73 research outputs found

    Fluid dynamics of mixing in the tanks of small vanadium redox flow batteries: Insights from order-of-magnitude estimates and transient two-dimensional simulations

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    This paper investigates the fluid dynamics of mixing in the tanks of small-scale vanadium redox flow batteries. These systems use two redox pairs dissolved in separate electrolytes to convert electrical energy into chemical energy, a process that can be reversed in an efficient way to restore the initial electrical energy with negligible chemical losses. After flowing through the electrochemical cell, the electrolytes are stored in separate tanks, where they discharge as submerged jets with small temperature and composition changes compared to the electrolyte already present in the tanks. The subsequent mixing process is critical for battery performance, as imperfect mixing tends to reduce the energy capacity and may lead to asymmetric battery operation. The analysis starts using order-of-magnitude estimates to determine the conditions under which the mixing process is dominated by momentum or buoyancy. Transient two-dimensional simulations illustrate the different flow regimes that emerge in the tanks under laminar flow conditions. The results show that, contrary to the common assumption, the electrolytes do not mix well in the tanks. In the presence of high-momentum -- and, specially, positively buoyant -- jets, a significant fraction of the electrolyte remains unmixed and unreacted for long periods, thus reducing the energy capacity. The results also show that the availability of reliable electrolyte properties is crucial for the accuracy of the numerical simulations, as, under the mixed convection conditions that typically prevail in vanadium redox flow batteries, small density variations can significantly impact the long-term mixing of the electrolytes. In particular, in momentum-dominated flows the cumulative effect of density changes over time eventually leads to flow instabilities that significantly promote mixing; therefore, they should be taken into account in future studies

    Concurrence of fatigue and potentiation after a sustained maximal voluntary contraction

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la concurrencia e interacción existente entre diferentes factores que afectan al rendimiento, tales como son la fatiga central, la fatiga periférica y la potenciación post-activación (PPA) tras la realización de una contracción máxima voluntaria (CMV) sostenida hasta la pérdida del 50% en los valores de fuerza iniciales. Con el objetivo de valorar los efectos de la fatiga central, fatiga periférica y la PPA se utilizó la técnica de interpolación de descargas. Los resultados han revelado pérdidas en los valores de durante aproximadamente 3´30´´ y que la fatiga dependió tanto de factores centrales como periféricos. También se produjo una inhibición de la PPA tras la realización de la CMV sostenida, durante un breve periodo de tiempo (entre 30´´ y 1´30´´). Además, se observó la coexistencia de los distintos fenómenos estudiados, que sin embargo, demostraron tener una curva de recuperación temporal diferenteThe aim of the present study was to analyze the concurrence and interaction between different factors affecting the performance, such as central fatigue, peripheral fatigue and post-activation potentiation (PAP) after the performance of a maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) sustained until the loss of the 50% of the initial torque value. In order to assess the effects of central fatigue, peripheral fatigue and the PAP on the performance of the MVC, the twitch interpolation technique was used. Our findings revealed a loss of the force capability during at least 3'30'' and that the recorded fatigue had central and peripheral contributions. Moreover, it has been observed an inhibition of the PAP after the completion of the sustained MVC during a brief interval (between 30´´ and 1´30´´). Furthermore, it has been observed the coexistence of the different studied phenomena, however, they showed different time course of the recover

    Investigating the effects of operation variables on all-vanadium redox flow batteries through an advanced unit-cell model

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    Next-generation redox flow batteries will benefit from the progress of macroscopic continuum models that enable the optimization of new architectures without the need of expensive fabrication and experimentation. Despite previous attempts, there is still need for robust and thoroughly validated models. Here, a steady-state two-dimensional unit-cell model of an all-vanadium redox flow battery is presented. The model integrates state-of-the-art descriptions of the fundamental physical phenomena, along with new features such as local mass transfer coefficients for each active species, precise sulfuric acid dissociation kinetics, and experimental data of the electrochemical parameters and electrolyte properties. The model is validated at different states of charge and flow rates using polarization, conductivity and open circuit voltage measurements. Then, the contribution of operating conditions on battery performance is studied by analyzing its separate effect on the various phenomena that affect cell performance, such as local pore mass transfer limitations, parasitic hydrogen evolution reactions, crossover and self-discharge fluxes. The resulting model is a reliable tool that can be used to assess the relevance of these coupled phenomena that take place simultaneously within the reaction cell. This important information is critical to optimize cell components, reactor design and to select optimal operating conditions.This work has been partially funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-106740RB-I00 and RTC-2017-5955-3/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). Dr. García-Salaberri also acnowledges the support of the projects EIN2020-112247 (Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación). The authors want to acknowledge Maxime van der Heijden for her critical feedback

