136 research outputs found

    Covalent Cross-Linking of 2H-MoS2 Nanosheets

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    The combination of 2D materials opens a wide range of possibilities to create new-generation structures with multiple applications. Covalently cross-linked approaches are a ground-breaking strategy for the formation of homo or heterostructures made by design. However, the covalent assembly of transition metal dichalcogenides flakes is relatively underexplored. Here, a simple covalent cross-linking method to build 2H-MoS2–MoS2 homostructures is described, using commercially available bismaleimides. These assemblies are mainly connected vertically, basal plane to basal plane, creating specific molecular sized spaces between MoS2 sheets. Therefore, this straightforward approach gives access to the controlled connection of sulfide-based 2D materials

    A strategic reflection for the management and implementation of CAR-T therapy in Spain: an expert consensus paper

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    CAR-T cell therapy represents a therapeutic revolution in the prognosis and treatment of patients with certain types of hematological cancer. However, they also pose new challenges in the healthcare, regulatory and financial fields. The aim of the RET-A project was to undertake a strategic reflection on the management of CAR-T therapies within the Spanish National Health System, to agree on recommendations that will help to better deal with the new context introduced by these cell therapies in the present and in the future. This think tank involved 40 key agents and opinion leaders. The experts identified three great challenges for implementing advanced therapies in Spain: therapeutic individualisation, with a multidisciplinary approach; acceleration of access times, by minimizing bureaucracy; and increase in the number of centers qualified to manage the CAR-T therapies in the NHS. The experts agreed on the ideal criteria for designating those qualified centers. They also agreed on a comprehensive CAR-T care pathway with the timings and roles which would ideally be involved in each part of the process.This study was funded by Gilead Sciences, Inc.Peer reviewe

    A MoS2 platform and thionine-carbon nanodots for sensitive and selective detection of pathogens

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    This work focuses on the combination of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) and à la carte functionalized carbon nanodots (CNDs) for the development of DNA biosensors for selective and sensitive detection of pathogens. MoS2 flakes prepared through liquid-phase exfoliation, serves as platform for thiolated DNA probe immobilization, while thionine functionalized carbon nanodots (Thi-CNDs) are used as electrochemical indicator of the hybridization event. Spectroscopic and electrochemical studies confirmed the interaction of Thi-CNDs with DNA. As an illustration of the pathogen biosensor functioning, DNA sequences from InIA gen of Listeria monocytogenes bacteria and open reading frame sequence (ORF1ab) of SARS-CoV-2 virus were detected and quantified with a detection limit of 67.0 fM and 1.01 pM, respectively. Given the paradigmatic selectivity of the DNA hybridization, this approach allows pathogen detection in the presence of other pathogens, demonstrated by the detection of Listeria monocytogenes in presence of Escherichia coli. We note that this design is in principle amenable to any pathogen for which the DNA has been sequenced, including other viruses and bacteria. As example of the application of the method in real samples it has been used to directly detect Listeria monocytogenes in cultures without any DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification processAuthors thank the financial support from the Comunidad de Madrid (NANOAVANSENS, S2013/MIT-3029, MAD2D-CM Program, S2013/ MIT-3007 and 2017-T1/BIO-5435), Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (CTQ 2015-71955-REDT (ELECTROBIONET), CTQ2014-53334-C2-1-R. and MAT 2015-71879-P). EMP acknowledges the European Research Council (ERC-PoC-842606), MINECO (CTQ 2017- 86060-P), Comunidad de Madrid (MAD2D-CM S2013/MIT-3007). IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, Grant SEV2016–0686). RdC acknowledges support from UAM, Banco Santander, Fundacion ´ IMDEA (convocatoria CRUE–CSIC–SANTANDER, fondo supera 2020, project with reference Authors also acknowledge BAT unit of CIA

    Elaboración de aplicaciones interactivas para la docencia en el grado Grado de Telecomunicación

