20 research outputs found
Laser Vitreolysis for Vitreous Opacities: A Prospective Study
Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a YAG laser vitreolysis procedure used to remove bothersome vitreous opacities/floaters. Methods: The prospective clinical study included 42 eyes of 35 patients (age 32-81 years) with vitreous opacities generating visual disturbances. All patients were treated using the Ellex - Ultra Q Reflex YAG laser and underwent a complete eye examination before the laser vitreolysis and at 1, 3 and 6 months after the intervention. Changes in corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), central retinal thickness (CRT), intraocular pressure (IOP) and patientâs subjective perception of disturbances were analysed. Results: The average number of laser shots was 118 (6 - 310 shots), with a total average energy of 3.8 mJ per laser shot (2.2 - 9 mJ). The laser intervention was performed only once in a total of 31 eyes (73.8%), whereas it was necessary to perform the intervention twice in 10 cases (23.8%). No significant differences in CDVA were detected during the whole follow-up (p>0.40). No significant changes were found either in CRT (p>0.32). Concerning IOP (p<0.001), it was reduced significantly immediately after the intervention, returning to the pre-intervention level afterwards. The analysis of the responses to the questionnaire revealed that there was a mean improvement in subjective visual symptoms according to patients of 71%. No complications were detected in the sample during the follow-up. Conclusion: Laser vitreolysis is a minimally invasive treatment, allowing a complete or partial elimination of vitreous opacities and leading to alleviation of patientâs disturbances
Surgical Treatment of Idiopathic Macular Hole Using Different Types of Tamponades and Different Postoperative Positioning Regimens
Purpose. To compare the effect of different types of intraocular tamponade and different types of postoperative positioning on the closure of idiopathic macular hole (IMH). Methods. Prospective randomized clinical trial enrolling 104 eyes of 100 patients (age, 57â87 years) undergoing MH surgery. All patients were operated on by an experienced surgeon using 25-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling. Patients were randomized according to the type of intraocular tamponade and postoperative positioning into the following four groups: SF6â+ânonsupine reading position (nâ=â26) (group 1), airâ+ânonsupine reading position (nâ=â25) (group 2), airâ+âprone position (nâ=â26) (group 3), or SF6â+âprone position (nâ=â27) (group 4). The follow-up period was 6 months. Results. MH closure was achieved in 87 eyes (83.7 %) in the overall sample after the first surgery, with closure rates of 100%, 56%, 84.6%, and 92.6% in groups 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The group 2 was significantly less successful compared to the other three groups (pâ400â”m, the greatest anatomical success can be achieved by using the SF6 tamponade in combination with the nonsupine reading position.The author David P Piñero was supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain within the program RamĂłn y Cajal (RYC-2016-20471)
Early disruption of photoreceptor cell architecture and loss of vision in a humanized pig model of usher syndromes
Usher syndrome (USH) is the most common form of monogenic deafâblindness. Loss of vision is untreatable and there are no suitable animal models for testing therapeutic strategies of the ocular constituent of USH, so far. By introducing a human mutation into the harmoninâencoding USH1C gene in pigs, we generated the first translational animal model for USH type 1 with characteristic hearing defect, vestibular dysfunction, and visual impairment. Changes in photoreceptor architecture, quantitative motion analysis, and electroretinography were characteristics of the reduced retinal virtue in USH1C pigs. Fibroblasts from USH1C pigs or USH1C patients showed significantly elongated primary cilia, confirming USH as a true and general ciliopathy. Primary cells also proved their capacity for assessing the therapeutic potential of CRISPR/Casâmediated gene repair or gene therapy in vitro. AAVâbased delivery of harmonin into the eye of USH1C pigs indicated therapeutic efficacy in vivo
Early disruption of photoreceptor cell architecture and loss of vision in a humanized pig model of usher syndromes
Usher syndrome (USH) is the most common form of monogenic deaf-blindness. Loss of vision is untreatable and there are no suitable animal models for testing therapeutic strategies of the ocular constituent of USH, so far. By introducing a human mutation into the harmonin-encoding USH1C gene in pigs, we generated the first translational animal model for USH type 1 with characteristic hearing defect, vestibular dysfunction, and visual impairment. Changes in photoreceptor architecture, quantitative motion analysis, and electroretinography were characteristics of the reduced retinal virtue in USH1C pigs. Fibroblasts from USH1C pigs or USH1C patients showed significantly elongated primary cilia, confirming USH as a true and general ciliopathy. Primary cells also proved their capacity for assessing the therapeutic potential of CRISPR/Cas-mediated gene repair or gene therapy in vitro. AAV-based delivery of harmonin into the eye of USH1C pigs indicated therapeutic efficacy in vivo
