9 research outputs found

    Projecte de col·lectors i estació depuradora d’aigües residuals de Calders (Bages)

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    L'objecte del present Projecte és la definició dels processos, de les obres i les instal·lacions necessàries per a la depuració de les Aigües Residuals del sistema de Calders. L’objectiu bàsic d’aquest projecte és dotar el nuclis de Calders, La Guàrdia i Vista Pirineu d´un sistema de sanejament d´aigües residuals amb un cost de manteniment baix, un alt rendiment de depuració i una gran flexibilitat, que pugui adaptar-se a les variacions de cabal i de la càrrega contaminant dels abocats. Aquesta Sistema de Sanejament tractarà les aigües residuals originàries dels nuclis urbans mencionats, i un cop depurades, es restituiran a un torrent que pertanyi a la mateixa conca, la del Llobregat, per a que se’n puguin realitzar molts més usos aigües avall, sense que això suposi cap problema mediambiental o sanitari per a la població que se’n beneficiarà

    Assessment of flash floods taking into account climate change scenarios in the Llobregat River basin

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    Global change may imply important changes in the future occurrence and intensity of extreme events. Climate scenarios characterizing these plausible changes were previously obtained for the Llobregat River basin (NE Spain). This paper presents the implementation of these scenarios in the HBV (Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning) hydrological model. Then, the expected changes in terms of flash flood occurrence and intensity are assessed for two different sub-basins: the Alt Llobregat and the Anoia (Llobregat River basin). The assessment of future flash floods has been done in terms of the intensity and occurrence of extreme events, using a peak over threshold (POT) analysis. For these two subbasins, most of the simulated scenarios present an increase of the intensity of the peak discharge values. On the other hand, the future occurrence follows different trends in the two sub-basins: an increase is observed in Alt Llobregat but a decrease occurs in Anoia. Despite the uncertainties that appear in the whole process, the results obtained can shed some light on how future flash floods events may occur.Postprint (publisher's version

    Assessment of the resilience of Barcelona urban services in case of flooding: the RESCCUE project

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    En el marco del Proyecto europeo RESCCUE, las proyecciones climáticas para la ciudad de Barcelona muestran aumentos significativos de las intensidades máximas de precipitación para el horizonte del 2071-2100. En este trabajo se presenta la evaluación de la resiliencia de los servicios urbanos de la ciudad frente a episodios de inundación para condiciones de lluvia actuales y futuras. El uso de modelos sectoriales e integrados ha permitido valorar la respuesta del sistema de drenaje de la ciudad tanto a nivel de sistema de alcantarillado subterráneo como a nivel superficial analizando el comportamiento hidráulico del conjunto de las superficies urbanas (calles, plazas, parques, etc.). Por otro lado, los parámetros asociados a las inundaciones superficiales (extensión de las zonas inundables, calado y velocidad) han sido empleados para estimar potenciales afectaciones futuras en otros servicios urbanos estratégicos como el tráfico superficial, el sistema eléctrico y el sistema de recogida de residuos.Los autores agradecen el apoyo del proyecto RESCCUE (RESilience to cope with Climate Change in Urban arEas – a multisectorial approach focusing on water), financiado por el programa H2020 de la Unión Europea (Acuerdo No. 700174).Peer Reviewed"Russo, B. a1,b, Velasco, M. a2, Monjo, R. c, Martínez-Gomariz, E. d, Sánchez, D. e1, Domínguez, J. L. e2, Gabàs, A.f1, Gonzalez, A.f2 aAQUATEC (SUEZ Advanced Solutions). Paseo de la Zona Franca, 46-48, 08038, Barcelona, España. bGrupo de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental (GIHA), Escuela Politécnica de La Almunia (EUPLA), Universidad de Zaragoza. Calle Mayor 5, 50100, La Almunia de Doña Godina, Zaragoza, España. cFundación de investigación del Clima (FIC). Gran Via, 22, Dpdo. 7°, Dcha (Escalera 2), 28013, Madrid, España. dCentro Tecnológico del agua (CETaqua). Carretera d’Esplugues, 75, 08940, Cornellà del Llobregat, Barcelona, España. eInstitut de Recerca en Energía de Catalunya (IREC). Jardins de les Dones de Negre, 1, 2ª pl., 08930 Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona, España. fDepartament de Resiliència Urbana. Gerència Adjunta de Mobilitat i Infraestructures, Ecología Urbana, Ajuntament de Barcelona, España. E-mail: a1 [email protected], a2 [email protected], c [email protected], d [email protected], e1 [email protected], e2 [email protected], f1 [email protected], f2 [email protected]"Postprint (published version

    Estimation of future extreme rainfall in Barcelona (Spain) under monofractal hypothesis

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    Climate change effects on subdaily rainfall (from 5¿min to a few hours) can hardly be measured in mid-latitude climates due to the high natural variability of the precipitation patterns and their effects on local topography. The goal of this study was to obtain change projections of intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves, for up to 2-h precipitation events, comparing two approaches that use the daily outputs of the downscaled Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) multi-model projections: (a) direct scaling of the expected probable precipitation, from 2-year to 500-year return periods of daily rainfall and (b) a new semi-stochastic approach, built by combining the physically forced outputs of climate models (on a daily scale) and stochastic simulation given by the probability distribution of a concentration index (n-index) for individual rainfall events (on a subdaily scale). The approaches were applied to a set of 27 stations located around Barcelona, Spain, including a long reference series (with 5-min rainfall records since 1927), representing the highly variable Mediterranean climate. The validation process showed a systematic error (bias) generally smaller than 10%, especially for rainfall extreme events with durations of less than 2¿h. The concentration n-index and IDF curves were projected by 10 downscaled CMIP5 climate models under 2 emission scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5), obtaining a consensual increase in both relative concentration and absolute intensities in Barcelona. Ensemble projection of rainfall concentration (n-index) showed an increase up to 10% by 2071–2100 and about 20% (15%–30% range) for maximum intensities of 2-year to 500-year return periods. Results provide robustness in decision-making regarding the design of stormwater management infrastructure at a local scale.This study has been partially developed under the ‘RESilience to cope with Climate Change in Urban arEas’ (RESCCUE) project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (Grant agreement number: 700174) and under the ‘Improving ClimAte Resilience of crItical Assets’ (ICARIA) project, funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe, Cluster 5—Climate, Energy and Mobility (EC Project Code: 101093806). The work is also supported by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) of the Spanish Government under the two phases of the ‘IMpacts of climate change on wetlands Affected by GroUndwAter (IMAGUA)’ project. Finally, the authors would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Natural organic matter removal by adsorption combined with coagulation and ion exchange process

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    Chemical disinfection has been for the last 100 years, an integral part of municipal drinking water treatment, in order to achieve the protection of public health. Some time ago, the addition of disinfectant was just as much as required to remove all the microorganisms. Further experience has shown that it is not that simple, due to the disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that appear during this process, which can significantly affect the consumer health. In order to deal with the DBPs, the main health organizations and governments have introduced pretty restrictive limits that must be achieved in order to guarantee the supply of safe drinking water. There are several ways to achieve the required thresholds, because of the chemistry of formation of the byproducts. Taking a look in the next expression, the different ways of reducing them can be easily seen: Natural Organic Matter + disinfectant ----- disinfection byproducts In order to reduce the disinfection byproducts, while keeping a good water quality, the removal of natural organic matter (NOM) is the key factor. NOM is present in almost all sources of water all around the world, and is a mixture of several organic compounds. It is considered harmless, but due to its reaction with the disinfectant its removal has been deeply studied. When the NOM is removed, a removal of the colour, ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (UV-254) and some other are also expected. This means that the reduction of the NOM will be achieved with the same methods that traditionally have been used to remove these parameters. In this study, the methods that have been analyzed are: 1) chemical coagulation and precipitation; 2) adsorption on activated carbon and 3) magnetic ion exchange. The first one, has been deeply studied for many years, and is a well known and popular method. The next two, because of having appeared more recently, still need to be studied. The aim of this project is to investigate these treatment options for water containing elevated levels of NOM, and then enhance its removal by optimizing the proposed processes as a single unit, to obtain the proper operation conditions, as well as assessing the combination of the proposed optimized processes, with the monitoring of the bulk parameters and the molecular weight range removal

    Natural organic matter removal by adsorption combined with coagulation and ion exchange process

