92 research outputs found

    Comparison of Box-Behnken, Face Central Composite and Full Factorial Designs in Optimization of Hempseed Oil Extraction by n-Hexane: a Case Study

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    Statistical multivariate methods like Box-Behnken, face central composite and full factorial designs (BBD, FCCD and FFD, respectively) in combination with the response surface methodology (RSM) were compared when applied in modeling and optimization of the hempseed oil (HSO) extraction by n-hexane. The effects of solvent-to-seed ratio, operation temperature and extraction time on HSO yield were investigated at the solvent-to-seed ratio of 3:1, 6.5:1 or 10:1 mL/g, the extraction temperature of 20, 45 or 70 °C and the extraction time of 5, 10 or 15 min. All three methods were efficient in the statistical modeling and optimization of the influential process variables and led to almost the same optimal process conditions and predicted HSO yield. Having better statistical performances and being economically advantageous over the FFD with repetition, the BBD or FCCD combined with the RSM is recommended for the optimization of liquid-solid extraction processes

    Modeling the kinetics of essential oil hydrodistillation from plant materials

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    The present work deals with modeling the kinetics of essential oils extraction from plant materials by water and steam distillation. The experimental data were obtained by studying the hydrodistillation kinetics of essential oil from juniper berries. The literature data on the kinetics of essential oils hydrodistillation from different plant materials were also included into the modeling. A physical model based on simultaneous washing and diffusion of essential oil from plant materials were developed to describe the kinetics of essential oils hydrodistillation, and two other simpler models were derived from this physical model assuming either instantaneous washing followed by diffusion or diffusion with no washing (i.e. the first-order kinetics). The main goal was to compare these models and suggest the optimum ones for water and steam distillation and for different plant materials. All three models described well the experimental kinetic data on water distillation irrespective of the type of distillation equipment and its scale, the type of plant materials and the operational conditions. The most applicable one is the model involving simultaneous washing and diffusion of the essential oil. However, this model was generally inapplicable for steam distillation of essential oils, except for juniper berries. For this hydrodistillation technique, the pseudo first-order model was shown to be the best one. In a few cases, a variation of the essential oil yield with time was observed to be sigmoidal and was modeled by the Boltzmann sigmoid function

    Продукција антибиотика помоћу Streptomyces hygroscopicus CH-7 у хранљивим подлогама са комплексима шифових базa

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    Influence of a modified media on Hexaene H-85 and Azalomycine B production by Streptomyces hygroscopicus CH-7 was investigated. The amino acid L-tryptophan, as a nitrogen source, was replaced with isatin-3-thiosemicarbazone and its complexes with some divalent metal ions. Isatin-3-thiosemicarbazone was synthesized in crude glycerol obtained as a byproduct in biodiesel production from sunflower oil. The complexes were charac-terized by elemental microanalysis and magnetic susceptibility, as well as, by Atomic absorption(AA), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and Ultraviolet–visible (UV/VIS) spectro-scopic methods. The spectral studies indicated an octahedral geometry for the Mn(II), Fe(II) and Ni(II) complexes and a tetrahedral one for the Zn(II) complex. Comparing to the basal medium, isatin-3-thiosemicarbazone (ITC) and its metal complexes in the concentration of 0.5 g dm-3 showed better results in the antibiotics production. Use of medium supple-mented with the Fe(II) complex resulted in the maximum Hexaene H-85 and Azalomycine B concentrations of 306 μg cm-3 and 127 μg cm-3, respectively. Addition of ITC and its complexes changed the morphology of S. hygroscopicus CH-7 from filaments to pellets as a dominant shape in media resulting in higher antibiotic production.У раду је испитиван утицај модификованих хранљивих подлога на производњу антибиотика Hexaene H-85 и Azalomycine B помоћу Streptomyces hygroscopicus CH-7. Аминокиселина L-триптофан, као извор азота, замењена је изатин-3-тиосемикарбазоном (синтетисаним у сировом глицеролу који се добија као нуспродукт у производњи биодизела из сунцокретовог уља) и његовим комплексима са неким двоалентним металним јонима. Комплекси су карактерисани елементарном микроанализом, магнетном сусцептибилнош-ћу, атомском аспорпцијом (A), инфрацрвеним (IR) и ултравиолетним (UV/VIS) спектроскопским методама. Спектралне анализе показале су октахедралну геометрију комплекса Мn(II), Fе(II) и Ni(II) и тетраедарску за комплекс Zn(II). Изатин-3-тиосемикарбазон и његови комплекси са металима (0,5 g dm-3) утичу на повећање продукције антибиотика у поређењу са основном подлогом. Највеће концентрације антибиотика Hexaene H-85 и Azalomycine B су остварене у хранљивој подлози са Fe(II) комплексом (306 и 127 μg cm-3, редом). Комплекси ИТС и изатин 3-тиосемикарбазон утичу и на морфологију тестираног соја. Streptomyces hygroscopicus CH-7 растe у облику филамената и пелета, у подлогама у којима је остварена највећа продукција антибиотика

    Modeling the thermal and electrical conductivity relation of synthesized diamonds within fractal nature analysis

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    Improvement of novel materials could be very good development base for enhancement of new technologies. One of the most promising material of modern science is undoubtedly synthesized diamond. Because of variety of modern applications, the research in this area is becoming intensive. Utilization of this material made great step forward in many areas, beside the most known jewelry, also in producing microcomponents, in medical-surgery, as well as in high professional industry. These and others specific application of polycrystal diamonds, require permanently research and improvement of their properties. Although, the first synthesized diamond was created half a century ago using high pressure - high temperature (HPHT) method, diamonds created by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method were much more convenient for application in so many areas. By applying CVD method, microcrystalline diamond (MCD) with grain size approximately 100 nm were created. Due to some disadvantages of MCD films, like values of hardness and Young’s modulus, new nanocrystalline (NCD) and ultra-nanocrystalline (UNCD) diamond materials were developed, with average grains size of 5-100 nm and 3-5 nm, respectively. The properties of polycrystalline diamonds can vary depending on the consolidation process like composition and pressure of applied gases, filament setup and reactor geometry. In that sense, changing the parameters of consolidation process, there is a possibility to change the microstructure of thin films and understanding its fundamentals. Also, fractal nature analysis could contribute to the revealing possibilities for improvement of polycrystalline diamond films. During carried out experiments, it was observed that there is the influence of grain size on thermal and electrical conductivity - when the thermal conductivity is increasing then electro conductivity is decreasing and opposite. Relation between the structures and final properties of synthetized diamonds can be achieved by explaining these phenomena based on fractal nature

    Comparison of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of extracts obtained from Salvia glutinosa L. and Salvia officinalis L.

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    Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities as well as total phenols and flavonoids contents of Salvia glutinosa L. (glutinous sage) and Salvia officinalis L. (sage) extracts were studied. Methanol and aqueous ethanol (70% v/v) were used for extraction of bioactive compounds, both in the presence and the absence of ultrasound, from herb and the spent plant material remaining after the essential oil hydrodistillation. The ratio of plant material to extracting solvent was 1:10 g/ml. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the extracts were found to depend on the type of plant material and the extraction conditions. The plant materials from which essential oil had been recovered were proven to be valuable raw materials for making various herbal preparations

    Optimizacija proizvodnje biodizela kukuruznog ulja metanolizom katalizovanom pepelom kurdeljke

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    The use of low-cost or priceless feedstocks such as byproducts in biodiesel production results in a reduced overall process costs. The present paper reports the use of corn germs and corn cobs as byproducts from corn-based starch production in the biodiesel production by the methanolysis of the oil extracted from corn germs, catalyzed by the ash produced by combustion of corn cobs. The major aim was to optimize the methanol-to-oil molar ratio, catalyst loading, and reaction time in a batch stirred reactor with respect to the content of methyl ester fatty acids (FAME). The statistical modeling and optimization were carried out using a second-order polynomial (quadratic) model developed by the response surface methodology combined with a 33 factorial design with 3 central points. The FAME content was determined by a high-pressure liquid chromatography method. The analysis of variance showed that only the catalyst amount, the reaction time, the catalyst amount interaction with reaction time and all three quadratic terms were the significant model terms with the confidence level of 95 %. The optimum reaction conditions (the catalyst amounts of 19.8 %, the methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 9.4 mol/mol and the reaction time of 31 min) provided the FAME content of 98.1 %, which was in an excellent agreement with the predicted FAME content (98.4 %). Thus, both corn germs and corn cobs may be suitable feedstocks for biodiesel production.Upotreba jeftinih ili bezvrednih sirovina, kao što su sporedni proizvodi, u proizvodnji biodizela ima za rezultat smanjene ukupne troškove procesa. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati upotrebe kukuruznih klica i okrunjenog kukuruznog klipa (kurdeljke, krudeljke) kao sporednih proizvoda iz proizvodnje kukuruznog skroba u proizvodnji biodizela metanolizom ulja izdvojenog iz kukuruznih klica, katalizovane pepelom dobijenim sagorevanjem kurdeljke. Glavni cilj je bila optimizacija molskog odnosa metanol-ulje, količine katalizatora i reakcionog vremena u šaržnom reaktoru sa mešanjem u odnosu na sadržaj metilestra masnih kiselina (MEMK). Statističko modelovanje i optimizacija izvršeni su korišćenjem kvadratnog modela, razvijenog metodologijom odzivne površine, u kombinaciji sa 33 faktorijelnim planom sa 3 centralne tačke. Sadržaj MEMK-a je određen metodom tečne hromatografije pod visokim pritiskom. Analiza varijanse je pokazala da su samo uticaji količine katalizatora, reakcionog vremena, interakcije količine katalizatora sa reakcionim vremenom i sva tri kvadratna člana statistički značajni sa nivoom pouzdanosti od 95 %. Pod optimalnim reakcionim uslovima (količina katalizatora 19,8 %, molski odnos metanol/ulje 9,4 mol/mol i reakciono vreme 31 min) dobijen je sadržaj MEMK-a od 98,1 %, koji se slaže sa predviđenim sadržajem MEMK-a (98,4 %). Prema tome, i kukuruzne klice i kurdeljka mogu biti pogodne sirovine za proizvodnju biodizela

    Choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvents in CaO-catalyzed ethanolysis of expired sunflower oil

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    Choline chloride (ChCl)-based deep eutectic solvents (DESs) with different amides or polyols as hydrogen bond donors were tested as cosolvents in the ethanolysis of expired sunflower oil catalyzed by either calcined or non-calcined CaO. These cosolvents promoted the ethanolysis by a successful activation of non-calcined CaO, which was ascribed to the CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2 dissolution from the surface of the solid catalyst particles. With both calcined and non-calcined CaO, the polyol-based solvents gave higher fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) content than the amide-based solvents. Among the amide-based DESs, choline chloride:urea (ChCl:U) was the most efficient activator of non-calcined CaO. Choline chloride:ethylene glycol (ChCl:EG) and choline chloride:propylene glycol (ChCl:PG) were more efficient than choline chloride:glycerol (ChCl:G) even with non-calcined CaO. However, ChCl:G might be more suitable than the others since the use of glycerol, a by-product of the ethanolysis, could reduce the overall biodiesel production costs. FTIR and XRD analyses of the used and separated CaO were performed in order to get more insight into the catalytically active phase(s). Also, the mechanisms of the CaO activation in the presence of the DESs were considered. The phase separation of the reaction mixture was faster in the presence of the DESs. Since ChCl:U and ChCl:G DESs are nontoxic, biodegradable, biorenewable and “green” solvents and provide the elimination of the calcination step of CaO, thus reducing the overall process costs, the non-calcined CaO catalytic systems with these DESs are recommended for further optimization. © 2018 Elsevier B.V.Published version: [https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_dais_3694]This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Troter, D.Z., Todorović, Z.B., Đokić-Stojanović, D.R., Veselinović, L.M., Zdujić, M.V., Veljković, V.B., 2018. Choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvents in CaO-catalyzed ethanolysis of expired sunflower oil. Journal of Molecular Liquids 266, 557–567. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2018.06.106]Supplementary information: [https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_dais_3772

    The impact of Schiff bases on antibiotic production by Streptomyces hygroscopicus

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    A media consisting of isatin-Schiff bases (isatin-3-thiosemicarbazone, isatin-3-semicarbazone, and isatin-3-phenylhydrazone) was developed to maximize the production of antibiotics Hexaene H-85 and Azalomycine B by Streptomyces hygroscopicus. The media isatin-3-thiosemicarbazone resulted in the maximum antibiotics concentration of 372 μg cm-3 for Hexaene H-85 and 118 μg cm-3 for Azalomycine B. The impact of modified media on soil morphology also was investigated

    A triethanolamine:choline chloride deep eutectic solvent as a cosolvent in the ethanolysis of Brassica nigra L. seed oil

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    Black mustard (Brassica nigra L.) seeds oil (BMSO), characterized by a high content of erucic acid (C22:1), belongs to inedible oils. Since BMSO has a high percentage of monounsaturated and branched fatty acids, it is a suitable raw material for biodiesel production. Also, green cosolvents, like deep eutectic solvents (DESs), can improve the biodiesel production process. This study reports the influence of the triethanolamine:choline chloride DES (2:1 mol/mol) on the BMSO ethanolysis over calcined CaO as a catalyst, under the following reaction conditions: temperature of 50, 60, and 70 ºC, ethanol-to-oil molar ratio of 12:1, as well as TEOA:ChCl DES and calcined CaO content of 20% and 10%, respectively. At 70 ºC, the ChCl:TEOA DES provided a high content of fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) (98.46±0.7%) after 1.5 min, compared to the control reaction (without the presence of DES), where the maximum FAEE content (98.05±0.6%) was achieved within 4 h. BMSO ethanolysis was described by the kinetic model of the pseudo-first order and the model of variable reaction order concerning TAG and the autocatalytic behavior of the ethanolysis reaction. Both kinetic models, with great accuracy, fitted the experimental data. As a result, physicochemical properties of the obtained biodiesel were within the limit values prescribed by the quality standard EN 14214. Also, the reusability of calcined CaO was proven even in four cycles with the FAEE content of over 90%

    White Mustard (Sinapis alba L.) Oil in Biodiesel Production: A Review

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    White mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seed oil is used for cooking, food preservation, body and hair revitalization, biodiesel production, and as a diesel fuel additive and alternative biofuel. This review focuses on biodiesel production from white mustard seed oil as a feedstock. The review starts by outlining the botany and cultivation of white mustard plants, seed harvest, drying and storage, and seed oil composition and properties. This is followed by white mustard seed pretreatments (shelling, preheating, and grinding) and processing techniques for oil recovery (pressing, solvent extraction, and steam distillation) from whole seeds, ground seed or kernels, and press cake. Novel technologies, such as aqueous, enzyme-assisted aqueous, supercritical CO2, and ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction, are also discussed. The main part of the review considers biodiesel production from white mustard seed oil, including fuel properties and performance. The economic, environmental, social, and human health risk/toxicological impacts of white mustard-based biodiesel production and use are also discussed