the ratio ΔTLA+TA/ΔTZA\Delta T_{\mathrm{LA+TA}}/\Delta T_{\mathrm{ZA}} between 0.2 and 3.7. These deviations from the generally used local thermal equilibrium assumption (ΔTLA+TA=ΔTZA\Delta T_{\mathrm{LA+TA}}=\Delta T_{\mathrm{ZA}}) can affect the experimental analysis of thermal properties of 2D materials

    Enhanced sensitivity and tunability of thermomechanical resonance near the buckling bifurcation

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    The high susceptibility of ultrathin two-dimensional (2D) material resonators to force and temperature makes them ideal systems for sensing applications and exploring thermomechanical coupling. Although the dynamics of these systems at high stress has been thoroughly investigated, their behavior near the buckling transition has received less attention. Here, we demonstrate that the force sensitivity and frequency tunability of 2D material resonators are significantly enhanced near the buckling bifurcation. This bifurcation is triggered by compressive displacement that we induce via thermal expansion of the devices, while measuring their dynamics via an optomechanical technique. We understand the frequency tuning of the devices through a mechanical buckling model, which allows to extract the central deflection and boundary compressive displacement of the membrane. Surprisingly, we obtain a remarkable enhancement of up to 14x the vibration amplitude attributed to a very low stiffness of the membrane at the buckling transition, as well as a high frequency tunability by temperature of more than 4.02 %/K. The presented results provide insights into the effects of buckling on the dynamics of free-standing 2D materials and thereby open up opportunities for the realization of 2D resonant sensors with buckling-enhanced sensitivity.Comment: 20 pages and 4 figure

    Nanomechanical resonators fabricated by atomic layer deposition on suspended 2D materials

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    Atomic layer deposition (ALD), a layer-by-layer controlled method to synthesize ultrathin materials, provides various merits over other techniques such as precise thickness control, large area scalability and excellent conformality. Here we demonstrate the possibility of using ALD growth on top of suspended 2D materials to fabricate nanomechanical resonators. We fabricate ALD nanomechanical resonators consisting of a graphene/MoS2 heterostructure. Using atomic force microscope indentation and optothermal drive, we measure their mechanical properties including Young's modulus, resonance frequency and quality factor, showing a lower energy dissipation compared to their exfoliated counterparts. We also demonstrate the fabrication of nanomechanical resonators by exfoliating an ALD grown NbS2 layer. This study exemplifies the potential of ALD techniques to produce high-quality suspended nanomechanical membranes, providing a promising route towards high-volume fabrication of future multilayer nanodevices and nanoelectromechanical systems

    Ultra-sensitive graphene membranes for microphone applications

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    Microphones exploit the motion of suspended membranes to detect sound waves. Since the microphone performance can be improved by reducing the thickness and mass of its sensing membrane, graphene-based microphones are expected to outperform state-of-the-art microelectromechanical (MEMS) microphones and allow further miniaturization of the device. Here, we present a laser vibrometry study of the acoustic response of suspended multilayer graphene membranes for microphone applications. We address performance parameters relevant for acoustic sensing, including mechanical sensitivity, limit of detection and nonlinear distortion, and discuss the trade-offs and limitations in the design of graphene microphones. We demonstrate superior mechanical sensitivities of the graphene membranes, reaching more than 2 orders of magnitude higher compliances than commercial MEMS devices, and report a limit of detection as low as 15 dBSPL, which is 10 - 15 dB lower than that featured by current MEMS microphones.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures, 7 supplementary figure

    Nanoelectromechanical Sensors based on Suspended 2D Materials

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    The unique properties and atomic thickness of two-dimensional (2D) materials enable smaller and better nanoelectromechanical sensors with novel functionalities. During the last decade, many studies have successfully shown the feasibility of using suspended membranes of 2D materials in pressure sensors, microphones, accelerometers, and mass and gas sensors. In this review, we explain the different sensing concepts and give an overview of the relevant material properties, fabrication routes, and device operation principles. Finally, we discuss sensor readout and integration methods and provide comparisons against the state of the art to show both the challenges and promises of 2D material-based nanoelectromechanical sensing.Comment: Review pape

    Optical absorption sensing with dual-spectrum silicon LEDs in SOI-CMOS technology

