514 research outputs found

    Culture of Rulers in Periya Puranam

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    Chera King Cheraman, Chozha King Cochenganan, Pugazh Cholan, Manuneethi Chozhan, CoonPandiyan (NindraSer Nedumaran), Iyyadigal KaadavarKone, Kazhar Singar, Idankaziyar, Narasingha Munaiaraiyar, Meipporular, Kurruvar were mentioned in Periyapuranam. Their Devotion and their service to the temples were also manuscripted. They offered donations and lands for conducting rituals and poojas. This article focuses how their dedicated service reached the temples. More over Rulers worshipped and respected the ardent devotees of Shiva. They fullfilled all their needs. This article discuss that how devotees were treated and protected in their Kingdom with solid evidences

    Impact of 17β Estradiol on Sex Ratio and Reproductive Output of The Catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.)

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    Many of synthetic chemicals (xeno - estrogens) have been shown to interact as agonists with the estrogen receptor (ER) and to elicit biological responses similar to those of the natural steroid hormones. Estradiol is the main compound responsible for the estrogenic activity in sewage treatment works effluents and given these concentrations, those found in surface waters, and its estrogenic potency, E2 is now considered as an important contaminant of the aquatic environment. Despite this, little is known about the biological effects of exposure to low concentrations of E2, or the sensitivity of different fish life stages to the disruptive effects of E2. To assess the effects on reproduction of exposure of adult catfish to E2, the fish used were 7-month-old. For each treatment group (5, 25, 100 ng E2/l, solvent control and dilution water control) a single tank containing 10 females (length 39.4mm ± 0.25; weight 56 mg ± 11.63) and 20 males (length 35.8 ± 0.23; weight 38 mg ± 7.7) was set up. The exposure tanks were 40 cm long × 20 cm wide × 25 cm high. Reproductive performance in each treatment group was followed for a 3-week-period prior to exposure to E2 and during a 3-week-period during the exposure to E2. Fish were maintained in the same tanks for the spawning assessments prior to and during E2 exposures and therefore, the pre-exposure spawning events were assigned as the controls for the subsequent E2 exposures for each regime. Fecundity and fertilization success in the F0 generation and hatchability in the F1 generation were assessed daily. Gonadal sections in males were examined for the presence of oocytes in the testis, alterations in testicular structure and the presence of Sertoli cells. In female gonads, the stages of oocyte development were also examined and for this purpose 50 follicles per couple and per female were identified and counted.Statistical analyses were done using One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s multiple range test was used. In the present study, the effects of exposure to E2 during various life stages on vitellogenin induction, gonadal histology and reproductive output in the catfish Heteropneustes fossilis was undertaken. This work demonstrated that exposure to E2 resulted in vitellogenin induction whatever the life stage exposed but these effects were reversible after a depuration period. Exposure to 100 ng E2/l from fertilization to 21 dpf also caused a disruption of the sexual differentiation as assessed by the skewed sex ratio in the subsequent adult population. Exposure during early life stages also resulted in an altered pattern of egg production in the subsequent adults. Exposure of catfish as adult to E2 led to a modification of the secondary sexual characteristics at 100 ng E2/l and a decrease of egg production. Taken together, these data showed the nature and level of the effects of E2 are dependent on the timing of the exposure with some effects being permanent (gonad differentiation) and others reversible (Vtg induction). This study demonstrated that early life stages of the fish are sensitive to low concentrations of E2 leading to partial feminization of the population and to vitellogenin induction and highlight the effects on vulnerable developmental stages. Moreover these data raise further concerns about the effects of steroid estrogens in the environment on fish reproductive health

    Impact of 17β Estradiol on Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.)

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    Industrial and municipal sewage treatments works effluents discharges and surface run off represent the main source of synthetic and naturals estrogens into the aquatic environment. 17β estradiol (E2) is now considered as an important contaminant of the aquatic environment. Despite this, little is known about the biological effects of exposure to low concentrations of E2, or the sensitivity of different fish life stages to the disruptive effects of E2. To address these issues, the present has been conducted a series of experiments on the freshwater fish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.) exposing them to low concentrations of E2 (5, 25 and 100 ng E2/l). These concentrations correspond to those commonly found in effluents and for the lower dose, a concentration found in some surface water. In the adult stage, secondary sexual characteristics, gonadal growth (the gonado-somatic index (GSI)) and sex ratio were calculated. For all experiments, the concentrations of E2 were measured by a gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). This study demonstrated that early life stages of the fish are sensitive to low concentrations of E2 leading to partial feminization of the population and to vitellogenin induction and highlight the effects on vulnerable developmental stages. Moreover these data raise further concerns about the effects of steroid estrogens in the environment on fish reproductive health

    A Comparison of the Results of Bacteriological Examination of a Sputum Collection and a Pair of Laryngeal Swab Specimens in Patients Receiving Chemotherapy for Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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    pulmonary tuberculosis is of prime importance. The most valuable assessment of a treatment is its effect on the bacterial population of the sputum. A reduction in the number of organisms being excreted, or their complete elimination, is the best evidence that the patient is responding to treatment, and bacteriological negativity is the crucial desideratum of the quiescence of the disease (American Trudeau Society, 1959; Devadatta et al., 1961). In a previous report from this Centre (Andrews and Radhakrishna, 1959) a comparison was made of the results of smear and culture examinations of specimens of sputum obtained in 2 different ways from patients receiving chemotherapy. It was found that “spot” specimens, that is, specimens produced in the Centre within the course of a few minutes were less frequently positive than “collection” specimens, that is, specimens produced overnight in the home. During treatment and usually within a few months of the start of effective chemotherapy, the majority of patients find it difficult to expectorate and it, therefore, becomes of interest to study the relative usefulness of collection specimens of sputum and laryngeal swabs in detecting the presence of tubercle bacilli. This report presents the results of a comparison of an overnight collection specimen of sputum (referred to as sputum specimen in the rest of the report) with a pair of laryngeal swabs (considered as a single specimen in the laboratory) taken from patients during the third to twelfth month of anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy


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    The traditional Siddha system of medicine was made available to common people by saints of south India called as Siddhars. While the timeline of its origin seems to be unpredictable, this ancient medicine interrelates nature and human beings in terms of five basic elements or Pancha bootham viz, earth, water, fire, air and space. Presence of all these five basic elements in the human body and universe in a balanced proportion seem to govern the three vital humours of our body called Vatham, Pitham and Kapham. Any alterations in any of these humours is said to be the cause of Dosham or disease. Hence the Material Medica of this system consists of herbal origin(Mooligai), Mineral origin (Thathu) and animal origin of both land and ocean (Jeevam). According to the Siddha philosophy, these natural resources are the constitutions of these five basic elements and therefore have the ability to prevent and treat the Doshams (diseases) that are caused due to the altered humours. Parpam a potent Siddha formulation with a shelf life of 100 years is usually prepared by grinding mineral or animal sources with herbs followed by a process called Pudam(Incineration). Muthuchippi parpam (Calcinated shell of Pearl oyster) is one such drug of marine origin which has been indicated in the Siddha literature for a wide variety of diseases.This review article analysis the scientific facts behind the traditional use of Muthuchippi parpam

    Pénicillines retard et posologie

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    Le contrôle de la pénicillinémie peut fournir des indications précieuses pour la fixation de la posologie des diverses formes thérapeutiques qu’il appartient bien entendu à l’observation clinique de vérifier. En principe, la posologie /kg. doit varier en fond ion inverse du poids : alors que la dose type est de 5.ooo U/kg. chez I‘ homme. elle doit être portée à 10.000 U/kg. chez le chien elle peut être réduite à 2.ooo U/kg. chez le cheval. Le contrôle de la pénicillinémie nous a par ailleurs permis de constater les analogies qui existent entre l’ enfant et le chien en ce qui concerne l’absorption, l’élimination, les variations considérables du retard et de la concentration sanguine, e

    Comparative study of adenosine deaminase activity, insulin resistance and lipoprotein(a) among smokers and healthy non-smokers

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    Background: Adenosine deaminase also known as adenosine aminohydrolase involved in purine metabolism. Its primary function is development and maintenance of immune system. The main objective of the study was to estimate adenosine deaminase (ADA) enzyme and find its correlation with lipoprotein(a) and insulin resistance among smokers and healthy non-smokers.Methods: Fifty smokers and fifty healthy non-smokers were selected based on WHO definition. ADA, lipid profile and glucose was estimated on a fully automated analyser by IFCC approved methods and lipoprotein(a) was done by latex enhanced immune-turbidimetric assay method respectively.Results: After appropriate screening ADA activity and insulin was significantly elevated among smokers when compared with healthy non-smokers. A positive correlation was found between pack size of cigarette and ADA activity and also with Lp(a) respectively. In addition, there was no correlation between serum lipid profile and ADA activity.Conclusions: Adenosine deaminase activity was increased in patients in response to nicotine which is the key component of cigarette smoke. These findings indicate that nicotine and carbon monoxide can alter lipoprotein synthesis and also modify LDL to oxidized form which can lead to ischemic heart disease

    Le champ d’action de la Pénicilline peut-il être étendu aux affections à bacilles de Schmorl ?

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    Velu Henri, Mathieu J.-V., Bouffanais A. Le champ d’action de la Pénicilline peut-il être étendu aux affections à bacilles de Schmorl ?. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 101 n°1, 1948. pp. 37-40

    Rate of Inactivation of Isoniazid in South Indian Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis 2. Clinical Implications in the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Isoniazid either Alone or in Combination with PAS

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    A series of studies on the rate of inactivation of isoniazid in Indian patients with pulmonary tuberculosis undergoing domiciliary chemotherapy with isoniazid, alone or in combination with p-aminosalicylic acid, has recently been undertaken by the Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Centre, Madras. In the first study, the serum isoniazid levels of the patients were determined four-and-a-half hours after intramuscular administration of a standard dose of 3 mg/kg body-weight of isoniazid and, according to whether the serum level was 0.58 μg/ml or above, or less than 0.58 μg/ml, the patient was classified as a slow or as a rapid inactivator. The present paper describes the second of these studies, in which the response to treatment of the slow and the rapid inactivators was compared. The results of this investigation suggested that there might be an association between response to treatment and rate of inactivation of isoniazid, since the slow inactivators were more often culturenegative during treatment and showed a higher proportion of individuals with bacteriologically quiescent disease at I2 months and a lower proportion with radiographic deterioration at six months than the rapid inactivators, while the slow inactivators who deteriorated radiographically or clinically to an extent warranting a change of treatment during the two years did so later than the corresponding rapid inactivators. There was slight evidence that the slow and the rapid inactivators differed in the speed of conversion to bacteriological negativity of those patients whose disease was bacteriologically quiescent at 12 months, but no evidence that they differed in the degree of positivity of sputum specimens that were positive on culture at six, nine or 12 months, or in the frequency with which the patients showed moderate or greater radiographic improvement at six months