5 research outputs found

    Voluntariado en Acción Catálogo de iniciativas de voluntariado Centros de Educación para el Desarrollo.

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    Este catálogo compila todas las iniciativas de voluntariado que enmarcan y orientan las acciones de más de dos mil voluntarios anuales que aportan con su tiempo y conocimiento al fortalecimiento de las comunidades, sus organizaciones sociales y comunitarias que trabajan decididamente para construir una mejor sociedad. Durante los últimos tres años hemos apostado por el fortalecimiento de esta estrategia generando nuevas modalidades, diversos escenarios para el desarrollo del voluntariado, capacitando a los 19 líderes y los voluntarios en las sedes, siempre bajo la profunda convicción de que el mundo se puede cambiar cuando mucha gente pequeña, en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, logran tocar la vida de las personas que más lo necesitan

    Report on Improving Water Quality at Active MAR Sites in Spain

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    Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) is a promising technique for water management. It comprises a group of technologies that enhance the infiltration of various water sources into aquifers. The water stored underground can serve different uses, such as irrigation, industrial and drinking water supply, and the recovery or preservation of environmental assets. Globally, water resources are increasingly under pressure. MAR offers the potential to buffer water resource availability and meet demands in periods of water scarcity. Consequently, the uptake of this technique will likely soar in the next decades due to current pressure on water resources and the consequences of climate change, requiring highly trained practitioners that can provide the knowledge and know-how on MAR implementation. The present report is part of the Managed Aquifer Recharge Solution Training Network (MARSoluT ITN, 2019-2023), which aimed to train experts in MAR. The report deals with the objectives of work package four (WP4) of the MARSoluT project and aims at helping to improve water quality by optimising MAR design at active MAR sites in Spain. The report tackles four knowledge gaps on MAR in relation to water quality: (i) the need for a review of current regulations on MAR and how they use Maximum Allowable Concentrations (MACs) to prevent water pollution during MAR; (ii) a discussion on the current challenges for MAR water quality; (iii) the lack of a conceptual model that can help in the creation of regulation, rules, and guidelines on MAR; and (iv) the need for testing the efficacy of MACs at the national level with a focus on Spain. Although this report focuses on Spain, it does not restrict its development to this country and has a relatively broad scope, providing solutions for MAR worldwide. The methodologies in the current report are mostly based on literature review of scientific, technical and regulatory documents and the exploitation of published and unpublished water quality analyses and water quality standards involving MAR. For the first knowledge gap, a comprehensive review of existing regulations and guidelines for MAR was conducted, and an analysis of MACs in water quality standards from diverse sources globally was completed. To respond to the second knowledge gap, a discussion on modern water quality challenges for MAR is provided, including the context, history, future and the need for a risk-based approach. The Monitored and Intentional Recharge (MIR) conceptual model is a response to knowledge gap three, comprising a set of nine blocks that elaborates on the most critical aspects that must be considered to draft MAR regulations and guidelines. This section also entails a series of recommendations directed to future regulations on MAR, including developing a common terminology with legal implications, considering a permitting process, new legal development, the inclusion of budgetary aspects, regard to the technical background for authorisation, and the fact that water standards for MAR must be designed at the aquifer level. The fourth knowledge gap was addressed through an analysis of source water quality in MAR sites in Spain and a comparison between them and three European MAC-based standards (Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands) to evaluate the efficacy of MAC in dealing with water pollution at MAR sites. This section showed the high variability in terms of water quality at 11 MAR sites and the inadequacy of MAC-based standards to control pollution while allowing for MAR implementation at the national or European levels. This sort of standard could be useful aquifer-wide. This analysis also concluded that focus on quality should be given to the final quality of the water after MAR rather than the original water quality, and that the attenuation processes in the saturated and unsaturated zones should be regarded. Finally, biochar, a promising low-cost material to remove multiple pollutants during MAR, has been thoroughly studied. This report also emphasises that, nowadays, MAR is an option, but in the future will likely become a necessity, and that there is a need to continue investing in (1) applied research to improve insights into the development of freshwater cones in saline environments, (2) define measures to increase the efficiency of MAR systems and social acceptance, and (3), consider the beneficial impact of the unsaturated and saturated zones

    Adherencia terapéutica en pacientes hipertensos ambulatorios de un hospital de primer nivel de atención de Antioquia, Colombia

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    Determinar la adherencia terapéutica enpacientes hipertensos ambulatorios, enun primer nivel de atención en Colombia.Métodos: estudio descriptivo observacional, en pacientescon diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial y terapia 3meses antes. Se aplicó un formulario que incluyo el testde Morisky-Green para valorar adherencia terapéutica. Elanálisis se realizó con el programa SPSS® v. 21, se aplicóestadística descriptiva con frecuencias absolutas y proporciones.Resultados: participaron 75 pacientes hipertensos,edad promedio 61.7±11 años y participan del programade Promoción y Prevención 86.7%. Respecto a los resultadosdel test de Morisky-Green un 30.7% de los pacienteshipertensos ha olvidado tomar la medicación, 13.3%cuando se encontraba bien dejó alguna vez de tomar lamedicación. Conclusión: La adherencia terapéutica encontradaes superior a lo reportado en la literatura, sinembargo, es moderada; es necesario que la institución estudiela posibilidad de implementar o mejorar estrategiassobre adherencia terapéutica

    Voluntariado en Acción Catálogo de iniciativas de voluntariado Centros de Educación para el Desarrollo.

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    Este catálogo compila todas las iniciativas de voluntariado que enmarcan y orientan las acciones de más de dos mil voluntarios anuales que aportan con su tiempo y conocimiento al fortalecimiento de las comunidades, sus organizaciones sociales y comunitarias que trabajan decididamente para construir una mejor sociedad. Durante los últimos tres años hemos apostado por el fortalecimiento de esta estrategia generando nuevas modalidades, diversos escenarios para el desarrollo del voluntariado, capacitando a los 19 líderes y los voluntarios en las sedes, siempre bajo la profunda convicción de que el mundo se puede cambiar cuando mucha gente pequeña, en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, logran tocar la vida de las personas que más lo necesitan