2,238 research outputs found
Tipologia dos sistemas de produção da agricultura familiar na microrregião do Arari da ilha de Marajó - PA.
Ilha de Marajó. A microrregião do Arari da ilha de Marajó. Escolha da zona de estudo e de amostragem questionário. Arranjos e tratamento dos dados. Tipologia. Descrição dos tipos. Funcionamento dos sistemas de produção. Os sistemas de culturas. Os sistemas pecuários.bitstream/item/63459/1/Oriental-Doc48.pd
The indefinite-interrogative affinity in sign languages: the case of Catalan Sign Language
Prior studies on spoken languages have shown that indefinite and interrogative pronouns may be formally very similar. Our research aims to understand if sign languages exhibit this type of affinity. This paper presents an overview of the phenomenon and reports on the results of two studies: a cross-linguistic survey based on a sample of 30 sign languages and an empirical investigation conducted with three deaf consultants of Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Our research shows that, in sign languages, certain signs have both existential and interrogative readings and it identifies the environments that make existential interpretations available in LSC
Severe intracranial haemorrhage in neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia is a rare (1/1000-5000 births) life-threatening disorder, caused by fetomaternal incompatibility for a fetal human platelet alloantigen inherited from the father, with production of maternal alloantibodies against fetal platelets, leading to severe thrombocytopenia and potential bleeding. Intracranial haemorrhage is the most feared complication. This report presents the case of a term newborn infant, born from caesarean section after a normal pregnancy, presenting signs of skin bleeding with different ages. Obstetric history included a previous spontaneous abortion after amniocentesis. Severe thrombocytopenia (4×10(9)/l platelets) was found and brain ultrasound showed multiple intracranial haemorrhages. Human platelet antigen (HPA) phenotyping showed maternal negative HPA-1a and paternal positive HPA-1a platelets. Strongly positive anti-HPA-1a and weakly positive anti-human leukocyte antigen class I alloantibodies were found in the mother. Multiple platelet transfusions, intravenous immunoglobulin and corticosteroid were given but favourable response was accomplished only after a compatible platelet transfusion. Brain MRI showed multiple subacute and chronic haemorrhages
Child development, parenting and primary health care role: parents’ and family physicians’ perspectives
Le bassin laitier en Amazonie brésilienne, situation actuelle et perspectives d'évolution.
Le Brésil a rejoint la France et l?Allemagne dans la hiérarchie mondiale des producteurs laitiers et devrait très prochainement les dépasser. Comme pour la viande bovine où le Brésil est devenu en moins de 10 ans le second producteur mondial et le premier exportateur, l?expansion de la production laitière repose en partie sur la construction du bassin laitier amazonien. La production de lait provient d?exploitations familiales extensives quant à la conduite des troupeaux et des surfaces. En outre, les processus d?intensification, pourtant un enjeu pour améliorer la viabilité économique et environnementale de ces fermes, apparaissent encore très limités à des opportunités individuelles. Depuis une dizaine d?années, la filière laitière est soumise à de profondes modifications avec la structuration de bassins laitiers qui se traduisent par l?installation d?industries régionales, puis nationales, qui mettent en place des laiteries de capacité toujours plus grande. Cependant l?Amazonie est aussi marquée par la disparité d?organisation des filières, avec la vente informelle et les petites laiteries familiales. Avec le fort développement de la production laitière, des questions se posent sur l?évolution des systèmes laitiers et des processus d?intensification : quelle est la situation actuelle des exploitations commercialisant du lait et vers où vont-elles ? Les auteurs basent leurs réflexions sur les résultats de recherches menées depuis plus de 10 ans sur les systèmes d?élevage laitier et les filières laitières dans l?état du Pará. Les résultats présentent le fort développement de la production laitière au cours de la dernière décennie et les processus de mise en place des bassins laitiers. A partir de trois frontières agricoles contrastées, ils montrent également les caractéristiques des élevages et les organisations des filières laitières ainsi que les perspectives d?évolution. Les auteurs concluent sur l?intensification progressive dans les années à venir des élevages, notamment poussée par le développement des industries laitières de portée nationale et internationale. D?autres évolutions sont à prévoir : une demande de plus en plus forte exprimée sur l?amélioration des conditions de travail et de vie, une forte progression de l?agroforesterie
Melanin nanoparticles as a promising tool for biomedical applications – a review
Melanin is a biopolymer of easy and cheap availability that can be found among the living organisms and excels for its biocompatibility and biodegradability properties, along with scavenging abilities, metal chelation and electronic conductance. This biomaterial can act as a nanocarrier or agent itself to be used in diverse biomedical applications, such as imaging, controlled drug release, bioengineering and bioelectronics, antioxidant applications and theranostics.
In this review, the melanin source and structure, its physicochemical properties, melanin-like polymers as well as the differences among those will be elucidated. The focus will be the discussion of the current approaches that apply melanin nanoparticles (MNPs) and melanin-like nanoparticles (MLNPs) in the biomedical field, to which promising capabilities have been attributed, regarding optoelectronic, photoconductivity and photoacoustic. The use of these nanoparticles, in the last 10 years, in topics as drug delivery or theranostics will be detailed and the major achievements will be discussed. Overall, we anticipate that melanin can drive us toward a new paradigm in medical diagnostics and treatments, since applying melanin features possibly its use as a theranostics nanocarrier agent, not only for diagnostics, but also for photothermal therapy and controlled drug release through chemotherapy.VM Correlo would like to acknowledge FROnTHERA (NORTE-01–0145-FEDER-0000232) project. RRebelo would like to acknowledge BREAST-IT PTDC/BTM-ORG/28168/2017 project
Influence of geological material and about content of heavy metals in superficial horizons of L:1 Coruñ:1 soils
[Resumen] Los contenidos totales de Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Co y Mn en horizontes superficiales de suelos desarrollados sobre diferentes materiales geológicos de la provincia de La Coruña, ponen de manifiesto la importancia del factor litológico respecto a los aportes de origen antrópico. Los suelos sobre rocas ultramáficas y máficas muestran contenidos de Cr, Ni YCu que superan en muchas ocasiones los umbrales considerados de fitotoxicidad por diferentes autores. Le siguen los esquistos
ricos en biotita, mientras que sobre granitos y pizarras se obtienen los valores medios más bajos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten realizar una primera aproximación acerca de la «aptitud» de los suelos de cultivo como receptores de lodos residuales..[Abstract] The total contents of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Co and Mn in superficial horizons of soils that are developed on different geological materials of La Coruña region (Spain), reveal the importance of the lithologic factor with respect to the contribution of anthropic. origino The soils on ultramafic and mafic rocks show contents of Cr, Ni and Cu that are many times higher than threshold considered phytotoxic by different authors. These are followed by the schists, rich in biotite, while the lowest average values are obtained on granites and slates. The obtained results allow a first approach about the «attitude» of the cultivable soils as receptore of waste sludge
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