8 research outputs found

    Salud sexual de adolescentes y j贸venes

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    UNFPA 2104. El poder de 1.800 millones: Los adolescentes, los j贸venes y la transformaci贸n del futuro.聽Estado de la Poblaci贸n Mundial 2014. 聽 OMS. Salud de la madre, del reci茅n nacido, del ni帽o y del adolescente. Desarrollo de la adolescencia. Disponible en: http://www.who.int/maternal_child_adolescent/topics/adolescence/dev/es/聽 Consultado 18 de Julio 2018. 聽 L贸pez de Luis C. 2017. Los cambios en el cerebro durante la adolescencia. Disponible en: https://lamenteesmaravillosa.com/los-cambios-cerebro-la-adolescencia/ Consultado: 20 de Julio 2018. 聽 Morales Seguel M.2018. El aporte de las neurociencias para la innovaci贸n educativa. Congreso Internacional de Educadores. Innovaci贸n para la Ciencia. Universidad Aut贸noma de Chile. 聽 Organizaci贸n para la Cooperaci贸n y el Desarrollo Econ贸mico. OCDE 2009. Doing better for Children. Disponible en: www.oecd.org/els/social/childrenwellbeing聽 Consultado: 09 Mayo 2018. 聽 UNICEF 2018. Women: At the heart of the HIV response for children. Disponible en: https://www.unicef.org/hiv/hiv-women-heart-of-response Consultado 26 julio 2018. 聽 Naciones Unidas. CEPAL s/f. Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Una oportunidad para Am茅rica Latina y el Caribe.聽 Disponible en: http://www.sela.org/media/2262361/agenda-2030-y-los-objetivos-de-desarrollo-sostenible.pdf聽 Consultado: 29 Julio 2018. 聽 UNESCO 2010. Declaraci贸n Ministerial. Prevenir con educaci贸n. Primera Reuni贸n de Ministros de Salud y Educaci贸n para detener el VIH e ITS en Am茅rica Latina y el Caribe. Disponible en: http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/FIELD/Santiago/pdf/declaracion-prevenir-educacion-espanol.pdf Consultado 29 de Julio 2018

    ACE I/D (Rs1799752), MTHFR C677T (Rs1801133), and CCR5 D32 (Rs333) Genes and their Association with Hypertension and Diabetic Nephropathy in Urban Areas of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Mexico

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    Aim: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a procoagulant state because it is associated with increased risk of atherosclerosis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence in thrombotic markers that lead to hypercoagulability and its association with hypertension and diabetic nephropathy (DN)

    An Integrated Intervention Model for the Prevention of Zika and Other Aedes-Borne Diseases in Women and their Families in Mexico

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    We describe and discuss the rationale, design and current implementation of a model for an integrated intervention for the primary and secondary prevention of Zika and other Aedes-borne diseases and sexually transmitted infections that impact reproductive health, pregnancy and perinatal life stages in women and their families in Merida, Mexico. The intervention includes enhanced surveillance of pregnant women, implementation of communication strategies to promote good practices to prevent disease transmission, determination of the frequency of structural anomalies detected prenatally in the foetus, umbilical cord and placenta of pregnancies diagnosed with ZIK infection, detection of ZIKV and other arboviruses/viruses in products of abortion, in-utero and early newborn, provision of Aedes aegypti-proof houses? (protecting homes with door/window screens with insecticide to prevent the access of mosquitoes), mosquito repellents, larvicides and education/promotion of best practices for the prevention of infection with dengue (DENV), chikungunya (CHIKV) and Zika (ZIKV) and an anthropological studies on sociocultural factors of pregnant women associated with ZIKV. This intervention is being developed in a population of 10,000 people of the city of Merida and with the participation of a multidisciplinary group of public health professionals in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Government of Yucatan

    An谩lisis de la vulnerabilidad social y de g茅nero en la d铆ada migraci贸n y VIH/sida entre mujeres mayas de yucat谩n

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    This article describes and analyzes a series of social conditions, both material and symbolic, in the lives of Mayan women with migrant partners, which create situations of social and gender vulnerability that increase their potential of acquiring HIV/AIDS. It analyzes the women's access to education and healthcare, their system of beliefs, meanings, and practices in relation to their body, their sexuality and family life, as well as their knowledge and understanding about HIV/AIDS, their transmission mechanisms and forms of prevention. It concludes by analyzing the women's risk perception of HIV/AIDS and the daily forms of self-care they employ to prevent STDs. This information should be useful for envisioning relevant and effective intervention strategies for prevention purposes, which target Mayan women with migrant partners.En el presente art铆culo se exponen y analizan una serie de condiciones sociales, tanto materiales como simb贸licas, de la vida de mujeres mayas, parejas de migrantes, que configuran escenarios de vulnerabilidad social y de g茅nero que incrementan su potencial adquisici贸n de VIH/sida. Se abordan asimismo temas como el acceso a la educaci贸n y la salud, el sistema de creencias, significados y pr谩cticas en torno al cuerpo, sexualidad y vida en pareja, as铆 como sus conocimientos y significados acerca del VIH/sida, sus mecanismos de transmisi贸n y formas de prevenci贸n. Concluimos analizando su percepci贸n de riesgo y pr谩cticas de autocuidado ante el VIH y las infecciones de transmisi贸n sexual. Esta informaci贸n permite vislumbrar estrategias de prevenci贸n que sean pertinentes y eficaces en funci贸n de las necesidades y contextos de las mujeres investigadas

    Conocimientos, actitudes y percepci贸n de riesgo en referencia al VIH/SIDA en poblaci贸n rural de Yucat谩n, M茅xico

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    Introduction. The incidence of HIV/AIDS in rural areas is related to variables such as migration, low socioeconomic and educational levels, and inadequate prevention measures. Objective. To determine knowledge levels, attitudes, and perceptions of HIV/AIDS risks in adults in rural communities in Yucatan, Mexico Materials and Methods. 552 parents from 276 families in 38 rural boarding schools were interviewed between 2003-2005, focusing on the municipalities of Peto, Valladolid, Sotuta and Maxcan煤. These schools belonged to the Commission for the Development to the Indigenous People. Sample sizes were calculated using probabilistic sampling models to achieve accepted confi dence levels. The sample population of 276 families participated (mothers and fathers). All subjects completed structured interviews conducted by Maya speaking interviewers. Results. Of the total 301 women and 251 men studied, almost half were illiterate or had only minimal formal education (42.5% and 47.8%, respectively). The radio was considered the most important media for gaining knowledge of AIDS. Condom usage as a preventive measure for HIV was only 3% and 5.5% in women and men, respectively. Most subjects, 69.3% of women and 75.5% of men, reported having only one sexual partner and were not considered at risk for HIV. 115 women and 168 men had regularly travelled to at least one other town. Of these 283 subjects, 7 women and 22 men engaged in sexual practices in the other town; 2 of the women and 17 of the men were aware of the possibility of getting infected through this sexual practice (p=0.0042).. Conclusions. Radio was the main source of information on HIV / AIDS for this rural population. There was a low rate of condom usage as a preventive measure against AIDS. This population's knowledge of HIV/AIDS was incomplete, and they did not perceive the risks, despite using practices that risk HIV infections.Introducci贸n. La incidencia del VIH/SIDA en el 谩rea rural est谩 relacionada con variables como migraci贸n, bajos niveles socioecon贸micos y escolares y acciones de prevenci贸n inadecuadas Objetivo. Determinar los conocimientos, actitudes y percepci贸n de riesgo del VIH/SIDA en adultos de comunidades rurales de Yucat谩n, M茅xico. Materiales y M茅todos. Se realiz贸 un estudio cuantitativo de corte descriptivo; se obtuvo el tama帽o de muestra a trav茅s de muestreo probabi l 铆st ico ut i l izando la f贸rmula de proporciones, considerando los 38 albergues escolares distribuidos en cuatro centros coordinadores (Peto, Valladolid, Sotuta y Maxcan煤) pertenecientes a la Comisi贸n para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Ind铆genas de Yucat谩n, M茅xico, durante 2003-2005, quedando constituida la muestra por 276 familias (552 jefes de familia, hombres y/0 mujeres) a los que se les efectu贸 una entrevista estructurada por personal maya parlante. Resultados. Del total, 301 fueron mujeres y 251 hombres, con escolaridad m铆nima o analfabeta 42.5%/47.8% (mujeres/hombres). El medio de comunicaci贸n por el que se enteraron del SIDA fue la radio. El uso de cond贸n como medida preventiva para VIH fue de s贸lo 3% y 5.5% en mujeres y hombres, respectivamente. El 69.3%/75.5% (mujeres/hombres) al tener s贸lo una pareja sexual no se consideraban en riesgo de adquirir VIH; 115 mujeres y 168 hombres realizaron movilidad poblacional y, de ellos, 7 mujeres y 22 hombres tuvieron pr谩cticas sexuales en esos sitios; 2 mujeres y 17 hombres estuvieron concientes de la posibilidad de infectarse con esta pr谩ctica sexual (p=0.0042). Conclusiones. El principal medio de informaci贸n sobre el VIH/SIDA fue la radio. Existe una baja utilizaci贸n del cond贸n como medida preventiva. Esta poblaci贸n tiene informaci贸n incompleta y no se percibe en riesgo, a pesar de presentar pr谩cticas de riesgo para la infecci贸n por VIH

