65 research outputs found

    A century of change: trends in the composition in the italian labour force, 1881-1981

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    Bevölkerungsbefragungen und Industriestatistiken in Italien weisen erhebliche Mängel auf, wenn man sie mit Fragestellungen aus einem anderen Bezugsfeld konfrontiert. Der Grund liegt darin, daß sie nicht auf historische Vergleichbarkeit hin angelegt sind. Andererseits sind manchmal auch die Veränderungen, die beschrieben werden, so radikal, daß alle Bemühungen um eine Homogenisierung von Datensätzen nur in der Frustration enden können. Im vorliegenden Papier werden die wichtigsten Gründe für Diskrepanzen zwischen den verschiedenen Stichproben und Befragungen diskutiert und es wird nach Möglichkeiten gesucht, die Daten vergleichbar zu machen. Außerdem wird versucht, den für die Dateninterpretation notwendigen Informationsstand zu verbessern. (pka)'Population and industrial censuses in Italy suffer from remarkable shortcomings when a diacronic view is superimposed upon them, because on the one hand they are not divided to respond to requirements of comparability through time and on the other hand the changes they depict are sometimes so radical to frustrate efforts aiming at an homogenization of data. The purpose of this paper is 1) to discuss the most important causes of discrepancy among the various censuses and to formulate ways of adjusting data to eliminate such causes and 2) to gain and comment important insights which can help to interprete the results.' (author's abstract

    The Managerial Transformation of Italian Co-operative Enterprises 1946-2010

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    The Italian co-operative enterprises have prospered in the last thirty years in various sectors. In this essay we analyze the role played by managerilization in allowing Italian co-ops to compete nationally and internationally with capitalist enterprises. On the basis of a substantial set of company histories and managers interviews, we have built a three generations model of co-ops managers, which shows the changes that have allowed co-ops to become fully equipped with managerial skills. The strong leadership of umbrella organizations, the inner careers of most managers and legislation have been instrumental in avoiding demutualization, the killer of co-ops in many other countries

    Co-operative networks in the Italian economy

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    Contemporary of every age: Gaetano Filangieri between public happiness and institutional economics

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    In the decades around the turn of the eighteenth century, Naples was capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and Europe’s third most populous city. From the early decades of the eighteenth to the end of the nineteenth century, the city spawned a school of intellectuals that, though predominantly juridical in cast, nevertheless displayed a surprisingly substantial openness to a new approach to the social sciences, which had developed above all in France, heavily influenced by the natural sciences and the experimental method. In harmony with Enlightenment thought, Gaetano Filangieri was the precursor, two centuries back, of the principles of indissoluble interaction between formal and informal institutions and economic development, between governance and social feedback, that are pillars of today’s school of institutional economics. His writings anticipated, in a number of respects, conceptual approaches adopted by later scholars. The present paper offers an institutional focus on his work, referring above all to Douglass North and his treatment of the role of the Glorious Revolution

    Contemporary of every age: Gaetano Filangieri between public happiness and institutional economics

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    In the decades around the turn of the eighteenth century, Naples was capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and Europe’s third most populous city. From the early decades of the eighteenth to the end of the nineteenth century, the city spawned a school of intellectuals that, though predominantly juridical in cast, nevertheless displayed a surprisingly substantial openness to a new approach to the social sciences, which had developed above all in France, heavily influenced by the natural sciences and the experimental method. In harmony with Enlightenment thought, Gaetano Filangieri was the precursor, two centuries back, of the principles of indissoluble interaction between formal and informal institutions and economic development, between governance and social feedback, that are pillars of today’s school of institutional economics. His writings anticipated, in a number of respects, conceptual approaches adopted by later scholars. The present paper offers an institutional focus on his work, referring above all to Douglass North and his treatment of the role of the Glorious Revolution

    L'Ingegneria della Grande Guerra 1915-1918. Incontro di studio e mostra bibliografica sugli aspetti tecnologici del primo conflitto mondiale

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    Il volume raccoglie gli atti e i materiali di un seminario di studi e di una mostra bibliografica tenutisi in occasione del primo centenario della Grande guerra presso la Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura dell’Università di Bologna. Gli interventi indagano l’applicazione e lo sviluppo, in ambito bellico, di tecnologie ingegneristiche che da un lato espressero un tragico potenziale distruttivo, dall’altro ebbero nel conflitto un’occasione di sviluppo. Vi si tratta dell’importanza strategica del petrolio come carburante per navi, carrarmati e aerei e come fonte di energia per le fabbriche, dello sviluppo delle tecniche di mappatura del territorio, la fotogrammetria aerea, delle nuove drammatiche modalità di combattimento e costruzione di ordigni bellici, senza trascurare il più generale contesto dello sviluppo industriale italiano legato alla produzione di armamenti. In appendice si pubblica il catalogo dell’esposizione, tenutasi nell’atrio della Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura, progettata negli anni ’30 dall’architetto Giuseppe Vaccaro. Questa parte del volume indaga l’interesse tecnico-scientifico dei professori e degli studenti della Scuola d’applicazione per gli ingegneri di Bologna verso il conflitto mondiale; vi sono descritti alcuni documenti bibliografici conservati nelle raccolte storiche della Biblioteca Interdipartimentale di Ingegneria e Architettura. Inoltre lo spoglio della documentazione amministrativa conservata presso l’Archivio Storico dell’Università di Bologna ha fatto riemergere il coinvolgimento umano e l’interesse più generale della comunità, che alla Scuola faceva riferimento: l’entusiasmo degli studenti desiderosi di partecipare al conflitto, lo strazio dei molti lutti e la celebrazione della memoria dei caduti

    Management of metastatic endometrial cancer: physicians’ choices beyond the first line after approval of checkpoint inhibitors

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    IntroductionEndometrial cancer (EC) represents 3.4% of all newly diagnosed cancer cases and is responsible for 2.1% of all cancer-related deaths. Approximately 10%–15% of women with EC are diagnosed with advanced-stage disease, resulting in a reported 5-year survival rate of only 17% for those with distant metastases. A better understanding of its molecular features has ushered in a new era of immunotherapy for the treatment of EC, allowing for alternative therapeutic approaches, even in cases of advanced disease.MethodsWe administered a multi-choice online survey for Multicenter Italian Trials in Ovarian cancer and gynecologic malignancies (MITO) members. The questionnaire was available for 2 months, starting in October 2022. Our objective was to evaluate the current attitude of incorporating molecular characterization of EC into routine clinical practice, appraise the implementation of newly available therapies, and compare the outcomes with the previous survey conducted in April–May 2021 to ascertain the actual changes that have transpired during this recent time period.ResultsThe availability of molecular classification in Italian centers has changed in 1 year. Seventy-five percent of centers performed the molecular classification compared with 55.6% of the previous survey. Although this percentage has increased, only 18% performed all the tests. Significant changes have occurred in the administration of new treatments in EC patients in MITO centers. In 2022, 82.1% of the centers administrated dostarlimab in recurrent or advanced MMR-deficient (dMMR) EC experiencing disease progression after platinum-based chemotherapy regimens, compared to only 24.4% in 2021. In 2022, 85.7% of the centers already administrated the pembrolizumab plus lenvatinib combination as a second-line therapy for MMR-proficient (pMMR) patients with advanced or recurrent EC who had progressed from first-line platinum-based therapy.ConclusionBoth the therapeutic and diagnostic scenarios have changed over the last couple of years in MITO centers, with an increased prescription of immune checkpoint inhibitors and use of the molecular classification