    Future care for long-term cancer survivors: towards a new model

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    Purpose: The increase in the prevalence "long-term cancer survivor” (LCS) patients is expected to increase the cost of LCS care. The aim of this study was to obtain information that would allow to optimise the current model of health management in Spain to adapt it to one of efficient LCS patient care. Methods: This qualitative study was carried out using Delphi methodology. An advisory committee defined the criteria for participation, select the panel of experts, prepare the questionnaire, interpret the results and draft the final report. Results: 232 people took part in the study (48 oncologists). Absolute consensus was reached in three of the proposed sections: oncological epidemiology, training of health professionals and ICT functions. Conclusion: The role of primary care in the clinical management of LCS patients needs to be upgraded, coordination with the oncologist and hospital care is essential. The funding model needs to be adapted to determine the funding conditions for new drugs and technologiesOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This project was funded by AZ. The funding party did not influence the opinion of the authors. All the authors have accepted the participation as advisers of the ASISTO group and give their consent for the publication of the documen

    MAFG is a potential therapeutic target to restore chemosensitivity in cisplatin-resistant cancer cells by increasing reactive oxygen species

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    Adjuvant chemotherapy for solid tumors based on platinum-derived compounds such as cisplatin is the treatment of choice in most cases. Cisplatin triggers signaling pathways that lead to cell death, but it also induces changes in tumor cells that modify the therapeutic response, thereby leading to cisplatin resistance. We have recently reported that microRNA-7 is silenced by DNA methylation and is involved in the resistance to platinum in cancer cells through the action of the musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein G (MAFG). In the present study, we first confirm the miR-7 epigenetic regulation of MAFG in 44 normal- and/or tumor-paired samples in non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We also provide translational evidence of the role of MAFG and the clinical outcome in NSCLC by the interrogation of two extensive in silico databases of 2019 patients. Moreover, we propose that MAFG-mediated resistance could be conferred due to lower reactive oxygen species production after cisplatin exposure. We developed specifically selected aptamers against MAFG, with high sensitivity to detect the protein at a nuclear level probed by aptacytochemistry and histochemistry analyses. The inhibition of MAFG activity through the action of the specific aptamer apMAFG6F increased the levels of reactive oxygen species production and the sensitivity to cisplatin. We report first the specific nuclear identification of MAFG as a novel detection method for diagnosis in NSCLC, and then we report that MAFG modulates the redox response and confers cell protection against free radicals generated after platinum administration, thus also being a promising therapeutic target.This study was supported by the “Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria-Instituto de Salud Carlos III” [PI15/00186 and CP 08/000689 to I.I.C. ] ; and the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund FIS [FEDER/FSE, Una Manera de Hacer Europa] . MINECO funds support O.V., C.R.A. and O.P.contracts through RTC-2015-4362-1 and RTC-2016-5314-1 projects

    New family of inhomogeneous γ\gamma-law cosmologies: example of gravitational waves in a homogeneous p=ϱ/3p=\varrho/3 background

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    We present an explicit three-parameter class of p=γϱp=\gamma \varrho, (1/3γ<1-1/3\leq\gamma<1), cosmological models admitting a two-dimensional group G2G_{2} of isometries acting on spacelike surfaces. The family is self-similar in the sense that it has a further homothetic vector field and it contains subfamilies of both (previously unknown) tilted and non-tilted Bianchi models with that equation of state. This is the first algebraically general class of solutions of this kind including dust inhomogeneous solutions. The whole class presents a universal spacelike big-bang singularity in the finite past. More interestingly, the case p=ϱ/3p=\varrho /3 constitutes a new two-parameter inhomogeneous subfamily which can be viewed as a Bianchi V background with a gravitational wave travelling orthogonally to the surfaces of transitivity of the G2G_{2} group. This wave generates the {\it inhomogeneity} of the spacetime and is related to the sound waves {\it tilting} the perfect fluid. It seems to be the first explicit exact example of a gravitational wave travelling along a homogeneous background that has a realistic equation of state p=ϱ/3p=\varrho /3.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 3 figures. Uses epsfig package. One reference added; minor changes. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    Remarkable fly (Diptera) diversity in a patch of Costa Rican cloud forest : Why inventory is a vital science

