331 research outputs found

    Effect of Soil Treatment on the Dynamic Response of Machine Foundations

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    Improvement of foundation soils using existing treatment techniques such as chemical, compaction and jet grouting can significantly enhance the general load bearing capacity of foundations. This paper describes the effect of soil treatment on the dynamic response of a rigid foundation subjected to steady-state, lCM-amplitude high-frequency vibrations, such as those encountered in machine foundation problems. Dynamic finite element analysis were performed to evaluate the effect of soil treatment as a function of treatment type and geometry. The treatment of foundation soil significantly reduced the amplitude of vibration of the foundation with the reduction being highly dependent on the type and geometry (i.e., width and depth) of the treated zone

    Acúmulo de micronutrientes em materiais genéticos de cafeeiro Conilon

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    Objetivando caracterizar o acúmulo de micronutrientes (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe e B), de matéria seca e verificar a variação no conteúdo destes elementos em materiais genéticos de cafeeiro Conilon, realizou-se um estudo utilizando os seguintes materiais genéticos: cinco clones (02, 03, 14, 23, 120) pertencentes à INCAPER 8142 Cultivar Vitória, variedade clonal, e EMCAPER 8151 Robusta Tropical, variedade de propagação por semente, conduzido na Fazenda Experimental Bananal do Norte do Incaper, localizada no distrito de Pacotuba, em Cachoeiro do Itapemirim (ES). Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com 27 amostragens, realizando a coleta de plantas inteiras, uma de cada material genético. A matéria seca total aumentou de forma crescente até o quarto ano de idade, alcançando 6,42 kg/planta e os compartimentos analisados (folhas, ramos, caule, raiz e frutos) alcançaram 1,02 kg/planta, 0,60 kg/planta, 3,21 kg/planta, 0,37 kg/planta e 1,20 kg/planta, respectivamente. Os conteúdos de Fe, Mn, B, Cu e Zn na planta aumentaram de forma crescente até o quarto ano de idade, alcançando 1.368,42 mg, 788,53 mg, 174,40 mg, 78,76 mg, e 72,63 mg, respectivamente. A ordem de acúmulo foi: Fe > Mn > B > Cu > Zn. Os maiores teores de Cu estão nos frutos e nas folhas, o de Zn nas raízes, Mn nas folhas e nos ramos, Fe nas raízes e B nas folhas. Não foi observada nenhuma diferenciação nos teores foliares entre os micronutrientes avaliados. Os teores B não se diferenciaram nos compartimentos analisados entre os materiais genéticos. As folhas apresentaram maiores conteúdos de Mn e B, o caule apresentou maiores conteúdos de Cu e Zn e as raízes apresentaram maiores conteúdos de Fe. Os materiais genéticos de cafeeiro Conilon estudados apresentaram uma taxa de acúmulo diário de matéria seca de 4,0572 g planta-1 dia-1 e as taxas de acúmulo diário de micronutrientes (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe e B) de 0,0470 mg planta-1 dia-1, 0,0463 mg planta-1 dia-1, 0,4638 mg planta-1 dia-1, 0,9805 mg planta-1 dia-1 e 0,1128 mg planta-1 dia-1, respectivamente. As maiores taxas de acúmulo anual vegetativa para os micronutrientes foram observadas nas folhas, com exceção do Fe, que apresentou as maiores taxas de acúmulo nas raízes. A maior taxa de acúmulo anual de matéria seca vegetativa foi verificada no Robusta Tropical e nos clones 23 e 120, e a menor taxa de acúmulo anual de matéria seca no Clone 14. Aos 4 anos de idade, a maior parte do total de matéria seca acumulada foi alocada no caule (50%), seguido pelos frutos (19%), folhas (16%), ramos (9%) e raízes (6%). Palavras-chave: Café Conilon. Nutrição mineral. Proporção

    Peritumoural, but not intratumoural, lymphatic vessel density and invasion correlate with colorectal carcinoma poor-outcome markers

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    To evaluate whether lymphatic vessel density (LVD) and lymphatic vessel invasion (LVI) are useful markers of worse outcome in colorectal carcinoma and if LVD and LVI correlate to the classical clinical-pathological parameters, we analysed 120 cases of colorectal carcinomas selected from the files of Division of Pathology, Hospital das Clinicas, São Paulo University, Brazil. Assessment of LVD and LVI was performed by immunohistochemical detection of lymphatic vessels, using the monoclonal antibody D2-40. Higher LVD was found in the intratumoural area, when comparing with normal and peritumoural areas (p < 0.001). However, peritumoural LVD, but not intratumoural, correlated with both colonic-wall-invasion depth (p = 0.037) and liver metastasis (p = 0.012). Remarkably, LVI was found associated with local invasion (p = 0.016), nodal metastasis (p = 0.022) and hepatic metastasis (p < 0.001). Peritumoural LVD and LVI are directly related to histopathological variables indicative of poor outcome such as lymph-node status and liver metastasis

    21 de setiembre: día de la ciencia y la técnica

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    Con motivo del 3O aniversario de la instauraci&oacute;n del 21 de setiembre como d&iacute;a de la Ciencia y la T&eacute;cnica en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, la CIC le ha solicitado a un grupo selecto de cient&iacute;ficos, su opini&oacute;n sobre aspectos esenciales del quehacer cient&iacute;fico y tecnol&oacute;gico. El presente texto contiene los siguientes trabajos: - Consideraciones acerca de la investigacion t&eacute;cnico-cient&iacute;fica sobre materiales, por Eduardo R. Abril. - Ciencia y tecnolog&iacute;a de alimentos, por Pedro Catt&aacute;neo - Ciencia y tecnolog&iacute;a en qu&iacute;mica org&aacute;nica por Venancio Deulofeu. - Ciencia y tecnolog&iacute;a - recursos humanos por Ernesto E. Galloni. - Discurso de apertura de la reunion sobre ciencia y tecnologia realizada en Mar del Plata del 6 al 8 de julio de 1978 por Luis F. Leloir. - Incidencia de la investigaci&oacute;n en el desarrollo de la metalurgia por Roberto F. Recoder. - Importancia de la investigaci&oacute;n matem&aacute;tica en la sociedad contempor&aacute;nea por Luis A. Santal&oacute;. - La investigaci&oacute;n en fisicoqu&iacute;mica y su proyecci&oacute;n en el desarrollo cient&iacute;fico y tecnol&oacute;gico por Hans J. Schumacher

    Determination of Cu in blood: Via direct analysis of dried blood spots using high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry

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    The performance of state-of-the-art high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (HR CS GFAAS) instrumentation and four novel devices to produce dried blood spots of perfectly defined volumes is evaluated with the aim of developing a simple, direct method for the determination of Cu in blood samples. In all cases, it is feasible to obtain accurate quantitative information using any of the four devices tested (Mitra, HemaXis DB10, Capitainer qDBS and HemaPEN) via simple external calibration with aqueous standards. One of the main differences in the performance of such devices is related to the blanks obtained, such that HemaXis DB10 and HemaPEN are preferred when abnormally low Cu levels (500 µg L-1 or lower), associated with some diseases, need to be determined. The results prove that accurate values with RSD values below 10% can be achieved for these devices even for such Cu levels, while for Capitainer qDBS and, to a higher extent, for Mitra, blank variations will ultimately increase the uncertainty. It is important to stress that analysis of four real samples using both venipuncture and all the DBS specimens showed a very good agreement. Thus, the approach proposed could be readily applied, such that patients with disorders requiring Cu control can prepare their own samples and submit them via postal mail to labs for HR CS GFAAS direct and fast analysis. © The Royal Society of Chemistry