13 research outputs found

    Sazonalidade em índices de preços : o caso do IPC-FIPE

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    This article exams the issue of seasonal adjustment of price indices. This subject has been discussed frequently but consensus has yet to be reached. The case studied here is the Consumer Price Index elaborated by Pipe (CPI-Fipe), commonly used for indexation. The period analysed is Jan/80 to Dec/94. Using two alternative methodologies X-ll procedure and Structural Models for Time Series eleven seasonal items were identified. When the seasonal effects are considered together, it is observed that they cancel each other out. Thus, no seasonal pattern is transfered to the general index. Due to this result, seasonal adjustment of the CPI-Fipe is unnecessary.Este artigo aborda a questao do ajustamento sazonal de índices de preços, assunto frequentemente discutido mas sobre o qual não existe consenso. Estuda-se o caso concreto do IPC-Fipe, índice largamente usado como indexador. O período considerado estende-se de janeiro de 1980 a dezembro de 1994. Utilizando duas metodologias alternativas método X-11 e Modelos Estruturais de Séries de Tempo foram identificados onze itens do IPC-Fipe com comportamento sazonal. Quando se agrupam os efeitos sazonais desses itens, observa-se que eles se compensam, não transferindo, dessa forma, nenhum padrão de sazonalidade para o índice geral. Por esse resultado, o ajustamento sazonal do IPC-Fipe não é necessário

    Evolução do perfil didático-pedagógico do professor-engenheiro

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    Resumo Este trabalho é uma revisão bibliográfica, cujos objetivos são analisar e compreender a evolução do perfil didático-pedagógico do professor-engenheiro no Brasil. Identificou-se que o perfil didático-pedagógico não mudou ao longo da história dos cursos de engenharia. O método de ensino-aprendizagem é caracterizado por práticas tradicionais, que envolvem aulas expositivas e práticas laboratoriais, sendo o aluno avaliado por provas. Analogamente, o parque industrial brasileiro não apresentou mudanças significativas ao longo da história, sendo caracterizado pela reprodução de bens de consumo. Entretanto, o mercado empregador brasileiro impõe uma formação técnico-científica baseada em uma visão ética e humanística, que possibilite entender e desenvolver novas tecnologias, adquirir senso crítico e criativo, além de identificar e resolver problemas e demandas da sociedade. Essas competências profissionais são observadas apenas em países desenvolvidos que possuem uma educação de nível superior globalizada, que prioriza a mobilidade internacional de estudantes, professores e profissionais. Isso significa que as referidas competências são incompatíveis com a realidade brasileira que não pratica inovação tecnológica, centrando-se na reprodução de manufaturados. O governo tem implantado tanto legislações educacionais como programas de auxílio às indústrias com o intuito de atender às demandas do mercado empregador. Entretanto, os resultados foram insatisfatórios devido ao perfil reprodutivo do setor industrial. Contudo, o docente precisa adquirir novos métodos de ensino-aprendizagem, que possibilitem a construção ao invés da reprodução do conhecimento. Objetiva-se melhorar a aprendizagem do aluno, aprimorando sua capacitação profissional, o que resulta em avanço tecnológico, mesmo que seja no âmbito da reprodução de manufaturados

    Price dispersion and price indexes

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    The traditional theory of price index numbers is based on the law of one price. But in the real world, we frequently observe the existence of an equilibrium price dispersion instead of one price of equilibrium. This article discusses the effects of price dispersion on two price indexes: the cost of living index and the consumer price index. With price dispersion and consumer searching for the lowest price, these indexes cannot be interpreted as deterministic indicators, but as stochastic indicators, and they can be biased if price dispersion is not taken into account. A measure for the bias of the consumer price index is proposed and the article ends with an estimation of the bias based on data obtained from the consumer price index calculated for the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from January 1988 through December 2004. The period analysed is very interesting, because it exhibits different inflationary environments: high levels and high volatility of the rates of inflation with great price dispersion until July 1994 and low and relatively stable rates of inflation with prices less dispersed after August 1994.

    Inflação e dispersão de preços relativos: qual a direção de causalidade?