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    Study of all flies (Diptera) collected for one year from a four-hectare (150 x 266 meter) patch of cloud forest at 1,600 meters above sea level at Zurqui de Moravia, San Jose Province, Costa Rica (hereafter referred to as Zurqui), revealed an astounding 4,332 species. This amounts to more than half the number of named species of flies for all of Central America. Specimens were collected with two Malaise traps running continuously and with a wide array of supplementary collecting methods for three days of each month. All morphospecies from all 73 families recorded were fully curated by technicians before submission to an international team of 59 taxonomic experts for identification. Overall, a Malaise trap on the forest edge captured 1,988 species or 51% of all collected dipteran taxa (other than of Phoridae, subsampled only from this and one other Malaise trap). A Malaise trap in the forest sampled 906 species. Of other sampling methods, the combination of four other Malaise traps and an intercept trap, aerial/hand collecting, 10 emergence traps, and four CDC light traps added the greatest number of species to our inventory. This complement of sampling methods was an effective combination for retrieving substantial numbers of species of Diptera. Comparison of select sampling methods (considering 3,487 species of non-phorid Diptera) provided further details regarding how many species were sampled by various methods. Comparison of species numbers from each of two permanent Malaise traps from Zurqui with those of single Malaise traps at each of Tapanti and Las Alturas, 40 and 180 km distant from Zurqui respectively, suggested significant species turnover. Comparison of the greater number of species collected in all traps from Zurqui did not markedly change the degree of similarity between the three sites, although the actual number of species shared did increase. Comparisons of the total number of named and unnamed species of Diptera from four hectares at Zurqui is equivalent to 51% of all flies named from Central America, greater than all the named fly fauna of Colombia, equivalent to 14% of named Neotropical species and equal to about 2.7% of all named Diptera worldwide. Clearly the number of species of Diptera in tropical regions has been severely underestimated and the actual number may surpass the number of species of Coleoptera. Various published extrapolations from limited data to estimate total numbers of species of larger taxonomic categories (e.g., Hexapoda, Arthropoda, Eukaryota, etc.) are highly questionable, and certainly will remain uncertain until we have more exhaustive surveys of all and diverse taxa (like Diptera) from multiple tropical sites. Morphological characterization of species in inventories provides identifications placed in the context of taxonomy, phylogeny, form, and ecology. DNA barcoding species is a valuable tool to estimate species numbers but used alone fails to provide a broader context for the species identified.Peer reviewe

    Early life risk factors and their cumulative effects as predictors of overweight in Spanish children

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    Objectives: To explore early life risk factors of overweight/obesity at age 6 years and their cumulative effects on overweight/obesity at ages 2, 4 and 6 years. Methods: Altogether 1031 Spanish children were evaluated at birth and during a 6-year follow-up. Early life risk factors included: parental overweight/obesity, parental origin/ethnicity, maternal smoking during pregnancy, gestational weight gain, gestational age, birth weight, caesarean section, breastfeeding practices and rapid infant weight gain collected via hospital records. Cumulative effects were assessed by adding up those early risk factors that significantly increased the risk of overweight/obesity. We conducted binary logistic regression models. Results: Rapid infant weight gain (OR 2.29, 99% CI 1.54–3.42), maternal overweight/obesity (OR 1.93, 99% CI 1.27–2.92), paternal overweight/obesity (OR 2.17, 99% CI 1.44–3.28), Latin American/Roma origin (OR 3.20, 99% CI 1.60–6.39) and smoking during pregnancy (OR 1.61, 99% CI 1.01–2.59) remained significant after adjusting for confounders. A higher number of early life risk factors accumulated was associated with overweight/obesity at age 6 years but not at age 2 and 4 years. Conclusions: Rapid infant weight gain, parental overweight/obesity, maternal smoking and origin/ethnicity predict childhood overweight/obesity and present cumulative effects. Monitoring children with rapid weight gain and supporting a healthy parental weight are important for childhood obesity prevention

    Gestión de la vida : políticas públicas y conflicto en el uso del territorio y los recursos naturales

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    Las (des)igualdades, sus orígenes y sus efectos han sido desde siempre una preocupación para la construcción de una política democrática, e incluso una prioridad, al menos así declarada, en las agendas de los Estados. El presente proyecto hace foco en aquellas leyes y políticas públicas que buscan intervenir en el particular campo de las desigualdades emergentes de los usos sociales y económicos del territorio y de los recursos naturales. Actualmente, las provincias de Catamarca, Córdoba y La Rioja, son tres escenarios escasamente estudiados en los que se han puesto en cuestión y desatado conflictos alrededor de la actividad minera y las normativas que la regulan. Precisamente es el objetivo de este proyecto analizar la definición de políticas públicas como momentos de visibilización de posiciones y discursividades en conflicto y entender la formulación de políticas públicas como instancias en que los gobiernos institucionalizan una definición sobre la (des)igualdad. Para ello desplegamos tres ejes de indagación: el análisis del dispositivo de regulación materializado en las decisiones gubernamentales; el esclarecimiento de las disputas entre distintos ámbitos institucionales; y el análisis de las prácticas de resistencia frente a las regulaciones instituidas. Para ello diseñamos una estrategia analítica diferenciada, donde para los primeros dos objetivos se utilizará la recolección documental (normativa) y las entrevistas en profundidad y el análisis de contenido como herramienta de análisis; y el tercer objetivo se ejecuta mediante la recolección de documentos producidos por las organizaciones y las entrevistas en profundidad y el análisis de discurso como técnica de interpretación.Fil: Ciuffolini, María Alejandra. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; ArgentinaFil: Avalle, Gerardo. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; ArgentinaFil: Ibaña, Griselda Beatriz. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentin