94 research outputs found


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     Celem artykuƂu jest analiza angielskich rzeczownikĂłw zƂoĆŒonych zakoƄczonych na – ing w tƂumaczeniu na języki romaƄskie. Punktem wyjƛcia dla analizy jest badanie rzeczownikĂłw prostych występujących w językach romaƄskich prawniczych ktĂłre zaprezentowano na 10. Międzynarodowych Dniach Sieci Leksykologii, Terminologii i TƂumaczeƄ Pisemnych (Uniwersytet w Strasburgu, 2015). Metoda badawcza polega na kontrastywnej analizie angielskich zƂoĆŒonych rzeczownikĂłw zawierających badany morfem w prawniczym sƂownictwie francuskim, rumuƄskim, wƂoskim, hiszpaƄskim i portugalskim. Dokonano jej w celu ustalenia rĂłĆŒnic translacyjnych.L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser le comportement des noms composĂ©s anglais en –ing lors de leur traduction en langues romanes. Le point de dĂ©part de cette analyse est constituĂ© par notre Ă©tude de l’entrĂ©e des termes anglais en –ing dans le vocabulaire juridique des langues romanes, prĂ©sentĂ©e lors des 10e JournĂ©es internationales « Lexicologie, terminologie, traduction » (UniversitĂ© de Strasbourg, 2015). L’approche de la prĂ©sente recherche consiste en une analyse contrastive de la pĂ©nĂ©tration des noms composĂ©s anglais contenant le morphĂšme -ing dans le vocabulaire juridique français, roumain, italien, espagnol et portugais, afin d’arriver Ă  une Ă©valuation des diffĂ©rences de perception en traduction entre les structures simples en –ing et les structures composĂ©es, ainsi qu’à une Ă©valuation du degrĂ© de permĂ©abilitĂ© des langues-cibles dans le domaine juridique au contact avec les termes juridiques anglo-saxons. Une des implications pratiques de cette analyse sera d’offrir un support d’analyse linguistique aux traducteurs juridiques, nous basant aussi sur notre expĂ©rience pratique en tant que traducteur-interprĂšte assermentĂ© prĂšs le Tribunal de Grande Instance de Lyon et la Cour d’Appel de Lyon, et en tant qu’enseignant en anglais de spĂ©cialitĂ©, traduction juridique.The aim of this paper is to analyse the behaviour of -ing compound nouns in the process of their translation into Romance languages. The starting point of this analysis is our research into the entry of -ing simple nouns in the legal vocabulary of Romance languages, which we presented at the 10th International Days of the Lexicology, Terminology and Translation Network (University of Strasbourg, 2015). The method of the present research consists in a contrastive analysis of the entry of English compound nouns containing the morpheme -ing in the legal vocabulary of French, Romanian, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, in order to assess both the translating differences in terms of perception between the simple and compound -ing structures, and the degree of permeability of the legal target-languages in contact with the legal English terms. One of the practical purposes of the present research will be offering a linguistic analysis basis to legal translators, as we founded our work on our hands-on experience as a legal translator and interpreter with the Tribunal de Grande Instance (High Court) of Lyon and the Court of Appeal, as well as a lecturer in legal English and translation

    When EU corporate bond spreads widen, recession may be around the corner

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    Wider spreads reduce GDP growth by a larger amount in the peripheral economies, write Michael Bleaney, Paul Mizen and Veronica Velean

    Bond spreads and economic activity in eight European economies

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    We provide new insights into the relationship between financial market tightness and real activity, using a new database of corporate bonds issued in eight European countries. Bond spreads have a significant negative relationship with four real activity variables at horizons 1–8 quarters ahead. The relationship is robust to adding measures of monetary policy tightness and leading indicators, providing strong support for models previously only evaluated on US data. A subset of northern European countries have similar sensitivity of real GDP to bond spreads, but others have greater sensitivity to bond spreads, revealing diverse responses in Europe to financial market tightness

    Homo juridicus et homo ludens: une approche en jurilinguistique affective

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    This paper offers a multilingual perspective from the point of view of affective jurilinguistics on the link between the concepts of justice and play through media and literary discourses. The emotional impact of social norms on the members of any social group is highlighted, while individual and collective identity is built by playing. Playing is construed as a socializing activity per se, be it under an explicit or hidden form. Homo ludens is, by definition, a homo juridicus, too, as he complies with the rules of the social games which characterize life in a community. Researchers in the field of affective neurosciences have demonstrated that our perception of the world is first and foremost affective. The rational construction of concepts and discourse follows affective perception and is rooted in it. In the field of justice, this means that a person needs to feel safe within the group they belong to and make sure that their life and the group’s will go on. Perception is the result of a permanent social contract which is renewed regularly and cathartically through arts. Alain Supiot stated that man is a metaphysical animal, adding that “the life of the senses in a human being is intertwined with the meaning of life” (Supiot, 2005: 7). By perceiving the world through his senses, the human being must bond with the other human beings, being thrown to the others through words. Thus, “the bond of the Law and the bonds of the words are intertwined in order to introduce every new-born baby to humanity, that is to give meaning to their life, in the double sense, general and juridical, of this word” (Supiot, 2005 : 8). Affective jurilinguistics appears to be a privileged area of multidisciplinary research in pragmatics, discourse analysis, history of mentalities and neurosciences, as well as a useful instrument for the observation of language and discourse phenomena within legal texts and texts which are related to the field of law and justice (journalistic and literary texts, etc.)Dans cette recherche jurilinguistique affective plurilingue sur les liens qui existent entre les concepts de « justice » et « jeu » Ă  travers les discours mĂ©diatiques et littĂ©raires, il a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence l’impact Ă©motionnel des normes qui rĂ©gissent la sociĂ©tĂ© et qui affectent, mĂȘme Ă©tymologiquement parlant, les membres de chaque groupe social. L’identitĂ© individuelle et collective se construisent grĂące au jeu, Ă©lĂ©ment socialisant par excellence, sous ses formes Ă©videntes et assumĂ©es ou cachĂ©es et perlocutoires. L’homo ludens est, par dĂ©finition, aussi un homo juridicus, se soumettant aux rĂšgles des nombreux jeux qui caractĂ©risent la vie en communautĂ©. Les chercheurs qui travaillent en neurolinguistique affective ont dĂ©montrĂ© que notre perception du monde extĂ©rieur et intĂ©rieur est premiĂšrement affective. La construction rationnelle vient aprĂšs et est ancrĂ©e dans la perception affective et Ă©motionnelle. TransposĂ© dans le monde juridique, cela veut dire que l’individu a besoin de se sentir en sĂ©curitĂ© au sein du groupe auquel il appartient et de s’assurer que sa vie et la vie du groupe continueront. La perception du rĂ©el est en permanence l’objet d’un accord social qui se renouvelait rĂ©guliĂšrement et cathartiquement par les arts. Alain Supiot avait affirmĂ© que l’homme est un animal mĂ©taphysique, en ajoutant que « la vie des sens se mĂȘle dans l’ĂȘtre humain au sens de la vie » (Supiot, 2005 : 7). En percevant le monde par les sens, l’homme doit se lier aux autres, Ă©tant jetĂ© aux autres, par les paroles. En ce sens, « les liens du Droit et les liens de la parole se mĂȘlent ainsi pour faire accĂ©der chaque nouveau-nĂ© Ă  l’humanitĂ©, c’est-Ă -dire pour attribuer Ă  sa vie une signification, dans le double sens, gĂ©nĂ©ral et juridique, de ce mot. » (Supiot, 2005 : 8). Lieu privilĂ©giĂ© de recherches pluridisciplinaires qui font intervenir des notions de pragmatique, d’analyse de discours, d’histoire des mentalitĂ©s ou appartenant aux neurosciences, la jurilinguistique affective se rĂ©vĂšle ĂȘtre un outil prĂ©cieux dans l’observation des phĂ©nomĂšnes langagiers et discursifs des textes juridiques et apparentĂ©s au domaine du droit (journalistiques, littĂ©raires, etc.

    Credit spreads and economic activity in eight European economies

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    In this thesis we examine the relationship between corporate bond spreads and economic activity in eight European countries using data on 500 corporate bonds between July 1994 and May 2011 for the United Kingdom and between October 2001 and May 2011 for Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Spain. We construct a unique dataset of corporate bond spreads from bond-level data employing a similar methodology to Gilchrist and Zakrajsek (2012a) in the United States. Thus, we ensure that our credit spread measure is not distorted by illiquidity, embedded options, or mismatched maturities and coupon schedules between the two bond instruments being compared. We evaluate the importance of the country-level corporate bond spread index in .predicting the future growth in real activity at the individual country level for various measures of economic activity (such as industrial production, unemployment available at monthly frequency; and employment and real GOP available at quarterly frequency). We find that the credit spread index is a consistent predictor of real activity even when we include measures of monetary policy tightness (such as the term spread and the real interest rate), other leading indicator variables (economic sentiment and consumer confidence) and factors extracted from a large macro dataset. Our results are consistent at different forecasting horizons and are robust to different measures of the credit spread index. We then decompose the credit spread by purging it of expected default, tax and liquidity premia in an attempt to determine what component accounts for its information Content. We find that the excess bond premium, an indicator of financial market tightness, is the major driving source of the spread's predictive content. When)He compare the predictive ability of the credit spread and the excess bond premium across individual countries within the Euro area and Outside the Euro area, we find that mainly the core European countries have similar predictive ability, while the other countries in the Euro area and the UK are more heterogeneous

    Redenomination risk in eurozone corporate bond spreads

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    We investigate the risk spillover from euro area government bond spreads (relative to a safe German government bond of similar maturity) to nonfinancial corporate bonds in France, the Netherlands (‘hard’ euro-area countries), and Italy, Portugal and Spain (‘soft’ euro-area countries). In addition to standard firm- and bond-specific determinants of corporate bonds (capturing liquidity and tax effects, and other euro area macroeconomic risks), we show that there is significant risk transfer from government bonds to the nonfinancial corporate sector. After decomposing the government bond spread into a default risk and a currency redenomination risk component, associated with a possible split in the euro, we find that redenomination risk has been a significant factor in the pricing of corporate bonds, particularly in the ‘soft’ euro-area countries

    Credit spreads and economic activity in eight European economies

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    In this thesis we examine the relationship between corporate bond spreads and economic activity in eight European countries using data on 500 corporate bonds between July 1994 and May 2011 for the United Kingdom and between October 2001 and May 2011 for Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Spain. We construct a unique dataset of corporate bond spreads from bond-level data employing a similar methodology to Gilchrist and Zakrajsek (2012a) in the United States. Thus, we ensure that our credit spread measure is not distorted by illiquidity, embedded options, or mismatched maturities and coupon schedules between the two bond instruments being compared. We evaluate the importance of the country-level corporate bond spread index in .predicting the future growth in real activity at the individual country level for various measures of economic activity (such as industrial production, unemployment available at monthly frequency; and employment and real GOP available at quarterly frequency). We find that the credit spread index is a consistent predictor of real activity even when we include measures of monetary policy tightness (such as the term spread and the real interest rate), other leading indicator variables (economic sentiment and consumer confidence) and factors extracted from a large macro dataset. Our results are consistent at different forecasting horizons and are robust to different measures of the credit spread index. We then decompose the credit spread by purging it of expected default, tax and liquidity premia in an attempt to determine what component accounts for its information Content. We find that the excess bond premium, an indicator of financial market tightness, is the major driving source of the spread's predictive content. When)He compare the predictive ability of the credit spread and the excess bond premium across individual countries within the Euro area and Outside the Euro area, we find that mainly the core European countries have similar predictive ability, while the other countries in the Euro area and the UK are more heterogeneous

    ArrĂȘte ton cinĂ©ma ! sau cum viaĆŁa bate filmul Ăźn instanƣă

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    « L’entrĂ©e des termes anglais en –ing dans le vocabulaire juridique des langues romanes »

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    ArrĂȘte ton cinĂ©ma ! sau cum viaĆŁa bate filmul Ăźn instanƣă

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