63 research outputs found

    The Relationships between Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, and Achievement, Along Elementary School

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    Investigating the relationships between student’s intrinsic (IM) and extrinsic motivation (EM) and their effects is critical for offering a more complex perspective on which types of motivation promote optimal learning and achievement. The goal of this study was to analyse IM and EM as two independent forms of motivation or, alternatively, as two opposite poles of a continuum ranging from a poor (extrinsic) to a good (intrinsic) form of motivation. Participants were 200 students, who were longitudinally assessed along elementary school using separate measures of IM and EM, and academic of achievement. Results supported that IM and EM can coexist and are not contradictory. Whereas IM was steadily associated to better achievement, a negative relationship emerged between EM and student’s achievement by the end of elementary school.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bullyings, hiperatividades & afins!

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    Family, Peers and Juvenile Delinquency: Analysis of Different Pathways to Recidivism

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    Diversas dimensões relativas à família, como a estrutura e as dinâmicas familiares (cf., Contreras, Molina & Cano, 2011), e relacionadas com o grupo de pares (cf. Cottle, Lee & Heilbrun, 2001) têm sido associadas à reincidência de comportamentos delinquentes em jovens. Trazendo novos contributos para esta discussão, o objetivo do estudo apresentado consiste em avaliar como diferentes dimensões de risco familiares e do grupo de pares variam de acordo com diferentes percursos de reincidência (i.e., não reincidentes, reincidentes intermédios, reincidentes persistentes). Recorrendo a uma amostra de 105 jovens em cumprimento de medida tutelar educativa, este estudo foi realizado em Portugal e centrou-se na reincidência dos jovens no contacto com o sistema de justiça como indicador de percursos delinquentes persistentes. Os resultados revelam que mais de metade dos jovens da amostra (54.3%) são reincidentes, tendo cumprido medidas tutelares educativas anteriores. Entre as variáveis significativamente associadas à reincidência, destacam-se a existência de contactos anteriores com o sistema de proteção e os comportamentos delinquentes do grupo de pares. Em conjunto, esses fatores parecem relacionar-se com o envolvimento em atos delinquentes, enfatizando a necessidade de serem desenvolvidas intervenções integradas para prevenir a reincidência.Different family factors such as structure, family dynamics (cf. Contreras, Molina & Cano, 2011) and peer-related variables (cf. Cottle, Lee & Heilbrun, 2001) have been linked to recidivism among young offenders. Bringing new contributions to this discussion, our goal was to evaluate how different family and peer factors of risk differ according to various recidivism pathways (e.g., non-reoffenders; moderate reoffenders; persistent reoffenders). Taking a sample of 105 young offenders, complying with youth justice measures, the present study has been developed in Portugal and focuses on recidivism as an indicator of persistent reoffending. Results showed that more than half of young offenders in the sample (54.3%) are reoffenders, as they have already complied with former youth justice measures. Among the most relevant variables associated with recidivism are a previous connection with the protection system, and the criminal behavior of the young offenders' peers. Together, these factors may relate to delinquent behavior, highlighting the need to develop integrated interventions, in order to prevent recidivism.   &nbsp

    Academic achievement and emotional and behavioural problems: the moderating role of gender

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    The present study aimed to explore the association between academic achievement and emotional and behavioural problems and the moderation role of gender in this association. 1350 Portuguese school-aged children and adolescents from first to ninth grade (6–15-year-old), part of a national representative sample, were assessed by teachers and parents with questionnaires from the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA). Results show that academic achievement significantly predicts child and adolescent’s internalizing, externalizing, and total problems. Gender moderates the association between academic achievement and child and adolescent’s externalizing and total problems, both at school and in the family context. The results underscore the relevance of academic achievement in children and adolescent’s emotional and behavioural problems, and particularly in boys.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of socio-emotional security on school engagement and academic achievement: systematic literature review

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    Introduction: Socio-emotional security and particularly secure attachment relationships with parents and peers have been associated with positive developmental outcomes, including school-related variables. This systematic literature review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the literature, exploring the relationship between socio-emotional security (attachment, support, and secure relations with parents and peers) and academic achievement, school engagement, and early school dropout. Methods: The inclusion criteria were studies with socio-emotional security as the independent variable and academic achievement and/or school engagement as the dependent variable, using a quantitative methodology, written in English. The exclusion criteria were articles presenting literature review or meta-analysis, interventions or instrument validation studies, studies with a qualitative approach, studies developed in an e-learning context, studies with university students, and/or focused on schooling in extreme conditions (e.g., COVID-19). PRISMA guidelines were followed, through a search that resulted in the identification of 38 empirical quantitative studies, published between 2018 and 2022, in English. Results and discussion: The results revealed that parent and peer relationships impact students’ academic achievement and school engagement, as expected, and highlighted the relevance of parental and peer relationships for school-related outcomes. Future research should consider the role of potential mediators and moderators in the relationship between socio-emotional security and school outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Protective factors in the use of electronic media according to youth and their parents: an exploratory study

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    The use of electronic media (EM) by youths has been widely described in the literature, indicating the relevance of understanding the factors that can protect against its risks. We aimed to explore the protective role of participating in extracurricular activities (ECAs) and of parental mediation in the use of EM by young people. A total of 1413 people (729 students, aged between 11 and 17 years old, and one of their parents) participated in this study. Youths who engaged in ECAs spent significantly less time per week on EM and perceived that the use of EM devices had less of a negative impact. When parents and their children presented a congruent notion of how much time youth spent on EM, parents perceived EM to have less of a negative impact on their children compared to dyads with discrepant assessments. The hierarchical regression results indicated that regardless of time spent per week on EM, engaging in ECAs was a significant predictor of perceiving a less negative impact, playing a role as a protective factor regarding the use of EM. The ubiquity of EM reinforces the importance of the focus of this study, and its results contribute to creating specific guidelines for parental education and educational policies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Foster care process: challenges and coping of youth and families

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