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    Chemical disinfection has been for the last 100 years, an integral part of municipal drinking water treatment, in order to achieve the protection of public health. Some time ago, the addition of disinfectant was just as much as required to remove all the microorganisms. Further experience has shown that it is not that simple, due to the disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that appear during this process, which can significantly affect the consumer health. In order to deal with the DBPs, the main health organizations and governments have introduced pretty restrictive limits that must be achieved in order to guarantee the supply of safe drinking water. There are several ways to achieve the required thresholds, because of the chemistry of formation of the byproducts. Taking a look in the next expression, the different ways of reducing them can be easily seen: Natural Organic Matter + disinfectant ----- disinfection byproducts In order to reduce the disinfection byproducts, while keeping a good water quality, the removal of natural organic matter (NOM) is the key factor. NOM is present in almost all sources of water all around the world, and is a mixture of several organic compounds. It is considered harmless, but due to its reaction with the disinfectant its removal has been deeply studied. When the NOM is removed, a removal of the colour, ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (UV-254) and some other are also expected. This means that the reduction of the NOM will be achieved with the same methods that traditionally have been used to remove these parameters. In this study, the methods that have been analyzed are: 1) chemical coagulation and precipitation; 2) adsorption on activated carbon and 3) magnetic ion exchange. The first one, has been deeply studied for many years, and is a well known and popular method. The next two, because of having appeared more recently, still need to be studied. The aim of this project is to investigate these treatment options for water containing elevated levels of NOM, and then enhance its removal by optimizing the proposed processes as a single unit, to obtain the proper operation conditions, as well as assessing the combination of the proposed optimized processes, with the monitoring of the bulk parameters and the molecular weight range removal

    Natural organic matter removal by adsorption combined with coagulation and ion exchange process

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    Chemical disinfection has been for the last 100 years, an integral part of municipal drinking water treatment, in order to achieve the protection of public health. Some time ago, the addition of disinfectant was just as much as required to remove all the microorganisms. Further experience has shown that it is not that simple, due to the disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that appear during this process, which can significantly affect the consumer health. In order to deal with the DBPs, the main health organizations and governments have introduced pretty restrictive limits that must be achieved in order to guarantee the supply of safe drinking water. There are several ways to achieve the required thresholds, because of the chemistry of formation of the byproducts. Taking a look in the next expression, the different ways of reducing them can be easily seen: Natural Organic Matter + disinfectant ----- disinfection byproducts In order to reduce the disinfection byproducts, while keeping a good water quality, the removal of natural organic matter (NOM) is the key factor. NOM is present in almost all sources of water all around the world, and is a mixture of several organic compounds. It is considered harmless, but due to its reaction with the disinfectant its removal has been deeply studied. When the NOM is removed, a removal of the colour, ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (UV-254) and some other are also expected. This means that the reduction of the NOM will be achieved with the same methods that traditionally have been used to remove these parameters. In this study, the methods that have been analyzed are: 1) chemical coagulation and precipitation; 2) adsorption on activated carbon and 3) magnetic ion exchange. The first one, has been deeply studied for many years, and is a well known and popular method. The next two, because of having appeared more recently, still need to be studied. The aim of this project is to investigate these treatment options for water containing elevated levels of NOM, and then enhance its removal by optimizing the proposed processes as a single unit, to obtain the proper operation conditions, as well as assessing the combination of the proposed optimized processes, with the monitoring of the bulk parameters and the molecular weight range removal

    Projecte de col·lectors i estació depuradora d’aigües residuals de Calders (Bages)

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    L'objecte del present Projecte és la definició dels processos, de les obres i les instal·lacions necessàries per a la depuració de les Aigües Residuals del sistema de Calders. L’objectiu bàsic d’aquest projecte és dotar el nuclis de Calders, La Guàrdia i Vista Pirineu d´un sistema de sanejament d´aigües residuals amb un cost de manteniment baix, un alt rendiment de depuració i una gran flexibilitat, que pugui adaptar-se a les variacions de cabal i de la càrrega contaminant dels abocats. Aquesta Sistema de Sanejament tractarà les aigües residuals originàries dels nuclis urbans mencionats, i un cop depurades, es restituiran a un torrent que pertanyi a la mateixa conca, la del Llobregat, per a que se’n puguin realitzar molts més usos aigües avall, sense que això suposi cap problema mediambiental o sanitari per a la població que se’n beneficiarà

    Assessment of flash floods taking into account climate change scenarios in the Llobregat River basin

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    Global change may imply important changes in the future occurrence and intensity of extreme events. Climate scenarios characterizing these plausible changes were previously obtained for the Llobregat River basin (NE Spain). This paper presents the implementation of these scenarios in the HBV (Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning) hydrological model. Then, the expected changes in terms of flash flood occurrence and intensity are assessed for two different sub-basins: the Alt Llobregat and the Anoia (Llobregat River basin). The assessment of future flash floods has been done in terms of the intensity and occurrence of extreme events, using a peak over threshold (POT) analysis. For these two subbasins, most of the simulated scenarios present an increase of the intensity of the peak discharge values. On the other hand, the future occurrence follows different trends in the two sub-basins: an increase is observed in Alt Llobregat but a decrease occurs in Anoia. Despite the uncertainties that appear in the whole process, the results obtained can shed some light on how future flash floods events may occur.