11 research outputs found

    Morphodynamics and depositional signature of low-aggradation cyclic steps: New insights from a depth-resolved numerical model

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    Bedforms related to Froude-supercritical flow, such as cyclic steps, are increasingly frequently observed in contemporary fluvial and marine sedimentary systems. However, the number of observations of sedimentary structures formed by supercritical flow bedforms remains limited. The low number of observations might be caused by poor constrains on criteria to recognise these associated deposits. This study provides a detailed quantification on the mechanics of a fluvial cyclic step system, and their depositional signature. A computational fluid-dynamics model is employed to acquire a depth-resolved image of a cyclic step system. New insights into the mechanics of cyclic steps shows that: (i) the hydraulic jump is, in itself, erosional; (ii) there are periods over which the flow is supercritical throughout and there is no hydraulic jump, which plays a significant role in the morphodynamic behaviour of cyclic steps; and (iii) that the depositional signature of cyclic steps varies with rate of aggradation. Previous work has shown that strongly aggradational cyclic steps, where most of the deposited sediment is not reworked, create packages of backsets, bound upstream and downstream by erosive surfaces. Here the modelling work is focussed on less aggradational conditions and more transportational systems. The depositional signature in such systems is dominated by an amalgamation of concave-up erosional surfaces and low-angle foresets and backsets creating lenticular bodies. The difference between highly aggradational cyclic steps and low aggradation steps can be visible in outcrop both by the amount of erosional surfaces, as well as the ratio of foreset to backset, with backsets being indicative of more aggradation

    Controls on upstream-migrating bed forms in sandy submarine channels

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    Submarine channels parallel river channels in their ability to transport sediment. However, in contrast to rivers, sediment transport and bed-form development in submarine channels are less well understood. Many steep (>1°), sandy submarine channels are dominated by upstream-migrating bed forms. The flow conditions required to form these upstream-migrating bed forms remain debated because the interactions between turbidity currents and active bed forms are difficult to measure directly. Consequently, we used a depth-resolved numerical model to test the role of flow parameters that are hypothesized to control the formation of upstream-migrating bed forms in submarine channels. While our modeling results confirmed the importance of previously identified flow parameters (e.g., densiometric Froude number), we found that basal sediment concentration in turbidity currents is the strongest predictor of upstream-migrating bed-form formation. Our model shows how locally steep gradients enable high sediment concentrations (average?>5 vol%) in the basal parts of flows, which allow the development of cyclic step instabilities and their associated bed forms. This new insight explains the previously puzzling observation that upstream-migrating bed forms are abundant in proximal, steep, sandy reaches of submarine channels, while their occurrence becomes more intermittent downslope

    Controls on upstream-migrating bed forms in sandy submarine channels

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    Submarine channels parallel river channels in their ability to transport sediment. However, in contrast to rivers, sediment transport and bed-form development in submarine channels are less well understood. Many steep (>1°), sandy submarine channels are dominated by upstream-migrating bed forms. The flow conditions required to form these upstream-migrating bed forms remain debated because the interactions between turbidity currents and active bed forms are difficult to measure directly. Consequently, we used a depth-resolved numerical model to test the role of flow parameters that are hypothesized to control the formation of upstream-migrating bed forms in submarine channels. While our modeling results confirmed the importance of previously identified flow parameters (e.g., densiometric Froude number), we found that basal sediment concentration in turbidity currents is the strongest predictor of upstream-migrating bed-form formation. Our model shows how locally steep gradients enable high sediment concentrations (average >5 vol%) in the basal parts of flows, which allow the development of cyclic step instabilities and their associated bed forms. This new insight explains the previously puzzling observation that upstream-migrating bed forms are abundant in proximal, steep, sandy reaches of submarine channels, while their occurrence becomes more intermittent downslope

    Complex and Cascading Triggering of Submarine Landslides and Turbidity Currents at Volcanic Islands Revealed From Integration of High-Resolution Onshore and Offshore Surveys

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    Submerged flanks of volcanic islands are prone to hazards including submarine landslides that may trigger damaging tsunamis and sediment-laden seafloor flows (called “turbidity currents”). These hazards can break seafloor infrastructure which is critical for global communications and energy transmission. Small Island Developing States are particularly vulnerable to these hazards due to their remote and isolated nature, small size, high population densities, and weak economies. Despite their vulnerability, few detailed offshore surveys exist for such islands, resulting in a geohazard “blindspot,” particularly in the South Pacific. Understanding how these hazards are triggered is important; however, pin-pointing specific triggers is challenging as most studies have been unable to link continuously between onshore and offshore environments, and focus primarily on large-scale eruptions with sudden production of massive volumes of sediment. We address these issues by integrating the first detailed (2 × 2 m) bathymetry data acquired from Tanna Island, Vanuatu with a combination of terrestrial remote sensing data, onshore and offshore sediment sampling, and documented historical events. Mount Yasur on Tanna has experienced low-magnitude Strombolian activity for at least the last 600 years. We find clear evidence for submarine landslides and turbidity currents, yet none of the identified triggers are related to major volcanic eruptions, in contrast to conclusions from several previous studies. Instead we find that cascades of non-volcanic events (including outburst floods with discharges of >1,000 m3/s, and tropical cyclones), that may be separated by decades, are more important for preconditioning and triggering of landslides and turbidity currents in oversupplied sedimentary regimes such as at Tanna. We conclude with a general model for how submarine landslides and turbidity currents are triggered at volcanic and other heavily eroding mountainous islands. Our model highlights the often-ignored importance of outburst floods, non-linear responses to land-use and climatic changes, and the complex interactions between a range of coastal and tectonic processes that may overshadow volcanic regimes

    RykalovĂĄ, Gabriela (2009): Entwicklung in der Tagespresse : dargestellt an journalistischen Textsorten der deutschsprachigen Zeitungen

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    Submarine channels have been important throughout geologic time for feeding globally significant volumes of sediment from land to the deep sea. Modern observations show that submarine channels can be sculpted by supercritical turbidity currents (seafloor sediment flows) that can generate upstream-migrating bedforms with a crescentic planform. In order to accurately interpret supercritical flows and depositional environments in the geologic record, it is important to be able to recognize the depositional signature of crescentic bedforms. Field geologists commonly link scour fills containing massive sands to crescentic bedforms, whereas models of turbidity currents produce deposits dominated by back-stepping beds. Here we reconcile this apparent contradiction by presenting the most detailed study yet that combines direct flow observations, time-lapse seabed mapping, and sediment cores, thus providing the link from flow process to depositional product. These data were collected within the proximal part of a submarine channel on the Squamish Delta, Canada. We demonstrate that bedform migration initially produces back-stepping beds of sand. However, these back-stepping beds are partially eroded by further bedform migration during subsequent flows, resulting in scour fills containing massive sand. As a result, our observations better match the depositional architecture of upstream-migrating bedforms produced by fluvial models, despite the fact that they formed beneath turbidity currents

    First source-to-sink monitoring shows dense head controls sediment flux and runout in turbidity currents

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    Until recently, despite being one of the most important sediment transport phenomena on Earth, few direct measurements of turbidity currents existed. Consequently, their structure and evolution were poorly understood, particularly whether they are dense or dilute. Here, we analyze the largest number of turbidity currents monitored to date from source to sink. We show sediment transport and internal flow characteristic evolution as they runout. Observed frontal regions (heads) are fast (>1.5 m/s), thin (<10 m), dense (depth averaged concentrations up to 38%vol), strongly stratified, and dominated by grain-to-grain interactions, or slower (<1 m/s), dilute (<0.01%vol), and well mixed with turbulence supporting sediment. Between these end-members, a transitional flow head exists. Flow bodies are typically thick, slow, dilute, and well mixed. Flows with dense heads stretch and bulk up with dense heads transporting up to 1000 times more sediment than the dilute body. Dense heads can therefore control turbidity current sediment transport and runout into the deep sea

    First source-to-sink monitoring shows dense head controls sediment flux and runout in turbidity currents

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    Until recently, despite being one of the most important sediment transport phenomena on Earth, few direct measurements of turbidity currents existed. Consequently, their structure and evolution were poorly understood, particularly whether they are dense or dilute. Here, we analyze the largest number of turbidity currents monitored to date from source to sink. We show sediment transport and internal flow characteristic evolution as they runout. Observed frontal regions (heads) are fast (>1.5 m/s), thin (<10 m), dense (depth averaged concentrations up to 38% vol), strongly stratified, and dominated by grain-to-grain interactions, or slower (<1 m/s), dilute (<0.01% vol), and well mixed with turbulence supporting sediment. Between these end-members, a transitional flow head exists. Flow bodies are typically thick, slow, dilute, and well mixed. Flows with dense heads stretch and bulk up with dense heads transporting up to 1000 times more sediment than the dilute body. Dense heads can therefore control turbidity current sediment transport and runout into the deep sea

    Direct monitoring reveals initiation of turbidity currents from extremely dilute river plumes

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    Rivers (on land) and turbidity currents (in the ocean) are the most important sediment transport processes on Earth. Yet, how rivers generate turbidity currents as they enter the coastal ocean remains poorly understood. The current paradigm, based on laboratory experiments, is that turbidity currents are triggered when river plumes exceed a threshold sediment concentration of ~1 kg.m‐3. Here we present direct observations of an exceptionally dilute river‐plume, with sediment concentrations one order of magnitude below this threshold (0.07 kg.m‐3), which generated a fast (1.5 m.s‐1), erosive, short‐lived (6 min) turbidity current. However, no turbidity current occurred during subsequent river‐plumes. We infer that turbidity currents are generated when fine‐sediment, accumulating in a tidal turbidity maximum, is released during spring tide. This means that very dilute river‐plumes can generate turbidity currents more frequently and in a wider range of locations, than previously thought