378 research outputs found

    Il catalano nella Corte Aragonese a Napoli riflesso in documenti bilingui della cancelleria di Ferrante. Uno studio storico-sociale

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    Riassunto: Nel presente lavoro viene analizzato il fenomeno del code switching in una prospettiva storico-sociale. In particolare, focalizzeremo la nostra attenzione su cinque lettere bilingui del Codice Aragonese (1458-1460), un registro cancelleresco della corte aragonese a Napoli, in cui si passa dal catalano o dal castigliano al napoletano e viceversa. Analizzando il contesto storico e sociale nel quale le lettere sono state scritte, proveremo a trarre delle conclusioni sulle motivazioni per cui si ù realizzato il rispettivo cambio di codice linguistico. Nello stesso modo cercheremo di spiegare la tendenza di esprimersi in catalano in situazioni emozionali o di tensione politica, ma anche in contesti personali, per creare un’atmosfera di prossimità o di intimità.Parole chiave: Catalano, Napoletano, Sociolinguistica, Corte aragonese, Bilinguismo, Code switchingAbstract: This article is devoted to the phenomenon of code switching, related to a sociohistorical perspective. Particularly, we focuse on five bilingual documents of the Codice Aragonese, a codex from the chancellery of the Aragonese Crown at Naples in the 15th century. We analyze the historical and social context in which the letters have been written, in order to outline the motivation to change the linguistic code, this is, from the Catalan or Castilian language to the Neapolitan one, or vice versa. At the same time, we like to demonstrate the tendency of writing in Catalan in emotional situations or under strong political tension, but also in familiary contexts to create proximity and intimacy.Keywords: Catalan, Neapolitan, sociolinguistics, Catalan-Aragonese Crown, Bilingualism, Code switchin

    Paediatric, invasive pneumococcal disease in Switzerland, 1985-1994

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    Background Costeffectiveuse of new vaccines against pneumococcal disease in children requires detailed information about the local epideniiology of pneumococcal infections. Methods Data on 393 culture-confirmed cases of invasive pneumococcal infection in children (<17 years) hospitalized in Swiss paediatric clinics were collected retrospectively for the years 1985-1994. Results Meningitis (42%) was most frequent, followed by pneumonia (28%) and bacteraeniia (26%). The overall annual incidence was 2.7 cases per 100 000 children <17 years old and 11 cases per 100 000 children <2 years old. Annual incidence rates were stable over the study period. Lethality was high for meningitis (8.6%) and bacteraemia (8.9%). A history of basal skull fracture was reported in 3.3% of children with pneurnococcal meningitis. Residence in a rural region was associated with an increased risk of pneumococcal infection (relative risk = 1.45, 95% confidence interval: 1.01-2.00). Conclusions Paediatric, invasive pneumococcal disease seems to be less frequent in Switzerland than in other European and non-European countries. This may be due to differences in diagnostic strategies and lower frequency of risk factors such as the use of day care. Children with a history of basal skull fracture are at increased risk for pneurnococcal meningitis. Further investigation of the association of invasive pneumococcal infection with rural residence and the use of antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infections might give new insight into the dynamics of Streptococcus pneumoniae infection and the development of antibiotic resistanc

    Il Codice Aragonese (1458-1460): la distribuzione delle tre lingue napoletana, catalana e latina

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    Summary: This article is devoted to a 15th century’s codex from Naples under the Catalan-Aragonese Crown of King Ferran. To a sociocultural background I investigate the function of the three varieties involved (Catalan, Neapolitan and Latin) in general and as preferred correspondence languages. Furthermore, and in comparison to a hypothesis by the editor Armand-Adolphe Messer, I show that the use of Catalan and Neapolitan depends on the linguistic knowledge of the receiver and, in the case of bilingual receivers, on the author’s intention. By comparing the two varieties we observe a certain tendency to apply the Neapolitan language to objective messages while Catalan tends to be used for more personal or ‘urgent’ communications [Keywords: Catalan, Neapolitan, Naples, Catalan-Aragonese Crown, chancellery, sociolinguistics, trilingualism]

    Late onset tacrolimus-induced life-threatening polyneuropathy in a kidney transplant recipient patient

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    A 59-year-old kidney recipient was diagnosed with a late onset of severe chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy and almost fully recovered after stopping tacrolimus and one course of intravenous immunoglobulin treatment. Unique features of this patient are the unusually long time lapse between initiation of tacrolimus and the adverse effect (10 years), a strong causality link and several arguments pointing toward an inflammatory etiology. When facing new neurological signs and symptoms in graft recipients, it is important to bear in mind the possibility of a drug-induced adverse event. Discontinuation of the suspect drug and immunomodulation are useful treatment options

    Soziale Partizipation und aktuelles Erleben im gemeinsamen Unterricht.

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    Zurbriggen C, Venetz M. Soziale Partizipation und aktuelles Erleben im gemeinsamen Unterricht. Empirische PĂ€dagogik. 2016;30(1):98-112

    Intensity bias oder rosy view? Zur Diskrepanz habituell und aktuell berichtetem emotionalen Erleben im Unterricht

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    Venetz M, Zurbriggen C. Intensity bias oder rosy view? Zur Diskrepanz habituell und aktuell berichtetem emotionalen Erleben im Unterricht. Empirische PĂ€dagogik. 2016;30(1):27-42

    Entwicklung und erste Validierung einer Kurzversion des „Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Dimensionen der Integration von SchĂŒlern (FDI)“ von Haeberlin, Moser, Bless und Klaghofer

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    Venetz M, Zurbriggen C. Entwicklung und erste Validierung einer Kurzversion des „Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Dimensionen der Integration von SchĂŒlern (FDI)“ von Haeberlin, Moser, Bless und Klaghofer. Empirische SonderpĂ€dagogik. 2014;6(2):99-113

    Wie SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler in integrativen Klassen den Unterrichtsalltag erleben

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    Venetz M, Zurbriggen C. Wie SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler in integrativen Klassen den Unterrichtsalltag erleben. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fĂŒr HeilpĂ€dagogik. 2011;17(5):6-10

    Integriert wĂ€hrend der Primarschule – und dann?

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    Venetz M, Zurbriggen C. Integriert wĂ€hrend der Primarschule – und dann? Schweizerische Zeitschrift fĂŒr HeilpĂ€dagogik. 2014;20(5):38-44
