431 research outputs found

    Immigration to Germany in the seventies and eighties: the role of family reunification

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    Family reunification was virtually the only way for non-EC-foreigners to immigrate to Germany after the recruitment stop --in 1973. However, empirical knowledge on the relative size, the reasons and the accompanying circumstances of family reunification is limited. In the paper, the reunification of foreign families whose head lives in Germany is considered using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel 1984-1989. Family reunification is identified in two different ways. Whereas the retrospective approach looks backward from 1985 using information about the year of migration, the year of marriage, and the position in the household, the approach on a year-to-year base uses the panel design of the SOEP identifying family reunification by the reason of movement into the household and out of the household, respectively. The relative size of family reunification in proportion to total immigration as well as the linkage to the business cycle fluctuations is determined. Family reunification is analyzed within the framework of a discrete hazard rate model. The relative importance of several factors reflecting the economic and social situation of the family's head on the decision to have spouse and children come to Germany is examined. It turns out that besides nation-specific differences, years since migration, years since marriage, the degree of social integration in Germany, income and unemployment status by the individual and in the economy, as well as the family background are important determinants for the decision to reunite the family.

    Wage discrimination and occupational segregation of foreign male workers in Germany

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    We analyze wage discrimination against foreign male workers in Germany with respect to different nationality groups and focused on its interaction with occupational segregation. We found evidence of strong occupational segregation, which we mainly attribute to institutional factors but also to different endowments with human capital. For the measurement of wage discrimination itself we applied a tobit estimation procedure to the wage equation and carried out the usual Blinder/Oaxaca decomposition in the second step. We found a slight discrimination against all foreign male workers together, but considerably greater discrimination for some nationality groups such as East Europeans and persons from the Middle and Far East. The additional consideration of occupational segregation did not affect these results much. However, by far most 'of the wage differentials between Germans and foreign nationality groups could be attributed to different endowments with human capital. --Discrimination,occupational segregation,foreigners

    The wood basic density variation of pine and spruce provenances.

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    Keskkond ja mõõtmine

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    BeSt programmi toetusel loodud e-kursuse "Keskkond ja mõõtmine" õppematerjalid. Kursusel antakse ülevaade keskkonna objektide iseloomustamisel kasutatavatest analüüsi meetoditest. Praktiliste tööde käigus teostatakse analüüsid keskkonna objektidelt toodud proovidega ning saadud tulemuste põhjal esitatakse uuritava objekti keskkonnaseisundi iseloomustus koos teostatud mõõtmiste mõõtemääramatuse hinnanguga

    Wood density in two Betula pendula roth progeny trials.

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    Phenotypic and genetic variation in the wood basic density of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.).

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    Die Arbeitserlaubnis als Instrument der Arbeitsmarktpolitik zur Steuerung internationaler Zuwanderung auf den Arbeitsmarkt

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    Die Arbeitserlaubnis ist das wichtigste Instrument zur Kontrolle des Arbeitsmarktzugangs von ausländischen Immigranten. Die Erteilung einer allgemeinen Arbeitserlaubnis wird - unter Beachtung des Anwerbestopps - normalerweise nur dann vorgenommen, wenn kein Deutscher oder gleichberechtigter Ausländer für die zu besetzende Arbeitsstelle zur Verfügung steht (Inländerprimat). Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, inwieweit die internationale Zuwanderung Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitslosigkeit einheimischer Arbeitnehmer besitzt, und ob Inländerprimat und Anwerbestopp in dieser Hinsicht die ihnen zugedachte Schutzfunktion erfüllen. Die empirische Analyse bezieht sich mit den Jahren 1989 bis 1993 auf eine Phase enorm hoher Zuwanderung und wird auf Basis regionaler Variation (westdeutsche Arbeitsamtbezirke) ausgeführt. Dabei wird explizit räumliche Interaktion zwischen benachbarten Regionen berücksichtigt. Es zeigt sich, daß die Zuwanderung von arbeitserlaubnispflichtigen Ausländern im wesentlichen neutral, mitunter sogar positiv auf den Arbeitsmarkt. gewirkt hat, während sonst die Zuwanderung negative Effekte besessen hat. Dabei gingen von der Zuwanderung deutscher Arbeitnehmer die stärksten absoluten Effekte, von der Zuwanderung von EU-Bürgern die stärksten relativen Effekte aus. ; The work permit is the most important instrument to control the labour market access of foreign immigrants in Germany. The general work permit is only be granted if no German or privileged foreigner is available for the job concerned (native privilege). In this paper we analyse the effects of international migration on local unemployment and the role of native privilege and recruitment stop in this perspective. The empirical analysis conducted in the years 1989 to 1993 reflects a period of extraordinary high immigration. It is based on local labour markets (West German Labour Market Districts) and considers explicitly the spatial interaction between contiguous regions. We find a neutral and in somes cases even favourable effect of the labour market entrance of immigrants with work permits on local unemployment. On the contrary, almost all other kind of immigration led to increased unemployment. Thereof, the immigration of German workers had the strongest effects in absolute values, the immigration of EU-citizens in relative values. --Labour market effects,international migration,institutional regulations

    A lynx in a sheep's pasture

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    Large predators have made a return in Europe in the past decades. In Scandinavia, the Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) has expanded its distribution further south and recolonized past areas. Due to the recolonization, lynx management has become part of the public discourse in Sweden. One factor of this discourse is depredation on domestic sheep. My thesis focuses on the environmental factors affecting lynx depredation on domestic sheep as well as the effectiveness of lethal control to prevent secondary attacks on sheep in Sweden from 2009-2019. I used logistic regression to investigate the effect of environmental factors on the risk of depredation. Furthermore, I used Survival Analysis to estimate the effect of lethal control on repeated attacks. Between 2009 and 2019 there were a total of 760 depredation events of which 20.7 percent experienced a secondary event within one year. Most attacks occurred during October, while the least attacks occurred during March and April. On average 1.67 sheep were killed during an attack. Depredation events are linked to lynx density, roe deer density distance to settlement, artificial night-time brightness, ruggedness and proximity to water, indicating a “site” effect rather than “problem individuals”. My results support previous literature which suggests that lynx do not actively search for sheep farms, but rather encounter them by chance. The risk of a secondary depredation increased significantly with lynx density, roe deer density and distance to water. Hunting of lynx significantly decreased the probability of a repeated attack within one year by 60 percent. I conclude that mitigation measures should be focused on pastures which are far away from urban structure with rugged terrain and that lethal control is an effective measure for preventing future attacks in the short term, but its long-term effectiveness remains unknown. I encourage future research to investigate the connection between lynx depredation events and water proximity