    Expresi贸n y activaci贸n de receptores intracelulares TLR7, TLR8 y TLR9 en monocitos de sangre perif茅rica de pacientes infectados con VIH.

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    Introduction. TLR麓s play a role in host defense in HIV infection recognizing the viral DNA or RNA. Their activation induces a signaling pathway that includes the proteins MyD88, IRAK4, TRAF6 and the transcription factor NF-kBp65. Objective. To determine the expression of TLR7, TLR8 and TLR9, and activation of its signaling pathway in monocytes from patients infected with HIV. Methods. Expression of TLR7, TLR8 and TLR9 was determined in monocytes from HIV-infected patients (n = 13) and control subjects (n = 13), which were activated with specific ligands. The expression of MyD88 and NF-kBp65 were determined by flow cytometry; IRAK4 and TRAF6 were studied by immunoblotting. Results. No statistical difference was found in the expression of TLR7, 8 and 9 in monocytes from patients compared to controls, but we observed the non-significant increased expression of TLR9 in patients. The activation showed no significant difference in the expression of MyD88 and NF-kBp65 in patients when compared to controls, but were decreased in stimulated cells over non-stimulated cells. IRAK4 and TRAF6 were not detected. Conclusions. No statistical difference was observed in the expression of intracellular TLRs, MyD88 and NFkBp65 in monocytes from patients compared to controls. This was probably due to effective antiretroviral therapy being received at the time of study entry. Additional studies are needed (ARTV) under controlled conditions that include infected patients with and without ARVT, responders and non- responders, and work with different cell populations.Introducci贸n. En la infecci贸n por VIH los TLR juegan un papel en la defensa del hu茅sped al reconocer el ADN o ARN viral. Su activaci贸n induce la v铆a de se帽alizaci贸n que incluye las prote铆nas MyD88, IRAK4, TRAF6 y el factor de transcripci贸n NF-kBp65. Objetivo. Determinar la expresi贸n del TLR7, TLR8 y TLR9, y activaci贸n de su v铆a de se帽alizaci贸n en monocitos de pacientes infectados con VIH. M茅todos. Se determin贸 la expresi贸n de TLR7, TLR8 y TLR9 en monocitos de pacientes infectados con VIH (n =13) y sujetos control (n =13), se activaron con ligandos espec铆ficos y se determin贸 la expresi贸n de MyD88 y NF-kBp65 por citometr铆a de flujo. IRAK4 y TRAF6 fueron estudiadas por inmunoelectrotransferencia. Resultados. No se observ贸 diferencia estad铆stica en la expresi贸n de TLR7, 8 y 9 en los monocitos de pacientes con respecto a los controles, pero observamos aumento no significante del TLR9 en los pacientes. La activaci贸n no mostr贸 diferencia significativa en la expresi贸n de MyD88 y NF-kBp65 en pacientes con respecto a los controles, pero se encontraron disminuidas en c茅lulas estimuladas con respecto a las no estimuladas. IRAK4 y TRAF6 no se detectaron. Conclusiones. No se observ贸 diferencia en la expresi贸n de los TLR, ni en la expresi贸n de MyD88 y NFkBp65, en monocitos de pacientes con respecto a los controles probablemente debido a la terapia antirretroviral recibida al momento del estudio. Se sugieren estudios con pacientes con y sin TARV, respondedores y no respondedores, y trabajar con diferentes poblaciones celulares