11 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pajak daerah, retribusi daerah terhadap belanja daerah Kota Surabaya Tahun 2012-2019. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, yaitu dengan pemilihan sampel dengan kriteria tertentu. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah Laporan Realisasi Anggaran Kota Surabaya periode 2012-2019 dan dengan sampel Laporan Realisasi Anggaran Kota Surabaya periode 2012-2019 dalam bentuk kuartalan yaitu sebanyak 32 sampel. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda dengan uji F, Uji T, dan koefisien determinasi serta menggunakan program SPSS Versi 21. Hasil penelitian pada uji parsial menunjukkan bahwa pajak daerah memiliki nilai signifikan 0,000 yang berarti hipotesis pertama diterima yaitu pajak daerah memliki berpengaruh positif terhadap belanja daerah karena pajak daerah merupakan penyumbang terbesar pada penambahan pendapatan asli daerah. Uji parsial untuk retribusi daerah memiliki nilai signifikan 0,239 yang yang berarti hipotesis kedua ditolak, maka retribusi daerah tidak berpengaruh terhadap belanja daerah karena pemerintah daerah Kota Surabaya kurang memaksimalkan dan mengoptimalkan retribusi daerah sehingga kontribusinya sedikit terhadap pembiayaan pelayanan publik dan pembangunan Kota Surabay

    Analisis Usability Sistem Aplikasi Kredit Digital Dengan Pendekatan Use Questionnaire dan IPA

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    Online loan applications are a form of cashless transaction with the number of users continuing to increase every year, especially in Indonesia. Various online credit and loan applications are born as if they are in demand by offering banking solutions and various promotions. One of the online loan and credit applications is the Kredivo application. This application has many features not only as a payment method, but also as a tool for making cash and credit payments to the markets that work with this application. So far, this application has never been analyzed, so researchers want to conduct research to obtain new findings about the usability of the Kredivo application system and as proof or testing of the correctness of existing knowledge, namely use questionnaire analysis and importance performance analysis. The results of his research show that the variables tested on the respondents are still not in accordance with the expectations of the respondents.Abstract— Online loan applications are a form of cashless transaction with the number of users continuing to increase every year, especially in Indonesia. Various online credit and loan applications are born as if they are in demand by offering banking solutions and various promotions. One of the online loan and credit applications is the Kredivo application. This application has many features not only as a payment method, but also as a tool for making cash and credit payments to the markets that work with this application. So far, this application has never been analyzed, so researchers want to conduct research to obtain new findings about the usability of the Kredivo application system and as proof or testing of the correctness of existing knowledge, namely use questionnaire analysis and importance-performance analysis. The results of his research show that the variables tested on the respondents are still not in accordance with the expectations of the respondents. Keywords – Usability, Questionnaire, Credit Intisasi – Aplikasi pinjaman dan penggunaan pinjaman online merupakan salah satu bentuk transaksi cashless dengan jumlah pengguna yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya terutama di Indonesia. Berbagai aplikasi kredit dan pinjaman online lahir seolah-olah diminati dengan menawarkan solusi perbankan dan berbagai promosi. Salah satu aplikasi pinjaman dan kredit online adalah aplikasi Kredivo. Aplikasi ini memiliki banyak fitur tidak hanya sebagai metode pembayaran, tetapi juga sebagai alat untuk melakukan pembayaran tunai dan kredit ke pasar yang bekerja dengan aplikasi ini. Selama ini aplikasi ini belum pernah ada yang menganalisa sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh penemuan baru tentang usability sistem aplikasi Kredivo dan sebagai pembuktian atau pengujian tentang kebenaran dari pengetahuan yang sudah ada yaitu analisis use questionnaire dan importance performance analysis. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan variabel diuji pada responden masih ada yang belum sesuai harapan responden. Kata Kunci— Usability, Questionnaire, kredi


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    Based on the inventory of vocabulary vitality data of marine and fisheries ecosystems, there are 76 vocabularies, based on the category of catching marine products, there are 31 vocabularies consisting of 2 vocabulary of transportation equipment, 8 vocabulary of fishing gear, techniques for the use of fishing gear there are 21 vocabularies, the category of processed seafood 6 vocabulary consisting of processed food there are 3 vocabularies, processed materials have 3 vocabularies, Fishery categories total 38 vocabularies and flora vocabulary there is one vocabulary. The vocabulary vitality of marine and fisheries ecosystems has a category of noun 55 vocabulary and verb 21. The vocabulary form of marine and fisheries ecosystems in Sukadana Malay consists of monomorphemic forms and polymorphemic forms. The vitality of the vocabulary of the marine and fisheries ecosystems in the results of the study, it is known that the vocabulary of marine and fisheries ecosystems in The Malay language of Sukadana still survives. However, there is also a vocabulary that no longer survives in the generation of adolescents in the area due to several factors, and factors due to age, economic progress of the community, social mobility, and also the practical emergence of language in speaking in the marine environment


