20 research outputs found

    The dark side of ISO 14001: The symbolic environmental behavior

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    Some of the academic research on ISO 14001 has focused on analyzing the benefits of its adoption. However, this international standard has also received some criticism, particularly in respect of the adoption of ISO 14001 when not accompanied by significant improvements in environmental performance. This study analyzes the relationship between the symbolic environmental behavior and the adoption of ISO 14001. In so doing, it uses binary logistic regression to analyze an international sample of 1961 manufacturing facilities that each employs more than 50 people. The results indicate that the higher the symbolic environmental performance of the firm, the greater the probability of adopting ISO 14001

    Does symbolism benefit environmental and business performance in the adoption of ISO 14001?

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    Much research has focused on the organisational and reputational benefits of ISO 14001. However, less discussed is the symbolic adoption that some firms are implementing without experiencing significant reductions in environmental impacts. This work analyses the relationships between the different ISO 14001 adoption profiles (from symbolic profile to factual approach) and both environmental performance and profitability. These relationships are examined using a sample of 1214 manufacturing firms in 7 OECD countries while controlling for selection bias. The results suggest that only ISO 14001 adopters that monitor an extensive set of negative environmental impacts are associated with real improvements in both environmental performance and business performance

    Corporate social responsibility and export performance under stakeholder view: The mediation of innovation and the moderation of the legal form

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    Prior confronting findings on the association between corporate social responsibility and profitability show that some aspects remain to be clarified about this binomial. Contributing to this body of research is particularly interesting in the case of the exporters to understand the role that corporate social responsibility may play in improving export performance. This study aims to determine the impact of firms' corporate social responsibility efforts on their export performance by examining innovation and the legal form of the organization as factors that could affect this relationship. Using data from 107 agri-food companies, we found that corporate social responsibility has no direct effect on export performance. However, our results show that innovation serves as a mediator in this relationship. It was also found that companies that adopt associative legal forms (i.e., cooperatives) benefit more from their social responsibility practices than companies that adopt non-associative legal forms.Junta de Andalucia PAIDI 2018 P18-RT-466

    Can National Innovation Substitute The Role of Environmental Regulation to Improve Corporate Environmental Performance?

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    Environmental regulatory uncertainty has attracted extraordinary attention among scholars, managers, policy-makers and other members of society. Despite this increasing attention, the impact of environmental regulatory uncertainty on the environmental approaches of firms is difficult to estimate in the business context. Considering that environmental regulations are not the only mechanism enabling firms to develop proactive environmental management practices, we show that the national institutional profile delineates a firm鈥檚 environmental progress. Specifically, we argue that the national level of innovation is an essential institutional condition that can encourage firms to develop advanced environmental approaches and even overcoming the effect of environmental regulatory uncertainty on corporate environmental performance. Using a sample of 1,912 firms from 19 countries, we developed different scenarios that combine the effects of environmental regulatory uncertainty and the national level of innovation. Knowledge of these different situations illustrates how managers cope with environmental regulatory uncertainty.Environmental Regulatory Uncertainty; National Level of Innovation; Corporate Environmental Performance

    'Greenwashing': amistades peligrosas. Predisposici贸n directiva a involucrarse con 'greenwashers' ante diferentes niveles de certeza

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    El "greenwashing" es una estrategia de comunicaci贸n simb贸lica que consiste en divulgar informaci贸n medioambiental positiva de la empresa, tratando de obviar los aspectos negativos. Usando un experimento con 125 directivos de empresas espa帽olas, en este trabajo se analiza como la percepci贸n del "greenwashing" afecta a mantener relaciones comerciales con un "greenwashers", existiendo discrepancias cuando los resultados econ贸micos de la relaci贸n comercial son conocidos. Los resultados muestran que los directivos tienden a penalizar los comportamientos de "greenwasing", pero que esta predisposici贸n negativa es menor cuando se conoce la obtenci贸n de ganancias en la relaci贸n con el "greenwasher"

    Creating trusting behaviours through the corporate webpage: general and specific beliefs

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    Existen multitud de situaciones en las que el hecho de que un agente decida confiar en otro agente que le es desconocido puede venir influido por la existencia de creencias acerca del comportamiento que ese agente desconocido tendr谩 si se conf铆a en 茅l. Estas creencias determinan una intenci贸n que, posteriormente, se traducir谩 en un comportamiento. Este trabajo va incluso m谩s all谩 que los trabajos existentes en la literatura, introduciendo como novedad una diferenciaci贸n entre las creencias generales y las creencias espec铆ficas. En este art铆culo se analiza, por un lado, la influencia que las creencias generales ejercen sobre la intenci贸n de confiar y, por otro lado, el papel que desempe帽an las creencias espec铆ficas en la intenci贸n de confiar. Para ello, se desarrollan dos tipos de an谩lisis. En primer lugar, un an谩lisis te贸rico, con un modelo de investigaci贸n en el que se presentan las relaciones entre las variables, as铆 como las hip贸tesis de investigaci贸n propuestas. En segundo lugar, un an谩lisis emp铆rico basado en un experimento de laboratorio, en el cual se estudian las creencias acerca de la fiabilidad del otro a trav茅s de la informaci贸n recogida en la p谩gina web corporativa de una empresa qu铆mica. Las principales novedades aportadas en este art铆culo son tres. En primer lugar, el establecimiento de una diferenciaci贸n entre las creencias generales y las creencias espec铆ficas y la influencia que cada una ejerce a la hora del desarrollo de un potencial comportamiento basado en la confianza. En segundo lugar, el desarrollo de este esquema en un entorno online, mediante un an谩lisis emp铆rico basado en un experimento sobre una empresa de la cual los individuos s贸lo conocen la informaci贸n contenida en su p谩gina web. Y en tercer lugar, la aplicaci贸n de esta metodolog铆a a una empresa qu铆mica. Entre las principales conclusiones extra铆das de este trabajo, cabe destacar las siguientes. Primera, la informaci贸n contenida en la p谩gina web corporativa puede ser un a herramienta tan eficaz en la generaci贸n de creencias acerca de la fiabilidad de una empresa que incluso un individuo puede estar dispuesto a trabajar en una empresa que desconoce, basando su decisi贸n en las creencias acerca de la fiabilidad de la empresa, que ha elaborado bas谩ndose en la informaci贸n contenida en la p谩gina web corporativa. Segunda, queda demostrado que las creencias generales que se forja el individuo a trav茅s de la informaci贸n disponible en el entorno puede potenciar la intenci贸n de confiar en una empresa que desconoce f铆sicamente y s贸lo conoce a trav茅s de la informaci贸n disponible en su p谩gina web. Tercera, queda demostrado que las creencias generales de un individuo acerca de la fiabilidad de la informaci贸n corporativa contenida en la p谩gina web de una empresa guardan una relaci贸n positiva con la intenci贸n a confiar en dicha empresa.There are many situations where the fact that an agent decides to trust another unknown agent can be influenced by the existence of beliefs about the behaviour that this unknown agent will have once the other agent has trusted in him/her/it. These beliefs determine an intention that, later, will result in a behaviour. This work goes beyond the existing studies in the literature, by introducing a new distinction between the general beliefs and the specific beliefs. This article examines, firstly, the influence that general beliefs exert on the intention to trust and, secondly, the role that specific beliefs play on the intention to trust. To do this, two types of analysis are developed. First, a theoretical analysis, with a research model in which the relationships between the variables are presented, as well as the researched hypotheses proposed. Secondly, an empirical analysis based on a laboratory experiment, which examines the beliefs about the reliability of the other agent through the information gathered in the corporate website of a chemical company. Three are the main news introduced in this article. First, establishing a distinction between general beliefs and specific beliefs, and the influence that each exerts on the development of a potential behaviour based on trust. Secondly, the development of this scheme in an online environment, through an empirical analysis based on an experiment on a company from which individuals only know the information contained on its website. And thirdly, the application of this methodology to a chemical company. Among the main conclusions drawn from this work, the following can be highlighted. First, the information contained on the corporate website can be such a effective tool to generate beliefs about the reliability of a company that even an individual may be willing to work for an unknown company, basing his/her decision on his/her beliefs about the reliability of the company, beliefs that have been developed on the basis of the information contained on the corporate website. Second, it is shown that the general beliefs that an individual elaborates from the information available in the environment can enhance the intention to trust an unknown company. Third, it is shown that an individual's general beliefs about the reliability of corporate information contained on the website of a company have a positive relationship with the intention to trust that company

