2 research outputs found

    Personalizuoto mokymo(si) koncepcijos taikymas universitetinėse studijose: kaip tai veikia?

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    Personalised learning embraces the elements of mutual ownership by learners and teachers, flexible content, tools and learning environments, targeted support, and data-driven reflection and decision making. The current study utilises a mix of instrumental case study (Stake, 1995) and deductive thematic analysis (Braun, Clarke & Terry, 2015; Terry et al., 2017) methods to explore the accounts of students of two teacher education study programmes at Vilnius University. The programmes were innovated to include practices of personalised learning in line with the framework developed by partners of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project INTERPEARL (Innovative Teacher Education through Personalised Learning). The results yielded three major themes which capture the successes and setbacks the students face, namely, personalisation in vivo: facilitation of growth as a would-be teacher; personalisation not manifest: what does not work; and personalisation in the making: the dos and don’ts.Personalizuotą mokymą(si) sudaro keturi pagrindiniai principai: 1) abipusė mokytojo ir besimokančiojo atsakomybė; 2) lankstus turinys, priemonės ir mokymosi aplinka; 3) tikslingas mokymas(is); bei 4) duomenimis grindžiami sprendimai ir refleksija. Šiame tyrime taikant instrumentinės atvejo studijos (Stake, 1995) ir dedukcinės teminės analizės (Braun, Clarke & Terry, 2015; Terry ir kt., 2017) metodus buvo tiriamos dviejų Vilniaus universiteto mokytojų rengimo studijų programų studentų savistatos apie mokymo(si) personalizavimo patirtis studijų metu. Programos buvo atnaujintos įtraukiant į jas inovatyvias personalizuoto mokymo(si) praktikas pagal „Erasmus+’ strateginių partnerysčių projekto „Inovatyvus mokytojų ugdymas taikant personalizuotą mokymą(si)’ (angl. Innovative Teacher Education through Personalised Learning (INTERPEARL) partnerių sukurtas gaires. Rezultatai atskleidė tris pagrindines temas, kurios atspindi sėkmingas ir nesėkmingas studentų patirtis: personalizavimas in vivo: būsimojo mokytojo augimo skatinimas; kai personalizavimo nėra: kas neveikia; ir personalizavimo tapsmas: ką daryti, o ko ne

    Innovative teacher education through personalised learning: designing teaching and learning scenarios

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    The growing diversity of the student population twinned with a shift towards more learner-centred education provides the impetus to develop innovative teaching approaches. Imagined as personalised learning (PL), this approach argues for greater flexibility for the learner and more opportunities to include students' voice in the design and enactment of learning. This paper distils the learning from the members of the INTERPEARL project consortium including Lithuanian Universities Siauliai University (SU), Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), and Vilnius University (VU) together with their international partners University of Iceland (UI), and University College Cork, Ireland (UCC). The paper is based on the theoretical assumptions of social construction and takes mixed method approach to uncover the learning from implementing a personalised learning process to encourage greater learner agency and co-creation of learning. This paper will introduce the PL framework developed by the INTERPEARL consortium and two related concepts, namely Learning Scenarios and Learning Design. The learning from the implementation of the PL Framework in Iceland, Ireland, and Lithuanian is uncovered, with a methodology of self-study of teaching and teacher education practices (S-STEP), and student-teachers surveys providing a strong rationale for more PL approach