8 research outputs found

    The analysis of LAV student’s physical capacity

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    The object of investigation — LAV students’ physical capacity. The aim of the study — to analyze the LAV students (boys and girls) of physical capacity. Objectives of the study: 1. LAV students to determine aerobic capacity. 2. Identify the subjects skeletal muscle capacity. 3. Students investigate the motor capacity. The study was carried out in 2008 October. It was attended by 308 LAV 1—4 rate students (167 boys and 141 female). The subjects age — 19—24 years old. Physical capacity has been studied in adults using Eurofit tests. The results It was found that the LAV students (boys) aerobic capacity is not sufficiently educated — Lithuanian students behind the shuttle for 20 minutes. Cross-average results (p 0.05), and the girls’ motor capacity is significantly better than the average Lithuanian student outcome (p < 0.05)

    The analysis of LAV student’s physical capacity

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    The object of investigation — LAV students’ physical capacity. The aim of the study — to analyze the LAV students (boys and girls) of physical capacity. Objectives of the study: 1. LAV students to determine aerobic capacity. 2. Identify the subjects skeletal muscle capacity. 3. Students investigate the motor capacity. The study was carried out in 2008 October. It was attended by 308 LAV 1—4 rate students (167 boys and 141 female). The subjects age — 19—24 years old. Physical capacity has been studied in adults using Eurofit tests. The results It was found that the LAV students (boys) aerobic capacity is not sufficiently educated — Lithuanian students behind the shuttle for 20 minutes. Cross-average results (p 0.05), and the girls’ motor capacity is significantly better than the average Lithuanian student outcome (p < 0.05)

    Cardiovascular adaptation to the Nordic walking or strength type of exercising for health promotion

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    Tikslas – palyginti skirtingo pobūdžio sveikatą stiprinančių pratybų (jėgos ugdymo pratimų ir šiaurietiškojo ėjimo) poveikį širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemai. Tyrime dalyvavo 28 asmenys, jie buvo santykinai sveiki, nesiskundžiantys širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcijos sutrikimais, turintys gydytojo leidimą dalyvauti sveikatos stiprinimo fiziniais pratimais pratybose. Tiriamieji buvo atrinkti atsitiktine tvarka ir suskirstyti į dvi grupes, kurios pagal amžiaus vidurkį, kūno masę, lytį, ramybės širdies susitraukimų dažnį (ŠSD) ir arterinį kraujo spaudimą (AKS) statistiškai reikšmingai nesiskyrė. Tiriamajam kontingentui buvo taikomos skirtingo pobūdžio sveikatą stiprinančios pratybos. Pirmajai (I) grupei buvo taikomas šiaurietiškasis ėjimas, o antrajai (II) – pratybos sporto salėje. Abiem grupėms iki 90 min trukmės pratybos vykdytos tris kartus per savaitę šešis mėnesius. Tiriamųjų širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos būklei bei fiziniam parengtumui vertinti buvo naudojamas Rufjė fizinio krūvio mėginys. AKS buvo matuojamas prieš krūvį, po krūvio ir kas minutę atsigavimo metu. Viso šio funkcinės būklės vertinimo metu nepertraukiamai buvo registruojama 12 standartinių derivacijų elektrokardiograma (EKG). Buvo analizuojami šie EKG rodikliai: ŠSD ir JT intervalo trukmė, bei vertinamos ST segmento depresijos reikšmės, registruotos ramybės metu ir didžiausios atliekant dozuoto krūvio mėginį. Po šešių mėnesių trukmės sveikatą stiprinančių pratybų sveikų vidutinio amžiaus žmonių ramybės ŠSD ir AKS nepakito (p > 0,05). Po šešių mėnesių trukmės skirtingo pobūdžio pratybų reakcija į fizinį krūvį skyrėsi: po šiaurietiškojo ėjimo programos ŠSD padidėjimas Rufjė fizinio krūvio mėginio metu sumažėjo, o po pratybų sporto salėje ŠSD reakcija į fizinį krūvį nepakito (p > 0,05). Paaiškėjo, kad šešių mėnesių trukmės šiaurietiškojo ėjimo pratybos padarė poveikį ST segmento depresijos reikšmėms atliekant Rufjė fizinio krūvio mėginį – nustatytas ST segmento depresijos mažėjimas (p 0,05). Šešių mėnesių sveikatos stiprinimo pratybos, kuriose pagrindinis krūvis buvo šiaurietiškasis ėjimas, ir pratybos, kurios buvo atliekamos sporto salėje su treniruokliais, turėjo teigiamos įtakos sveikatą stiprinančių asmenų širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinei būklei. Tyrimas atkleidė keletą šiaurietiškojo ėjimo pranašumų stiprinant sveikatą. Po pusės metų eksperimento šiaurietiškąjį ėjimą praktikavusiųjų grupės tiriamiesiems, atliekantiems dozuoto fizinio krūvio užduotis, mažiau padidėja ŠSD ir pastebimas mažesnis funkcinių išeminių reiškinių pasireiškimas miokarde nei jėgos ugdymo pratimus sporto salėje praktikavusiems tiriamiesiems.The aim of this study was to identify the influence of different kinds of health enhancing exercising (strength-training and Nordic walking) on the cardiovascular system. 28 healthy volunteers were involved into this study and they were randomly divided into two groups. There was no statistical significant difference between the groups in age, weight, sex, resting heart rate and arterial blood pressure (ABP). The first group was involved in regular exercising by use the Nordic walking and the second – strength type of exercising in the gym. Both groups training sessions were applied for 6 month, three times per week, for 90 minutes each training session. The cardiovascular functional state was assessed by continuous recording 12-lead ECG while performing a Roufier exercise test (30 squats per 45 s), and measuring the ABP. The values and changes in heart rate (HR), duration of JT interval and ST-segment depression were analysed. There was no significant change (p > 0.05) in ABP and HR values at rest during the 6 months of exercising. The reaction of cardiovascular system to Roufier exercise test revealed that after six months of regular exercising by applying the Nordic walking program HR decreased while the strength type of exercising in the gym for same period of time did not change HR considerably (p > 0.05). The increase of HR during Roufier exercise test did not changed after 6 months of exercising in the gym (p > 0.05). The six-month exercising in the gym did not influenced the ST-segment depression changes during Roufier exercise test (p > 0.05) but after six months of Nordic walking the ST-segment depression during the Roufier exercise test decreased (p 0.05). The six months health enhancing exercising by applying the Nordic walking tasks and the strength type of exercising at the gym had a positive impact on the functional state of cardiovascular system. The study revealed some advantages of the Nordic walking, i.e. the greater decrease in HR during the exercise workload and the less cardiac ischemic episodes were expressed

    The effects of interval training and traditional endurance training on cardiovascular system

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    Problema. Efektyvus širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos sutrikimų sprendimo būdas yra tinkamas fizinis krūvis. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinių rodiklių kaitos ypatybes sveikatos stiprinimo pratybose taikant tradicinį aerobinį arba didelio intensyvumo intervalinius krūvius. Metodika. Tiriamieji (sveiki suaugę nesportuojantys vyrai (n = 8) atliko dvejas skirtingas širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemą lavinančias pratybas. Pirmosios pratybos buvo 20 minučių trukmės krūvis minant veloergometro pedalus, t. y. tradicinės aerobinio krūvio pratybos, kai ŠSD padidėdavo iki 70 % ŠSDRezervo. Antrųjų pratybų metu tiriamieji atliko vadinamąją intervalinę ŠKS lavinimo treniruotę, t. y. penkis intensyvaus krūvio kartojimus, tęsiant juos iki kol ŠSD padidėdavo iki 80 % ŠSDRezervo, o poilsio intervalus tarp kartojimų tęsiant iki tol, kol ŠSD atsigaudavo iki 35% ŠSDRezervo. Visų pratybų metu nepertraukiamai buvo registruojama EKG ir AKS matuojamas po kiekvieno krūvio ir antrosios atsigavimo minutės pabaigoje. Vertinant tyrimų rezultatus kompiuterinė EKG analizės programa pateikdavo ŠSD, RR intervalų, QRS komplekso trukmės reikšmes ir jų kaitą bei dinaminės sąsajos tarp EKG RR intervalo ir QRS komplekso trukmės kaitą. Šių dviejų EKG rodiklių kitimo sąsają atspindėjo skaičiuojamų diskriminantų kaita. Rezultatai. Širdies tvinksnių skaičius per intervalinio krūvio pratybas buvo 40 % mažesnis nei tradicinių aerobinių pratybų metu. Tradicinių aerobinių pratybų metu stebimi ŠSD ir AKS kitimai fiziologinės normos ribose, tačiau pratybų pabaigoje buvo stebimas dinaminės sąsajos tarp EKG RR ir QRS silpnėjimas. Pratybose taikant intervalinį treniruotės metodą stebimi mažai kintantis sistolinis ir dideli diastolinio AKS kitimai, kaitaliojantis krūvio ir atsigavimo fazėms. Praėjus 6 min. atsigavimo, po abiejų treniruočių buvo stebimi liekamieji fizinio krūvio reiškiniai įvairiuose EKG rodikliuose, po intervalinės treniruotės jie buvo statistiškai patikimai didesni (p < 0,05). Išvados: 1. Sveikatos stiprinimo pratybose, taikant intervalinį treniruotės metodą, padidėja ir santykinai mažai kinta sistolinis AKS ir stebimi dideli diastolinio AKS kitimai, kaitaliojantis krūvio ir atsigavimo fazėms. Apie besikaupiantį nuovargį liudija vis trumpėjantis laiko intervalas, kol pasiekiama nustatyta ŠSD riba ir ilgėjantis atsigavimas, kol pasiekiamos ŠSD ribos. 2. Nors suminis širdies tvinksnių skaičius per intervalinio krūvio pratybas buvo 40 % mažesnis nei tradicinių aerobinių pratybų metu, tačiau reikšmingai didesnė širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos mobilizacija krūvio metu ir didesni liekamieji pratybų efektai po krūvio gali paaiškinti stiprų treniruojamąjį intervalinio treniruotės metodo poveikį besimankštinančiojo organizmui.The problem. Exercising and physical activity is an effective way to protect cardiovascular disorders and to promote cardiac functionality. The aim of this study was to identify the features of mobilization of cardiovascular system during the health exercising while the conventional aerobic type of exercising or the high intensity interval exercising is applied. Methods. The subjects (healthy adult non-athletes men, n = 8) performed two different exercise sessions. The first exercise session was the 20-minutes exercising with a throttle pedometer, i.e. the traditional aerobic exercise, when the HR increased to 70% of the HRReserve. During the second session the subjects performed so called high intensity interval training, i.e. five intensive bouts, continuing with them until the HR increased up to 80% of the HRReserve, while the rest intervals continued between bouts was until the HR recovered up to 35% of HRReserve. During all exercises, 12-leads of ECG were continuously recorded. The ECG analysis program evaluated the results of the research by providing the values of HRD, RR intervals, QRS complex duration and their changes, and the dynamical interaction between RR interval and QRS complex duration. Results. The total number of heartbeats during interval type of exercising session was 40 percent lower than during traditional aerobic exercising. During traditional aerobic exercising, the changes in HR was within the physiological norms and at the end of exercising the dynamic interaction between the RR intervals and QRS complex duration became weaker. During exercising in interval training mode the steep changes in diastolic ABP as reaction to exercise bouts and recovery phases was observed. The residual effects was followed 6 minutes after both exercising types in different ECG parameters, but after the interval training session they were statistically significantly stronger (p < 0.05). Conclusions: 1. Under the influence of the interval type of training the variation of systolic ABP was relatively small but the significant changes in diastolic ABP changes occurs during the load and recovery phases. The accumulation of fatigue is evidenced by the ever-shorter time interval until the target HR threshold is reached and the expanding of recovery time until HR reaches the limit of the HR. 2. Total number of cardiac beats during the interval exercise is approximately 40% lower than during traditional aerobic exercising session but significantly higher cardiovascular mobilization during exercising and greater residual exercise-induced changes can explain the strong effect of the interval training method

    Expression of aggression in senior adolescents of different physical activity levels and its peculiarities under the aspect of gender

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    Research object was senior adolescents’ expression of aggression. Research aim was to reveal the peculiarities of the expression of aggression in senior adolescents of different physical activity levels under the aspect of gender. Hypotheses: 1. It can be assumed that expression of aggression in boys is higher than in girls. Verbal aggression is more characteristic for girls. 2. Expression of physical aggression in physically active adolescents is higher than in physically passive adolescents. Research methods and organization. The research was carried out in Vilnius and Kaunas schools in March, 2014. Research participants were 245 students (128 girls and 117 boys) of age 15 ± 0.6 years. Physical activity was established using IPAQ questionnaire. In order to establish aggression, the study employed A. Basso’s and A. Darki’s questionnaire (Волков, 2002). It allowed assessing various forms of aggression expression: physical, verbal, indirect aggression, irritation, and negativity as well as grievance, suspicion, and feelings of guilt. Statistical data analysis was performed using SPSS 19.0 software package, whereas conclusions were drawn referring to Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Shapiro and Wilk tests, Mann–Whitney U criterion, and Student’s t test. Results and conclusions. Comparing expression of aggression in physically active girls and boys, it was established that physical aggression was more common in boys compared to girls (p < 0.05). Verbal aggression and irritability were more typical for girls demonstrating insufficient physical activity levels; expression of grievance was more typical in sufficiently physically active girls (p < 0.05). Physical and verbal aggression were more typical for boys with sufficient physical activity than for boys who were not enough physically active

    Differential learning tasks impact cardiovascular changes and enhance the effectiveness of exercising in easy aerobic mode

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    Optimalių ir galimai efektyvesnių mankštinimosi metodų paieška ir tyrinėjimai išlieka aktuali šių dienų problema. Žinoma, kad fizinių pratimų taikymas turi būti individualus, kad nerekomenduotini išskirtinai didelio intensyvumo, didelės įtampos reikalaujantys pratimai, ypač tuomet, kai žmogus po ilgesnės pertraukos vėl nusprendžia mankštintis. Šio darbo tikslas – remiantis nauju funkcinių rodiklių kaitos sąsajų vertinimo metodu (algebriniu duomenų kointegracijos metodu) palyginti širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos (ŠKS) funkcinės būklės atsigavimo po sveikatą stiprinančių pratybų ypatybes, kai pratybose atliekama lengva aerobinio krūvio užduotis ir kai tokio aerobinio krūvio pratybos papildomos diferencinio mokymo (DM) metodu grindžiamomis užduotimis. Aštuoni savanoriai nesportuojantys vyrai buvo tirti du kartus, t. y. atsitiktinai sudaryta seka, ir dalyvavo dvejose 20 min. trukmės fizinio krūvio pratybose su trijų dienų pertrauka tarp jų. Tai buvo santykinai lengvas (25 W) krūvis, minant veloergometro pedalus 60 aps./min. dažniu. Vieno tyrimo uždavinys buvo nustatyti aerobinio krūvio, kito – DM metodo užduotimis papildytų pratybų įtaką EKG rodiklių dinaminių sąsajų kaitai. Per pastarąsias pratybas tiriamajam minant veloergometro pedalus protarpiais buvo paprašoma atlikti nesudėtingas, bet koordinacinių pastangų reikalaujančias užduotis, o kiekviena tolesnė užduotis buvo vis nauja prieš tai buvusios užduoties variacija. Tiriamųjų ŠKS funkcinės būklės vertinimas buvo atliekamas prieš pratybas, praėjus 5 min. ir 30 min. po pratybų. [...]Seeking for optimal and potentially more effective modes of exercising for health purposes remains an urgent problem today. It is well known that exercising must be individualized, that it is not recommended for exceptionally high intensity of workouts requiring high efforts, especially when a person chooses to exercise again after a longer dropout. The purpose of this study was to compare the changes in features of the cardiovascular system functional state in recovery phase after health-enhancing exercising, when this exercising are performed in easy aerobic mode and when such aerobic exercising are complemented by so-called “Differential Learning” (DL) methodology based tasks. Eight male volunteers were examined twice, i.e. in randomly completed sequence, performed two 20-minutes duration exercising sessions with a three-day break between them. It was the relatively ease workload (25W) on bicycle ergometer. One of the tasks was to assess the impact of exercising in aerobic mode, and the next on the exercising with the DL tasks while the participants during exercising was asked to perform simple tasks that required some coordinating efforts, and each subsequent task was a new variation of the task given before. The evaluations of the functional condition of the cardiovascular system were performed before the exercising, after 5 minutes and 30 minutes after the exercise session. [...

    Interaction between cardiac functional indices during incremental exercise test reveals the peculiarities of adaptation to exercising

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    Background and objectives: Physical load causes structural changes in the heart that vary depending on the type of training and may affect the function of the heart. Aim of the study: To determine, using the applied co-integration method on algebraic data, the impact of sprinting and of endurance adaptation on the dynamic interactions of cardiovascular functional indices while participants were performing under an increasing workload, up to their inability to continue. Materials and Methods: Healthy athletes were chosen to take part in this study and were separated into two groups: Sprinters (n=11) and endurance athletes (n=13). The bicycle ergometric method of incremental increase in a provocative workload (graded stress) was used. The heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output were determined using the tetrapolar rheography method. Results: Individuals who are adapted to endurance while carrying physical loads, in contrast to well adapted sprinters, are characterized with a lower rate of changing the pace of interactions between stroke volume and cardiac output while performing at an increasing workload up to their inability to continue. Also, endurance athletes displayed a long and relatively stable phase as well as a greater decrease of interaction between indices at the end of the workload. At the beginning of the exercise, the interaction between the stroke volume and the cardiac output was reduced. However, as the physical load continued, this interaction became significantly stronger. The comparison of the stroke volume and the cardiac output’s dynamic interaction revealed that the endurance group had a greater working capacity. [...]