544 research outputs found

    Stabilization of the Electroweak Scale in 3-3-1 Models

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    One way of avoiding the destabilization of the electroweak scale through a strong coupled regime naturally occurs in models with a Landau-like pole at the TeV scale. Hence, the quadratic divergence contributions to the scalar masses are not considered as a problem anymore since a new nonperturbative dynamic emerges at the TeV scale. This scale should be an intrinsic feature of the models and there is no need to invoke any other sort of protection for the electroweak scale. In some models based on the SU(3)C⊗SU(3)W⊗U(1)XSU(3)_C\otimes SU(3)_W\otimes U(1)_{X} gauge symmetry, a nonperturbative dynamics arise and it stabilizes the electroweak scale.Comment: 10 pages. Version with some improvements and corrections in the tex

    Vanishing Dimensions and Planar Events at the LHC

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    We propose that the effective dimensionality of the space we live in depends on the length scale we are probing. As the length scale increases, new dimensions open up. At short scales the space is lower dimensional; at the intermediate scales the space is three-dimensional; and at large scales, the space is effectively higher dimensional. This setup allows for some fundamental problems in cosmology, gravity, and particle physics to be attacked from a new perspective. The proposed framework, among the other things, offers a new approach to the cosmological constant problem and results in striking collider phenomenology and may explain elongated jets observed in cosmic-ray data.Comment: v1: 5 pages revtex, 1 eps figure; v2: includes extensive discussion on violation of Lorentz invariance, featured in a Nature editorial [Nature 466 (2010) 426] http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100720/full/466426a.html; v3: discussion expanded, matching journal versio

    Noncommutative Geometry and the standard model with neutrino mixing

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    We show that allowing the metric dimension of a space to be independent of its KO-dimension and turning the finite noncommutative geometry F-- whose product with classical 4-dimensional space-time gives the standard model coupled with gravity--into a space of KO-dimension 6 by changing the grading on the antiparticle sector into its opposite, allows to solve three problems of the previous noncommutative geometry interpretation of the standard model of particle physics: The finite geometry F is no longer put in "by hand" but a conceptual understanding of its structure and a classification of its metrics is given. The fermion doubling problem in the fermionic part of the action is resolved. The spectral action of our joint work with Chamseddine now automatically generates the full standard model coupled with gravity with neutrino mixing and see-saw mechanism for neutrino masses. The predictions of the Weinberg angle and the Higgs scattering parameter at unification scale are the same as in our joint work but we also find a mass relation (to be imposed at unification scale).Comment: Typos removed, to appear in JHE

    Pole- versus MS-mass definitions in the electroweak theory

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    Two different two-loop relations between the pole- and the MS-mass of the top quark have been derived in the literature which were based on different treatments of the tadpole diagrams. In addition, the limit M_W^2/m_t^2 \to 0 was employed in one of the calculations. It is shown that, after appropriate transformations, the results of the two calculations are in perfect agreement. Furthermore we demonstrate that the inclusion of the non-vanishing mass of the W-boson leads to small modifications only.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures; references added, figure 1 change

    Invisible Events with Radiative Photons at LEP

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    A study of the radiative neutrino counting reaction e+eâˆ’â†’ÎœÎœË‰Îłe^+ e^- \to \nu {\bar \nu} \gamma at LEP1 and LEP2 energies is presented. An approximate expression for the spectrum of the observed photon is derived within the framework of the ptp_t-dependent structure function approach. This is compared with an exact expression and found in agreement within the foreseen experimental accuracy. This model describing single-photon radiation can be applied to the more general case of initial-state single-photon emission accompanying invisible final-state events. Higher-order QED corrections due to undetected initial-state radiation are also included. The implementation in a Monte Carlo event generator is briefly described.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures available via anonymous ftp at: ftp://cobra1.pv.infn.it/pub/phot/, files fig#n.ps with #=1,...,