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    Jembatan baja adalah struktur penting dalam infrastruktur transportasi dan harus dipelihara dan diperiksa secara teratur untuk menjaga keamanan dan kelancaran lalu lintas. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu jembatan baja dapat mengalami kerusakan. Umumnyapenyebabkerusakanjembatanbajaadalahkarenabebanberlebih, genangan air, dan kurangnya pemeliharaan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan Evaluasi Biaya Pemeliharaan Jembatan Baja Wai Boyan Negeri Seith dengan Pedoman Binamarga. Pedoman Pemeriksaan Jembatan yang dipakai adalah Pedoman No 01/P/BM/2022 karena memberikan panduan bagi para insinyur dalam melakukan pemeriksaan rutin dan evaluasi jembatan baja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi kerusakan dan memberikan solusi penanganan pada jembatan baja Wai Boyan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemeriksaan kerusakan jembatan menggunakan Pedoman No.01/P/BM/2022 kemudian dilakukan evaluasi biaya pemeliharaan jembatan Wai Boyan. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pedoman Pemeriksaan Jembatan No 01/P/BM/2022 efektif dalam mendeteksi kerusakan pada elemen struktural jembatan baja seperti pada dinding penahan tanah, gelagar, baut, dan balok, dengan biaya pemeliharaan sebesar Rp. 988.736.000. Kesimpulannya, Pedoman Pemeriksaan Jembatan No 01/P/BM/2022 dapat menjadi acuan yang berguna bagi para insinyur dalam melakukan pemeriksaan dan evaluasi jembatan baja. Pedoman ini perlu terus diperbarui dan disesuaikan dengan perkembangan teknologi dan perubahan kondisi lingkungan sehingga dapat memastikan keamanan dan keandalan jembatan baja dalam jangka panjang. Kata kunci: Jembatan, Kerusakan, Biaya, Pemeliharaan Steel bridges are important structures in transportation infrastructure and should be maintained and inspected regularly to maintain safety and smooth traffic. Bridge Inspection Guideline No 01/P/BM/2022 provides guidance for engineers and structural experts in conducting routine inspections and evaluations of steel bridges. This study aims to evaluate maintenance costs with Bridge Inspection Guidelines No 01/P/BM/2022 in detecting damage and defects in steel bridges. The research method used was data analysis from the results of the examination of steel bridges on the Wai Boyan bridge, Seith State, which used the seguidelines as a reference. The results showed that Bridge Inspection Guideline No. 01/P/BM/2022 was effective in detecting damage to structural elements of steel bridges such as wall holding soil , girders, bolts, and beams, with maintenance costs of Rp. 988,736,000. In conclusion, Bridge Inspection Guideline No 01/P/BM/2022 can be a useful reference for structural experts in inspecting and evaluating steel bridges. However, the seguidelines need to be constantly updated and adapted to technological developments and changing environmental conditions so as to ensure the safety and reliability of steel bridges in the long ru

    Effects of Par1a Deletion on Tubulointerstitial Fibrosis in Folic Acid Mouse Models of Renal Injury

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    Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) affects 1 out of 7 adults in the United States and causes significant morbidity and mortality. Development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis, and the accompanying loss of functional tubular cells, leads to CKD progression. The Notch signaling pathway is required for renal development, however, sustained Notch activation in adult mice induces tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Dual deletion of Par1a and Par1b, serine threonine kinases, in developing mouse kidneys impaired Notch activation and resulted in the formation of abnormal glomeruli and proximal tubules. Deletion of either Par1a or 1b does not affect kidney development.We hypothesize that Par1a or 1b deletion in mice would protect against folic acid (FA) induced tubulointerstitial fibrosis. FA models of renal fibrosis were induced in Par1a WT and Par1a KO mice with intraperitoneal injections of 250 mg/kg FA dissolved in 300 nM NaHCO3. Mice were examined 7 days after injection—the time of earliest fibrosis and peak Notch expression. Sirius red collagen staining was used to quantify the severity of fibrosis. Immunohistochemical staining for Notch signaling components and Par1a were performed. It was observed that Par1a expression was increased after FA injection. Par1a colocalized in tubules with increased Jag1 expression. Sirius red staining demonstrated less fibrosis in Par1a KO vs. WT mice. Together, our results suggest Par1a deletion may be protective against renal fibrosis. Par1-Notch interactions may be mediated by effects on Jag1. Par1-Notch signaling could be a novel target for therapeutic intervention and potentially attenuate CKD progression

    Hubungan Pelaksanaan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Dengan Kinerja Guru Di SMAN 2 Siak Hulu

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    RELATIONSHIP OF THE 2013 CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION WITH TEACHER PERFORMANCE AT SMAN 2 SIAK HULU BY VELLIA REZKI NPM: 166810013 ABSTRACT Based on the results of research and discussion that has been conducted by the author regarding "The Relationship between 2013 Curriculum Implementation and Teacher Performance at SMAN 2 Siak Hulu". while the teacher performance at SMAN 2 Siak upstream was also in the Good category with a classification of 63.78%. So overall the results of implementing the 2013 curriculum with school teacher performance are in the Good category. So it can be concluded that the teachers at SMAN 2 Siak Hulu have implemented the 2013 curriculum well. Based on the results of data processing hypothesis testing using SPSS V.22.00, it can be seen from the relationship between 2013 curriculum implementation and teacher performance at SMAN 2 Siak Hulu towards a positive relationship. The correlation that occurs is significant because the t value is greater than t table, namely 0.949 <0.246 at a significant rate of 5%. Based on the results of the analysis, the coefficient value of the non-determinant coefficient (R square) is 0.920. The contribution of variable X to variable Y is 0.920 X 100%, 92%. The magnitude of the relationship between the implementation of the 2013 curriculum and teacher performance is 0.949. Of which 95% of teacher performance is from the 2013 Curriculum variable. While the remaining 5% which means by other variables not examined in this study


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    Intra Uterine Device (IUD) merupakan alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim yang waktu pemasangannya bisa dilakukan pasca persalinan. IUD pasca persalinan merupakan metode terpilih dan sangat dianjurkan untuk ibu terutama pada ibu dengan Sectio Caesarea (SC). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey Analitik dengan metode cross sectiona penelitian ini lakukan di Bangsal nifas  RSUD Sungai Dareh pulau punjung Kabupaten Dharmasraya. Populasi penelitian ini seluruh ibu nifas dengan persalinan SC sebanyak 50 orang dengan teknik pengambilan Purposive Sampling terdiri dari 34 responden.Uji statistik yang digunakan uji chi-square dan uji statistik mann whitney. Melalui analisa data dengan uji statistik menggunakan uji chi-square dengan responden berjumlah 34 responden didapatkan hasil bahwa p-value 0,002 &lt; 0.005 artinya ada hubungan antara dukungan suami  dengan pemilihan kb IUD pasca SC. Dan  Hasil uji statistik  Mann whitney diperoleh hasil P-value = 0.308 &gt; 0,005 artinya tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan ibu post partum riwayat SC dengan pemilihan kb IUD pasca SC di RSUD Sungai Dareh.Diharapkan untuk peneliti selanjutnya yang melakukan penelitian dengan judul ini sebaiknya menggunakan metodologi-metodologi lainya. 

    Implementation of Early Childhood Character Education at TK Pembina 4 Ogan Komering Ulu

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    This study aims to describe the implementation of early childhood character education in TK Pembina 4 Ogan Komering Ulu. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were the principal, teachers, and parents of students. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of early childhood character education at TK Pembina 4 Ogan Komering Ulu in implementing character education uses programmed activities with the center method which is equipped with other complementary methods, namely stories, singing, fairy tales, direct practice, teacher exemplary and discussion. as well as rewards, seduction and punishment for children. Constraints in implementing character education are the competence of educators in terms of making assessment tools and RKH, the atmosphere of the school environment among educators, and the lack of assertiveness of the principal in educators not to use RKH in the learning process. Supporting factors identified include support from the community and students ‘parents

    Quality assurance in the polytechnic of health, ministry of health: An evaluative study in the polytechnic of health the ministry of health, Bengkulu

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    This research aims to see the strengths and weaknesses, differences and similarities of SPME standards, and build a hypothetical integration of quality assurance systems. This research type is evaluative research with a qualitative approach. The instrument is an interview guide, observation guide, and documentation. The data analysis used is a SWOT analysis, Mind Mapping, and CIPP. The results are the weaknesses are seen from multiple assignments, different assessment indicators, teamwork, implementation of the MOU has not been optimal, and the assessment period and data are not yet integrated. The threats are inconsistent regulations, different standards, and global competition. This is the first study that evaluated five accreditation quality assurance systems, ISO 9001: 2015, PDDikti, SAKIP, and ZI. The formulation of a hypothetical model provides SPMI data for the requirement of the SPME. The recommendation from this study is to coordinate the quality assurance center to synchronize the data and integrate data audit instruments in a quality assurance application