512 research outputs found

    Intensification in pastoralist cereal use coincides with the expansion of trans-regional networks in the Eurasian Steppe

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    The pace of transmission of domesticated cereals, including millet from China as well as wheat and barley from southwest Asia, throughout the vast pastoralist landscapes of the Eurasian Steppe (ES) is unclear. The rich monumental record of the ES preserves abundant human remains that provide a temporally deep and spatially broad record of pastoralist dietary intake. Calibration of human δ13C and δ15N values against isotope ratios derived from co-occurring livestock distinguish pastoralist consumption of millet from the products of livestock and, in some regions, identify a considerable reliance by pastoralists on C3 crops. We suggest that the adoption of millet was initially sporadic and consumed at low intensities during the Bronze Age, with the low-level consumption of millet possibly taking place in the Minusinsk Basin perhaps as early as the late third millennium cal BC. Starting in the mid-second millennium cal BC, millet consumption intensified dramatically throughout the ES with the exception of both the Mongolian steppe where millet uptake was strongly delayed until the end of first millennium cal BC and the Trans-Urals where instead barley or wheat gained dietary prominence. The emergence of complex, trans-regional political networks likely facilitated the rapid transfer of cultivars across the steppe during the transition to the Iron Age

    Situating organizational action: the relational sociology of organizations

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    This paper advances a relational sociology of organization that seeks to address concerns over how organizational action is understood and situated. The approach outlined here is one which takes ontology seriously and requires transparency and consistency of position. It aims at causal explanation over description and/or prediction and seeks to avoid pure voluntarism or structural determinism in such explanation. We advocate relational analysis that recognizes and engages with connections within and across organization and with wider contexts. We develop this argument by briefly reviewing three promising approaches: relational pragmatism, the social theorizing of Bourdieu and critical realism, highlighting their ontological foundations, some similarities and differences and surfacing some methodological issues. Our purpose is to encourage analysis that explores the connections within and between perspectives and theoretical positions. We conclude that the development of the field of organization theory will benefit from self conscious and reflexive engagement and debate both within and across our various research positions and traditions only if such debates are conducted on the basis of holistic evaluations and interpretations that recognize (and value) difference

    Development of an instrumented customizable total knee prosthesis for experimental tests.

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    Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has revolutionized the life of millions of patients and it is the most efficient treatment in cases of osteoarthritis. The increase in life expectancy has lowered the average age of the patient, which requires a more enduring and performing prosthesis. To improve the design of implants and satisfying the patient's needs, a deep understanding of the knee Biomechanics is needed. To overcome the uncertainties of numerical models, recently instrumented knee prostheses are spreading. The aim of the thesis was to design and manifacture a new prototype of instrumented implant, able to measure kinetics and kinematics (in terms of medial and lateral forces and patellofemoral forces) of different interchangeable designs of prosthesis during experiments tests within a research laboratory, on robotic knee simulator. Unlike previous prototypes it was not aimed for industrial applications, but purely focusing on research. After a careful study of the literature, and a preliminary analytic study, the device was created modifying the structure of a commercial prosthesis and transforming it in a load cell. For monitoring the kinematics of the femoral component a three-layers, piezoelettric position sensor was manifactured using a Velostat foil. This sensor has responded well to pilot test. Once completed, such device can be used to validate existing numerical models of the knee and of TKA and create new ones, more accurate.It can lead to refinement of surgical techniques, to enhancement of prosthetic designs and, once validated, and if properly modified, it can be used also intraoperatively

    Impact of Poverty

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    Developmental-Begins before birth: quality of mother nutrition and prenatal care; Parent-child interactions; less access to learning-oriented toys; less access to developmentally appropriate activities. Asthma- Environmental; Access to preventive health care. Obesity- Lack of opportunities for physical activity; Lack of access to nutritionally dense foods

    Measurements of the length of the zone of flow establishment in a jet using a Laser Doppler Anemometer

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    The length of the zone of flow establishment in a submerged, turbulent, buoyant, axisymmetric jet issuing into a quiescent ambient fluid was investigated using a Laser Doppler Anemometer and microthermocouple probe. Also, velocity and temperature profiles were measured through various cross-sections of the jet; A 3-dimensional traversing mechanism with feedback and interface circuitry was constructed and then controlled by an 80286 microcomputer. Software for computer aided data acquisition was written for the Laser Doppler Anemometer and traversing mechanism and was executed on the 80286 microcomputer; An experimental setup was constructed to form axisymmetric jets and to allow for the addition of heat, seed particles, and the control of velocity and temperature. The jet nozzle was made in such a way as to allow for flow measurements at angles of inclination from 0 to 90 degrees; The work conducted for this experimental thesis expands the existing data on jets. A new formula for the zone of flow establishment was developed that relates its length to the Reynolds number in the nozzle. The length of the zone of flow establishment in an axisymmetric, vertical jet was found to vary according to the formula:{dollar}{dollar}\eqalign{&{S\sb{ZFE}\over D}\approx{5.03{\cdot}Re\sb{D}\over Re\sb{D}-361}\cr\cr&45

