16 research outputs found

    Emotional intelligence and psychological well-being in nursing professionals from southern Chile

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    Foundation: Health professionals and specialy those related to caring, are under certain situations which produce professional stress that affect their psychological state.Objective: to identify the levels of emotional intelligence and psychological wellbeing, respectively, in nursing professionals of the Los Lagos Region, Chile.Methods: Descriptive study with non-experimental design. A number of 97 nurses from the Los Lagos region were included. A Trait Meta-Mood Scale and the Ryff scale of psychological wellbeing were applied to evaluate the emotional intelligence and psychological wellbeing respectively, both with good levels of reliability and composed by a series of sub-scales or dimensions.Results: regarding emotional intelligence, high levels of of emotional perception were observed (35 %), emotional comprehension (36,1 %) and emotional regulation (42,7 %). A 57,5 % of the professionals had a high level of psychological wellbeing, although 33,7 % showed  low level of positive relations.Conclusion: there is a direct and significant relation between the scales of emotional intelligence and psychological wellbeing.</p

    Emotional intelligence and psychological well-being in nursing professionals from southern Chile

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    Foundation: Health professionals and specialy those related to caring, are under certain situations which produce professional stress that affect their psychological state.Objective: to identify the levels of emotional intelligence and psychological wellbeing, respectively, in nursing professionals of the Los Lagos Region, Chile.Methods: Descriptive study with non-experimental design. A number of 97 nurses from the Los Lagos region were included. A Trait Meta-Mood Scale and the Ryff scale of psychological wellbeing were applied to evaluate the emotional intelligence and psychological wellbeing respectively, both with good levels of reliability and composed by a series of sub-scales or dimensions.Results: regarding emotional intelligence, high levels of of emotional perception were observed (35 %), emotional comprehension (36,1 %) and emotional regulation (42,7 %). A 57,5 % of the professionals had a high level of psychological wellbeing, although 33,7 % showed  low level of positive relations.Conclusion: there is a direct and significant relation between the scales of emotional intelligence and psychological wellbeing.</p

    Psychometric properties and factor structure of Scale of Psychological Well-being in chilean university students

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    El estudio analiza las propiedades psicométricas y la estructura factorial de la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff (1989) adaptada por van Dierendonck (2004). Se aplicó la escala a una muestra de 691 universitarios chilenos, con una media de 21.4 años (DT  2.6 años). La confiabilidad más alta de las subescalas es Autoaceptación (.79) y la más baja Propósito en la Vida (.54). El análisis factorial confirmatorio muestra un RMSEA de .068 considerado aceptable, un valor CFI igual a .95, un valor de NNFI .94 y un SRMR con un valor de .060. Se concluye que el modelo tendría un ajuste adecuado, lo que permitiría su uso en la población universitaria chilena.The study analyzes the psychometric properties and factor structure of Ryff’s (1989) Psychological Well-being Scale adapted by van Dierendonck (2004). The scale was applied to a sample of 691 Chilean university students averaging 21.4 years old (SD 2.6 years). The highest reliability among sub-scales is Self-acceptance (.79) and the lowest Purpose in Life (.54). Confirmatory factor analysis shows an RMSEA of .068 which was deemed acceptable, a CFI value of .95, an NNFI of .94 and an SRMR of .060. We conclude that the model fit is adequate, so it may be used on the Chilean university student population

    Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico y estructura factorial en universitarios chilenos

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    The study analyzes the psychometric properties and factor structure of Ryff’s (1989) Psychological Well-being Scale adapted by van Dierendonck (2004). The scale was applied to a sample of 691 Chilean university students averaging 21.4 years old (SD 2.6 years). The highest reliability among sub-scales is Self-acceptance (.79) and the lowest Purpose in Life (.54). Confirmatory factor analysis shows an RMSEA of .068 which was deemed acceptable, a CFI value of .95, an NNFI of .94 and an SRMR of .060. We conclude that the model fit is adequate, so it may be used on the Chilean university student population.El estudio analiza las propiedades psicométricas y la estructura factorial de la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff (1989) adaptada por van Dierendonck (2004). Se aplicó la escala a una muestra de 691 universitarios chilenos, con una media de 21.4 años (DT  2.6 años). La confiabilidad más alta de las subescalas es Autoaceptación (.79) y la más baja Propósito en la Vida (.54). El análisis factorial confirmatorio muestra un RMSEA de .068 considerado aceptable, un valor CFI igual a .95, un valor de NNFI .94 y un SRMR con un valor de .060. Se concluye que el modelo tendría un ajuste adecuado, lo que permitiría su uso en la población universitaria chilena

    Niveles de autoconcepto, autoeficacia académica y bienestar psicológico en estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Temuco

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    The objective was to study the level of self-concept, academic self-efficacy and psychological well-being of Chilean university students. Table of adjusted accounts were reviewed in three scales in 691 subjects. Men have higher levels of Emotional and Physical Self-Concept. The older the higher standards of Academic, emotional, family and Physical Self-concept. Students of the health discipline have better Academic Self-concept, the studentes from the education areas show better social self-concept and the ones from psychosocial areas show the highest emotional and family level. In the Academic self-efficacy there is no difference between men and women. Psychological well-being of men have greater autonomy and women greater control of the environment. Students from the health area have the highest levels in well-being.El objetivo del estudio fue conocer el nivel de autoconcepto, autoeficacia académica y bienestar psicológico de universitarios chilenos. Se revisan baremos de tres escalas en 691 sujetos. Los hombres presentan mayor nivel de Autoconcepto Emocional y Físico. A mayor edad mejoran los niveles de Autoconcepto Académico, Emocional, Familiar y Físico. En área disciplinar los estudiantes de salud presentan mejor Autoconcepto Académico, los de educación presentan mejor Autoconcepto Social y los del área psicosocial mayor nivel Emocional y Familiar. En Autoeficacia Académica no existe diferencia entre hombres y mujeres. En Bienestar Psicológico los hombres presentan mayor autonomía y las mujeres mayor dominio del entorno. Los estudiantes de Salud presentan los mejores niveles en las dimensiones evaluadas

    Dimensiones del autoconcepto de estudiantes chilenos: un estudio psicométrico

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    This paper analyzes the psychometric properties of the Musitu & García (1999) Self concept Test. It examines the dimensional structure of the instrument using a Confirmatory Factor Analysis on a sample of university students in southern Chile. The sample group comprised 262 men and 429 women, aged between 17 and 30. We performed a confirmatory factor analysis of Garcia and Musitu�s (1999) model, achieving goodness of fit levels which were insufficient to be considered appropriate from an empirical point of view. We then explored alternative dimensional models: unidimensional, two dimensional, two dimensional with a second order general factor, five dimensional with a second order general factor and a six dimensional model. The six dimensional model was found to have a significantly better fit than both the other models.Se analizan las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario AF5 de García y Musitu (1999) y en especial su estructura dimensional mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios del sur de Chile. La muestra está compuesta por 262 hombres y 429 mujeres, con edades entre los 17 y 30 años. Se realiza un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio del modelo de García y Musitu lográndose niveles de bondad de ajuste insuficientes para considerarlo adecuado desde el punto de vista empírico. Se exploran otros modelos dimensionales alternativos: unidimensional, bidimensional, bidimensional con factor general de segundo orden, pentadimensional con factor general de segundo orden y un modelo hexadimensional. El modelo Hexadimensional resulta ser significativamente superior en su ajuste a los otros modelo

    Teleworking and work stress for teachers in times of COVID-19

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    Background: educational practices in the school system in the world have been affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has stressed the various actors involved: families, students, teachers and managers.Objective: to analyze the modality of telework expressed in distance education developed by primary and secondary school teachers in public and private educational institutions in Temuco-Chile, in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic.Methods: descriptive qualitative study based on an instrumental case design. Semi-structured interviews were applied to 10 teachers, whose narratives were coded in an open and axial way through the Atlas Ti 7.5 Program.Results: the main results showed an increase in work intensification, extended use of virtual platforms, decrease in time for rest, blurring of public-private spheres, professional-personal burnout and existential burden. The teachers show discomfort, personal and professional wear and tear when having to adapt their classes from confinement in their respective homes, it is a requirement with which they do not feel comfortable.Conclusions: a great part of the teaching challenge in confinement has been knowing how to adapt the contents of their face-to-face courses to emergency remote learning. This translation is not only about format but also about language, which has caused a comprenhensive fatigue.</p

    Perfil de valores de estudiantes de carreras de salud del sur de Chile

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    Objetivo: Las instituciones de educación superior deben implementar en sus planes curriculares estrategias que posibiliten decisiones guiadas por principios y valores propios de cada profesión. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el perfil de valores expresados por estudiantes de la salud en el sur de Chile.Materiales y métodos: Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo de corte transversal, descriptivo, con muestra intencionada de 242 (M=20,1 años) estudiantes de enfermería, psicología y kinesiología a quienes se aplicó el cuestionario Perfil de Valores Personales de Schwartz. Se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 20.0 para realizar un análisis de conglomerado jerárquico y verificar las dimensiones de valores asociadas entre sí, y se aplicó la prueba ANOVA de una vía con pruebas post hoc para verificar diferencias de medias en los puntajes de las subescalas de valores.Resultados: Se identificaron dos grandes conglomerados homogéneos: uno conformado por las dimensiones conformidad, seguridad, realización, tradición y benevolencia, y otro conformado por hedonismo y estímulo. En el análisis de medias, se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos en las dimensiones universalismo, poder, autodirección, benevolencia, conformidad, tradición y realización (p<0,01). Las diferencias de medias más relevantes se encuentran entre las carreras de psicología y enfermería. En las dimensiones poder, conformidad y tradición, los estudiantes de kinesiología y enfermería presentan medias más altas que los de psicología (p<0,01).Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran un perfil valórico de los estudiantes de la salud. El siguiente paso debería ser la comparación del perfil resultante con el perfil valórico de egreso de cada disciplina, para favorecer el fortalecimiento de las dimensiones que cada carrera considera importantes para el desempeño profesional

    Child Protection, Identity Construction and Media. The Regulation of Audiovisual Content for Minors in Spain

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    Childhood is a key stage in the assimilation of values and behavioural patterns that shape identity. Among the socializing agents that influence this complex process are the audiovisual media. Therefore, the products that are made available to children and the protection of the child from harmful contents are essential to complete the training process in such a sensitive period of cognitive development. In this research we analyze the influence of television content in the process of constructing the identity of the child as well as the regulatory framework of audiovisual protection applied in Spain. A decade after the entry into force of Law 7/2010 of 31 March, General of Audiovisual Communication (LGCA), many of the challenges posed remain unresolved. As main conclusions we stress the need to respect the special protection schedule, the incorporation of thematic descriptors in the signalling of audiovisual products and a complete legislative categorization of harmful contents to children's and young people's development

    Defense of metaphysical realism in the work of Sir Karl R. Popper

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    After the appearance of quantum mechanics in the first half of the twentieth century, wich meant a huge advance in science and particularly in physics, with a radiation above all the task of the scientific communities of the world. It has been one of the most successful theories in the history of scientific thought. However, their problems of interpretation were and are very complex. Sir Karl R. Popper attempted to defend the position of the 'metaphysical realism' in the face of this true Tsunami, produced by quantum theory. In this text, we review this situation carried out by Popper in front of the quantum interpretation of the world. For its part, the objective of this article is related to exploring the importance of metaphysical realism in the work of science. While the methodology used would be related to taking a great scientific fact, as was the case with quantum theory, and carrying out an analysis around the various interpretations of it that they imply, finally the discussion about metaphysical realism as a assumption that gives meaning to scientific work