1,694 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry in the Standard Model

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    We prove that the bosons and massless fermions of one generation of the standard model are supersymmetric partners of each other. Except for one additional auxilliary vector boson, there are no other SUSY particles.Comment: RevTex, 6 pages, uuencoded tar compressed fil

    Low-Energy Effective Theory, Unitarity, and Non-Decoupling Behavior in a Model with Heavy Higgs-Triplet Fields

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    We discuss the properties of a model incorporating both a scalar electroweak Higgs doublet and an electroweak Higgs triplet. We construct the low-energy effective theory for the light Higgs-doublet in the limit of small (but nonzero) deviations in the rho parameter from one, a limit in which the triplet states become heavy. For small deviations in the rho parameter from one, perturbative unitarity of WW scattering breaks down at a scale inversely proportional to the renormalized vacuum expectation value of the triplet field (or, equivalently, inversely proportional to the square-root of the deviation of the rho parameter from one). This result imposes an upper limit on the mass-scale of the heavy triplet bosons in a perturbative theory; we show that this upper bound is consistent with dimensional analysis in the low-energy effective theory. Recent articles have shown that the triplet bosons do not decouple, in the sense that deviations in the rho parameter from one do not necessarily vanish at one-loop in the limit of large triplet mass. We clarify that, despite the non-decoupling behavior of the Higgs-triplet, this model does not violate the decoupling theorem since it incorporates a large dimensionful coupling. Nonetheless, we show that if the triplet-Higgs boson masses are of order the GUT scale, perturbative consistency of the theory requires the (properly renormalized) Higgs-triplet vacuum expectation value to be so small as to be irrelevant for electroweak phenomenology.Comment: Revtex, 11 pages, 7 eps figures included; references updated and three footnotes adde

    PIP3-dependent macropinocytosis is incompatible with chemotaxis

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    In eukaryotic chemotaxis, the mechanisms connecting external signals to the motile apparatus remain unclear. The role of the lipid phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3) has been particularly controversial. PIP3 has many cellular roles, notably in growth control and macropinocytosis as well as cell motility. Here we show that PIP3 is not only unnecessary for Dictyostelium discoideum to migrate toward folate, but actively inhibits chemotaxis. We find that macropinosomes, but not pseudopods, in growing cells are dependent on PIP3. PIP3 patches in these cells show no directional bias, and overall only PIP3-free pseudopods orient up-gradient. The pseudopod driver suppressor of cAR mutations (SCAR)/WASP and verprolin homologue (WAVE) is not recruited to the center of PIP3 patches, just the edges, where it causes macropinosome formation. Wild-type cells, unlike the widely used axenic mutants, show little macropinocytosis and few large PIP3 patches, but migrate more efficiently toward folate. Tellingly, folate chemotaxis in axenic cells is rescued by knocking out phosphatidylinositide 3-kinases (PI 3-kinases). Thus PIP3 promotes macropinocytosis and interferes with pseudopod orientation during chemotaxis of growing cells

    Expressing Expectations

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    Dropping rho and A_1 Meson Masses at Chiral Phase Transition in the Generalized Hidden Local Symmetry

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    We study the chiral symmetry restoration using the generalized hidden local symmetry (GHLS) which incorporates the rho and A_1 mesons as the gauge bosons of the GHLS and the pion as the Nambu-Goldstone boson consistently with the chiral symmetry of QCD. We show that a set of parameter relations, which ensures the first and second Weinberg's sum rules, is invariant under the renormalization group evolution. Then, we found that the Weinberg's sum rules together with the matching of the vector and axial-vector current correlators inevitably leads to {\it the dropping masses of both rho and A_1 mesons} at the symmetry restoration point, and that the mass ratio as well as the mixing angle between the pion and A_1 meson flows into one of three fixed points.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures; references added and discussions expande

    Approximate gauge symmetry of composite vector bosons

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    It can be shown in a solvable field theory model that the couplings of the composite vector bosons made of a fermion pair approach the gauge couplings in the limit of strong binding. Although this phenomenon may appear accidental and special to the vector boson made of a fermion pair, we extend it to the case of bosons being constituents and find that the same phenomenon occurs in more an intriguing way. The functional formalism not only facilitates computation but also provides us with a better insight into the generating mechanism of approximate gauge symmetry, in particular, how the strong binding and global current conservation conspire to generate such an approximate symmetry. Remarks are made on its possible relevance or irrelevance to electroweak and higher symmetries.Comment: Correction of typos. The published versio

    Supersymmetric NLO QCD Corrections to Resonant Slepton Production and Signals at the Tevatron and the LHC

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    We compute the total cross section and the transverse momentum distribution for single charged slepton and sneutrino production at hadronic colliders including NLO supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric QCD corrections. The supersymmetric QCD corrections can be substantial. We also resum the gluon transverse momentum distribution and compare our results with two Monte Carlo generators. We compute branching ratios of the supersymmetric decays of the slepton and determine event rates for the like-sign dimuon final state at the Tevatron and at the LHC.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures, uses REVTex

    Scales of Fermion Mass Generation and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

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    The scale of mass generation for fermions (including neutrinos) and the scale for electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) can be bounded from above by the unitarity of scattering involving longitudinal weak gauge bosons or their corresponding would-be Goldstone bosons. Including the exact n-body phase space we analyze the 2 --> n (n2n \geq 2) processes for the fermion-(anti)fermion scattering into multiple gauge boson final states. Contrary to naive energy power counting, we demonstrate that as nn becomes large, the competition between an increasing energy factor and a phase-space suppression leads to a {\it strong new upper bound} on the scale of fermion mass generation at a finite value n=nsn=n_s, which is {\it independent of the EWSB scale,} v=(2GF)1/2v = (\sqrt{2}G_F)^{-1/2}. For quarks, leptons and Majorana neutrinos, the strongest 2 --> n limits range from about 3TeV to 130-170TeV (with 2ns242\lesssim n_s \lesssim 24), depending on the measured fermion masses. Strikingly, given the tiny neutrino masses as constrained by the neutrino oscillations, neutrinoless double-beta decays and astrophysical observations, the unitarity violation of νLνLnWLa\nu_L\nu_L\to nW_L^a scattering actually occurs at a scale no higher than ~170 TeV. Implications for various mechanisms of neutrino mass generation are analyzed. On the other hand, for the 2 --> n pure Goldstone-boson scattering, we find that the decreasing phase space factor always dominates over the growing overall energy factor when nn becomes large, so that the best unitarity bound on the scale of EWSB remains at n=2.Comment: 67pp, to match PRD (minor typos fixed