    Reconstructing a Large-Scale Attribute-Based Social Network

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    An epidemic occurs when a disease rapidly infects substantially more people than expected compared to past experience of similar diseases. If an epidemic is not contained, it could turn into a pandemic, which will cause a worldwide crisis. Therefore, it is critical to determine and implement epidemic policies that are promising and effective within a short period of time. In this paper, we will develop tools that will allow us to recreate large-scale real-world social networks. Using such networks will enable us to simulate disease spread and determine critical personal and social factors that will be the key to containing or even preventing an epidemic event. We begin by developing an attribute-based social network infrastructure with the objectives of: efficiency, modularity, and functionality in mind. Next, real-world data from public sources are analyzed and imported into the infrastructure to reconstruct a real-world social network. The resulting social network is predicted to be an accurate representation of the data used to create the network since properties in the network are matched with actual publicly available census data with a percent error less than 0.03. The tools and methods developed in this paper will allow simulation and analysis to be performed on real-world social network, which will provide crucial information on determining effective epidemic policies within an extremely short period of time

    Early life-history studies of nearshore rockfishes and lingcod off Central California, 1987-92

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    This study focused on the physical and biological processes that influence the distribution, abundance, growth, and survival of young-of-the-year (YOY) rockfishes and lingcod along the central California coast. The annual somatic and reproductive condition of adult female blue rockfish corresponded to annual upwelling. Resulting larval production may correspond to the reproductive potential of adults; however, ultimate recruitment success of YOY is also effected by oceanographic conditions during their planktonic stage. Within a year, each species of settled YOY was observed concurrently and in relatively similar abundances at all study dive sites along the central coast. Most species of YOY exhibited similar growth patterns among stations and years. We found a high degree of interannual variability in the condition of adults and relative abundances of YOY. We believe a large part of this variability is due to annual oceanographic conditions, specifically upwelling. Marine reserves, which would protect populations of reproductively mature rockfishes and lingcod and insure 1arval production, have been suggested as an alternative to present management strategies for these species. However, a crucial question is whether or not larvae from adult fish in reserves would significantly contribute to replenishing stocks in other areas. This study was undertaken to assist in determining the feasibility of reserves to enhance nearshore rockfish and lingcod populations. (78pp.

    Constructing Representative Social Networks for Disease Simulation

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    Diseases spread mechanisms have been questioned and studied for many years. The ability to make predictions about an epidemic could enable scientists to evaluate inoculation/ isolation plans, control the mortality rate, and prevent the future course of an outbreak. Accurate predictions, however, are extremely hard to make and requires interdisciplinary solutions from epidemiology, sociology, statistics, graph theory, and Computer Science. For making the prediction, currently few network analysis platforms written in C++ are designed and optimized. The research is aimed to address this gap by exploring methods of constructing social contact network, simulating disease spreading, and proposing mitigation strategies for use by public health officials. We present a network construction and simulation library which allows studying the progress of an epidemic in a large scale social contact network. The library easily manipulates large graphs, generates regular and random graphs, and supports various compartmental models in epidemiology. The library allows network construction of the population given publicly available census information in the geographical area under consideration. Given the characteristics of the disease, the library is able to simulate a single or multiple outbreaks over the network. Standard outputs are the evolution of the prevalence of the disease and different possible mitigation strategies given a variety of constraints. The network analysis platform serves as a handy tool designed to help us to understand the paths followed by outbreaks in a given community and to generate strategies for preventing and controlling them

    Formal organizing and transnational communities: evidence from global finance governance associations, 1879-2006

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    The global economic, political and social landscape underwent a remarkable transformation in the latter half of the twentieth century (Giddens 1984, 1990; Hirst & Thompson 1996; Boli and Thomas, 1999; Crori et al 2003; see also Foucault 1970, 1979 on general epistemic shifts). These changes had an impact on many aspects of economic and social life. One of the most profound developments has been the proliferation of transnational organizing through formal structures. The extraordinary growth in global voluntary associations, in particular, and the timing of the emergence of these associations in the global sphere have not yet been adaquately explained by existing theories in organizational analysis and other social sciences. Therefore, an alternative theoretical approach is required to understand how and why associational forms of organization of economic and social activiry have moved into the transnational space. In this chapter we shall address these concerns by looking at the historical emergence of global finance governance organizations and note the existence of archipelagos of agencies that govern finance in different ways. These voluntary associations include legally incorporated associations that exist within local legal jurisdictions as well as loosely structured networks and movements that are disembodied entities that exist and coordinate using electronic media. Incorporated assoviations display local rootedness with implications such as legal liability of its members, the right to own property and enter contracts, and the right to open a bank account and officially lodge a complaint. Much of the earlier work on understanding global organization focused on particular factors related to technology, knowledge or expertise, and worked within the framework of existing nation-state jurisdiction. However, the heterogeneirty within this global space reveals how, through the governance mechanism of global associetions, finance has evolved into a global concern embodying particular logics and following a specific historical trajectory
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