    Calidad y algo m谩s: El efecto conjunto de la gesti贸n de la calidad y medioambiental en la rentabilidad de la empresa

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    En el panorama empresarial actual tanto la implantaci贸n de sistemas de gesti贸n de la calidad y medioambiental como su posterior certifi caci贸n son pr谩cticas de gesti贸n cada m谩s consolidadas debido a su gran importancia para el correcto desarrollo de la actividad econ贸mica. Usando la teor铆a de recursos y capacidades, este trabajo demuestra emp铆ricamente que la combinaci贸n de ambas iniciativas de gesti贸n est谩 positivamente relacionada con altos niveles de rentabilidad empresarial. Para ello, se ha utilizado una muestra que cuenta con 3.817 unidades de negocio en siete pa铆ses de la OCDE de diversos subsectores manufactureros

    Corporate social responsibility and export performance under stakeholder view: The mediation of innovation and the moderation of the legal form

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    Prior confronting findings on the association between corporate social responsibility and profitability show that some aspects remain to be clarified about this binomial. Contributing to this body of research is particularly interesting in the case of the exporters to understand the role that corporate social responsibility may play in improving export performance. This study aims to determine the impact of firms' corporate social responsibility efforts on their export performance by examining innovation and the legal form of the organization as factors that could affect this relationship. Using data from 107 agri-food companies, we found that corporate social responsibility has no direct effect on export performance. However, our results show that innovation serves as a mediator in this relationship. It was also found that companies that adopt associative legal forms (i.e., cooperatives) benefit more from their social responsibility practices than companies that adopt non-associative legal forms

    La estrategia medioambiental proactiva y planteamientos internos de la empresa

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    Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Organizaci贸n de Empresas. Le铆da el 15 de septiembre de 200

    Calm after the storm? The role of social and environmental practices on small and medium enterprises resilience throughout COVID-19 crisis

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    The peer review history for this article is available at https://publo ns.com/publo n/10.1111/beer.12528.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been supported by the research projects CV20-20664 and A-SEJ- 192- UGR20, both granted by Council of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Junta de Andaluc铆a (regional government, Spain) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The authors also acknowledge the partial support provided by the projects P20-00019, P20-00568, and B-SEJ_ 398_UGR20 granted by Council of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Junta de Andaluc铆a, the project PID2020-223338RBI00 granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and the project LMP-175- 21 granted by the Government of the Autonomous Community of Arag贸n. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA.This study aims to analyze whether resilient SMEs have been able to overcome the bump of the COVID-19 crisis in terms of profitability. When facing such unforeseen crises, SMEs require resilience, and one of the factors that positively affect resilience generation is the adoption of social and environmental practices (SEPs). Using survey data on the managerial perceptions of 259 SMEs, this study reveals the positive association between resilience and improvements in business performance, and how the adoption of SEPs is an essential prerequisite for developing a higher level of resilience. We corroborate these associations for SMEs at two moments of the pandemic: November 2020 and October 2021. Our findings show that more resilient SMEs exhibit better results in terms of business performance, and the prior adoption of SEPs is positively associated with the development of resilience in the crisis context of COVID-19.European Regional Development Fund, Grant/Award Number: CV20-20664Junta de Andaluc铆a, Grant/Award Number: A-SEJ- 192- UGR20Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA