10 research outputs found

    Women鈥檚 occupational health and safety management: An issue for corporate social responsibility

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    This study measures the extent to which the gender perspective is taken into account in Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) management and proposes an innovative approach for managing it. This work is an exploratory study of the relations between women麓s OHS and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through the examination of the main management practices that literature supports in a survey conducted at 117 companies in Spain with different levels of commitment to gender equality. Overall, the practices in question are found to be deployed to a moderate extent and their impact is limited. The most relevant initiatives are those related to the prevention, punishment and eradication of sexual harassment in the workplace and violence against women. Our findings indicate that compliance with the law and the importance of external recognition in CSR are main drivers in promoting the gender perspective in OHS. A coherent framework is suggested for addressing women鈥檚 OHS management based on a voluntary, preventive, systematic approach that goes beyond sexual and reproductive issues, namely the CSR.Ministerio de Igualdad (Espa帽a), Exp.: 175/0

    Does having women managers lead to increased gender equality practices in corporate social responsibility?

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    There is increasing interest in determining what impact having women in management positions may have on corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Various authors suggest that gender equality practices should be factored into the broader framework of CSR. This paper examines how the presence of women on corporate boards, in top and middle management and as heads of CSR departments, influences gender equality practices in the field of CSR. Using information collected from companies that have signed up to Women's Empowerment Principles in Spain, we show that the presence of women in the aforesaid posts has a positive impact on CSR activities with gender equality objectives. We thus supplement the justice, business and moral arguments with further arguments in support of the incorporation of women into not only corporate boards but all management positions. Finally, we provide a view of how gender equality can be included in the broader framework of CSR.This research was funded by the Ministry of Equality of Spain, Exp.:175/09. The authors would like to thank the managers of the companies who participated in this project. Their kind gesture in sharing their time and effort is greatly appreciated

    El papel de las organizaciones de apoyo a la innovaci贸n en los sistemas de innovaci贸n regional: reflexiones sobre su dise帽o y funcionamiento

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    Uno de los objetivos de las pol铆ticas regionales en materia de innovaci贸n es la promoci贸n de las organizaciones que prestan apoyo a las empresas en sus procesos de innovaci贸n. Las empresas generalmente no innovan de manera aislada, sino que interact煤an con otros agentes para acceder, desarrollar e intercambiar conocimientos, informaci贸n y recursos. Estas organizaciones pueden ser otras empresas, pero tambi茅n universidades, institutos de investigaci贸n, organismos financieros, etc. El presente art铆culo formula una serie de reflexiones sobre c贸mo deben dise帽arse este segundo tipo de organizaciones de forma que respondan de manera m谩s efectiva a las necesidades de las empresas regionales

    El papel de las organizaciones de apoyo a la innovaci贸n en los sistemas de innovaci贸n regional: reflexiones sobre su dise帽o y funcionamiento

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    Uno de los objetivos de las pol铆ticas regionales en materia de innovaci贸n es la promoci贸n de las organizaciones que prestan apoyo a las empresas en sus procesos de innovaci贸n. Las empresas generalmente no innovan de manera aislada, sino que interact煤an con otros agentes para acceder, desarrollar e intercambiar conocimientos, informaci贸n y recursos. Estas organizaciones pueden ser otras empresas, pero tambi茅n universidades, institutos de investigaci贸n, organismos financieros, etc. El presente art铆culo formula una serie de reflexiones sobre c贸mo deben dise帽arse este segundo tipo de organizaciones de forma que respondan de manera m谩s efectiva a las necesidades de las empresas regionales

    Modelos de organizaci贸n flexible: estudio del sector de la m谩quina-herramienta

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    Evoluci贸n de las propuestas sobre el proceso de innovaci贸n: 驴qu茅 se puede concluir de su estudio?

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    驴Es el benchmarking una herramienta de aprendizaje organizacional?

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