    The Equivalence Theorem and Effective Lagrangians

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    We point out that the equivalence theorem, which relates the amplitude for a process with external longitudinally polarized vector bosons to the amplitude in which the longitudinal vector bosons are replaced by the corresponding pseudo-Goldstone bosons, is not valid for effective Lagrangians. However, a more general formulation of this theorem also holds for effective interactions. The generalized theorem can be utilized to determine the high-energy behaviour of scattering processes just by power counting and to simplify the calculation of the corresponding amplitudes. We apply this method to the phenomenologically most interesting terms describing effective interactions of the electroweak vector and Higgs bosons in order to examine their effects on vector-boson scattering and on vector-boson-pair production in ffˉf\bar{f} annihilation. The use of the equivalence theorem in the literature is examined.Comment: 20 pages LaTeX, BI-TP 94/1

    Reduced neural connectivity but increased task-related activity during working memory in de novo Parkinson patients

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    Objective: Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) often suffer from impairments in executive functions, such as working memory deficits. It is widely held that dopamine depletion in the striatum contributes to these impairments through decreased activity and connectivity between task-related brain networks. We investigated this hypothesis by studying task-related network activity and connectivity within a sample of de novo patients with PD, versus healthy controls, during a visuospatial working memory task. Methods: Sixteen de novo PD patients and 35 matched healthy controls performed a visuospatial n-back task while we measured their behavioral performance and neural activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging. We constructed regions-of-interest in the bilateral inferior parietal cortex (IPC), bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and bilateral caudate nucleus to investigate group differences in task-related activity. We studied network connectivity by assessing the functional connectivity of the bilateral DLPFC and by assessing effective connectivity within the frontoparietal and the frontostriatal networks. Results: PD patients, compared with controls, showed trend-significantly decreased task accuracy, significantly increased task-related activity in the left DLPFC and a trend-significant increase in activity of the right DLPFC, left caudate nucleus, and left IPC. Furthermore, we found reduced functional connectivity of the DLPFC with other task-related regions, such as the inferior and superior frontal gyri, in the PD group, and group differences in effective connectivity within the frontoparietal network. Interpretation: These findings suggest that the increase in working memory-related brain activity in PD patients is compensatory to maintain behavioral performance in the presence of network deficits. Hum Brain Mapp 36:1554-1566, 2015. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    From arbitrariness to ambiguities in the evaluation of perturbative physical amplitudes and their symmetry relations

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    A very general calculational strategy is applied to the evaluation of the divergent physical amplitudes which are typical of perturbative calculations. With this approach in the final results all the intrinsic arbitrariness of the calculations due to the divergent character is still present. We show that by using the symmetry properties as a guide to search for the (compulsory) choices in such a way as to avoid ambiguities, a deep and clear understanding of the role of regularization methods emerges. Requiring then an universal point of view for the problem, as allowed by our approach, very interesting conclusions can be stated about the possible justifications of most intriguing aspect of the perturbative calculations in quantum field theory: the triangle anomalies.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    Consequences of a Possible Di-Gamma Resonace at TRISTAN

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    If high mass di-gamma events observed at LEP are due to the production of a di-gamma resonance via its leptonic coupling, its consequences can be observed at TRISTAN. We find that a predicted ZZ decay branching rate is too small to account for the observed events if the resonance spin is zero, due to a strong cancellation in the decay amplitudes. Such a cancellation is absent if the resonance has a spin two. We study the consequences of a tensor production in the processes e+e−→e+e−e^+e^- \to e^+e^-, ÎŒ+Ό−\mu^+\mu^- and γ γ\gamma\,\gamma at TRISTAN energies. Complete helicity amplitudes with tensor boson exchange contributions are given, and the signal can clearly be identified from various distributions. TRISTAN experiments are also sensitive to the virtual tensor boson exchange effects, which reduce to the contact interaction terms in the high mass limit.Comment: 23 pages in revtex, 7 figures (not included) available upon request, KEK-TH-35

    Consistency in Perturbative Calculations and Radiatively Induced Lorentz and CPT Violations

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    The origin of the radiatively induced Lorentz and CPT violations, in perturbative evaluations, of an extended version of QED, is investigated. Using a very general calculational method, concerning the manipulations and calculations involving divergent amplitudes, we clearly identify the possible sources of contributions for the violating terms. We show that consistency in the perturbative calculations, in a broader sense, leaves no room for the existence of radiatively induced contributions which is in accordance with what was previously conjectured and recently advocated by some authors supported on general arguments.Comment: 8 pages, Revte