FROG analysis ensures the reproducibility of genome scale metabolic models
Genome scale metabolic models (GEMs) and other constraint-based models (CBMs) play a pivotal role in understanding biological phenotypes and advancing research in areas like metabolic engineering, human disease modelling, drug discovery, and personalized medicine. Despite their growing application, a significant challenge remains in ensuring the reproducibility of GEMs, primarily due to inconsistent reporting and inadequate model documentation of model results. Addressing this gap, we introduce FROG analysis, a community driven initiative aimed at standardizing reproducibility assessments of CBMs and GEMs. The FROG framework encompasses four key analyses including Flux variability, Reaction deletion, Objective function, and Gene deletion to produce standardized, numerically reproducible FROG reports. These reports serve as reference datasets, enabling model evaluators, curators, and independent researchers to verify the reproducibility of GEMs systematically. BioModels, a leading repository of systems biology models, has integrated FROG analysis into its curation workflow, enhancing the reproducibility and reusability of submitted GEMs. In our study evaluating 65 GEM submissions from the community, approximately 40\% reproduced without intervention, 28\% requiring minor adjustments, and 32\% needing input from authors. The standardization introduced by FROG analysis facilitated the detection and resolution of issues, ultimately leading to the successful reproduction of all models. By establishing a standardized and comprehensive approach to evaluating GEM reproducibility, FROG analysis significantly contributes to making CBMs and GEMs more transparent, reusable, and reliable for the broader scientific community.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Surgical Treatement of Idiopathic Macular Hole Using Different Types of Tamponades and Different Postoperative Positioning Regimen
Surgical treatement of idiopathic macular hole using different types of tamponades and different postoperative positioning regimen Summary Aim: To compare the effect of different types of intraocular tamponade and different types of postoperative positioning on the closure of an idiopathic macular hole (IMH). Design: Prospective randomized clinical trial. Methods: In this work we evaluate the surgical results of 104 eyes of 100 patients (76 women, 24 men) who were operated for IMH. The mean age of the patients was 70,8 years (57 - 87). The mean initial best corrected visaul acuity (BCVA) was 0,15 (0,05 - 0,50). The mean extend of the macular hole at the narrowest point was 408,5 ”m (133 - 741). All patients were operated using a 25-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling under retrobulbar anesthesia. Patients were randomized into the following four groups: SF6 + reading position (n = 26), air + reading position (n = 25), air + prone position (n = 26) or SF6 + prone position (n = 27). Results: The follow-up period is 6 months. Closure rate of all IMD was 83,7 % (In the 1st group 100 %, in the 2nd 56 %, in the 3rd 84,6 % and in the 4th group 92,6 %). The air tamponade + reading position group was statistically significantly less successful compared to the other three..
Multimedia in Silverlight and WPF
This work deals with analysis of possibilities of technology Silverlight on playing streaming content. Part of the work is creating of sample application. This application will be used for examination of influence of playing streaming content on burden of system. Next this work deals with possibilities of technology Silverlight in domain of working with devices on client side. Among these devices belong Webcams, Microphone etc. A goal of this work is also an attempt to create Silverlight application enabling to users videotalks which would be using of these possibilities
Surgical Treatement of Idiopathic Macular Hole Using Different Types of Tamponades and Different Postoperative Positioning Regimen