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    En este trabajo se muestran los avances realizados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en laboratorios virtuales para el estudio de la Acústica en el Grado de Telecomunicación. En particular se muestra la extensión de la aplicación VSLM accesible vía on-line y de carácter libre. Esta aplicación está implementada en lenguaje MATLAB y se basa en una interfaz gráfica sencilla que permite simular el funcionamiento de un sonómetro offline. El módulo incorporado a la aplicación permite calcular el tiempo de reverberación y una serie de parámetros relacionados con el mismo para poder caracterizar acústicamente salas y recintos. De forma paralela se muestran los avances realizados en la mejora de la aplicación implementada con anterioridad por los autores dedicada al estudio de las ondas mecánicas en barras con diferentes condiciones de contorno. La aplicación estaba implementada inicialmente en MATLAB para la parte gráfica y el interfaz, mientras que la parte de cálculo se realizó en C++. En este trabajo se muestran los resultados iniciales y la toma de contacto para la unificación de la interfaz y el código que implementa el método numérico en C++ mediante la librería Qt.En este trabajo se muestran los avances realizados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en laboratorios virtuales para el estudio de la Acústica en el Grado de Telecomunicación. En particular se muestra la extensión de la aplicación VSLM accesible vía on-line y de carácter libre. Esta aplicación está implementada en lenguaje MATLAB y se basa en una interfaz gráfica sencilla que permite simular el funcionamiento de un sonómetro offline. El módulo incorporado a la aplicación permite calcular el tiempo de reverberación y una serie de parámetros relacionados con el mismo para poder caracterizar acústicamente salas y recintos. De forma paralela se muestran los avances realizados en la mejora de la aplicación implementada con anterioridad por los autores dedicada al estudio de las ondas mecánicas en barras con diferentes condiciones de contorno. La aplicación estaba implementada inicialmente en MATLAB para la parte gráfica y el interfaz, mientras que la parte de cálculo se realizó en C++. En este trabajo se muestran los resultados iniciales y la toma de contacto para la unificación de la interfaz y el código que implementa el método numérico en C++ mediante la librería Qt.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Aplicación de la espectroscopía del infrarrojo cercano – NIRS – para determinar el valor nutritivo de variedades de alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) y trébol rojo (Trifolium pratense L)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the applicability of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for the nutritional assessment of two important forage species in the country: alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L). For this, 75 samples of alfalfa varieties (SW 8210, WL 625HQ) and 75 of red clover varieties (Quiñequeli, Kendland) obtained from the paddocks of the IVITA El Mantaro Experimental Station, Junín region, Peru were used. Proximal analysis was performed determining the content of crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fibre (CF), total ash (TA) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF), and the spectrum was captured using NIRS equipment. The calibration and validation models were developed to estimate the predictive capacity using Partial Least Squares (PLS), and the accuracy and precision statistics used were the Correlation Coefficient (R), Determination Coefficient (R2), Root Mean Square Error of Calibration (RMSEC), Root Mean Square of Prediction Error (RMSEP), Ratio of Range to Error (RER) and Residual Predictive Deviation (RPD). The mathematical models obtained showed that the NIRS technique has a good predictive capacity for the nutritional components of CP, TA and NDF (R2: 0.97, 0.99, 0.94; RPD: 2.00, 2.17 and 2.00, respectively) for varieties of alfalfa and red clover.El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la aplicabilidad de la espectroscopía del infrarrojo cercano (NIRS) para la valoración nutritiva de dos especies forrajeras de importancia en el país: alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) y trébol rojo (Trifolium pratense L). Se utilizaron 75 muestras de variedades de alfalfa (SW 8210, WL 625HQ) y 75 de variedades de trébol rojo (Quiñequeli, Kendland) obtenidas de los campos de la Estación Experimental IVITA El Mantaro, región Junín, Perú. Se realizó el análisis proximal determinando el contenido de proteína cruda (PC), extracto etéreo (EE), fibra cruda (FC), cenizas totales (CZ) y fibra detergente neutra (FDN) y se hizo la captura del espectro mediante un equipo NIRS. Se elaboraron los modelos de calibración y validación para estimar la capacidad predictiva mediante Cuadrados Mínimos Parciales (PLS), siendo los estadísticos de exactitud y precisión usados el Coeficiente de Correlación (R), Coeficiente de Determinación (R2), Raíz Cuadrada Media del Error de Calibración (RMSEC), Raíz Cuadrada Media del Error de Predicción (RMSEP), Proporción del Rango con el Error (RER) y Desviación Residual Predictiva (RPD). Los modelos matemáticos obtenidos muestran que la técnica NIRS posee una capacidad de predicción buena de los componentes nutricionales de PC, CZ y FDN (R2:0.97, 0.99, 0.94; RPD: 2.00, 2.17 y 2.00, respectivamente) para variedades de alfalfa y trébol rojo

    Patients with obstructive sleep apnea can favor the predisposing factors of periodontitis by the presence of P. melaninogenica and C. albicans, increasing the severity of the periodontal disease

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    Q2Q2Pacientes con PeriodontitisPacientes con Apnea obstructiva del sueñoObjective: The aim of this study was to analyze the cultivable oral microbiota of patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and its association with the periodontal condition. Methods: The epidemiology profile of patients and their clinical oral characteristics were determined. The microbiota was collected from saliva, subgingival plaque, and gingival sulcus of 93 patients classified into four groups according to the periodontal and clinical diagnosis: Group 1 (n = 25), healthy patients; Group 2 (n = 17), patients with periodontitis and without OSA; Group 3 (n = 19), patients with OSA and without periodontitis; and Group 4 (n = 32), patients with periodontitis and OSA. Microbiological samples were cultured, classified, characterized macroscopically and microscopically, and identified by MALDI-TOF-MS. The distribution of complexes and categories of microorganisms and correlations were established for inter- and intra-group of patients and statistically evaluated using the Spearman r test (p-value <0.5) and a multidimensional grouping analysis. Result: There was no evidence between the severity of OSA and periodontitis (p = 0.2813). However, there is a relationship between the stage of periodontitis and OSA (p = 0.0157), with stage III periodontitis being the one with the highest presence in patients with severe OSA (prevalence of 75%; p = 0.0157), with more cases in men. The greatest distribution of the complexes and categories was found in oral samples of patients with periodontitis and OSA (Group 4 P-OSA); even Candida spp. were more prevalent in these patients. Periodontitis and OSA are associated with comorbidities and oral conditions, and the microorganisms of the orange and red complexes participate in this association. The formation of the dysbiotic biofilm was mainly related to the presence of these complexes in association with Candida spp. Conclusion: Periodontopathogenic bacteria of the orange complex, such as Prevotella melaninogenica, and the yeast Candida albicans, altered the cultivable oral microbiota of patients with periodontitis and OSA in terms of diversity, possibly increasing the severity of periodontal disease. The link between yeasts and periodontopathogenic bacteria could help explain why people with severe OSA have such a high risk of stage III periodontitis. Antimicrobial approaches for treating periodontitis in individuals with OSA could be investigated in vitro using polymicrobial biofilms, according to our findings.https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0006-7822https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2528-9632https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1387-1935https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1011-4450https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4069-4719https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5576-9341https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9884-9242https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1803-9141https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1302-5429Revista Internacional - IndexadaA1N