1,200 research outputs found

    Soil Aquifer Treatment for wastewater reclamation in a high water demand society

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    Water resources around the world are under increasing pressure from the rapidly growing demands of rising population and industrialization. Furthermore, changes in global weather patterns are expected to intensify its current and future stresses. In the present study, knowledge and perceptions towards wastewater reclamation for potable and non-potable uses were investigated by the used of an on-line survey distributed amongst the university community at Western university. Subsequent statistical analysis of the results was performed using IBM-SPSS software. Survey results show that member of the university community are more likely to accept reclaimed wastewater for applications that do not involve drinking or close personal contact. However, acceptability improves when benefits to the environment are extensive, it is safe for humans, the source of reclaimed water is perceived as cleaner than municipal wastewater, and the reclaimed wastewater is put back into natural systems with long retention times such as aquifers. Knowledge of the urban water cycle and water resources in Canada is moderate among the university community and the Gamma measure of association shows that there is a moderate (0.303) positive relationship between “water knowledge” and “close contact acceptability”. The majority of the university community (75.8 %) thinks that reclaiming water to provide an alternate source of water in southwestern Ontario is a good idea, but there are still concerns with the presence of chemicals such as pharmaceuticals from reclaimed water and the long-term effects on human health from exposure to these contaminants. Additionally, the suitability of the predominant soils of southwestern Ontario for Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) of secondary effluents and combine sewers overflows (CSOs) was investigated by the use of a laboratory scale SAT system operated at three hydraulic retention times. Samples were analyzed for dissolved nitrate, sulphate and phosphate ions, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, total coliforms, E. coli, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved oxygen and biological oxygen demand (BOD5). Results show that prevalent soils of southwestern Ontario have the ability to further polish secondary effluents in terms of organic matter, E.coli and total coliforms. However, issues with the persistence of nitrates affects its suitability for potable aquifer recharge. Quality of CSOs was slightly improved, however sustainable SAT for non-potable or potable aquifer recharge is not achievable due to low removal of biological contamination, potential for high nitrate concentrations in the effluent and media clogging


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    Wastewater reclamation is becoming an important alternative for sustainable water resources management and building climate change resiliency in many regions around the world. The purpose of this research was to investigate the polishing of secondary effluents and Combine Sewer Overflows (CSOs) by a laboratory scale Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) considering local sub-surface geology and wastewater characteristics. Results show that characteristic soils of southwestern Ontario can effectively polish secondary effluents in terms of BOD5 (64.9% to 100%), e-coli (100%) and total coliforms (100%). However, low removals of DOC (22.81%) and Nitrate (15.17 %) were achieved. Furthermore, low to moderate improvements of CSOs quality were observed with maximum removals of 54.26 % for BOD5, 36.67% for e-coli, 58.15% for total coliforms and 44.83 % for Total Nitrogen. Additionally, de-nitrification of secondary effluents was greatly improved (46.1 % to 100%) by the addition of readily available organic matter, which supports the importance of protecting recharge wetlands for groundwater quality protection. SAT in southwestern Ontario is a feasible alternative for the recharge of non-potable and potable aquifers with secondary effluents. However, for potable aquifers further treatment of wastewater effluents may be required

