74 research outputs found

    Research efficiency of complex systems with spread spectrum renewable energy for electric power supply decentralized objects in Russia

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    The urgency of using the integrated systems of renewable energy sources (RES clusters) within the significant area of the Russian Federation is demonstrated. The theoretical background of the methodology of cluster approach and substantiation of calculation of the optimal composition of the equipment of renewable energy sources within a RES cluster are presented. The analogy between the RES clusters and the Markowitz-Sharpe-Tobin portfolio theory is shown. The graphical model for searching for the optimal RES cluster and the algorithm of computation program are presented. The results of using various RES clusters for an experimental object "An Energy Efficient House" are considered. The resulting computed data and the experimental data demonstrate that the energy performance of optimized integrated systems (RES clusters) can be increased by up to 20-40% in terms of energy generation. The comparative performance of the existing RES cluster imported from China and the one optimized using the proposed methodology and the elaborated algorithm is shown. © 2014 WIT Press.International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering;International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen

    The study of passive vibration dampers in pipelines using PIV-methodology for single phase flow

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    An experimental investigation of the study for pulsed particle visualization of micro tracers using the PIV technique was conducted. The purpose of the study was to obtain the velocity distribution in straight and turns of the pipeline and influence of different geometries of the inserts (swirlers) on the cause of the pr?ssure gr?dient on the ?uter and inn?r w?lls of the p?rts. The visualization of fluid flow consisting tracer particles was determined. In order to study the flow pattern a design of passive devices was performed and put into experimentation to investigate the flow field. The PIV-technique and equipment allow the analytical study of the microstructure for hydr?dynamic fluid fl?w and the msurement of piping vibration after passing through the passive damper. It was found that the use of the improved devices leads to the reduction of piping vibration at 25-50%. It was possible to figure out the velocity distribution pattern as well as the visualization of the swirling of the fluid flow based on PIV technique. © 2017 WIT Press

    Project Development of an Underground Nuclear Power Plant on the Basis of the Integrated Ship Reactor, KN-3

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    In this study, we focused on the development of device module along with the fabrication process in search of alternative energy sources. We tried to show the design basis of underground nuclear power plants. At present, the power supply of remote areas is carried out mainly through gasoline and diesel generators and this leads to high fuel costs and negative impact on the environment. One of the solutions to the aforementioned problems can be the use of modular super low power (50–100 MW) integrated ship reactors. Keywords: underground nuclear power units, design development, power generation, alternative energy, energy source

    Methodology for particle tracing in fluid flow using particle image velocimetry (PIV)

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    In prevenient scientific research regarding fluid flow experimentation, particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) became very important now-a-days. PIV technique is a non- intrusive flow visualization technique which provides instantaneous velocity fields over global domains unlike the existing Schileren and Shadowgraph technique. To extract the local fluid velocity PIV records the position over time of tiny tracer particles introduced into the fluid flow. In this paper we focus on the PIV methodology, Experimental arrangement and PIV feasibility.В предварительных научных исследованиях, касающихся экспериментов с потоком жидкости, теперь очень важна скорость изображения частиц (PIV). Метод PIV представляет собой технику неинтрузивной визуализации потока, которая обеспечивает мгновенные поля скорости по глобальным доменам в отличие от существующей техники Шилерена и Shadowgraph. Для извлечения локальной скорости жидкости PIV записывает положение во времени мелких частиц-индикаторов, вводимых в поток жидкости. В этой статье мы сосредоточимся на методологии PIV, Экспериментальной схеме и возможности PIV

    PWM effect on MPPT for hybrid PV solar and wind turbine generating systems at various loading conditions

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    Hybrid systems employing different kinds of renewable energy sources, like wind and solar energy conversion systems, are used to reduce generation costs and the pollution of traditional fossil fuel-based electrical generation methods. The current paper presents the design of an off-grid hybrid connection of an 852 W photovoltaic (PV) panel with a 1 kW small-scale wind turbine. This work is based on a study of the effect of the changes in the pulse width modulation (PWM) of a DC/DC converter that was connected to each renewable energy source at various loads. The pulse width can be varied by changing its duty cycle value (D). In this paper, the D value is changed manually for each renewable energy source and automatically using an incremental conductance (IC) and Perturb and Observe (P&O) maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms. The IC algorithm is used for the PV system whereas the P&O algorithm with a smaller step size is used for the PMSG wind turbine. The hybrid system is exposed to different environmental conditions to test the validity of the MPPT algorithm for both renewable energy sources. The results of manual and automatic changes of D values are compared for different loads. The AC output voltage is regulated to obtain a constant RMS voltage at different loads. The hybrid system is tested and simulated using MATLAB SIMULINK R2017a software. © 2021. All Rights Reserved.Ural Federal University, UrFUThanks to Dr. C.E. Щеклеин, Dr. M. F. Mohammed, Dr. J.C. Nash and my university library (URFU) for their support to complete this research

    Design features of а ribbon wind power station

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    The article describes a ribbon wind power plant, belonging to the class of the wind turbine rotor. A feature of the installation is inclined rotation axis and a number of standardized modules. A distinctive feature is the modularity of wind turbines, i.e. the ability to create an installation of any capacity from tens of watts for domestic use up to tens of kW for settlements, infrastructure and various anti-crisis objectives.В статье описана ленточно-винтовая ветроэнергетическая установка, относящаяся к классу роторных ВЭУ. Особенностью установки является наклонная ось вращения и ряд унифицированных модулей. Отличительной чертой ВЭУ является модульность, т.е. возможность создания установки любой мощности от десятков Вт для бытовых нужд до десятков кВт для населенных пунктов, объектов инфраструктуры и различных антикризисных целей

    Experimental investigation of power generation in a microgrid hybrid network

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    The hybrid integration of small-scale wind and solar energy conversion systems can be used for on- and off-grid applications. This paper investigates a stand-alone off-grid application of a hybrid small-scale wind turbine and photovoltaic (PV) cell microgrid to supply houses in rural Iraq far from the utility grid. Experimental investigations were performed to measure wind speed and solar radiation, as well as the DC voltage in the rectifier section of a small-scale permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) wind turbine and the DC voltage in a PV cell for 24 hours. The results showed that using a small-scale hybrid wind and solar generating system for off-grid applications in Iraq is possible if the components are equipped with proper charge controllers that perform maximum power point tracking (MPPT) during wind speed and solar radiation fluctuations. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Sustainable energy: Is it nuclear or solar for African Countries? Case study on Ghana

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    Increasing cost of generating energy through conventional sources coupled with environmental pollution concerns has led to the need to find more sustainable, clean and cheaper sources of energy generation. This paper evaluates two forms of energy: nuclear and solar energy for developing countries with a case study on Ghana. The research found out that Ghana like other several other developing countries have the opportunity to reduce their cost of electricity significantly should any of the under studied technologies be deployed. Obtained LCOE for the 20 MW modelled Solar power plant (SPP) in Navrongo ranges between 5.74 and 9.41 ¢/kWh for real discount and annual interest rates ranging between 1 and 25%. LCOEs of 125.53–125.55 $/MWh for discount rates between 3% and 15%, respectively were obtained for the 1200 MW nuclear power plant (NPP) expected to be constructed in Ghana. The research concluded with a suggestion that since the NPP project is capital intensive, development of SPP should be given the needed attention in the short to medium term to help build a resilient economy upon which NPP can be considered in the long term. Some financing models were also suggested for the construction of such capital-intensive projects. © 2020 Elsevier Lt


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    Рассматриваются теоретическая основа создания и программа расчета и оптимизации комплексной энергетической системы на базе возобновляемых источников энергии (ВИЭ). Оптимизация базируется на рассмотрении многофакторной математической модели «черный ящик». Результатом стало создание программы расчета оптимальной энергетической системы с определением эффективного состава оборудования и установленной мощности каждого вида ВИЭ на основе метода выпуклой оптимизации. Критерием эффективности служит наименьшая стоимость выработки 1кВт ∙ ч энергии всем комплексом ВИЭ в среднем за год. Особенностями программы являются жесткая привязка к месту расположения энергокомплекса ВИЭ и учет стохастических климатических характеристик (скорость ветра, инсоляция, температура) для данной территорииThe article discusses the thеorеtical bаsis fоr the еstаblishmеnt аnd prоpеr cаlculаtion аnd оptimizаtiоn of intеgrаtеd еnеrgy systеms bаsеd on rеnеwаble еnеrgy sоurcеs. The оptimization is based on the cоnsidеrаtion of multivаriаte mаthеmatical mоdеls, which rеprеsеnt the «blаck bоx». The rеsult of the rеviеw modеl was the crеаtion of the progrаm of cаlculаtion of аn еfficiеnt еnеrgy systеm with dеfinition of еfficiеnt еquipmеnt and the installеd cаpаcity of еаch type of rеnеwablе еnеrgy basеd on thе method of convex optimization. The criterion of efficiency is the least cost of producing 1 kWhour of еnеrgy thе whоle cоmplex оf rеnеwable еnеrgy in an avеrage yеar. Fеature of thе prоgram is a link tо the lоcation оf future rеnеwable еnеrgy and еnеrgy complex accоunting stоchastic climatic characteristics (wind speed, insolation, temperature) for this are

    Comparative evaluation of renewable energy scenario in Ghana

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    Availability of cheap, reliable and safe energy is very essential to the growth and development of every nation. This paper assesses solar radiation and wind speed at one site each in the southern, middle-belt and northern part of Ghana to estimate the potential of integrating solar and wind energy into the country's energy mix. The analysis included the financial viability of a possible 2.5 MW installed solar power plant in Gomoa, Kintampo and Navrongo. The RETScreen software was used for the feasibility and financial viability evaluation. The study found out that the southern part of the country experiences the least solar irradiation as it recorded 4.73 kWh/m2/day, the middle belt recorded 5.28 kWh/m2/day, the northern belt however recorded the highest level of solar irradiation of 6.07 kWh/m2/day. It was also found out from the research that the southern belt has the highest annual average wind speed of 2.8 m/s followed by the northern sector with 2.3 m/s and the least was recorded in the middle-belt with an average wind speed of 2.2 m/s. The financial indicators like the internal rate return, equity payback years, cumulative cash flows and simple profitability index all indicated that the northern sector is the best site for the development of solar energy although the other parts of the country are also positive. The impact of the development of these plants will also have a considerable impact on the environment since the research shows some 93% reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd