42 research outputs found

    Jatorri naturaleko biofilmen garapena ekonomia zirkularra bultzatzeko

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    Petroliotik eratorritako plastikoen produkzioa gero eta handiagoa da, bestelako materialekin konparatuz, material oso moldakorrak direlako. Hori dela eta, plastikoak aplikazio ugaritan aurki ditzakegu, adibidez, eguneroko bizitzan polibinil kloruroa taperretan daukagu edo politetrafluoroetilenoa (PTFE) medikuntzako kateterretan. Produzitzen diren plastiko guztien artean, Europar Batasunak (EBk) plastikozko mahai-tresnak, lastoak eta kotoizko makilatxoak erabilera bakarreko plastikoen (EBP) multzoan, ingelesez single use plastics (SUP), sartu zituen. Izenak adierazten duen moduan, plastiko horiek aldi batez bakarrik erabiltzen dira eta gainera kasu batzuetan horien erabilera segundo batzuetakoa da. Plastiko hauen bizitza laburra ez ezik, beste arazo batzuk dakartzate. Alde batetik, material horien produkzioa petrolio iturri ez-berriztagarritik abiatzen delako eta beste alde batetik, degradatzeko orokorrean urteak behar dituztelako. EBPak behin erabilita, gaur egun ez daukagu modu egokirik birziklatzeko, bi prozedura hauek jarraitzen direlako. Lehenengoan, zabortegietan pilatzen dira degradatzeko eta bigarrenean, errausten dira. Kasu batzuetan EBPak ez dira modu egokian zaborrera botatzen eta ondorioz gure ingurumenean bukatzen dute. Azken horrekin loturik, itsasoan aurkitzen den zaborraren %80 plastikoa da eta bertan aurkitzen den plastikozko poltsa batek adibidez, 20 urte behar ditu degradatzeko, eta edarietako lata-uztailak 450 urte. Arazo guzti horiei aurre egiteko EBPen erabilera alternatiba berriekin ordezkatu behar dira, bioplastikoengaitik alegia. Azkeneko plastiko hauek, biomasatik eskuratzen dira eta gainera petroliotik eratorritako plastikoekin alderatuta degradatzeko denbora gutxiago behar dute. Aurrekoa kontuan harturik, lan honen helburu nagusia janaria biltzen dituzten EBPen produkzioa eta erabilpena murriztean datza, horiek bioplastikoengaitik ordezkatuz. Hori lortzeko, janari estaldura bezala EBPen ordez papera erabiliko da eta honen gainean almidoi bioplastikoarekin egindako biofilmak jarriko zaizkio. Janari bilgarriek, edozein janari biltzeko egokia izan daitezen gantz, hezetasun eta ur-lurrunarekiko erresistentzia izan behar dute. Paperek berez ez dute propietate horiek erakusten eta horregatik, hesi-propietateak gehituko zaizkio biofilmetan almidoia ez ezik kaolin karga ez-organikoa gehituz.; The production of plastics derived from petroleum is hastily increasing compared to other materials, because they are very versatile. Therefore, plastics can be found in multiple applications, such as polyvinyl chloride in everyday life in tapers or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) in medical catheters. Among all the plastics that are produced, the European Union (EU) has classified plastic cutlery, straws and cotton sticks as single-use plastics (SUP). As the name suggests, these plastics are only used for a short period of time and in some cases just for a few seconds. In addition to their short life, other problems are involved. On the one hand, the production of these materials is based on petroleum, which is a non-renewable source, and on the other hand, long degradation times are required, in fact, several years. Once SUP have been used, currently there is not an adequate way to recycle them, since plastics are accumulated in dumpers or incinerated. In some cases, SUPs are not properly disposed and end up in our environment. In fact, the 80% of the garbage found in the sea is plastic and a plastic bag found there takes 20 years to degrade. In order to deal with all these problems, it is necessary to replace SUPs with new alternatives, such as bioplastics. This sort of plastics are obtained from biomass and also require less degradation times compared to petroleum derived plastics. Considering all explained, the main objective of this work is to reduce the production and use of food packaging made with SUP and replace them with bioplastics. To achieve this aim, paper will be used as food wrapping, which will be covered with starch bioplastic biofilms. Papers must exhibit grease, moisture and water vapor resistance and since they do not show these features, barrier properties will be added using kaolin inorganic fillers

    Forma-memoria ehun biobateragarrien ekoizpena

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    The study of new materials has led to the creation of smart materials. These materials can reversely change one of their property when are exposed to external stimulus. Inside this wide group, shape-memory polyurethanes can be found which possess shape-memory effect. Thanks to this effect, when they are exposure to a heat source their original shape is change into a temporary one. Once the new shape is achieved, the heat source is removed in order to fix them in the new shape. Finally, reheating again their original shape is recovered. In this work, shape-memory polyurethanes (SMPU) have been synthesised using poly(methyl ether)glycol, isophorone diisocyanate and hexamethylene diisocyanate, and castor oil and 1,4-butanediol as chain-extenders. Biocompatible SMPUs were achieved using natural origin castor oil reagent during the synthesis. All polyurethanes have been characterized using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA) and thermomechanical analysis (TMA) in order to know their physical-chemical features. FTIR technique was used for monitoring the reactions and to confirm that the isocyanate groups had completely reacted. DMA was used to know the glass transition temperature. It was check that decreasing the poliol molecular weight or increasing the stoichiometry value the glass-transition temperature value increases. Finally with TMA was evaluated that all synthesised polyurethanes had shape-memory effect. Polyurethanes can be applied in many application, thus, the objective has been the process of making biocompatible smart-textile. The process of getting textile started transforming the polymer into fibres. Due to this, electrospinning and extrusion techniques have been applied to process the fibres. Finally, fibres are woven to get textile using different methods.; Material berrien ikerketak material adimenduen sorkuntza ekarri du. Material horiek, modu itzulgarrian beren propietate bat edo gehiago aldatzeko gai dira kanpo estimulu baten eraginpean. Talde zabal honen barruan, forma-memoria poliuretanoak daude, zeinak forma-memoria efektua duten. Efektu honen bidez, poliuretanoak berotzean hasierako forma aldatzeko aukera dute; behin forma berrian izanda, hoztuz, forma berrian finkatzen dira; eta azkenik, birberotuz jatorrizko forma berreskuratzeko gaitasuna dute. Lan honetan forma-memoria poliuretanoak (SMPU) sintetizatu dira poli(tetrametilen) glikola, isoforona diisozianatoa eta hexametileno diisozianatoa erabiliz eta, kate-hedatzaile moduan errizino olioa eta 1,4-butanodiola erabiliz. SMPU biobateragarriak lortzeko, sintesian jatorri naturala duen errizino-olioa erabili da. Sintetizatu diren poliuretano guztiak Fourieren-transformatu bidezko espektroskopia infragorri (FTIR), analisi dinamiko-mekaniko (DMA) eta analisi termomekaniko (TMA) bidez karakterizatu dira propietate fisiko-kimikoak ezagutzeko. FTIR bidez erreakzioa monitorizatu da eta isozianato-taldeak guztiz erreakzionatu dutela ziurtatzeko erabili da. DMAren bidez beira-trantsizio tenperatura determinatu da, non, poliuretanoaren pisu molekularra txikitzean edo estekiometria balioa igotzean, beira-trantsizio tenperatura igotzen dela determinatu den. Azkenik TMA bidez, poliuretano guztiek memoria-forma dutela ziurtatu da. Poliuretanoak aplikazio anitzetan erabil daitezke; hala ere, helburua ehun biobateragarri adimendunak diseinatzea izan da. Ehunak egiteko, sintetizatzen diren polimerotik zuntzak lortu behar dira. Horretarako, zuntzak prestatzeko elektrobiraketa (electrospining) edo estrusio teknikak burutu dira. Azkenik, zuntzak ehotuz ehunak lortu dira, modu desberdinetan

    Tenperatura aldaketak orekatzen dituen ehun adimenduna

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    Material adimenduen presentzia gero eta nabarmenagoa da gaur egun, gehienbat ehungintzan. Material hauen artean poliuretanoak dira ezaugarri onenak aurkezten dituztenak, eta garrantzitsua da hauen trantsizio tenperatura gorputz tenperaturaren parekoa izatea, forma-memoria izaera aktibatzeko; beroa baita aplikatu beharreko kanpo estimuluetariko bat, aplikazio gisa biomedikuntzan edo arropetan erabili ahal izateko. Giza gorputzak berez orekako tenperatura bat dauka eta homeotermoa da, hala ere, naturak eskaintzen dituen mugak gaindi daitezke ehunetan fasez aldatzen diren materialak jarriz gero; modu horretan eramaileak konfort termikoa izanik momentu oro. Lan honetan, material konposatu edo konpositeak aztertuko dira, konkretuki polimeroz eta partikulaz osatuta daudenak; zuntzak edo hariak bilakatuko direnak estrusio prozesuaren bidez, amaieran, aipatutako propietateak eguneroko arropetan eraman ahal izateko.; The presence of smart materials are increasing now a days, especially in the textiles. Among these materials, polyurethanes have shown the best properties, and their transition temperature should be just like body temperature, to activate shape-memory effect; this is because the heat is one of the external stimuli which must be exposed to, in order to apply in biomedicine and clothing. The human body has a stable temperature, but the limits offered by nature can be exceeded by putting phase change materials in the fabric, so that the person who wears it has thermal comfort. The composite material or composites, which have been made of polymer and particles, are going to be studied in this work. This material has been become fibers through the extrusion technique, so the properties mentioned can be carried in everyday clothes

    Forma-memoria poliuretano biobateragarriak

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    Plastics are increasingly used in the field of biomedicine, but their use in some cases requires biocompatibility. Thus, the development of biocompatible plastics is a mandatory challenge. The polyurethanes are very used materials, owing to their variability and multiple applications, among which are the polyurethanes with shape memory. These, with their singular features, like the capacity to change their shape when receiving an external stimulus, have reached the utility in the fields where others did not. On the other hand, the biodegradability and the toxicity of the materials is another important matter to consider, with the aim of reducing pollution. In fact, there is still so much progress to work on in the synthesis of the non-harmful materials for the environment. Therefore, in this work it will go in depth about biocompatible shape-memory polyurethanes.; Plastikoak gero eta gehiago erabiltzen diren materialak dira biomedikuntzaren arloan, baina beharrezkoa da material horiek arlo honetako zenbait kasutan erabiltzeko biobateragarriak izatea. Horren ondorioz, ezinbesteko erronka da plastiko biobateragarrien garapena. Poliuretanoak oso konposatu erabiliak dira, dituzten aldakortasun eta aplikazio ugariei esker. Horien artean, forma-memoria duten poliuretanoak daude. Horiek estimulu baten aurrean forma aldatzeko gaitasuna dute, eta, horrela, erabilgarriak izan daitezke beste polimero batzuekin lortu ezin diren aplikazioetan. Bestalde, garrantzitsua da materialen biobateragarritasuna eta toxikotasuna ezagutzea eta aztertzea, kutsadura murrizteko helburuarekin. Izan ere, gaur egun, oraindik garapen handia falta da ingurumena kaltetzen ez duten materialen sintesian. Lan honetan, biobateragarriak diren forma-memoria poliuretanoetan sakonduko da

    A avaliación de centros educativos en Galicia: actuacións concretas da inspección educativa

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    The basic characteristics of the educational evaluation model in Galicia are indicated, through a general analysis and the presentation of specific evaluation actions. An internal and external evaluation plan is presented, based on a standardised quality model through the ISO standard, for Integrated Vocational Training and Special Education Centres (Music Conservatories and Art Schools), and two specific evaluation actions: the external evaluation of the teaching departments of the educational centres, and the evaluation of the PROA+ Programme. The planning, procedures and strategies of the evaluation actions are shown, as well as the instruments and models used. The participation of education inspectors in this evaluation process in Galicia is specified, highlighting the help they contribute to the improvement of educational centres and the plans, programmes and projects that are developed.Indícanse as características básicas do modelo de avaliación educativa en Galicia, a través dunha análise xeral e da presentación de actuacións de avaliación concretas. Preséntase un plan de avaliación interna e externa, que toma como base un modelo estandarizado de calidade a través da norma ISO, para Centros Integrados de Formación Profesional (CIFP) e centros de ensinanzas de réxime especial (Conservatorios de Música e Escolas de Arte), e dúas actuacións avaliativas concretas: a avaliación externa dos departamentos didácticos dos centros educativos ,e a avaliación do Programa PROA+. Móstrase a planificación, os procedementos e as estratexias das accións avaliativas, así como os instrumentos e os modelos empregados. A participación dos inspectores e inspectoras de educación neste proceso avaliador en Galicia queda concretada, poñendo de manifesto a axuda que aportan á mellora dos centros educativos e aos plans, programas e proxectos que se desenvolven

    Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Membranes for Photocatalytic Water Remediation

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    Mismanagement, pollution and excessive use have depleted the world’s water resources, producing a shortage that in some territories is extreme. In this context, the need for potable water prompts the development of new and more efficient wastewater treatment systems to overcome shortages by recovering and reusing contaminated water. Among the water treatment methods, membrane technology is considered one of the most promising. Besides, photocatalytic degradation has become an attractive and efficient technology for water and wastewater treatment. However, the use of unsupported catalysts has as its main impediment their separation from the water once treated. With this, providing the membranes with this photocatalyzed degradation capacity can improve the application of photocatalysts, since in many cases their application improves their recovery and reuse. This review describes the general photocatalytic processes of the main inorganic nanoparticles used as fillers in hybrid polymeric membranes. In addition, the most recent hybrid organic–inorganic membranes are reviewed. Finally, the membranes formed by metal–organic frameworks that can be considered one of the newest and most versatile developments are described.This research was funded by MINECOG (MAT2017-89553-P), UPV/EHU and Fundación Vital funding within the project “PROYECTOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN UPV/EHU-FUNDACIÓN VITAL FUNDAZIOA 2020” (VITAL20/26) and Basque Government (ELKARTEK, KK-2021/00082; KK-2020/00019)

    Using Pre-Computed Knowledge for Goal Allocation in Multi-Agent Planning

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    Many real-world robotic scenarios require performing task planning to decide courses of actions to be executed by (possibly heterogeneous) robots. A classical centralized planning approach has to find a solution inside a search space that contains every possible combination of robots and goals. This leads to inefficient solutions that do not scale well. Multi-Agent Planning (MAP) provides a new way to solve this kind of tasks efficiently. Previous works on MAP have proposed to factorize the problem to decrease the planning effort i.e. dividing the goals among the agents (robots). However, these techniques do not scale when the number of agents and goals grow. Also, in most real world scenarios with big maps, goals might not be reached by every robot so it has a computational cost associated. In this paper we propose a combination of robotics and planning techniques to alleviate and boost the computation of the goal assignment process. We use Actuation Maps (AMs). Given a map, AMs can determine the regions each agent can actuate on. Thus, specific information can be extracted to know which goals can be tackled by each agent, as well as cheaply estimating the cost of using each agent to achieve every goal. Experiments show that when information extracted from AMs is provided to a multi-agent planning algorithm, the goal assignment is significantly faster, speeding-up the planning process considerably. Experiments also show that this approach greatly outperforms classical centralized planning.This work has been partially funded by FEDER/ Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación/TIN2017-88476-C2-2-R and MINECO/TIN2014-55637-C2-1-R. I has been also financed by the ERDF – European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programme within project >, and by National Funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) as part of project UID/EEA/50014/2013, and FCT grant SFRH/BD/52158/2013 through Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program

    Matrize polimerikodun konposite magnetikoen sorrera

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    Konpositeak propietate desberdinak dituzten bi konposatuz (edo gehiagoz) osatutako materialak dira, gaur egun oso erabiliak. Normalean, konposatu ugarienari matrizea deritzo, eta han barreiatzen den konposatuari gehigarria edo karga deitzen zaio. Material hauen erabilpena hainbat esparrutara zabaltzen da, esaterako eraikuntzetako hormigoi armatuetara eta surf oholen beiradun plastikoetara. Hau da, ia toki guztietan aurkitu daitezke material konposatuak, eta gaur egungo teknologia-garapenaren ikerketa-arloan ere ez dira salbuespen. Ikerketa hauetan gehienbat matrize polimerikodun konpositeetan ikertu dira, matrize polimerikoak eskaintzen dituen propietateak oso aplikazio tarte zabala dakarrelako. Matrize polimerikodun hauen artean poliuretanoen erabilpena gero eta gehiago sustatzen ari da, dituen propietate elastikoengatik eta sortzeko errazak direlako, naturan inpaktu handirik izan barik. Horrekin batera, gaur egungo poliuretanoen garapena asko handitu da, dituzten aldakortasun eta aplikazio ugariei esker. Bestalde, estimulu magnetikoei erantzuna emateko eta material adimenduak garatzeko partikula magnetikoak konpositeetan barreiatzea oso interesgarria da. Partikula magnetikoen pro- pietateak, egitura, tamaina eta sortuak izateko jasan duten tratamenduek determinatzen dituzte, eta, horren arabera, izaera ezberdinekoak izan daitezke: paramagnetikoak, ferromagnetikoak, ferrimagnetikoak, diamagnetikoak edo antiferromagnetikoak. Lan honetan, film itxurako konpositeak sortu eta aztertu dira, eta poliuretanozko matrizean kobaltozko ferritak (CoFe2o4), partikula ferromagnetikoak barreiatu dira. Materialak karakterizatzeko trakzio proba. Ekorketazko kalorimetria Diferentziala (DSC) eta Lagin Bibrazionaleko Magnetometria (VSM) teknikak erabili dira. Lortutako konpositeek, eremu magnetiko estimuluaren eraginez, bere gainazala eraldatzeko aukera izango dute. Beraz, konposite hauen erabilpena zabaldu daiteke energia garbiaren erauzketarako, mikrotxipetarako, ordenagailuetarako edo urpekaritza jantzietarako.; Composites are materials that are currently widely used and have two (or more) materials with different properties. Namely, they consist of a matrix and a dispersed material, an additive or filler. The use of these materials can be found from reinforced concrete in buildings to plastic glazing of surfboards. This means that composite materials can be found almost everywhere, and they are no exception in the field of current technology development research. In these studies it has been mostly investigated in polymeric matrix composites because the properties offered by the polymeric matrix lead to a very wide range of applications. Among these polymeric matrixes, the use of polyurethanes is increasingly being promoted due to their elastic properties and their ease of creation, without much impact on nature. Along with this, the development of current polyurethanes has greatly increased, thanks to their many variability and applications. On the other hand, it is very interesting to scatter magnetic particles in composites in response to magnetic stimuli and to develop intelligent materials. The properties of the magnetic particles are determined by the form, size and by the treatments they have undergone in order to be formed and according to this they can be of different nature: paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, ferromagnetic, diamagnetic or antiferromagnetic. In this work, film appearance composites have been created and analysed, in which the cobalt ferrites (CoFe2O4) ferromagnetic particles have been dispersed in the polyurethane matrix. Tensile testing, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Vibrational Sample Magnetometry (VSM) techniques were used to characterize the materials. The composites obtained will be able to transform their surface under the influence of a magnetic field stimulus. Therefore, the use of these composites can be extended to clean energy extraction, microchips, computer or diving suits

    Zelulosa biopolimeroaren propietate molekularrak argiratzen

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    Zelulosa munduko biopolimerorik ugariena da, eta egiturak sortzeko erabiltzen du naturak. Ikerketa honetan, polimero honi buruzko ezagutza zabaltzeko zenbait kalkulu eta esperimentu proposatu dira. Propietate makroskopikoak propietate molekular eta molekula-arteko askoren nahasketaren ondorioa dira: horiek isolatzea eta gure mesederako erabiltzea da helburua. Laser-espektroskopia erabiliz, glukosa monomeroaren eta konplexuen ikerketa egin da, hauek gas eran izoztuta eta isolatuta daudelarik. Hemendik lortutako informazioa emaitza konputazionalekin zuzenean alderatu daitekeenez, kalkulu-metodorik egokiena aukeratu da. Azkenik, metodo teoriko honen bidez, zelulosaren kateak eta haien arteko elkarrekintzak argitu dira. Ikerketa honen bidez zenbait ezaugarri ikusi dira, haien artean b-glukosaren egitura zapalak hidrogeno lotura gehiago eta eraginkorragoak sortzeko duen gaitasuna duela.; Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer in the world and nature uses it to create structures. In this study, various calculations and experiments have been proposed to expand knowledge about this polymer. A study of glucose monomer and complexes was performed by using laser spectroscopy, which is able to froze and isolate them in form of gas. Since the obtained information can be directly compared with the computational results, the most appropriate calculation method has been chosen. Finally, this theoretical method has unraveled the cellulose chains and their interactions. Through this research, it has been possible to distinguish the ability of the b-glucose planar structure to generate increasingly efficient hydrogen bonds

