47 research outputs found

    Tree species effects on topsoil properties in an old tropical plantation

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    Forest biogeochemistry is strongly linked to the functional strategies of the tree community and the topsoil. Research has long documented that tree species affect soil properties in forests. Our current understanding on this interaction is mainly based on common garden experiments in temperate forest and needs to be extended to other ecosystems if we want to understand this interaction in natural forests worldwide. Using a 77-year-old tropical experimental plantation from central Africa, we examined the relationship between canopy and litter chemical traits and topsoil properties. By the current diversity in this site, the unique setup allowed us to extend the current knowledge from temperate and simplified systems to near-natural tropical forests, and thus bridge the gap between planted monocultures in common gardens, and correlative studies in natural systems. We linked the species-specific leaf and litter chemical traits to the topsoil cation composition, acidity, pH and soil organic matter. We found that average canopy trait values were a better predictor for the topsoil than the litter chemistry. Canopy base cation content positively affected topsoil pH and negatively affected acidity. These, in turn strongly determined the soil organic carbon contents of the topsoil, which ranged a tree-fold in the experiment

    Zelfevaluatie in het secundair onderwijs

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    Handboek zelfevaluatie in het secundair onderwijs

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    In de literatuur vindt men vele instrumenten voor zelfevaluatie, maar zelden wordt het procesmatig karakter beklemtoond. Vandaar dat dit handboek opgevat is als een leidraad voor secundaire scholen die op een zelfstandige manier hun school willen evalueren. In dit handboek wordt zelfevaluatie benaderd vanuit een ontwikkelingsperspectief. Dit betekent dat: zelfevaluatie gegevens dient op te leveren over het huidige functioneren (sterktes en zwaktes), die de school kan brengen tot een verantwoorde planning (of visie op de toekomst) en uitvoering van verbeteringen en vernieuwingen, met het doel haar onderwijskwaliteit te optimaliseren. Hiermee wordt meteen ook het belang van procesmatig denken duidelijk. Dit handboek wil secundaire scholen op weg helpen bij hun zelfevaluatie-activiteiten door het geven van concrete tips en suggesties (in de vorm van een stappenplan). Daarenboven zal naar andere interessante bronnen bij de verschillende zelfevaluatiestappen worden verwezen. Self-evaluation is an important instrument for school-based management. School teams often search instruments for self-evaluation, but are not sufficiently interested in the process of self-evaluation, although some knowledge about the process of self-evaluation is necessary to make self-evaluations successful. This manual offers a guide for secondary schools that intent to evaluate independently the school. This book offers a step-by-step plan for secondary schools who intent to evaluate the school independently. Headmasters and teachers find in this book concrete hints and suggestions for steering the self-evaluation process.Afdeling Theoretische, cultuur- en onderwijssociologie. Centrum voor Onderwijssociologie (COS) Onderzoekseenheid Strafrecht, strafvordering en criminologie.edition: second editionstatus: publishe

    Kennisgebaseerd systeem voor bloedvatensegmentatie op angiografieen

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    SIGLEKULeuven Campusbibliotheek Exacte Wetenschappen / UCL - Université Catholique de LouvainBEBelgiu

    Long-term outcome of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt for portal hypertension in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

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    Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) with congenital hepatic fibrosis (CHF) causes portal hypertension and its complications. A transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPSS) could serve as a symptomatic treatment for portal hypertension-related symptoms in these children.status: publishe