Souhrn CĂl: Porovnat efekt rĆŻznĂœch typĆŻ nitrooÄnĂ tamponĂĄdy a rĆŻznĂœch typĆŻ pooperaÄnĂho polohovĂĄnĂ na uzĂĄvÄr idiopatickĂ© makulĂĄrnĂ dĂry (IMD). Design: ProspektivnĂ randomizovanĂ© klinickĂ© hodnocenĂ. Metodika: V souboru hodnotĂme 104 oÄĂ 100 pacientĆŻ (76 ĆŸen, 24 muĆŸĆŻ), kteĆĂ byli operovĂĄni pro IMD. PrĆŻmÄrnĂœ vÄk pacientĆŻ byl 70,8 let (57 - 87). PrĆŻmÄrnĂĄ vstupnĂ NKZO byla 0,15 (0,05 - 0,50). PrĆŻmÄrnĂĄ velikost IMD v nejuĆŸĆĄĂm mĂstÄ byla 408,5 ”m (133 - 741). VĆĄichni pacienti byli operovanĂ pomocĂ 25-gauge pars plana vitrektomie (PPV) s peelingem vnitĆnĂ limitujĂcĂ membrĂĄny (MLI) v retrobulbĂĄrnĂ anestezii. Pacienti byli randomizovĂĄni do nĂĄsledujĂcĂch ÄtyĆ skupin: SF6 + ÄtecĂ poloha (n = 26), vzduch + ÄtecĂ poloha (n = 25), vzduch + pronaÄnĂ poloha (n = 26) nebo SF6 + pronaÄnĂ poloha (n = 27). VĂœsledky: SledovacĂ doba Äinila 6 mÄsĂcĆŻ. PlnĂ©ho uzĂĄvÄru makulĂĄrnĂ dĂry bylo v celĂ©m souboru po prvnĂ operaci dosaĆŸeno u 87 oÄĂ (83,7 %). V prvnĂ skupinÄ 100 %, ve druhĂ© 56 %, ve tĆetĂ 84,6 % a ve ÄtvrtĂ© skupinÄ 92,6 %. Skupina se vzduchovou tamponĂĄdou a ÄtecĂ polohou byla statisticky vĂœznamnÄ mĂ©nÄ ĂșspÄĆĄnĂĄ ve srovnĂĄnĂ s ostatnĂmi tĆemi skupinami. MakulĂĄrnĂ dĂry o velikosti †400 ”m se po prvnĂ operaci uzavĆely v 97,2 % pĆĂpadĆŻ a mezi jednotlivĂœmi operovanĂœmi skupinami nebyl statisticky vĂœznamnĂœ rozdĂl (p = 0,21904). MakulĂĄrnĂ...Surgical treatement of idiopathic macular hole using different types of tamponades and different postoperative positioning regimen Summary Aim: To compare the effect of different types of intraocular tamponade and different types of postoperative positioning on the closure of an idiopathic macular hole (IMH). Design: Prospective randomized clinical trial. Methods: In this work we evaluate the surgical results of 104 eyes of 100 patients (76 women, 24 men) who were operated for IMH. The mean age of the patients was 70,8 years (57 - 87). The mean initial best corrected visaul acuity (BCVA) was 0,15 (0,05 - 0,50). The mean extend of the macular hole at the narrowest point was 408,5 ”m (133 - 741). All patients were operated using a 25-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling under retrobulbar anesthesia. Patients were randomized into the following four groups: SF6 + reading position (n = 26), air + reading position (n = 25), air + prone position (n = 26) or SF6 + prone position (n = 27). Results: The follow-up period is 6 months. Closure rate of all IMD was 83,7 % (In the 1st group 100 %, in the 2nd 56 %, in the 3rd 84,6 % and in the 4th group 92,6 %). The air tamponade + reading position group was statistically significantly less successful compared to the other three...OÄnĂ klinikaDepartment of OphthalmologyFaculty of Medicine in Hradec KrĂĄlovĂ©LĂ©kaĆskĂĄ fakulta v Hradci KrĂĄlov
Response to Aflibercept Therapy in Three Types of Choroidal Neovascular Membrane in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Real-Life Evidence in the Czech Republic
Purpose. To present a cohort of treatment-naive patients with the neovascular form of age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) treated with aflibercept in a fixed regimen and evaluate the treatment response of three types of choroidal neovascular membrane (CNV)âoccult (Type 1), classic (Type 2), and minimally classic (Type 4). Methods. This was a multicentre, prospective, observational consecutive case series study. Patients diagnosed with three types of CNV of nAMD were treated in a fixed regimen (3 injections every 4âweeks, and then injections at 8âweek intervals). The follow-up period was 48âweeks. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and central retinal thickness (CRT) were measured using Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) charts and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT). The measurements were taken at the baseline and then at 16, 32, and 48âweeks. Results. The treatment-naive group was composed of 135 eyes of 135 patients in the study. 61 eyes had Type 1 lesions of CNV, 50 eyes had Type 2 lesions, and 24 eyes had Type 4 lesions. Mean baseline BCVAâ±âSD for Type 1 lesions was 56.1â±â10.8 ETDRS letters, and then 62.2â±â12.9 letters, 61.2â±â13.7 letters, and 62.8â±â15.1 letters at 16, 32, and 48âweeks, respectively. Mean baseline CRTâ±âSD for Type 1 lesions was 442.4â±â194.9âÎŒm, and then 302.5â±â144.4âÎŒm, 299.7â±â128.5âÎŒm, and 277.7â±â106.5âÎŒm at 16, 32, and 48âweeks, respectively. Mean baseline BCVAâ±âSD for Type 2 lesions was 55.6â±â9.9 ETDRS letters, and then 62.5â±â11.1 letters, 60.7â±â13.0 letters, and 62.5â±â14.2 letters at 16, 32, and 48âweeks, respectively. Mean baseline CRTâ±âSD. For Type 4 lesions mean baseline BCVA ± SD was 56.7 ± 9.0 ETDRS letters, and then 59.1 ± 10.6 letters, 59.5 ± 11.4 letters, and 59.2 ± 12.6 letters at 16, 32, and 48 weeks respectively. Mean baseline CRT ± SD for Type 4 lesions was 492.1 ± 187.0 ÎŒm, and then 333.3 ± 137.5 ÎŒm, 354.4 ± 175.0 ÎŒm, and 326.7 ± 122.4 ÎŒm at 16, 32, and 48 weeks respectively. All these changes were statistically significant (p<0.005). Conclusions. The primary outcome of our study is that the treatment with aflibercept in nAMD patients led to statistically significant improvement in BCVA and to a decrease in CRT throughout the follow-up period in both occult and classic types of CNV. The minimally classic type of CNV demonstrated a poorer functional and anatomical response to treatment