49 research outputs found

    Atomic Mass Compilations

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    The Polylogarithm and the Lambert W Functions in Thermoelectrics

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    In this work, we determine the conditions for the extremum of the figure of merit, theta2, in a degenerate semiconductor for thermoelectric (TE) applications. We study the variation of the function theta2 with respect to the reduced chemical potential mu* using relations involving polylogarithms of both integral and nonintegral orders. We present the relevant equations for the thermopower, thermal, and electrical conductivities that result in optimizing theta2 and obtaining the extremum equations. We discuss the different cases that arise for various values of r, which depends on the type of carrier scattering mechanism present in the semiconductor. We also present the important extremum conditions for theta2 obtained by extremizing the TE power factor and the thermal conductivity separately. In this case, simple functional equations, which lead to solutions in terms of the Lambert W function, result. We also present some solutions for the zeros of the polylogarithms. Our analysis allows for the possibility of considering the reduced chemical potential and the index r of the polylogarithm as complex variables

    Focal Increased Radiopharmaceutical Uptake Differentiation Using Quantitative Indices

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    Focal increased radiopharmaceutical uptake in a lesion results in focal Hot Spots in the scans. This can occur in benign infective or inflammatory disorders and cancerous diseases as well. Comparison between malignant and benign lesions is important. The Hot spots can be classified into benign and malignant lesions by Spatial Scintimetry or Temporal Scintimetry. Spatial Scintimetry compares the uptake in the region of interest with the adjacent tissue or the unaffected contralateral site. The quantitative indices are lesion/non lesion ratio, lesion/background activity and lesion to Bone ratio etc. The Temporal Scintimetry relies on the changes in the counts or uptake in the Hotspot lesion with reference to the dual point time of acquisition. The Hotspot in the bone scan can be classified using the quantitative index of retention ratio by Dr. V. Siva and Israel. In PET studies the focal hot spots can be differentiated into benign and malignant lesion using the dual phase PETCT evaluation using the Rong’s Retention ratio and Dr. V. Siva’s modified RRI values

    Design and Development of a Mini-Orange Magnetic Spectrometer with Multichannel Facility for Conversion Electron Spectroscopy

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    Background: Conventional magnetic spectrometers used for conversion electron detection are very cumbersome, require strong magnetic fields and the spectra have to be scanned point by point and have very low transmission. A magnetic filter using permanent magnets and an Si(Li) detector would facilitate multichannel analysis with high transmission. The mini-orange is a new type of spectrometer for conversion electrons combining a solid state Si(Li) detector with a filter of permanent magnets around a central absorber of lead.Purpose: An indigenously developed magnetic spectrometer if optimized properly would be of great use in conversion electron spectroscopy for both online and offline experiments. Methods: A Mini-Orange magnetic spectrometer made of small permanent magnets has been designed and developed indigenously and optimized for its best performance condition. The transmission curves for different energy regions are plotted using the conversion electron spectra from the standard gamma transitions from 153Gd, 169Yb and 131Ba decays. The optimized spectrometer facilitates multichannel acquisition of conversion electron spectra for precision electron spectroscopy. The system also can be used in in-beam experiments with minor modifications of the vacuum chamber.Results: The optimized spectrometer was used for precision electron spectroscopy. Experimental transmission curves are then obtained by plotting Transmission (T) against the corresponding electron energy for low energy, medium energy and a broad energy range. Out of the several experiments done the optimum settings for f and g, that resulted in this curve, is identified at f = 7.5 cm and g = 4.5 cm. Conclusions: The optimized spectrometer facilitates multichannel acquisition of conversion electron spectra for precision electron spectroscopy. The system also can be used in in-beam experiments with minor modifications of the vacuum chamber

    Mass Attenuation Coefficient Measurements of Some Nanocarbon Allotropes: A New Hope for Better Low Cost Less-Cumbersome Radiation Shielding Over A Wide Energy Range

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    The mass attenuation coefficients of graphene, MWNTs and, SWNTs have been measured for gamma energy range 356 to 1332 keV from the radioactive sources 60Co, 133Ba and 137Cs using a well calibrated gamma ray spectrometer consisting of a 3 ́ ́x 3 ́ ́ NaI(Tl) scintillation detector coupled to a PC based 8K nuclear Multi Channel Analyser (MCA). In an interesting way results showed that MWNTs had the highest values of mass attenuation coefficients indicating their potential use as the best shielding material

    A study of antioxidant enzymes on experimental epileptic rat models induced by kainic acid excitotixicity

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    The word neurodegeneration rightly refers to the degenerative changes in nerve cell structure and so in its functions too. The main characteristics of these neurodegenerative disorders are relentless progression and decline in cognition. Epilepsy is one of the neurodegenerative disorders that affects a major portion of people around the world and the common form of focal epilepsy is Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). According to researchers the major cause for nerve cell degeneration is the excess production of free radicals. Preventing their action or quenching them will make a big deal in preventing neurodegeneration. As research work in relation to neurodegeneration is very much limited in India, we aimed one as an initiative. As herbs are always well known for their antioxidant activity with negligible side effects, we planned to apply one of the well-known herb, Acorus calamus and studied the potency of it in maintaining the antioxidant enzyme levels. The aim of this study in particular is to analyze the preventive role of Acorus calamus and its active ingredient Beta asarone in neurodegeneration than treating neurodegeneration in epileptic rat models. For the same, we selected eight groups of animals.&nbsp


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    <span style="font-size:14.0pt;line-height: 115%;font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:#111111;mso-ansi-language:EN-IN;mso-fareast-language:EN-IN;mso-bidi-language: HI" lang="EN-IN">Measurement of α<sub>K</sub>, α<sub>L</sub> and α<sub>M</sub> of the hindered E<sub>3</sub> transition in <sup>103</sup>Rh</span>

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    87-91The K, L and M internal conversion coefficients of the 39.76 keV 7/2+ →1/2 ̅ hindered transition in 103Rh are measured, using the normalized peak to gamma method. A Mini-orange electron spectrometer and a HPGe detector system have been employed for the study αM is being reported for the first time. The present study confirms the systematics of large deviations of experimental ICC of highly hindered high multipole transitions from the theoretical values


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    Objective: Epilepsy is the fourth most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder that affects about 1–2% of people round the world. Epilepsy cannot be cured even with modern medication, but the medications can control the seizures. Even this cannot be achieved in nearly 30% of epileptic population. At this point, we felt the need of some natural supplements to protect the nervous system against neurodegeneration and so created an equivalent model of epilepsy with kainic acid lesion and studied the novel role of Acorus calamus in protecting the neurons.Methods: For this study, we divided the animals into four groups, based on the drugs used. We also produced a stereotaxic model of epilepsy by inducing kainic acid into the right hippocampus of all the animals except CO (control) group. Then, we conducted a stereological study both on the 2nd and 7th day after surgery, to rule out the neuroprotective and neuroregenerative ability of the drugs employed.Results: The results were amazing. Stereological study on the 2nd day revealed a very large lesion on the hippocampus of lesion control (LC) animals, and the lesion was very much smaller in both drug group animals. On the 7th day also the LC animals showed a large lesion, but the lesion on the drug group animals diminished due to a number of new cells, probably of neurons grown in the place of lesion.Conclusion: The results proved the neuroprotective and regenerative ability of both drugs, but as a fact, beta-asarone had an upper hand in this study