27 research outputs found

    Valores do aditivo: o comportamento do consumidor de gasolina aditivada na perspectiva da Teoria das Cadeias Meios-Fins Values of the additive: the purchase behavior of midgrade gasoline consumers from the perspective of Means-End Chain Theory

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    O propósito da presente pesquisa foi identificar e descrever as relações associativas entre os valores, benefícios e atributos percebidos por consumidores de gasolina aditivada. Amparada pela Teoria das Cadeias Meios-Fins, a investigação acessou a estrutura cognitiva de tais consumidores mediante entrevistas em profundidade do tipo Laddering, por meio das quais se identificou 5 atributos, 22 benefícios e 13 valores pessoais. As inter-relações entre esses elementos foram representadas em um Mapa Hierárquico de Valores, a partir do qual 8 diferentes grupos de consumidores de gasolina aditivada puderam ser reconhecidos. A análise das motivações subjacentes aos valores pessoais citados revelou que parte considerável da opção por gasolina aditivada está relacionada à busca por estabilidade e conservação, o que sugere a existência de um nicho de mercado passível de atuação por parte das companhias distribuidoras. A partir dos resultados obtidos, implicações gerenciais e sugestões para futuras pesquisas foram apontadas.<br>The main objective of this research is to identify and describe the associative relationships among personal values, benefits, and attributes perceived by midgrade gasoline consumers. The laddering interview technique was used to access consumers' cognitive structure. Hence, it was possible to identify 5 attributes, 22 benefits, and 13 personal values. The inter-relationships among these elements were represented in a Hierarchical Value Map (HVM), from which eight different groups of midgrade gasoline consumers were identified. The analysis of motivations behind the mentioned personal values revealed that a relevant part of the option for midgrade gasoline is related to the search for stability and conservation, which suggests the existence of a niche market that can be explored by fuel companies. From those and other findings, managerial implications and suggestions for future studies were presented

    "Why caipirinha?"- the online via chat laddering technique CAN answer

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    As customers are becoming increasingly connected to the internet, this means that they are available for online interviews, thus opening up a space for investigating research methods, especially qualitative research, in an attempt to identify how to adapt data collecting instruments to the so-called “connected customer era”. In this context, the focus of this article is on the application viability analysis of the laddering technique used online and in real-time chat by asking the following question: “Why caipirinha?”. Conducting online in-depth interviews through the MSN Messenger and Skype (the most commonly used chat tools in Brazil), 23 attributes, 22 consequences and 13 values were identified, resulting in 133 ladders, 71 of which reached the value level. Along with friends/mates, Integration, Entertainment and Fun, in addition to Alcohol, Insouciance/ relaxation and Pleasure constitute the most frequent ladders. Concerning the application itself, the participants gave positive feedback, even though some of them did not feel satisfied because they became tired. Convenience, objectivity, disinhibition, easy scheduling and flexibility were identified. The viability of online in-depth interviewing via real-time chats was confirmed, raising the question of the possibility of it achieving other qualitative research techniques