432 research outputs found

    The Relationships between Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, and Achievement, Along Elementary School

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    Investigating the relationships between student’s intrinsic (IM) and extrinsic motivation (EM) and their effects is critical for offering a more complex perspective on which types of motivation promote optimal learning and achievement. The goal of this study was to analyse IM and EM as two independent forms of motivation or, alternatively, as two opposite poles of a continuum ranging from a poor (extrinsic) to a good (intrinsic) form of motivation. Participants were 200 students, who were longitudinally assessed along elementary school using separate measures of IM and EM, and academic of achievement. Results supported that IM and EM can coexist and are not contradictory. Whereas IM was steadily associated to better achievement, a negative relationship emerged between EM and student’s achievement by the end of elementary school.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação experimental da utilização de conectores indentados em elementos mistos em aço e betão leve

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    Os autores agradecem à Saint-Gobain Weber Portugal e à BASF Portugal o gentil fornecimento de argila expandida do tipo LECA HD e de superplastificante do tipo Glenium Sky 617, respetivamente.Neste trabalho, apresenta-se um estudo onde se avalia experimentalmente o comportamento do conector Crestbond inserido em lajes maciças de betão leve estrutural. Os resultados obtidos são comparados com outros resultados obtidos anteriormente com betão de massa volúmica normal. Para tal, são realizados ensaios de tipo push-out, conforme os procedimentos descritos na NP 1994-1-1 [1] e a montagem já utilizada em ensaios anteriormente realizados [2]

    A population-based cohort study

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    Determinação da eficácia anti-helmintíca em rebanhos ovinos: metodologia de colheita de amostras e de informações de manejo zoossanitário.

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    Aplicação de questionário; Pré-experimento para colheita de fezes, contagem de OPG e coprocultura; Seleção de animais para aplicação do teste; Realização de teste de redução de contagem de ovos nas fezes (TRCOP); Avaliação dos resultadosbitstream/CPPSE-2010/18894/1/PROCIDOC91SCMN2009.00152.pd

    em especial no crime de violência doméstica

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    Study of the problems involved in the application of the right of refusal to testify (Article 134. º CPP) to criminal charges of domestic violence, namely in situations of violence between spouses. Drawing attention, to some of the contingencies of the exercise of the right of refusal in such proceedings, a matter never before examined under Portuguese law, and also to the need to reconsider, based on the North American experience, the application of the law in these cases.Estudo sobre a problemática que rodeia a aplicação do direito de recusa de depoimento (artigo 134.º do CPP) aos processos-crime de violência doméstica, nomeadamente nas situações de violência entre cônjuges. Chamada de atenção para algumas contingências do exercício do direito em processos desta natureza, uma matéria nunca examinada à luz do ordenamento jurídico português, bem como para a necessidade de, tendo por base a experiência Norte-americana, reponderar a aplicação do direito de recusa de depoimento nestes casos

    Toward an understanding on father involvement in divorced families

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    Important changes regarding the traditional family structure and the beliefs about gender roles, more specifically about the parental roles, have contributed to an increasing number of studies focusing on the father and his involvement in the family, especially with the child. However, research is still scarce among divorced families. Therefore the main goal of this study was to analyze father involvement with their children (one child per family) in divorced Portuguese parents. Sociodemographic variables such as parents’ age, education and the child’s sex were considered. Fathers (N = 118) reported on their involvement regarding the child. Results show that the father’s involvement varies according to the type of activities and was moderated by the child’s sex and the mother’s education. Fathers were more involved in indirect care and outdoor leisure activities with their sons than daughters, also father involvement in outdoor leisure increased in families in which the mother’s education was higher. These results are important to understand father involvement as a multidimensional construct, and how it’s affected by parents and child’s characteristics, particularly after divorce.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Avaliação do comportamento de vigas mistas com conector Crestbond

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    Neste trabalho, realiza-se um estudo sobre vigas mistas em aço e betão onde se utilizam conectores do tipo Crestbond contínuos. O conector Crestbond consiste numa chapa plana lisa cortada em forma de crista com saliências e reentrâncias trapezoidais, pertencendo, por isso, à família dos conectores de chapa contínua. Anteriormente, já foi experimentalmente comprovado que o conector Crestbond apresenta elevada capacidade resistente, comportamento dúctil e capacidade para garantir o funcionamento misto pretendido [1]. No presente trabalho apresentam-se resultados de ensaios numéricos e experimentais em vigas mistas de aço e betão, realizados na Universidade do Minho, onde são utilizados conectores Crestbond