437 research outputs found

    Mogućnosti smanjivanja sadržaja metanola u rakiji Å”ljivovici

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    Several methods for reducing the methanol content of plum brandies were tried: possibilities for its reduced forming during fruit must alcohol fermentation, and employing effective and rational methods in order to decrease the already existing amount of methanol by applying demethanolization column. Apart from numerous valued components, plum brandy also contains some undesirable ingredients, among which methanol has a special place. It appears during hydrolysis of pectin substances under the influence of the specific pectolytic enzymes, pectyn-methyl-esterasis in particular. A certain amount still has to be present in natural brandies in order to maintain the authentic fruit origin. Reduction of the existing methanol amounts by applying demethanolization column was most effective and came to 43-77% in comparison to the starting amount.Predmet ovog istraživanja bio je pronalaženje različitih mogućnosti za smanjivanje količine metanola u rakiji Å”ljivovici. Pored velikog broja drugih komponenti rakija Å”ljivovica sadrži i neke neželjene sastojke, među kojima metanol zauzima specijalno mesto. Metanol nastaje tokom hidrolize jedinjenja pektinskog tipa, a pod uticajem pektolitičkog enzima pektin-metil-esteraze. Određeno prisustvo metanola predstavlja dokaz autentičnog voćnog porekla rakije. Istraživanja u ovom radu su se odnosila na mogućnosti snižavanja sadržaja metanola u rakijama Å”ljivovicama od sorti požegače, stenli i džanarika a tekla su u dva pravca: 1. Na iznalaženju najpogodnijeg postupka za manje nastajanje metanola tokom alkoholne fermentacije kljuka Å”ljive (uticaj pH kljuka, uticaj vremena čekanja pre destilacije i uticaj različitih izazivača vrenja). 2. Ispitivanje i pronalaženje najracionalnijeg načina za smanjivanje već postojećih količina metanola u Å”ljivovici tokom izvođenja demetanolizacione rektifikacije. Eksperimenti vezani za smanjenje formiranja metanola tokom alkoholne fermentacije su rađeni sa tri sorte Å”ljiva: požegača, stenli i džanarika dobijenih od preduzeća "Srbijanka" Co.-Valjevo i "Podgorka" Co.-Osečina, dok su eksperimenti redukcije metanola pomoću demetanolizacione kolone izvođeni sa rakijom Å”ljivovicom iz "Podgorka" Co.-Osečina, region Ostružanj-Podgorina. Količina metanola je određivana metodom gasne hromatografije uz primenu kapilarne kolone. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je najveće smanjenje u formiranju metanola tokom fermentacije kljuka pri pH 2,5. Povećanje sadržaja metanola u sve tri sorte i svim varijantama je u direktnoj korelaciji sa vremenom koje protekne pre destilacije kljuka. Ovo je dokaz viÅ”e da se hidroliza pektinskih supstanci nastavlja sa smanjenim intenzitetom tokom vremena čekanja pre destilacije. Odabrani tipovi kvasaca koji ne proizvode pektinesterze mogu biti odabrani za smanjenje količine metanola. Eksperimentalni rezultati sa kolonom za demetanolizaciju pokazuju da je smanjenje zavisno od eksperimentalne varijante moguće od 45%-75% u odnosu na količinu u kontrolnom uzorku

    Evaluation of caraway essential oil from different production areas of Serbia

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    Caraway fruits contain essential oils that give caraway its characteristic aroma. This paper evaluates quantity and composition of the essential oil from the annual caraway grown in different production areas of Serbia. Experiments were conducted in three production areas: Banat, Backa and Srem, during two years. The fruits contained 3.95% of oil on average. The highest content of essential oil was obtained in the production area of Banat, a part of Serbia where environmental conditions are very favourable for cultivation of medicinal plants. Weather conditions have not a significant influence on the content of essential oil in caraway fruits. However, weather conditions as well as production region had a great influence on seed yield and essential oil yield. There were 22 compounds determined in caraway essential oil by GC/MS. The main components were carvone and limonene, whose mixture constituted from 97.69 to 98.62% of total oil composition. Carvone/limonene ratio was 0.58% on average, therefore, it can be concluded that this annual caraway belongs to limonene chemotype

    Hemijski sastav etarskih ulja Pimpinella anisum i Foeniculum vulgare gajenih u Srbiji

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    The essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from the mature fruits of Pimpinella anisum and Foeniculum vulgare were analyzed by GC-MS. The oil of aniseed was characterized by higher amounts of trans-anethole (96.80%) than fennel essential oil (83.43%). The isomer of trans-anethole, methyl chavicol (estragol) was also present in both plants, with 1.36% in fennel and 0.19% in aniseed. Apart from these two phenylpropanoids, nine sesquiterpenes and one monoterpene were present in essential oil of Pimpinella anisum, which constituted the other 3.01% of essential oil, but only Ī³-himachalene was present with more than 1%. In the case of fennel, eight monoterpenes constituted the other 15.21% of essential oil, and limonene and fenchone were present with contributions of 9.34 and 4.58%, respectively.Etarsko ulje dobijeno destilacijom vodenom parom iz zrelih plodova Pimpinella anisum i Foeniculum vulgare analizirano je GC-MS metodom. Etarsko ulje anisa se karakteriÅ”e većim sadržajem trans-anetola (96.80%), nego etarsko ulje komorača (83.43%). Isomer trans-anetola, metil kavikol (estragol) je takođe prisutan kod obe biljke, sa 1.36% kod komorača i 0.19% kod anisa. Pored ova dva fenilpropanoida, devet seskviterpena i jedan monoterpen je prisutan u etarskom ulju Pimpinella anisum, i čine ostatak od 3.01% etarskog ulja, ali je samo Ī³-himachalen prisutan u količini većoj od 1%. U slučaju komorača, osam monoterpena čine 15.21% etarskog ulja, a limonen i fenchon su prisutni sa 9.34 i 4.58%

    An Insight into Fatty Acid Composition of Calliergonella cuspidata

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    The fatty acid composition of the moss Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske (Amblystegiaccae) was preliminary analyzed by gas chromatography (GC FID) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Six fatty acids were identified in its chloroform-methanol extract 1/1: palmitic acid (66.83 %), stearic acid (11.73%), oleic acid (8.21 %), linolenic acid (6.01 %), alpha-linolenic acid (3.95 %) and arachidic acid (3.26 %). Arachidonic acid and cis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid, typical long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids for many mosses, were not detected in Calliergonella cuspidata

    Hemija masnih kiselina Atrichum undulatum i Hypnum andoi

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    The fatty acid compositions of the moss species Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv. (Polytrichaceae) and Hypnum andoi A.J.E. Sm. (Hypnaceae) collected in winter time were analysed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) as a contribution to their chemistry. Eight fatty acids were identified in the chloroform/methanol extract 1:1 of A. undulatum (linoleic acid, 26.80%, palmitic acid, 22.17%, alpha-linolenic acid, 20.50%, oleic acid, 18.49%, arachidonic acid, 6.21%, stearic acid, 3.34%, cis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid, 1.52% and behenic acid, 1.01%), while six fatty acids were found in the same type of extract of H. andoi (palmitic acid, 63.48%, erucic acid, 12.38%, stearic acid, 8.08%, behenic acid, 6.26%, lignoceric acid, 5.16% and arachidic acid, 4.64%). According to this study, the moss A. undulatum can be considered as a good source of both essential fatty acids for humans (linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid) during the winter.Kao doprinos izučavanju njihovog hemijskog sastava, u ovom radu GC i GC-MS analizom ispitivane su masne kiseline mahovina Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv. (Polytrichaceae) i Hypnum andoi A.J.E. Sm. (Hypnaceae) sakupljene za vreme zimskog doba. U ekstraktu hloroform/metanol 1:1 vrste A. undulatum identifikovano je osam viÅ”ih masnih kiselina (linolna kiselina, 26,80%, palmitinska kiselina, 22,17%, Ī±-linolenska kiselina, 20,50%, oleinska kiselina, 18,49%, arahidonska kiselina, 6,21%, stearinska kiselina, 3,34%, cis-5,8,11,14,17-eikosapentaenska kiselina, 1,52% i behenska kiselina, 1,01%), dok je u istom ekstraktu vrste H. andoi nađeno Å”est viÅ”ih masnih kiselina (palmitinska kiselina, 63,48%, erukinska kiselina, 12,38%, stearinska kiselina, 8,08%, behenska kiselina, 6,26%, lignocerinska kiselina, 5,16% i arahidinska kiselina, 4,64%). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da u ispitivanom vremenskom periodu mahovina A. undulatum predstavlja dobar izvor linolne i Ī±-linolenske kiseline, esencijalnih masnih kiselina za ljude

    Chemical weapons in university curricula - A way to safer society

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    Chemistry has been used as a tool of war for thousands of years. The earliest tools were poisoned arrows, Greek fire, water poisoning by hellebore plant extracts, etc. Apart from the chemicals used in the early wars, the modern chemical weapons (CW) were created during WWI and took more than one hundred thousand lives and caused around million casualties. Today CW have been regulated/prohibited by the Chemical Weapons Convention (OPCW, 2005) signed by 192 state parties. The implementing body for CWC is the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Nowadays, when fear of terrorism is bigger than ever, society needs a better insight into CW, safety and widely used industrial chemicals with terrible potential. In the current curriculum CW is studied mostly from military point of view and the focus is more on the weapons than on chemistry. Authors suggest that the development of chemical weapon related courses in a chemistry curriculum could be a way to achieve safer society. CW courses could cover different topics, e.g. ethics in science, history of chemistry, safety in chemistry and chemical industry, organic and bioorganic chemistry, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, environmental and industrial chemistry, multiple usage chemicals, green chemistry as an alternative to widely used CW related chemicals, etc. Development of a CW syllabus could be supported by various internet-based resources used for education for peace (www.opcw.org/specialsections/education, http://multiple.kcvs.ca, www.thefiresproject.com). Diversity of chemicals covered by CWC in combination with multi-disciplinary approach is a great foundation for development of different student skills: science ethics, problemsolving skills, safety skills, 21st century searching skills, team skillsā€¦ The authors created a new graduate course called Chemical weapons at Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade in 2016/17. The syllabus of CW can be seen on the internet (www.chem.bg.ac.rs/predmeti/279H1-en.html). In conclusion, the chemistry behind chemical weapons is quite diverse and the authors suggest that undergraduate or graduate course Chemical weapons could be very interesting and beneficial for both chemistry major/minor students

    Compositional characteristics of the essential oil of Pimpinella anisum and Foeniculum vulgare grown in Serbia

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    The essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from the mature fruits of Pimpinella anisum and Foeniculum vulgare were analyzed by GC-MS. The oil of aniseed was characterized by higher amounts of trans-anethole (96.80%) than fennel essential oil (83.43%). The isomer of trans-anethole, methyl chavicol (estragol) was also present in both plants, with 1.36% in fennel and 0.19% in aniseed. Apart from these two phenylpropanoids, nine sesquiterpenes and one monoterpene were present in essential oil of Pimpinella anisum, which constituted the other 3.01% of essential oil, but only Ī³-himachalene was present with more than 1%. In the case of fennel, eight monoterpenes constituted the other 15.21% of essential oil, and limonene and fenchone were present with contributions of 9.34 and 4.58%, respectively. Ā© 2015 Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Jevremovac, Belgrade
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