124 research outputs found

    Surgical approach to the cavernous sinus for a trigeminal schwannoma resection: technical note and case report

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    We report a rare case of schwannoma of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, an exceedingly rare lesion affecting this anatomical district, and discuss salient aspects of the surgical approach to the cavernous sinus, which are traditionally considered technically challenging due to the high risk of postoperative morbidity and mortality related to the presence of the cranial nerves and internal carotid artery

    La situación de las mujeres migradas víctimas de violencia de género. Propuestas de intervención

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    Este estudio surge con la intención de dar respuesta a la atención psicosocial en formato grupal de mujeres migradas que han sido víctimas de violencia de género. Dado que nos movemos en una sociedad multicultural, debemos encaminar nuestros esfuerzos hacia la integración del elemento cultural en las intervenciones. El trabajo está articulado en torno a dos grandes bloques. El primero, con tres ejes medulares, trata la situación actual de las mujeres migradas en nuestro contexto: I) los factores críticos en las mujeres migradas para superar la situación de maltrato; II) el marco legal de protección de las mujeres víctimas de malos tratos, y III) las respuestas y los retos actuales a los que nos enfrenta este fenómeno. Para elaborar el segundo bloque se ha tenido en cuenta las experiencias particulares de las mujeres extranjeras y sus contextos. A partir de entrevistas y grupos de discusión, se han ido recogiendo la voz de las mujeres migradas que han vivido situaciones de maltrato y explorado sus realidades, preocupaciones e inquietudes a fin de poder responder a sus necesidades para ayudarlas en los procesos de recuperación

    Ancient Schwannoma of the Cauda Equina: our experience and review of the literature

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    Ancient schwannomas (AS) are exceedingly rare variant of common schwannomas (CS). Only two cases involving the cauda equina region have been previously reported in literature. AS are typically associated with a higher histological degree of degenerative changes (Antoni B areas). It is of peculiar importance, according to our opinion, to outline that, because of their extremely slow growth (which explains the increase of the degenerative changes in respect to the CS) and their typical soft consistency in respect to their standard counterparts, AS usually imply an even better prognosis

    Assessing the real benefits of surgery for degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis without instability and spondylolisthesis: a single surgeon experience with a mean 8-year follow-up

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    Background: The degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis is one of the most commonly treated spinal disorders in older adults; despite its increasing frequency, it is not yet clear what the most effective therapy might be. The aim of this study is to investigate the very long term results of a homogenized cohort of patients suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis: the first subset of patients operated on with laminectomy and the second subset of patients was also advised to undergo laminectomy but never operated on. Methods: Patients from both subgroups were advised to undergo surgery, according to the same criteria, in the period between 2000 and 2010 and were re-evaluated in the period between January and December 2016. Results: Comparing the two subsets of patients, both suffering from clinically relevant LSS, the first subset returns a statistically significant clinical improvement at follow-up. The rate of excellent results decreases over years. Iatrogenic spinal instability incidence was found to be 3.8% in the present cohort. Conclusions: Although the improvement of the first postoperative years decreases over time and despite the lack of general consensus, the lack of established shared guidelines and the limitations of this research, the results support the utilisation of surgery for the management of this condition. Level of Evidence: 3

    Prácticas contrahegemónicas en un centro de Justicia Juvenil. Insubordinaciones y disidencias a la dominación

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    El presente artículo aborda las prácticas contrahegemónicas con las que los grupos subalternos enfrentan el descrédito y la dominación a partir del material etnográfico recogido en un centro educativo de justicia juvenil español. Por un lado, cartografía las formas subrepticias a través de las cuales los jóvenes disfrazan la disidencia y oponen resistencia a ciertas prácticas degradantes de la educación correccional. Por otro, elucida la paradoja que parecerían encerrar estas formas de contrapoder: pueden ser leídas como válvulas de escape necesarias para el mantenimiento del orden social, pero también como contraofensivas que marcan límites a la sujeción institucional.Paraules claus: sujeción institucional, educación correccional, resistencia, tácticas, orden social.AbstractI examine counter-hegemonic practices adopted by subordinate groups who are discredited and dominated. To do so, I draw on ethnographic material collected in a school from the Spanish youth justice system. On the one hand, the paper maps hidden ways through which young people cover up dissent and resist the humiliating practices of correctional education. On the other, it elucidates the paradox that these antiestablishment forms seem to entail: they can be read as necessary escape mechanisms for the maintenance of social order, but also as a counter-offensive that sets limits on institutional subordination.Keywords: institutional subjugation, correctional education, resistance, tactics, social order