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    Silicon p-n junction diodes emit low-intensity, broad-spectrum light near 1120 nm in forward bias and between 400-900 nm in reverse bias (avalanche). For the first time, we experimentally achieve optical absorption sensing of pigment in solution with silicon micro LEDs designed in a standard silicon-on-insulator CMOS technology. By driving a single LED in both forward and avalanche modes of operation, we steer its electroluminescent spectrum between visible and near-infrared (NIR). We then characterize the vertical optical transmission of both visible and NIR light from the LED through the same micro-droplet specimen to a vertically mounted discrete silicon photodiode. The effective absorption coefficient of carmine solution in glycerol at varying concentrations were extracted from the color ratio in optical coupling. By computing the LED-specific molar absorption coefficient of carmine, we estimate the concentration (0.040 mo/L) and validate the same with a commercial spectrophotometer (0.030 mol/L ). With a maximum observed sensitivity of 1260 /cm /mol L, the sensor is a significant step forward towards low-cost CMOS-integrated optical sensors with silicon LED as the light source intended for biochemical analyses in food sector and plant/human health.Comment: IEEE Sensors 2020, 4 pages, 5 figures (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9278700

    Detecting Ultrasound Vibrations with Graphene Resonators

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    Ultrasound detection is one of the most-important nondestructive subsurface characterization tools for materials, the goal of which is to laterally resolve the subsurface structure with nanometer or even atomic resolution. In recent years, graphene resonators have attracted attention for their use in loudspeakers and ultrasound radios, showing their potential for realizing communication systems with air-carried ultrasound. Here, we show a graphene resonator that detects ultrasound vibrations propagating through the substrate on which it was fabricated. We ultimately achieve a resolution of ∼7 pm/ in ultrasound amplitude at frequencies up to 100 MHz. Thanks to an extremely high nonlinearity in the mechanical restoring force, the resonance frequency itself can also be used for ultrasound detection. We observe a shift of 120 kHz at a resonance frequency of 65 MHz for an induced vibration amplitude of 100 pm with a resolution of 25 pm. Remarkably, the nonlinearity also explains the generally observed asymmetry in the resonance frequency tuning of the resonator when it is pulled upon with an electrostatic gate. This work puts forward a sensor design that fits onto an atomic force microscope cantilever and therefore promises direct ultrasound detection at the nanoscale for nondestructive subsurface characterization

    Experimental and numerical study of Conoscopic Interferometry sensitivity for optimal acoustic pulse detection in ultrafast acoustics

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    Conoscopic interferometry is a promising detection technique for ultrafast acoustics. By focusing a probe beam through a birefringent crystal before passing it through a polarizer, conoscopic interferences sculpt the spatial profile of the beam. The use of these patterns for acoustic wave detection revealed a higher detection sensitivity over existing techniques, such as reflectometry and beam distortion detection. However, the physical origin of the increased sensitivity is unknown. In this work, we present a model, describing the sensitivity behavior of conoscopic interferometry with respect to the quarter-wave plate orientation and the diaphragm aperture, which is validated experimentally. Using the model, we optimize the detection sensitivity of conoscopic interferometry. We obtain a maximal sensitivity of detection when placing the diaphragm edge on the dark fringes of the conoscopic interference patterns. In the configurations studied in this work, conoscopic interferometry can be 18 dB more sensitive to acoustic waves than beam distortion detection

    Phonon scattering at kinks in suspended graphene

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    Recent experiments have shown surprisingly large thermal time constants in suspended graphene ranging from 10 to 100 ns in drums with a diameter ranging from 2 to 7 μm. The large time constants and their scaling with diameter points toward a thermal resistance at the edge of the drum. However, an explanation of the microscopic origin of this resistance is lacking. Here, we show how phonon scattering at a kink in the graphene, e.g., formed by sidewall adhesion at the edge of the suspended membrane, can cause a large thermal time constant. This kink strongly limits the fraction of flexural phonons that cross the suspended graphene edge, which causes a thermal resistance at its boundary. Our model predicts thermal time constants that are of the same order of magnitude as experimental data and shows a similar dependence on the circumference. Furthermore, the model predicts the relative in-plane and out-of-plane phonon contributions to graphene's thermal expansion force, in agreement with experiments. We thus show an unconventional thermal boundary resistance which occurs solely due to strong deformations within a two-dimensional material