    Refugio para poblaciones vulnerables víctimas de violencia en relación al género

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    Gender-based violence, so often tolerated and legitimized within society, has historically taken various forms across a range of spheres and fields. Hence, in an attempt to mitigate and even eradicate this issue, a number of initiatives have emanated from different approaches to create measures that successfully result in new solutions. The research conducted for the purposes of this project seeks to make innovative contributions to the fight against gender-based violence, a phenomenon which infringes human dignity. With that in mind, this work offers new views and insights on the potential of architecture to enhance the psychological recovery process of victims of violence. Indeed, in conjunction with other specialized fields, such as psychology, psychiatry, sociology and Law, architecture can very well help victims to fully recover and return to a life a of dignity. The new approach herein proposed stresses the possible curative effects of architecture: by interacting within a newly designed architectural space, victims gain a sense of togetherness, protection and belonging to their environment. Accordingly, based on international literature on related architectural projects, an architectural fitting-out guide was elaborated for this type of facilities in Peru, given the fact that very few regulations have been established by the Peruvian government and its constituent institutions on this matter. This project ultimately aims to generate sound information that brings to light the problems experienced by victims of gender-based violence, as well as to propose new work approaches that can be broadly applied to other initiatives focused on the same issue.La violencia de género se ha visto diversificada en diversos rubros y ámbitos a lo largo de la historia, en ciertos casos, esta misma ha sido normalizada y aceptada por la sociedad; es debido a esto que surgen iniciativas para poder atender este tema desde diferentes enfoques para generar nuevas soluciones con la intención de mitigar y erradicar dichos eventos. La investigación y proyecto desarrollados se plantean con el objetivo de producir aportes en favor de la lucha en contra de dichos actos que denigran la dignidad de las personas vulneradas, mediante la generación de nuevas ideas e hipótesis en las que se pueda visualizar a la arquitectura como un elemento que llegue a potenciar el proceso de recuperación de la psiquis de la persona violentada; la cual, con un trabajo en conjunto con otros rubros especializados, como psicológicos, psiquiátricos, sociales y judiciales se pueda generar una recuperación integral y regreso a una vida digna. Se propone un nuevo enfoque de la arquitectura como elemento curador que articule las interacciones de las personas dentro de un proyecto arquitectónico, creando ideas de convivencia, protección y sentido de pertenencia a dicho establecimiento; adicionalmente se ha desarrollado una guía para la habilitación arquitectónica de estos establecimientos en Perú, tomando en consideración las normativas mínimas establecidas por el Estado Peruano e instituciones relacionadas, así como de referentes proyectuales existentes en el mundo. Finalmente, este proyecto busca generar información válida para visibilizar los problemas que sufren estas poblaciones, así como otorgar nuevos enfoques de trabajo capaces de aplicarse a diversos proyectos entorno a dicha problemática

    Hunger for an Education: A Research Essay on the Case of South Sudan and the Voices of Its People

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    The Republic of South Sudan is one of the newest of all African countries having become an independent state on July 9, 2011. After years of prolonged war, beginning in the mid-1950s, among different political, tribal, and military factions, and with the Sudan, the South Sudan is now a full-fledged country. The country continues to deal with the legacy of colonialism, genocide, and oppression, and is involved in a civil war. As a result of this legacy, the country faces many challenges especially in the development of a social, political, and economic infrastructure which can develop into a democratic state and implement a viable public school system that can feed universities and technical schools. At this time, approximately 42% of the country’s population is below 14 years of age, and the “school life expectancy” index is only four years for males and even less for females. The educational system in the South Sudan can be described as disorganized, fragmented, and a “patchwork” of schools that are seasonal and temporary, and with a disjointed mission. Also, each of the ten states that comprise the country seems to function independently although there is a master plan for the overall country. Yet, common to all of these states is the lack of school buildings, teachers and support staff, and an organized and proven curriculum for all of the nation’s youth. For this research essay, five South Sudanese persons, with a role in education were interviewed to identify the most critical problems in the current educational system. While the results of interviews are limited in representative scope, the results are strongly reflective of the condition of the educational system in the South Sudan. Various recommendations are suggested by the authors. दक्षिण सूडान गणराज्य 9 जुलाई 2011 को एक स्वतंत्र राज्य बनने के सभी अफ्रीकी देशों के नवीनतम में से एक है . लंबे समय तक युद्ध के वर्षों के बाद , विभिन्न राजनीतिक, आदिवासी , और सैन्य गुटों के बीच , 1950 के मध्य में शुरू , और सूडान के साथ , दक्षिण सूडान अब एक पूर्ण विकसित देश है . देश उपनिवेशवाद , नरसंहार , और उत्पीड़न की विरासत के साथ सौदा करने के लिए जारी है , और एक नागरिक युद्ध में शामिल है . इस विरासत का एक परिणाम के रूप में , देश विशेष रूप से एक लोकतांत्रिक राज्य में विकसित और विश्वविद्यालयों और तकनीकी स्कूलों फ़ीड कर सकते हैं कि एक व्यवहार्य पब्लिक स्कूल प्रणाली को लागू कर सकते हैं जो एक सामाजिक, राजनीतिक , और आर्थिक बुनियादी ढांचे के विकास में कई चुनौतियां हैं. इस समय, देश की आबादी का लगभग 42 % की उम्र 14 साल से कम है , और स्कूल जीवन प्रत्याशा \u22 सूचकांक पुरुषों के लिए केवल चार साल है और भी कम महिलाओं के लिए . दक्षिण सूडान में शिक्षा प्रणाली , बेतरतीब खंडित , और मौसमी और अस्थायी हैं कि स्कूलों की एक चिथड़े , और एक असंबद्ध मिशन के साथ के रूप में वर्णित किया जा सकता है . इसके अलावा , देश शामिल है कि दस राज्यों में से प्रत्येक में समग्र देश के लिए एक मास्टर प्लान है, हालांकि वहां स्वतंत्र रूप से कार्य करने लगता है. फिर भी, इन राज्यों में से सभी के लिए आम स्कूल भवनों , शिक्षकों और सहयोगी स्टाफ की कमी है, और देश के युवाओं के सभी के लिए एक संगठित और सिद्ध पाठ्यक्रम है . इस शोध निबंध के लिए , शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में एक भूमिका के साथ पांच सूडानी दक्षिण व्यक्तियों , वर्तमान शिक्षा प्रणाली में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण समस्याओं की पहचान करने के लिए बातचीत की गई. साक्षात्कार के परिणामों प्रतिनिधि दायरे में सीमित कर रहे हैं, परिणाम दक्षिण सूडान में शिक्षा व्यवस्था की हालत का दृढ़ता से विचार कर रहे हैं . विभिन्न सिफारिशों लेखकों ने सुझाव दिया है . 南苏丹共和国是非洲最新成立的国家之一,它于2011年7月9日宣布独立。经过了开始于20世纪中叶的长期战争,经过与苏丹不同的政治、族群以及军事宗派间的斗争后,现在的南苏丹是一个羽翼丰满的国家。国家持续与殖民主义、种族屠杀和压迫做斗争,并卷入内战。结果,国家面临着很多挑战,特别是社会、政治以及经济基础设施的发展可以使南苏丹发展为一个民主和独立发展大学、技术学校的公立学校系统的国家。如今,大约42%的国家人口年龄小于14岁,男性“人均预期受教育年限”指数只有四年,女性则更少。南苏丹的教育系统可以用混乱、脆弱以及“缝补”的临时性学校来形容。尽管整个国家有着宏大的计划,但似乎组成这个国家的十个州是独立运作的。这十个州的共同点是缺乏学校建筑物、教师和员工,以及全国年轻一代所需要的课程设置。本研究中采访了五个在教育中担任职务的南苏丹人,他们总结出目前南苏丹教育系统中最关键的问题。尽管访谈的结果在代表性上具有局限性,但结果仍然强烈地反应了南苏丹教育体系的现状。作者相应地提出了多种建议。 Die Republik Süd-Sudan ist einer der neuesten aller afrikanischen Länder, die am 9. Juli 2011 ein unabhängiger Staat geworden ist. Nach Jahren anhaltenden Kriegs, beginnend in der Mitte der 1950er Jahre zwischen verschiedenen politischen, Stammes- und militärischen Gruppierungen und den Sudan ist der Süd-Sudan jetzt ein vollwertiges Land. Das Land kämpft weiterhin mit dem Erbe des Kolonialismus, Völkermord und Unterdrückung und ist in einem Bürgerkrieg verfallen. Infolge dieses Erbe steht das Land vor vielen Herausforderungen vor allem bei der Entwicklung einer sozialen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Infrastruktur, die es zu einem demokratischen Staat entwickeln und ein tragfähiges öffentliches Schulsystems implementieren kann, das Universitäten und technischen Schulen zu unterstützen in der Lage ist. Gegenwärtig sind etwa 42 % der Bevölkerung des Landes unter 14 Jahren alt und der Schulbesucherwartungsindex („school life expectancy“) beträgt nur vier Jahre für Männer und noch weniger für Frauen. Das Bildungssystem in den Süd-Sudan kann man als desorganisiert, fragmentiert, und ein „Flickenteppich“ von Schulen, die nur saisonal und befristet operieren, und mit einem separaten Auftrag. Auch jeder der zehn Staaten, die das Land bilden, scheint unabhängig voneinander zu funktionieren, obwohl es ein Masterplan für das gesamte Land gibt. Doch alle diesen Staaten gemeinsam ist der Mangel an Schulgebäuden, Lehrpersonen und Unterstützungsmitarbeiter_innen sowie ein organisiertes und bewährtes Lehrplan für die Jugend des Landes. Für das vorliegende Forschungsessay wurden fünf süd-sudanesische Personen mit einer Rolle im Bildungsbereich befragt, um die wichtigsten Probleme im aktuellen Bildungssystem zu identifizieren. Während die Ergebnisse der Interviews in Bezug auf ihre Repräsentativität begrenzt ist, sind die Ergebnisse stark kennzeichnend für den Zustand des Bildungssystems in Süd-Sudan. Verschiedene Empfehlungen werden von den Autor_innen vorgeschlagen. 9 Temmuz 2011\u27 de bağımsızlığını ilan eden Güney Sudan Cumhuriyeti Afrika\u27nın en yeni ülkelerinden birisidir. 1950\u27lilerin ortasında farklı siyasi, kabile, ve askeri gruplar arasında ve Sudan\u27 la başlayan, uzun yıllar süren savaştan sonra Güney Sudan bugün bağımsız bir ülkedir. Güney Sudan sömürgeciliğin mirası, soykırım ve baskıyla uğraşmaya devam ederken aynı zamanda iç savaşla uğraşmaktadır. Almış olduğu mirasın sonucu olarak, Güney Sudan özellikle kendisini demokratik devlet haline getirecek ve üniversiteleri ve teknik okulları destekleyecek uygulanabilir kamu eğitim sistemini sağlayacak olan sosyal, politik, ve ekonomik altyapının geliştirilmesi konusunda zorluk çekmektedir. Şu anda ülke nüfusunun yaklaşık olarak yüzde kırk iki\u27si on dört yaş altındadır ve okul hayatı beklenti endeksi erkekler için sadece dört yıl, kadınlar içinse dört yıldan daha azdır. Güney Sudan eğitim sistemi düzensiz, dönemlik, ve daimi olmayan okulların tutarsız bir misyonla parçalandığı eğitim sistemi olarak tanımlanabilir. Ayrıca her ne kadar ülke genelinde ana bir plan olsa\u27 da, ülkeyi oluşturan on eyaletin her biri bağımsız olarak hareket ediyor görünmektedir. Oysa ki, eyaletlerin tamamında ortak olan nokta okul binalarının, öğretmenlerin ve destek personelin, ve ülke gençliğinin tamamı için hazırlanmış ve onaylanmış müfredat programının eksikliğidir. Bu arastirmada mevcut eğitim sistemindeki en ciddi problemleri tanımlamak amacıyla eğitim sisteminde rol alan beş Sudanlı kişiyle mülakat yapılmıştır. Her ne kadar mülakat sonuçları kapsam açısından sınırlı olsa\u27 da, sonuçlar Güney Sudan eğitim sisteminin mevcut durumunu önemli ölçüde yansıtmaktadır. Bu bağlamda yazarlar tarafından çeşitli önerilerde bulunulmuştur. جمهورية جنوب السودان واحدة من أحدث الدول الإفريقية بعد أن أصبحت دولة مستقلة في 9 يوليه عام 2011. فبعد سنوات من الحرب الطويلة التي بدأت في منتصف خمسينات القرن العشرين بين فصائل سياسية وقبلية وعسكرية مختلفة، وكذلك مع السودان، أصبح جنوب السودان الآن دولة مستقلة كاملة السيادة، وتستمر الدولة في التعامل مع ما خلَّفَه الاستعمار والإبادة الجماعية والقهر، كما أنها متورطة في حرب أهلية. نتيجة لذلك الإرث، تواجه الدولة العديد من التحديات، بالأخص فيما يتعلق بإنشاء بنية تحتية اجتماعية وسياسية واقتصادية تمكنها من التطور لتصبح دولة ديمقراطية تطبق نظامًا تعليميًا حكوميًا صالحًا يمكنه أن يمد الجامعات والمدارس الفنية. وفي الوقت الحالي، حوالي2 4% من سكان الدولة دون سن الأربعة عشر عاما ومؤشر عمر القبول بالمدارس هو أربعة أعوام فقط للأولاد، بل وأقل من ذلك للفتيات. ويمكن وصف النظام التعليمي في جنوب السودان بأنه غير منظم ومفتت وأنه عمل غير مكتمل لمدارس تعمل بصفة موسمية ومؤقتة وبهدف غير مترابط، كما يبدو أيضا أن كل ولاية من الولايات العشرة التي تتكون منها الدولة تعمل بمفردها بالرغم من وجود خطة شاملة للبلد بأكملها. ويبقى الشيء المشترك بين جميع هذه الولايات هو قلة المباني التعليمية والمدرسين والموظفين المساعدين ومنهج دراسي منظم ثبتت كفاءته لجميع شباب هذه البلد. ومن أجل عمل هذا المقال البحثي، جرت مقابلة خمسة أشخاص من جنوب السودان لهم دور في العملية التعليمية لتحديد أكثر المشكلات خطورة في نظام التعليم الحالي. وبينما كانت نتائج أفراد المقابلات محدودة فيما يتعلق بالنطاق الذي يمثلونه، عكست النتائج بقوة حالة النظام التعليمي في جنوب السودان، ويقترح المؤلفون العديد من التوصيات

