277 research outputs found

    Common-path multimodal optical microscopy

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    We have developed a common-path multimodal optical microscopy system that is capable of using a single optical source and a single camera to image amplitude, phase, and fluorescence features of a biological specimen. This is achieved by varying either contrast enhancement filters at the Fourier plane and/or neutral density/fluorescence filters in front of the CCD camera. The feasibility of the technique is demonstrated by obtaining brightfield, fluorescence, phase-contrast, spatially filtered, brightfield + fluorescence, phase +fluorescence, and edge-enhanced+fluorescence images of the same Drosophila embryo without the need for image registration and fusion. This comprehensive microscope has the capability of providing both structural and functional information and may be used for applications such as studying live-cell dynamics and in high throughput microscopy and automated microscopy

    Dialectical Thinking: A Proposed Foundation for a Post-modern Psychology

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    For the authors, the way from a modern to a post-modern psychology requires dialectical thinking. Dialectical thinking recognizes the importance of contradiction, change, and synthesis; it also includes recognition of the value as well as limits of modern epistemological approaches. The article describes foundations for both ongoing efforts to understand and research the ontogeny of dialectical thinking and for appreciating the scope of dialectical thinking and its relevance for establishing a bridge from modern to post-modern psychology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychological Development of Preschoolers in Project-Based Learning: An Overview of Empirical Research

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    Introduction. The search for technologies to provide the harmonious development of preschoolers through the enrichment of children’s activities inherent in this age period is an urgent task for the modern education system. Recently, along with traditional forms of education, front-line work and free play, project-based learning has become widespread in kindergartens. To clarify the fundamental features of project-based learning and its developmental effects, a review of empirical studies on this topic was conducted. The purpose of the article is to present the results of the review and identify the main trends, limitations and prospects of studying the project-based learning impact on the psychological development of preschoolers. Materials and Methods. The literature review was conducted using the PRISMA. As a result of the search, 789 Russian-language publications and 687 English-language publications corresponding to the search query were found. As a result of screening and selection, 18 studies were included in further qualitative analysis. For the qualitative analysis a validated checklist of questions was used to assess the methodological level of quality of randomized and non-randomized studies (max. score 26). Results. 7 out of 18 studies satisfied less than half of the items on the checklist and scored less than 13 points, which indicates insufficient reliability of the results obtained in these works. As the result it was sufficiently reliably shown that the use of project approach in preschool age can positively affect the development of social and research skills, cognitive abilities, creative abilities and speech. Discussion and Conclusion. The review showed main trends in the field of studying the developmental effects of project-based learning, reflecting possible research directions in this area. The most promising perspectives for further research are connected with the comparison of the project approach with other forms and methods of education, which can contribute to determining the specifics of different educational methods and determining the conditions for their most effective use. The materials of the article would be useful for planning research in the field of child development, as well as for organizing project-based learning in educational institutions

    Russian and Indian preschool educators’ beliefs about play activities: a comprehensive study

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    In this study, preschool teachers’ beliefs regarding play in preschool children in its various forms (role-play, rough-and-tumble play, digital play), and the process of its development in groups of children based on samples of Russian and Indian educators were examined. From Russia, 3,013 respondents (all women), aged 18–77 (M = 41.57; SD = 10.02) took part in the study, and 116 respondents (10.34% men), aged 23–50 (M = 36; SD = 9) from India also participated. An original questionnaire aimed at assessing attitudes toward different types of play in preschool educators was used. This instrument consisted of various sections which focused on the understanding of play and its place in the everyday routine of the child group, role-play patterns characteristics (i.e., preferred plots, play materials, course of the play), rough-and-tumble play practice, attitudes toward digital play, and educators’ play competence (self-assessment regarding difficulties with joining the play, suggesting a plot or materials for play, etc.). Our main finding was that although the vast majority of educators in both cultures recognize the value of play for child development, this belief does not find practical expression in the daily life of the child group. Our data showed that Indian educators are more likely to be mediators of children’s experience in play, while their Russian counterparts are more likely to be engaged in the role-play with the children. The content characteristics of play among children in Russia and India were also described. There are differences in attitudes toward digital play: more experienced teachers have a more positive attitude toward the activities of children with digital devices, they see opportunities for the development of a child in digital play. At the same time, teachers in whose groups children enter into digital play not only have a positive attitude toward this type of play but also evaluate themselves more positively in the process of playing with children

    Learning motivation tendencies among preschoolers: Impact of executive functions and gender differences

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    The current study aimed to validate the Russian version of the Child Behaviour Motivation Scale (CBeMO), examine gender differences in motivational tendencies, and explore the impact of executive functions on learning motivation tendencies among children. The sample consisted of 434 typically developing 5-6 years old children. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that according to the evaluation criteria, the model is poorly fitted to the data. However, internal consistency analysis confirmed acceptable levels of reliability and unidimensionality of the CBeMO scales. The identified internal structure of CBeMO indicates an overlap between CBeMO items related to task avoidance and social dependence on the Russian sample. The study revealed differences between girls and boys in all three CBeMO scales. Concerning executive functioning, it was revealed that motor persis-tence skills and working memory have an impact on the learning motivation tendencies among children, when controlling for group size, age, gender and non-verbal intelligence

    Применение компьютерных игровых технологий для развития регуляторных функций дошкольников

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    Introduction. Computer applications are important for the development of preschoolers’ executive functions. This paper is the first study to overview foreign studies of computer game-based methods for the development of executive functions. Theoretical Basis. The study describes (a) A. Miyake’s model of executive functions and (b) the cultural-historical approach. Results. The study revealed the main reasons for the use and development of serious videogames. Their advantages over standard methods were as follows: (a) Some data indicated the developmental effect of the existing games. (b) Such a format of training tasks had a positive impact on motivation. (c) The game adapted flexibly to a trainee’s level. (d) Such tasks had a high ecological compatibility. The review analyzed the existing programs and applications for the development of preschoolers’ executive functions, which required the participation of parents or teachers in the process of training and organized peer interaction. The paper described the basic principles of creating serious games, which can not only adapt to the user’s development level, but also maintain motivation when training executive functions. The literature on the creation of serious video games showed the importance of a subject’s learning of certain sets of actions and their use in appropriate situations for the development of memory and inhibition. Timely actions were important for the development of cognitive flexibility. Discussion. The comparison of the analyzed computer game-based methods made it possible to distinguish the most significant features, which can develop executive functions at preschool age. The findings can be successfully used for evaluating the existing applications and creating new videogames, aimed at the development of executive functions.Введение. Авторами показывается актуальность использования и разработки компьютерных приложений для детей дошкольного возраста с целью развития регуляторных функций. В работе впервые представлен обзор зарубежных исследований, посвященных компьютерным игровым методам развития регуляторных функций. Теоретическое обоснование. В статье описывается модель регуляторных функций А. Мияке, а также культурно-исторический подход, на который опирались авторы при проведении теоретического исследования. Результаты. Данный раздел включает рассмотрение основных причин популярности использования и разработки развивающих компьютерных игр и их преимуществ перед стандартными методами: наличие данных о развивающем эффекте существующих игр, о положительном влиянии такого формата тренировочных заданий на мотивацию, возможность гибко адаптировать игру под уровень тренирующегося и более высокая экологичность выполняемых заданий. В обзоре проанализированы существующие программы и приложения по развитию регуляторных функций у детей дошкольного возраста, требующие участия родителей или воспитателей в процессе тренировки, а также направленные на организацию взаимодействия сверстников. Также в статье рассмотрены основные принципы создания развивающих игр, способных не только адаптироваться к уровню развития пользователя, но и поддерживать необходимую мотивацию во время тренировки регуляторных функций. В исследованиях, посвященных созданию развивающих видеоигр, подчеркивается значение заучивания испытуемым определенных наборов действий и применение их в соответствующей ситуации для развития памяти и процессов торможения, а также значимость заданий на скорость для развития когнитивной гибкости. Обсуждение результатов. Авторы сопоставляют проанализированные разработки в области компьютерных игровых методов и выделяют наиболее значимые черты, способные оказывать развивающее воздействие на регуляторные функции в дошкольном возрасте, что может стать основанием как для оценки уже имеющихся приложений, так и для разработки новых компьютерных видеоигр, направленных на развитие регуляторных функций

    Language Profciency in Preschool Children with Diferent Levels of Executive Function

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    Background. According to numerous studies, people’s development of executive function is a predictor of their successful acquisition of literacy skills. However, the data on the relationship between the development of verbal language and executive function in preschool aged children are insufcient and contradictory. Objective. Te goal of our research was to study the connection between the three main EF components (working memory, inhibition, and cognitive fexibility) and various spoken language skills in children of senior preschool age. It is the frst stage of a longitudinal study aimed at understanding the relationship between executive function and language development starting from ages 5–6, and proceeding through elementary school. Design. Our study sample included 279 children aged 5–6 years (M = 5.6 years) attending a senior group in Moscow kindergartens (139 boys and 140 girls). Te study used NEPSY-II diagnostic complex subtests and the Dimensional Change Card Sort (DCCS) test to measure the level of executive functions (working memory, cognitive fexibility, and inhibition). Language development (vocabulary, phonemic awareness, and word generation) was measured by neuropsychological methods (Akhutina, Pylaeva, 2015). Results. Te results of the study showed signifcant associations between all EF components and language skills development in preschool children. Oral language skills were more closely related to the level of development of verbal working memory and cognitive fexibility than they were to inhibition or visual working memory. Children with low levels of EF development were signifcantly less able to cope with tasks such as understanding prepositional structures, understanding similar sounding words, and showing verbal fuency, than children with a high EF level. Furthermore, children with normal and high levels of EF development displayed no signifcant diferences in language development. Tus, the study showed that children with a low level of EF have difculties with language development. Conclusion. Our results provide important details about understanding the relationship between executive functioning and language development in children of senior preschool age

    Expanded HOXA13 polyalanine tracts in a monotreme

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    The N-terminal region of human HOXA13 has seven discrete polyalanine tracts. Our previous analysis of these tracts in multiple major vertebrate clades suggested that three are mammal-specific. We now report the N-terminal HOXA13 repetitive tract structures in the monotreme Tachyglossus aculeatus (echidna). Contrary to our expectations, echidna HOXA13 possesses a unique set of polyalanine tracts and an unprecedented polyglycine tract. The data support the conclusion that the emergence of expanded polyalanine tracts in proteins occurred very early in the stem lineage that gave rise to mammals, between 162 and 315 Ma.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73357/1/j.1525-142X.2008.00254.x.pd

    Adaptation of the Russian version of "the sport imagery questionnaire

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    The results of the psychometric analysis of the suitability of the Russian version of the "The Sport Imagery Questionnaire" ("Questionnaire using imagery in sport") are presented. Powered meaningful comparison of the results in the Russian-speaking, Spanish and Finnish samples of athletes is obtained. Patterns of use of the sport imageries by Russian-speaking athletes in accordance with the specific age, gender, specific to that particular sport are identified. The possibility of use of presented version of the questionnaire for further research is measured