    Políticas sociales, ciudadanía y exclusión en América Latina: un controvertido triángulo

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    Aquest treball planteja algunes consideracions en relació amb les concomitàncies entre política social, exclusió i ciutadania en el marc llatinoamericà. El concepte d'exclusió social està fortament vinculat a la noció de ciutadania, en particular a l'extensió dels drets socials. Les polítiques socials formarien part de l'engranatge que permet accedir a l'estatut de ciutadania a garantir aquests drets. No obstant això, suggerim que aquests s'estan veient de mica en mica desplaçats a favor de polítiques assistencials. L'Estat brinda assistència, però no drets de ciutadaniaIn this paper, we raise some considerations regarding the existing relationships between social policy, exclusion, and citizenship in Latin America. The concept of social exclusion is strongly linked to the notion of citizenship and, more specifically, to the extension of social rights. Social policies are part of the machinery that makes access to citizenship status possible by guaranteeing social rights. However, we suggest that social rights are being gradually displaced, making room for residual welfare policies. The State provides assistance, but it does not provide citizenship rights.Este trabajo plantea algunas consideraciones en relación con las concomitancias entre política social, exclusión y ciudadanía en el marco latinoamericano. El concepto de exclusión social está fuertemente vinculado a la noción de ciudadanía, en particular a la extensión de los derechos sociales. Las políticas sociales formarían parte del engranaje que permite acceder al estatuto de ciudadanía al garantizar dichos derechos. Sin embargo, sugerimos que estos se están viendo paulatinamente desplazados a favor de políticas asistenciales. El Estado brinda asistencia, pero no derechos de ciudadaní

    How cities deal with climate change: From individual to collective performance

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    Global urbanization is compounding the potential impacts of climate change, increasing greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere and complicating impacts to people’s livelihoods. Risks include increased frequency of flooding, drought, extreme heatwaves, sea level rise and more; posing significant challenges to governments and decision makers. These challenges are especially high in dense urban areas. Despite these clear risks, many cities have not yet begun to address climate change. However, according to UN-Habitat, when properly planned, implemented, and managed through the appropriate governance structures, cities can be places of innovation and efficiency. Together with their local authorities cities have the potential to diminish the causes of climate change (mitigation) and effectively protect themselves from its impacts (adaptation). The goal of the research is to identify key aspects of adaptation and mitigation to climate change and identify trends among how cities are managing and approaching the issue of climate change, as well as enhance collaboration and sharing knowledge as a way to improve efficiency while building resilience to it. Additionally, this work seeks to identify holes and opportunities in these plans to help cities become more resilient and less vulnerable by managing efficiently by focusing on critical issues. The research consists of a comparison between 50 cities worldwide, based on published “Climate Action Plans” or other key organizational government documents. Specific government actions and risks, adaptation and mitigation measures are identified. These measures are then compared across specific sectors and city characteristics including Köppen Indicator and GDP to identify trends and enhance collaboration between cities. Actions to face climate change are organized by mitigation and adaptation measures. Mitigation measures are sorted by different sectors, and adaptation measures are divided based on identified risks. This provides governments a way to organize efficiently their measures and manage emissions issues (mitigation) and adaptation practices (adaptation). This research shows that most urban areas face similar threats to climate change induced risks. However, many cities do not yet have action plans to minimize these risks. Identifying most common climate change-induced risks, most common adaptation and mitigation practices, and detecting where missing or incomplete information can be improved can enable cities to become more resilient both in the short and in the long term. The combination between acting based on own findings and sharing experiences and therefore learning from other cities with similar features is the best strategy to address climate change in a local scale

    La precedenza tra gli Estensi e i Medici e l'Historia de'principi d'Este di G. Battista Pigna / Santi Prof. Venceslao

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    La precedenza tra gli Estensi e i Medici e l'Historia de'principi d'Este di G. Battista Pigna / Santi Prof. Venceslao Ferrara : Premiata Tipografia Sociale, 1897 90 p. ; 25 cm Estr. da: Atti della Deput. ferr. di Storia Patria

    Estudi de les competències treballades al grau d'educació social. La veu dels estudiants i dels docents

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    La recerca consisteix en la identificació i reconeixement de les competències transversals i específiques en el Grau d'Educació Social de la Facultat de Pedagogia (UB) per part d'estudiants i professorat. Vam planificar un estudi diagnòstic amb un disseny de tipus mixt. La triangulació dels resultats, ha permès analitzar les coincidències i divergències pels dos col·lectius. Les conclusions indiquen la necessitat de repensar les competències tant en la seva definició, com en la implementació