    Sistema web para mejorar el control de operaciones de viajes en la empresa AQP DIESEL S.A.C

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    La presente investigación precisa el desarrollo e implementación de un “Sistema web para mejorar el control de operaciones de viajes en la empresa AQP DIESEL S.A.C.”, ya que la actualidad en la que se halló la empresa previamente a la implementación del sistema web evidenció carencias referidas a la operatividad de unidades, respecto al control de abastecimiento de combustible, asignación de viáticos a los conductores y el margen de ganancia neta de viajes de la empresa. El objetivo de esta tesis fue evidenciar que un sistema web influye de manera positiva en la mejora del control de operaciones de viajes en la empresa AQP DIESEL S.A.C. Esta investigación buscó mejorar el servicio que la industria da a sus clientes, así como optimizar los costos operativos en los mismos, partiendo desde el margen de ganancia neta, el rendimiento de combustible de cada unidad, la designación de viáticos a los conductores por la ruta que realizan, minimizar los gatos de cada una de las rutas, mejorar el control de guías de transportista y cliente, así como el canje de las mismas para la correcta facturación de los viajes con los clientes, control de viajes por ruta, cliente y unidad . Todas estas implementaciones permitieron a la gerencia de la empresa “AQP DIESEL S.A.C.” El sistema web fue desarrollado bajo la metodología de desarrollo de software SCRUM, donde se trabaja por medio de Sprint de desarrollo. Para el desarrollo del sistema se necesitó herramientas como PHP, JavaScript, MongoDB, Xampp, HTML, IDE Visual Studio Cod

    How do hospitals sustain delivery of health care in conditions of protracted armed conflict? A case study of the Hospital San Andrés ESE in Tumaco, Colombia

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    BACKGROUND: Colombia, a middle-income country in Latin America, has experienced a protracted armed conflict for six decades, driven predominantly by the drug trade. The municipality of Tumaco, a port city located in the Southwest province of Nariño, has experienced the highest intensity of conflict in recent years. In Tumaco, the conflict has created significant challenges for the operation of key social services particularly its main hospital, Hospital San Andrés ESE, a government-owned but operationally autonomous facility. While the hospital experiences significant challenges owing to the conflict, it has continued to provide health services. At the global level, there is limited evidence on how hospitals continue to address population health needs in conflict-affected settings. Therefore, little is known about the challenges these facilities face, the strategies employed to face the challenges, or the support they receive or need. This thesis seeks to examine these neglected issues through a qualitative case study of the Hospital San Andrés ESE. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: This research focuses on understanding how hospitals sustain delivery of health care to populations in conditions of protracted armed conflict through an in-depth analysis of one hospital system: the Hospital San Andes ESE in Tumaco, Colombia. To achieve this aim, the research investigates: (i) the challenges the hospital faces to continue its operations in the conflict-affected environment, (ii) how the hospital responds to such challenges to sustain health care delivery; (iii) determine from research participants what needs to improve with the hospital response to challenges, so the hospital can better address the population health needs. METHODS: This project uses a qualitative case study approach drawing on data from 48 semi-structured interviews with hospital personnel and a range of policy actors around the hospital system which provide financial or in-kind support to the facility. Similarly, the study examines documents produced by key policy stakeholders and commentators (government authorities, the hospital, research centres, NGOs, humanitarian actors and local media). Collection and thematic analysis of the data were guided by the “everyday resilience” framework, which embeds the analysis of conflict-related challenges in the context of wider resource constraints. RESULTS: The results were organised to respond to the research objectives directly, addressing (i) the challenges the hospital faces in the conflict setting, (ii) how the hospital responds to such challenges; (iii) determining what needs to improve with the hospital response to challenges. The results highlight the combination of conflict-related and routine challenges faced by the Hospital San Andrés ESE, such that the sudden shocks and disruptions to hospital activities generated by the conflict (e.g., due to death threats to personnel, disruption of supply chains, and damage to infrastructure) take place in an operational context burdened by financial constraints, infrastructure obsolescence, and managerial dysfunction. These conflict and routine challenges interact, creating a particularly difficult operating environment for the delivery of health services. This study recognised the hospital employs 6 responses to address challenges: 1) Activation of emergency systems whereby the hospital joins forces with government security bodies to discuss challenges and find ways to address them. 2) Hospital managers plan and monitor threatened hospital functions and work internally or in negotiation with commercial parties to address challenges. 3) Activation of support networks where the hospital obtains or receives financial or in-kind support from private, non-government, and health system actors. 4) The hospital collaborates with voluntary groups who are citizens freely gathered to monitor hospital performance and seek solutions to problems. 5) The central government intervenes in hospital activities where the facility rescinds its autonomy to enhance administrative decision-making and allocation of resources, and 6) the hospital structures investment projects which involves the design and presentation of grants to government authorities to attain funding and manage operational problems. While these arrangements provide significant support for the hospital to sustain service delivery, further investment to strengthen these is needed. CONCLUDING DISCUSSION. Hospitals operating in conflict settings face a combination of conflict and routine challenges that require tailored support arrangements to function adequately. Otherwise, desirable organisational forms – e.g., managerial, and financial autonomy – may not be meaningful or helpful in such circumstances, and additional central government oversight, as well as financial and in-kind support, may be required. To sustain services, hospitals also require skilful managers to recognise and mitigate challenges along with the nurture and expansion of support networks with third parties within or outside the health system

    Metodología ITIL v3 en la gestión de incidencias de la oficina de soporte técnico de una universidad privada, Lima 2022

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    La presente investigación abarca el estudio en cuanto a la gestión de incidencias en la Oficina de Soporte Técnico de una Universidad Privada en Lima. El objetivo principal es establecer un proceso que garantice un correcto servicio eficaz para satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios cuando reportan un incidente basado en la metodología ITIL v3. La muestra se conformó por 183 registros de una población de 350 registros estratificados en 25 días. El tipo de muestreo fue aleatorio probabilístico simple, como técnica la observación y el instrumento una ficha de registro. El diseño de investigación es experimental - Aplicada con enfoque cuantitativo. Para el primer indicador “tasa de resolución de incidencias” se obtuvo como promedio 56.61% como consecuencia del pre-test, asimismo en el post-test fue de 69.77%, logrando un incremento de 13.26%. En el segundo indicador “tiempo promedio de solución” se obtuvo como promedio de 30,03 min, asimismo en el post-test fue de 21,6 min, logrando un equivalente a una disminución de 8,43 min. Finalmente, para el último indicador “nivel de reincidencias” se obtuvo como promedio 48,62%, asimismo en el post-test fue de 26,19%, logrando un equivalente a una disminución de 22,41%

    La influencia motivacional en el compromiso organizacional en los trabajadores administrativos de la Clínica del Pacífico, Chiclayo 2021

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    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo general el determinar la influencia de la motivación en el compromiso organizacional en los trabajadores administrativos de la Clínica del Pacífico ubicada en la ciudad de Chiclayo en el año 2021. Por ello se realizó un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo de corte transversal y de tipo aplicado, de corte transversal. Para la presente investigación el diseño es de tipo no experimental. Para responder al objetivo general se realizó un cuestionario con 33 preguntas a los 46 trabajadores administrativos de la Clínica del Pacífico, de las cuales 18 preguntas pertenecen al compromiso organizacional y 15 a la motivación. Para la motivación se tomó la encuesta que se basa en el modelo de David McClelland y fue estructurada en escala de Likert; de la misma manera, para el compromiso organizacional se empleó el modelo establecido por Meyer y Allen, quienes clasifican a la motivación en 3 dimensiones: afectivo, continuidad y normativo. Se utilizó el método de Para el análisis inferencial se procesaron las respuestas en el programa SPSS 25. Los resultados evidencian que existe una fuerte influencia positiva de la motivación en el compromiso organizacional, lo cual indica un alto grado de predicción sobre si los trabajadores administrativos fortalecen su motivación se logrará un superior nivel de compromiso organizacional