17 research outputs found

    Strategies and actions to enable meaningful family connections in nursing homes during the COVID-19: a scoping review

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    Review[Abstract] Objectives: To better understand the impact of visitor restrictions on nursing home residents and their families as well as strategies and actions that were conducted in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A scoping review was carried out in October 2020. Several electronic databases were used: Cochrane Plus, Scopus, Web of Sciences and PubMed. 725 results were identified. We included 10 articles. Results: Thematic analysis obtained the following categories: the impact of COVID-19 on nursing home residents' lives and their families, procedures and frameworks of nursing homes during and after lockdown, and solutions and resources implemented by health care professionals to improve the connection between older people and their families. Conclusions: Visitor restrictions have a high impact on the health and well-being of older adults' and their families. The main strategies and solutions employed to reduce social isolation and facilitate the communication between older adults' and their families were the use of information and communication technologies, family support groups, and the assignment of reference staff to each family. Clinical implications: The strategies and solutions mentioned should be internationally considered by health care providers in nursing homes to improve connections between family and older adults

    Mulleres vítimas de violencia contra a muller: as protagonistas do cambio dos coidados enfermeiros

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    [Resumo] Introdución: A violencia contra a muller constitúe un problema de saúde pública e global cunha gran magnitude. As consecuencias que ten na saúde e vida das mulleres son moi graves, constituíndo en si mesma un determinante social da saúde. A evidencia científica destaca a profesión enfermeira pola súa habilidade en manter unha relación de confianza na atención deste colectivo. Non obstante, a investigación neste campo ademais de ser limitada, expón as dificultades das/os enfermeiras/os para identificar esta problemática e abordala de forma sensible á propia situación. Exponse así a necesidade de mellorar a asistencia sanitaria que prestan as/os enfermeiras/os a este colectivo, o que redundaría nunha mellora das súas experiencias e da súa saúde. Todo o anterior revela a pertinencia deste proxecto de investigación. Obxectivos: Explorar as experiencias e sensacións das mulleres vítimas de violencia contra a muller en relación aos coidados enfermeiros, a fin de elaborar alternativas que melloren o proceso de atención. Metodoloxía: Estudo de metodoloxía cualitativa, cun deseño de acciónparticipación, a partir de grupos de discusión. Poboación de estudo: mulleres, maiores de 18 anos, vítimas de violencia contra a muller que desexen participan voluntariamente. Captación participantes: Centro de Información á Muller. Lugar de encontro: Centro Sociocultural Ágora. Respectarase en todo momento os principios ético-legais vixentes. Limitacións do estudo: Dificultades para atopar participantes suficientes para desenvolver a recollida de información mediante grupos de discusión. Beneficios e aplicabilidade: Mellorar os coidados enfermeiros brindados ás mulleres vítimas de violencia. Construír coñecemento e favorecer o desenvolvemento dunha figura enfermeira sensible co tema.[Resumen] Introducción: La violencia contra la mujer constituye un problema de salud pública y global con una gran magnitud. Las consecuencias que tiene en la salud y vida de las mujeres son muy graves, constituyendo en sí mismo un determinante social de la salud. La evidencia científica destaca la profesión enfermera por su habilidad en mantener una relación de confianza en la atención de este colectivo. Sin embargo, la investigación en este campo además de ser limitada expone las dificultades de las/os enfermeras/os para identificar una situación de violencia de género y abordarla de forma sensible a la propia situación. Se expone la necesidad de mejorar la atención sanitaria que prestan las/os enfermeras/os a este colectivo, lo que redundaría en una mejora de sus experiencias y su salud. Todo lo anterior revela la pertinencia de este proyecto de investigación. Objetivos: Explorar las experiencias y sensaciones de las mujeres víctimas de violencia contra la mujer en relación a los cuidados enfermeros, a fin de elaborar alternativas que mejoren su atención. Metodología: Estudio de metodología cualitativa, con un diseño de acciónparticipación, a partir de grupos de discusión. Población de estudio: mujeres, mayores de 18 años, víctimas de violencia contra la mujer que deseen participar voluntariamente. Captación de participantes: Centro de Información a la Mujer. Lugar de encuentro: Centro Sociocultural Ágora. Se respectará los principios ético-legales vigentes. Limitaciones del estudio: Dificultades para encontrar participantes suficientes para la recogida de información mediante grupos de discusión. Beneficios y aplicabilidad: Mejorar los cuidados enfermeros brindados a las mujeres víctimas de violencia. Construir conocimiento y favorecer el desenvolvimiento de una figura enfermera sensible con el tema.[Abstract] Background: The violence against the woman constitutes a problem of global and public health with a big magnitude. The consequences that has in the health and life of the women are very grave, constituting in himself same a social determinant of the health. The scientific evidence stands out the profession nurse by his skill in keeping a relation of confidence in the attention of this community. However, the research in this field in addition to being limited, exposes the difficulties of nurses to identify a situation of violence of gender and tackle it of sensitive form to the own situation. It exposes the need to improve the sanitary attention that loan nurses to this community, what would lead to an improvement of his experiences and his health. All the previous reveals the relevance of this project of investigation. Aims: To explore the experiences and feelings of women victims of violence against women in relation to nursing care, in order to develop alternatives that improve their care. Methods: A qualitative methodological study will be carried out, with an action-participation design, from groups of discussion. Population of study: women, greater of 18 years, victims of violence against the woman that wish to participate voluntarily. Catchment participants: Centre of Information to the Woman. Place of meeting: Centre Sociocultural Agora. The ethical-legal aspects will be respected. Study limitations: Difficulties in finding enough participants to carry out the collection of information through discussion groups. Benefits and applicability: Improve the nursing care provided to women victims of violence. Build knowledge and promote the development of a sensitive nurse figure with the topic.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ENFC). Enfermaría. Curs