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    This paper focuses on the causality among inflation, relative price variability and skewness in the distribution of price changes. The data used are the prices of a group of inputs that are components of price indices related to the public constructions sector. The period 1977-1997 is considered in the analysis. Two theoretical approaches are tested: the menu costs theory and the asymetric price response hypothesis. The results do not support the first one because there is evidence of feedback effects. The asymmetric price response hypothesis is not rejected only in period 1977-1985

    Núcleo da inflação: análise comparativa dos metódos "média aparada" e "exclusão prévia" aplicados a dados mensais desagregados

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    This article wishes to discuss some methods that are used to estimate core inflation. Since the Brazilian inflation target policy was adopted, as well as in other countries, core inflation has arisen as a major issue. The "previous exclusion ofitems" and trimmed mean methods are applied to disaggregated data of IPC-FIPE, from January-1975 through December-2000. Results show thatthe trimmed mean method underestimates IPC-FIPE in the long term, no matter the inflation trend. The previous exclusion of items method is a suitable indicator of the inflation trend only in the period of prices "freezing" It is concluded that Brazilian Monetary Authorities should not adopt those core inflation measures as inflation target

    Núcleo da inflação: análise comparativa dos metódos "média aparada" e "exclusão prévia" aplicados a dados mensais desagregados

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    This article wishes to discuss some methods that are used to estimate core inflation. Since the Brazilian inflation target policy was adopted, as well as in other countries, core inflation has arisen as a major issue. The "previous exclusion ofitems" and trimmed mean methods are applied to disaggregated data of IPC-FIPE, from January-1975 through December-2000. Results show thatthe trimmed mean method underestimates IPC-FIPE in the long term, no matter the inflation trend. The previous exclusion of items method is a suitable indicator of the inflation trend only in the period of prices "freezing" It is concluded that Brazilian Monetary Authorities should not adopt those core inflation measures as inflation target

    Relação entre inflação, variabilidade e assimetria dos preços relativos em diferentes ambientes inflacionários

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    This article analyzes the relationship among the first three moments of the distribution ofthe price variation rates in distinct infationary contexts. The database utilized was takenfrom CPI-FIPE. The period studied extends from Jan/75 to Dec/99 and is divided into threesub-periods: Jan/75 to Feb/86, which presents moderate but growing infation rates; Mar/86to Jul/94, which is characterized by high volatility and elevated amplitude of the infationrates; Aug/94 to Dec/99, in which low and relatively stable infation rates predominate. Theresults obtained indicated the existence of an equilibrium relationship between infation andrelative price variability only in the first and third sub-periods and infation is the exogenousvariable. There was no evidence of association between infation and the skewness of the ofrelative prices changes.Este artigo analisa a relagao entre os tres primeiros momentos da distribuigao das taxas devariagao dos pregos em contextos inflacionarios distintos. A base de dados utilizada eproveniente do IPC-Fipe. 0 periodo estudado estende-se de jan/75 a c/ez/99 e estd divididoem tres subperiodos: jan/75 a fev/86, que apresenta taxas de inflagao moderadas, poremcrescentes; mar/86 a jul/94, que se caracteriza pela alta volatilidade e elevada amplitudedas taxas de inflagao; ago/94 a dez/99, em que predominam taxas de inflagao baixas erelativamente estaveis. Os resultados obtidos indicaram a existencia de relagao de equilibrioentre infagao e variabilidade dos pregos relativos apenas no primeiro e terceiro subperiodose inflagao e a variavel exogena. Nao foi encontrada nenhuma evidencia de associagao entrecoeficiente de assimetria da distribuigao dos pregos relativos e infagao

    Purchasing power parity in Brazil: a test for fractional cointegration

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    The purpose of this paper is to test the validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) doctrine in Brazil. Historical data for the period 1855–1996 are considered. The period 1855–1990 is also analysed in order to compare the results with those obtained by Zini and Cati (1993) using the conventional cointegration analysis. This article uses fractional cointegration analysis, a flexible methodology which allows for more subtle forms of mean reversion. The tests performed are those of Geweke and Porter-Hudak (1983), and of Hurvich and Ray (1995). The critical values for both tests are generated by simulation because they are non-standard. The empirical results do not support the absolute PPP hypothesis but the relative PPP holds in the long run.