    Epidemiología y pronóstico de los pacientes con VIH ingresados en la UCI en la era de tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad actual

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    Observational study[Abstract] Purpose: To describe the epidemiology of critical disease in HIV-infected patients during the current highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) era and to identify hospital mortality predictors. Methods: A longitudinal, retrospective observational study was made of HIV-infected adults admitted to the ICU in two Spanish hospitals between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2014. Demographic and HIV-related variables were analyzed, together with comorbidities, severity scores, reasons for admission and need for organ support. The chi-squared test was used to compare categorical variables, while continuous variables were contrasted with the Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney U-test or Kruskal-Wallis test, assuming an alpha level=0.05. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to calculate odds ratios for assessing correlations to mortality during hospital stay. Joinpoint regression analysis was used to study mortality trends over time. Results: A total of 283 episodes were included for analyses. Hospital mortality was 32.9% (95%CI: 21.2-38.5). Only admission from a site other than the Emergency Care Department (OR 3.64, 95%CI: 1.30-10.20; p=0.01), moderate-severe liver disease (OR 5.65, 95%CI: 1.11-28.87; p=0.04) and the APACHE II score (OR 1.14, 95%CI: 1.04-1.26; p<0.01) and SOFA score at 72h (OR 1.19, 95%CI: 1.02-1.40; p=0.03) maintained a statistically significant relationship with hospital mortality. Conclusions: Delayed ICU admission, comorbidities and the severity of critical illness determine the prognosis of HIV-infected patients admitted to the ICU. Based on these data, HIV-infected patients should receive the same level of care as non-HIV-infected patients, regardless of their immunological or nutritional condition.[Resumen] Objetivos. Describir la epidemiología de la patología crítica en el paciente infectado por VIH durante la era de tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad actual y encontrar predictores de mortalidad hospitalaria. Métodos. Estudio observacional, retrospectivo y longitudinal que incluye pacientes infectados por VIH adultos ingresados en las UCI de hospitales de Galicia, entre el 1 de enero de 2000 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014. Analizamos variables demográficas y relacionadas con la infección por el VIH, comorbilidades, puntuaciones de gravedad, motivo de ingreso y necesidad de soporte de órganos. Empleamos la prueba de la Chi-cuadrado para comparar las variables categóricas y las pruebas de la T-Student, U de Mann-Whitney o H de Kruskal-Wallis para las variables continuas, asumiendo un error α = 0,05. Utilizamos la regresión logística multivariante para calcular la OR de la asociación con la mortalidad hospitalaria. Aplicamos análisis de regresión de joinpoint para estudiar la tendencia temporal de mortalidad. Resultados. Incluimos 283 episodios. La mortalidad hospitalaria fue del 32,9% (IC 95% = 21,2-38,5%). El ingreso no procedente de Urgencias (OR 3,64; IC 95% = 1,30-10,20; p = 0,01), la enfermedad hepática moderada-grave (OR 5,65; IC 95% = 1,11-28,87; p = 0,04), el APACHE II (OR 1,14; IC 95% = 1,04-1,26; p < 0,01) y el SOFA a las 72 h (OR 1,19; IC 95% = 1,02-1,40; p = 0,03) se relacionan con la mortalidad hospitalaria en el análisis multivariante. Conclusiones. El retraso en el ingreso en UCI, las comorbilidades y la gravedad del episodio determinan el pronóstico del paciente infectado por VIH ingresado en UCI. Los pacientes con VIH deberían recibir el mismo nivel de cuidados que los pacientes no infectados por VIH, independientemente de su estado inmunológico o nutricional