214 research outputs found

    Imaging of Pancreatitis

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    Imaging of pancreatitis is very complicated. Correct detection of the various forms of pancreatitis is essential for adequate early therapy. In acute pancreatitis, imaging is useful for diagnosis, but above all for the research of causes and any complications. In autoimmune forms, imaging raises clinical suspicion and guides the response to therapy and the search for associated pathologies. In chronic pancreatitis, imaging is essential for grading, differential diagnosis with neoplastic diseases and follow-up. The classical CT and MRI methods play a fundamental role in this sense, being increasingly supported by modern special techniques such as S-MRCP and T1-mapping. Finally, interventional radiology today represents one of the main minimally invasive methods for the diagnosis and treatment of complications

    Characterization of Botrytis cinerea populations associated with treated and untreated cv. Moscato vineyards

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    Three Botrytis cinerea populations, isolated from three vineyards, one untreated and two treated twice a year, respectively, with fenhexamid or cyprodinil+fludioxonil, were investigated to evaluate the effect of repeated fungicide treatments on the presence and distribution of the transposons Boty and Flipper, and on the phenotypic traits of each pathogen community. The vacuma individuals lacking the two transposons represented the majority of the 390 B. cinerea isolates followed by transposa strains containing Boty and Flipper, while the remaining 67 isolates harboured respectively only Boty (60) or Flipper (7). This research has demonstrated that fungicide application did not influence the transposon distribution patterns, the sensitivity towards various botryticides, or the growth rate of the isolates belonging to the three different populations, but did induced overall reduction of the population size and selected isolates characterized by an enhanced pathogenicity, especially on Vitis vinifera leaves

    Treatment of lung microcytoma with neuroendocrine differentiation in elderly patient

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    We describe the case of a 80-year-old patient with lung microcytoma and comorbidity (diabetes, COPD and hypertensive cardiomiopaty). To manage the complexity of the elderly patient with comorbidity, he was evaluated by a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA). Radiotherapy and chemotherapy were excluded because of the low Performance Status of the patient. A treatment with octerotide LAR was administered, allowing a good clinical benefit

    Cardiac rehabilitation activities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. Position Paper of the AICPR (Italian Association of Clinical Cardiology, Prevention and Rehabilitation)

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    The COVID-19 outbreak is having a significant impact on both cardiac rehabilitation (CR) inpatient and outpatient healthcare organization. The variety of clinical and care scenarios we are observing in Italy depends on the region, the organization of local services and the hospital involved. Some hospital wards have been closed to make room to dedicated beds or to quarantine the exposed health personnel. In other cases, CR units have been converted or transformed into COVID-19 units. The present document aims at defining the state of the art of CR during COVID-19 pandemic, through the description of the clinical and management scenarios frequently observed during this period and the exploration of the future frontiers in the management of cardiac rehabilitation programs after the COVID-19 outbreak

    La escolarización pandémica en la escuela secundaria en Santa Cruz

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    The pandemic produced a shock (Grinberg, Verón & Bussi, 2020) that the population had not experienced, at least, in the course of the 21st century and that installed, among other aspects, uncertainty regarding the future and fear of human contact. Among the measures adopted globally to prevent the spread of the virus by COVID19, is the total closure of institutions at all levels and modalities of the educational system. In the Province of Santa Cruz (Patagonia Argentina) this process of closing the institutions, within the framework of the Preventive and Mandatory Social Isolation (ASPO) took place for almost 16 (sixteen) months from the month of March of the year 2020. The initial photo of school life in times of pandemic is made up of already existing elements, with the appearance of others that came to deepen situations and with the emergence of some novelties. However, the initial photo is shocking for the reason that schools are closed: spaces and times can no longer be shared with others because we are potential agents of contagion. The school, that place where we are going to be together, where we learn and teach content, we produce knowledge, where culture is transmitted, remains empty. It is there, where we concentrate the problematization in this writing, the closed doors and the empty schools did not imply the cessation of schooling. We propose that, in a pandemic scenario, home education involved articulating institutional, personal, and family efforts to sustain the pedagogical bond and with knowledge. This report presents research results regarding the effects of the pandemic on schooling, specifically, regarding the characteristics of home education from the perspective of students and teachers. With great emphasis on synchrony, we recover the experiences and feelings of teaching and learning in times of pandemic and compulsive virtualization.La pandemia produjo un shock (Grinberg, Verón y Bussi, 2020) que la población no había experimentado, al menos en el curso del siglo XXI y que instaló, entre otros aspectos, la incertidumbre respecto del porvenir y el temor al contacto humano. En ese mientras tanto del desarrollo de la pandemia, la prescripción fue quedarse en casa y la digitalización se transformó en el elemento clave de cualquier tipo de interacción. En algún sentido el cambio de la modalidad de comunicación, o sea, la virtualización de los intercambios entre los hablantes que separa la comunicación de la corporeidad, cambió la forma del propio mensaje, y redefinió el vínculo pedagógico, con el aumento en algunos casos de la inestabilidad de la cultura profesional de ser/hacer docencia en este escenario. Esto no es menor, porque en todas las áreas (empresariales, de gobierno, de ocio, educativas, etcétera) el shock fue redireccionado hacia la virtualización de las acciones. En nuestro caso especial de la educación, para evitar la propagación del virus por COVID19, se planteó el cierre total de las instituciones educativas en todos sus niveles y modalidades. En la Provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina (Región Patagónica) ese proceso de cierre institucional, en el marco de lo que se denominó Aislamiento Social Preventivo y Obligatorio (ASPO), se extendió por casi 16 (dieciséis) meses, a partir de Marzo del año 2020. La foto inicial de la vida escolar en tiempos de pandemia se conformó con elementos ya existentes, la aparición de otros y la emergencia de algunas novedades que vinieron a profundizar situaciones preexistentes. Sin embargo, la foto inicial es impactante ante el cierre de las escuelas, ya no se podían compartir espacios y tiempos con otros/as y cundió el pánico de ser potenciales agentes de contagio. La escuela, ese espacio-tiempo donde circulamos en con-juntos/as, donde aprendemos-enseñamos, producimos saberes y la cultura transmite, quedó cerrada y vacía. Es aquí, donde concentramos la problematización en este escrito, pues las puertas cerradas y las escuelas vacías, no implicó el cese de los procesos de escolarización. En este sentido, proponemos que en escenario de pandemia, la educación en casa involucró articular esfuerzos institucionales, personales y familiares para sostener el vínculo pedagógico y con el conocimiento. Este informe presenta resultados de investigación en torno a los efectos de la pandemia en la escolaridad, específicamente, respecto de las características de la educación en casa desde la perspectiva de estudiantes y docentes. Con gran acento en la sincronía, recuperamos las vivencias y sentires de enseñar y aprender en tiempos de pandemia y virtualización compulsiva

    Sensitivity of three commercial tests for SARS-CoV-2 serology in children: an Italian multicentre prospective study

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    US Food and Drug Administration has issued Emergency Use Authorizations for hundreds of serological assays to support Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) diagnosis. The aim of this study is to evaluate, for the first time in children, the performance of three widely utilized SARS-CoV-2 serology commercial assays, Diesse Diagnostics (IgG, IgA, IgM) and Roche Diagnostics, both Roche Nucleocapsid (N) IgG and Roche Spike (S) IgG assays. Methods: Sensitivity and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated for each of the three different serological tests and mixed and direct comparison were performed. Univariate and multivariate Poisson regression models were fitted to calculate incidence rate ratios and 95% CIs as estimate of the effects of age, gender, time on the serology title. A p-value < 0.05 indicated statistical significance. Results: Overall, 149 children were enrolled in the study. A low sensitivity was found for Diesse IgA, IgM and IgG. Compare to Diesse, Roche S had a higher sensitivity at 15-28 days from infection (0.94, 95%CI: 0.73-1.0) and Roche N at 28-84 days (0.78, 95%CI: 0.58-0.91). When a direct comparison of IgG tests sensitivity was feasible for patients with pairwise information, Roche S and Roche N showed a statistically significant higher sensitivity compared to Diesse in all the study periods, whereas there was no difference between the two Roche tests. Conclusion: Roche S and Roche N serology tests seem to better perform in children. Large prospective studies are needed to better define the characteristics of those tests

    Eligibility criteria for pediatric patients who may benefit from anti SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibody therapy administration: an Italian inter-society consensus statement

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    The fast diffusion of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic have called for an equally rapid evolution of the therapeutic options.The Human recombinant monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and by the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) in subjects aged ≥12 with SARS-CoV-2 infection and specific risk factors.Currently the indications are specific for the use of two different mAbs combination: Bamlanivimab+Etesevimab (produced by Eli Lilly) and Casirivimab+Imdevimab (produced by Regeneron).These drugs have shown favorable effects in adult patients in the initial phase of infection, whereas to date few data are available on their use in children.AIFA criteria derived from the existing literature which reports an increased risk of severe COVID-19 in children with comorbidities. However, the studies analyzing the determinants for progression to severe disease are mainly monocentric, with limited numbers and reporting mostly generic risk categories.Thus, the Italian Society of Pediatrics invited its affiliated Scientific Societies to produce a Consensus document based on the revision of the criteria proposed by AIFA in light of the most recent literature and experts' agreement.This Consensus tries to detail which patients actually have the risk to develop severe disease, analyzing the most common comorbidities in children, in order to detail the indications for mAbs administration and to guide the clinicians in identifying eligible patients