    Promovendo unha podolife saudable na comunidade: experiencia con persoas sen fogar e persoas maiores dende a Podoloxía

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    Banco de experiencias de Aprendizaxe Servizo. Convocatoria 2022/202

    Foot health in people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy: a scoping review

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    Review[Abstract] Background: Chemotherapy has relevant implications for cancer patients’ physical, social, and psychological health. Foot health has gained relevance in recent years due to its importance to independence and wellbeing, especially in chronic conditions. This study aims to explore the scope of the literature regarding foot health problems in people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: scoping review following the PRISMA-ScR, Arksey and O’Malley, and the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines. Different databases were used (Cochrane Plus, Scopus, Web of Science, and Pubmed). A total of 4911 articles were identified. Finally, 11 papers were included. Results: Foot problems are relevant and deteriorate wellbeing. The prevalence of some podiatric pathologies is controversial. The main literature deals with hand–foot syndrome and peripheral neuropathy. Focused instruments on foot health were not thoroughly used. Conclusion: There is insufficient evidence on foot health problems and their influence on the quality of life of people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Even though a significant percentage of this population has a foot problem, its care and importance are neglected. More studies are needed to contribute to the care of people with cancer through foot health

    Dermatological Diseases in Seamen’s Lower Extremity: A Prevalence Study

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    [Abstract] Background: Little is known about the impact of occupational seafaring on lower limb conditions. The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of dermatological diseases affecting the feet and lower extremities of seafarers, as well as the possible impact of working conditions on the development of the pathologies analysed. Materials and methods: A prevalence study was performed through self-completed questionnaires at the “Instituto Social de la Marina” (ISM) centres at A Coruña, Ribeira, Noya and Cádiz (Spain). Sociodemographic, anthropometric and podiatric variables, as well as the type of maritime sector, duty on board and, working footwear, were studied (n = 137). The study has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of A Coruña (CE 13/2016). Results: The average age of the study subjects was 45.71 ± 9.90 years and the number of years sailed was 20.31 ± 11.64 years. The most prevalent pathologies were mycosis (21.9%), helomas and tylomas (29.9%) and hyperhidrosis (17.5%). A statistically significant relationship was obtained between pruritus and scabies (p ≤ 0.000), xerosis (p ≤ 0.005), eczema (p ≤ 0.000), obesity (p ≤ 0.018) and psoriasis (p ≤ 0.005). A significant relationship was also found between onychocryptosis, and psoriasis (p ≤ 0.000). Frequency with which the study participants have visited the podiatrist was significantly related to the presence of helomas and tylomas (p ≤ 0.013) and hyperhidrosis (p ≤ 0.025). Conclusions: A high prevalence of diverse dermatological diseases has been found, revealing the importance of podiatric assessment in sea workers prior to boarding

    Concordance between Pressure Platform and Pedigraph

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    [Abstract] Objectives: Determine the concordance between two methods of obtaining the plantar footprint (pedigraph and pressure platform). Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study of prevalence was carried out in the social center of Cariño (Coruña), Spain (n = 65 participants). Older people without amputations or the presence of dysmetria were included. The variables studied were: sociodemographic (age, sex), anthropometric (body mass index) and footprint measurement variables. These measurements were made by obtaining the plantar footprint using two methods: pedigraph and pressure platform. Results: The mean age of the sample was 37.42 ± 15.05 years, with a predominance of the female gender (61.54%). Positive linear correlation between pedigraph and platform was observed in both feet in the Chippaux and Staheli indices (correlation coefficient > 0.3, p < 0.001 in each comparison). The reliability was good or moderate in relation with the Chippaux and Staheli index. Slightly lower coefficients were observed in the dimensions of the foot. Conclusions: A positive linear correlation between pedigraph and platform was observed in both feet in the Chippaux and Staheli indices. Significant differences were observed between pedigraph and platform in relation to the width and length of the foot. It is probably due to the fact that the pressure platform provides more exhaustive, detailed and accurate information of the foot. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study of prevalence was carried out in the social center of Cariño (Coruña), Spain (n = 65 participants). Older people without amputations or the presence of dysmetria were included. The variables studied were: sociodemographic (age, sex), anthropometric (body mass index) and footprint measurement variables. These measurements were made by obtaining the plantar footprint using two methods: pedigraph and pressure platform. Results: The mean age of the sample was 37.42 ± 15.05 years, with a predominance of the female gender (61.54%). Positive linear correlation between pedigraph and platform was observed in both feet in the Chippaux and Staheli indices (correlation coefficient > 0.3, p < 0.001 in each comparison). The reliability was good or moderate in relation with the Chippaux and Staheli index. Slightly lower coefficients were observed in the dimensions of the foot. Conclusions: A positive linear correlation between pedigraph and platform was observed in both feet in the Chippaux and Staheli indices. Significant differences were observed between pedigraph and platform in relation to the width and length of the foot. It is probably due to the fact that the pressure platform provides more exhaustive, detailed and accurate information of the foot

    Structural, dermal and ungual characteristics of the foot in patients with type II diabetes

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    [Abstract] Background and Objectives: Diabetes is a chronic and metabolic disease, considered as an important public health problem. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of podiatric pathology in type II diabetic patients. Materials and Methods: An observational descriptive study of prevalence in the endocrinology service of Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña (CHUAC) (A Coruña-Spain) was carried out (n = 153). Type II diabetic patients included, of legal age who signed the informed consent. Sociodemographic variables were studied (age, sex, body mass index (BMI), smoking habit, alcohol consumption, family history), disease variables (time of evolution of diabetes, treatments, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), glucose), podiatric variables: measurement of the footprint, metatarsal and digital formula, nail, skin, hindfoot and forefoot alterations. The data collection was done in 2018 and the data analysis was carried out in 2019. Results: The patients with type II diabetes had greater age, obesity and arterial hypertension it compared to the general population. Diabetic patients had a higher prevalence of flat feet than the general population (71.2% vs. 20.7%, p < 0.001), with a predominance of normal foot according to the podoscope. The predominant podological pathology was the presence of claw toes (94.8%), followed by dermal (78.4%) and nail (71.9%) alterations, and the Hallux Valgus (66.0%). The Clarke angle and the Chippaux index showed a Kappa concordance index of 0.26 with the type of footprint measured with the podoscope. The Staheli index showed a Kappa index of 0.27 associated with an observed agreement of 54%. Conclusions: This study shows that foot problems continue to be prevalent in subjects with type II diabetes mellitus and for this reason, podiatry is essential in its treatment

    Podiatric skin and nail involvement and biomechanical pathology in renal transplant recipients: assessment of the foot as a contributing factor to their health

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    [Abstract] Although several studies show the prevalence of podiatric conditions in people with end-stage renal disease or renal replacement therapy with hemodialysis, there is little scientific literature on this when subjects are undergoing kidney transplantation. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of podiatric skin and nail pathology in renal transplant recipients. A descriptive, observational, prevalence study was conducted at the Nephrology Department of the University Hospital of A Coruña. A total of 371 subjects were studied. The variables studied were sociodemographic (age, sex), anthropometric (Body Mass Index), comorbidity (Charlson Comorbidity Index), and podological (skin and nail alterations). A high presence of skin (83.1%) and nail pathology (85.4%) was observed, with hyperkeratosis (68.8%), onychogryphosis (39.4%), and onychocryptosis (36.9%) being the most predominant alterations. Although it was not significant, patients with a higher risk of presenting podiatric pathology were of female sex and had a high BMI, and both age and the Charlson comorbidity index were significantly associated with this risk. There was an increased risk of both skin and nail pathology at older age and in the presence of diabetes mellitus

    Dermatological diseases in seamen’s lower extremity: a prevalence study

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    Background: Little is known about the impact of occupational seafaring on lower limb conditions. The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of dermatological diseases affecting the feet and lower extremities of seafarers, as well as the possible impact of working conditions on the development of the pathologies analysed. Materials and methods: A prevalence study was performed through self-completed questionnaires at the “Instituto Social de la Marina” (ISM) centres at A Coruña, Ribeira, Noya and Cádiz (Spain). Sociodemographic, anthropometric and podiatric variables, as well as the type of maritime sector, duty on board and, working footwear, were studied (n = 137). The study has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of A Coruña (CE 13/2016). Results: The average age of the study subjects was 45.71 ± 9.90 years and the number of years sailed was 20.31 ± 11.64 years. The most prevalent pathologies were mycosis (21.9%), helomas and tylomas (29.9%) and hyperhidrosis (17.5%). A statistically significant relationship was obtained between pruritus and scabies (p ≤ 0.000), xerosis (p ≤ 0.005), eczema (p ≤ 0.000), obesity (p ≤ 0.018) and psoriasis (p ≤ 0.005). A significant relationship was also found between onychocryptosis, and psoriasis (p ≤ 0.000). Frequency with which the study participants have visited the podiatrist was significantly related to the presence of helomas and tylomas (p ≤ 0.013) and hyperhidrosis (p ≤ 0.025). Conclusions: A high prevalence of diverse dermatological diseases has been found, revealing the importance of podiatric assessment in sea workers prior to boarding