5,107 research outputs found

    Political economy of China and US value chains in Latin America

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    In this paper, I aim to provide empirical evidence about how an efficient integration into global value chains can promote economic growth through industrial upgrading and prevention of external imbalances in Latin America (LATAM). I define US-China political economics in this region for the period from 1998 to 2015. The research uses TiVA raw data that I obtained from the UNCTAD-EORA database for the US, China, and nine major economies in LATAM.   The development of global value chains has brought unprecedented alternatives for commercial alliances and industrial strategies to developing countries. An effective integration of LATAM onto global value chains through forward linkages or increases in indirect value added (DVX) can strengthen both their industrial development and manufacturing industries to achieve the macroeconomic goal of long-term economic growth. China as the world’s fastest growing economy when trade is measured by the value added has stimulated forward linkages and economic development throughout several developing countries within the ASEAN+3, EU -13, and LATAM since 1998. However, strategic competition with the US has prevented China from further expanding its value chain to LATAM. Therefore, the whole region endures a peripherical position in relation to global value chains, as it is still too reliant on lower value-added investments in extractive industries. Yet strengthening TiVA exchanges with China, along with the US, is critical to broadening the alternatives for a sound and sustainable economic development in LATAM

    Pastagens cultivadas na Amazônia brasileira: situação atual e perspectivas.

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    Potencial e adoção de sistemas silvipastoris na Amazônia Oriental.

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    Trabalhos apresentados no Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas Agroflorestais, 4., 2002, Ilhéus

    The Differentiation and Promotion of Students’ Rights in Portugal

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    This investigation includes a differential study (Study 1) and a quasi-experimental research (Study 2). In Study 1, the objective was to establish to what extent students’ rights existed and analyse the differentiation between students’ rights with Portuguese and immigrant mothers, throughout school years. The sample consisted of 537 students with Portuguese and immigrant mothers, distributed by different school years (7th, 9th and 11th grades). The Children’s Rights Scale (Hart et al., 1996; Veiga, 2001) was used. In Study 2, the purpose was to analyse the effects on students’ rights of the use by teachers of a communicational intervention program, supervised by school psychologists. The sample involved 7th and 9th grade students, in a total of four classes, two forming the experimental groups (n = 36) and two the control groups (n = 43); as in Study 1, the Children’s Rights Scale was used. The results indicated the effectiveness of the communicational intervention program on students’ rights and are consistent with previous studies. An implication is that psychologists and teachers, working together and taking a human rights perspective, may develop an important role in projects to promote the students’ rights

    Criatividade, autoconceito e rendimento escolar em alunos do ensino básico

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    Disponível em: Veiga, F. & Caldeira, M. (2006). Criatividade, autoconceito e rendimento escolar em alunos do ensino básico In Santos, N., Lima, M. L., Melo, M. M., Candeias, A., Grácio, M. L., & Calado, A. (orgs.). Livro de Actas do VI Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia (pp. 77-97). Évora, Portugal. ISBN: 978-972-98136-9-6Com este estudo pretendeu-se estudar como se relacionam a criatividade, o autoconceito e o rendimento escolar em alunos do ensino básico. A amostra foi constituída por 350 alunos de do 6º e do 9º anos de escolaridade, de escolas da Grande Lisboa e do distrito de Faro, englobando sujeitos dos dois sexos e de diferentes nacionalidades. Para a avaliação do autoconceito académico recorreu-se ao Self-Concept as a Learner Scale, já adaptada para Portugal. A criatividade foi avaliada com o instrumento denominado Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. A análise dos resultados permitiu observar, em variadas situações, diferenças significativas nas dimensões das atitudes dos alunos face a si mesmos em função da criatividade, com superiores resultados nos alunos vistos como criativos, verificando-se, ainda, correlações esperadas entre os valores da criatividade e do rendimento escolar. Os resultados foram interpretados numa perspectiva cognitivo-social e sugerem novas investigações acerca das dimensões da riatividade e de variáveis específicas, quer pessoais quer escolares